[General] ; Run Mode values: ; Normal - Shows all dialogs. Requires user input. ; Auto - Shows some dialogs, but none requiring user input. It will ; automatically install the product using default values. ; Silent - Show no dialogs at all. It will install product using default ; values. Run Mode=Normal Product Name=$ProductName$ ; Valid Path values: ; PROGRAMFILESDIR ; WINDISK ; WINDIR ; WINSYSDIR ; COMMON_STARTUP ; COMMON_PROGRAMS ; COMMON_STARTMENU ; COMMON_DESKTOP ; ; PERSONAL_STARTUP ; PERSONAL_PROGRAMS ; PERSONAL_STARTMENU ; PERSONAL_DESKTOP ; ; PERSONAL_APPDATA ; PERSONAL_CACHE ; PERSONAL_COOKIES ; PERSONAL_FAVORITES ; PERSONAL_FONTS ; PERSONAL_HISTORY ; PERSONAL_NETHOOD ; PERSONAL_PERSONAL ; PERSONAL_PRINTHOOD (supported only under Windows NT) ; PERSONAL_RECENT ; PERSONAL_SENDTO ; PERSONAL_TEMPLATES ; ; PROGRAMFILESDIR ; COMMONFILESDIR ; MEDIAPATH ; CONFIGPATH (supported only under Windows95 and Windows98) ; DEVICEPATH ; This provides information on where in the Windows Registry to locate the Uninstall log files ; Main Root Key=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Main Key=[WinRegKey Mozilla Seamonkey] Decrypt Main Key=TRUE Root Key=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Key=[Mozilla Seamonkey CurrentVersion]\Uninstall Decrypt Key=TRUE Uninstall Filename=$UninstallFile$ [Dialog Uninstall] Show Dialog=FALSE Title=$ProductName$ $UserAgentShort$ Uninstaller Message0=This will uninstall %s from your system. Click Uninstall to begin uninstallation. ;[Check Instance0] ;Class Name=NetscapeWindowClass ;Window Name= ;Message=Setup has detected that an instance of Seamonkey is currently running. Please quit Seamonkey before continuing Setup. ;[Check Instance1] ;Process Name=psm.exe ;Message=Setup has detected that an instance of Personal Security Manager is currently running. Personal Security Manager will quit by itself when there are no other applications running that require it. A reboot might be necessary. Setup will then be able to continue. ; The Timing key needs to be one of the following values: ; pre download - process before any files have been downloaded. ; post download - process after all files have been downloaded. ; pre xpcom - process before the xpcom file has been uncompressed. ; post xpcom - process after the xpcom file has been uncompressed. ; pre smartupdate - process before the smartupdate engine has been launched. ; post smartupdate - process after the smartupdate engine has been launched. ; pre launchapp - process before the launching of executables. ; post launchapp - process after the launching of executables. ; depend reboot - process depending on if a reboot is necessary or not. ; if reboot is necessary, installer can set it up so ; the app runs once upon windows reboot. ;Uncompress FileX sections ;[Uncompress File0] ;Timing=post download ;Source=[XPI PATH]\xpcom.xpi ;Destination=[SETUP PATH] ;Message=Configuring Seamonkey, please wait... ;[Uncompress File1] ;Timing=post download ;Source=[XPI PATH]\extratest.xpi ;Destination=[SETUP PATH] ;Message=Configuring Extra test files, please wait... ;Move FileX sections ;[Move File0] ;Timing=post download ;Source=[SETUP PATH]\bin\* ;Destination=[SETUP PATH]\program ;[Move File1] ;Timing=post download ;Source=[SETUP PATH]\ftmain\* ;Destination=[SETUP PATH]\program ;Copy FileX sections ;[Copy File0] ;Timing=post launchapp ;Source=[JRE BIN PATH]\npjava*.dll ;Destination=[SETUP PATH]\Plugins ;Fail If Exists=FALSE ;[Copy File1] ;Timing=post launchapp ;Source=[TEMP]\xtratest\bin\*.* ;Destination=[SETUP PATH] ;Fail If Exists=FALSE ;[Copy File1] ;Timing=post download ;Source=[SETUP PATH]\bin\*.exe ;Destination=[TEMP] ;Fail If Exists= ;Create DirectoryX sections ;[Create Directory0] ;Timing=post download ;Destination=[SETUP PATH]\Plugins ;[Create Directory1] ;Timing=post download ;Destination=[TEMP]\Test\temp ;Delete FileX sections ;[Delete File0] ;Timing=post download ;Destination=[COMMON_PROGRAMS]\Mozilla Seamonkey\Mozilla AppRunner.lnk ;Remove DirectoryX sections ;[Remove Directory0] ;Timing=post launchapp ;Destination=[TEMP]\xtratest ;Remove subdirs=TRUE ;RunAppX sections ;[RunApp0] ;Timing=depend reboot ;Wait=FALSE ;Target=[SETUP PATH]\$MainExeFile$ ;Parameters=-installer ;WorkingDir=[SETUP PATH] ;[Windows Registry0] ;Root Key=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ;Key=Software\$CompanyName$\$ProductName$\$UserAgent$\Main ;Name=Program Folder Path ;Name Value=[Default Folder] ;Type=REG_SZ ;Decrypt Key=FALSE ;Decrypt Name=FALSE ;Decrypt Name Value=TRUE ;Overwrite Key=TRUE ;Overwrite Name=TRUE ;Timing=pre smartupdate