/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set sw=2 ts=8 et tw=80 : */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "necko-config.h" #include "nsHttp.h" #include "mozilla/net/NeckoParent.h" #include "mozilla/net/HttpChannelParent.h" #include "mozilla/net/CookieServiceParent.h" #include "mozilla/net/WyciwygChannelParent.h" #include "mozilla/net/FTPChannelParent.h" #include "mozilla/net/WebSocketChannelParent.h" #include "mozilla/net/WebSocketEventListenerParent.h" #include "mozilla/net/DataChannelParent.h" #ifdef NECKO_PROTOCOL_rtsp #include "mozilla/net/RtspControllerParent.h" #include "mozilla/net/RtspChannelParent.h" #endif #include "mozilla/net/DNSRequestParent.h" #include "mozilla/net/RemoteOpenFileParent.h" #include "mozilla/net/ChannelDiverterParent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ContentParent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/TabContext.h" #include "mozilla/dom/TabParent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/network/TCPSocketParent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/network/TCPServerSocketParent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/network/UDPSocketParent.h" #include "mozilla/ipc/URIUtils.h" #include "mozilla/LoadContext.h" #include "mozilla/AppProcessChecker.h" #include "nsPrintfCString.h" #include "nsHTMLDNSPrefetch.h" #include "nsIAppsService.h" #include "nsEscape.h" #include "RemoteOpenFileParent.h" #include "SerializedLoadContext.h" #include "nsAuthInformationHolder.h" #include "nsIAuthPromptCallback.h" #include "nsPrincipal.h" #include "nsIOService.h" #include "nsINetworkPredictor.h" #include "nsINetworkPredictorVerifier.h" #include "mozilla/net/OfflineObserver.h" #include "nsISpeculativeConnect.h" using mozilla::DocShellOriginAttributes; using mozilla::NeckoOriginAttributes; using mozilla::dom::ContentParent; using mozilla::dom::TabContext; using mozilla::dom::TabParent; using mozilla::net::PTCPSocketParent; using mozilla::dom::TCPSocketParent; using mozilla::net::PTCPServerSocketParent; using mozilla::dom::TCPServerSocketParent; using mozilla::net::PUDPSocketParent; using mozilla::dom::UDPSocketParent; using IPC::SerializedLoadContext; namespace mozilla { namespace net { PNeckoParent *gNeckoParent = nullptr; // C++ file contents NeckoParent::NeckoParent() { // Init HTTP protocol handler now since we need atomTable up and running very // early (IPDL argument handling for PHttpChannel constructor needs it) so // normal init (during 1st Http channel request) isn't early enough. nsCOMPtr proto = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/network/protocol;1?name=http"); if (UsingNeckoIPCSecurity()) { // cache values for core/packaged apps basepaths nsAutoString corePath, webPath; nsCOMPtr appsService = do_GetService(APPS_SERVICE_CONTRACTID); if (appsService) { appsService->GetCoreAppsBasePath(corePath); appsService->GetWebAppsBasePath(webPath); } // corePath may be empty: we don't use it for all build types MOZ_ASSERT(!webPath.IsEmpty()); LossyCopyUTF16toASCII(corePath, mCoreAppsBasePath); LossyCopyUTF16toASCII(webPath, mWebAppsBasePath); } mObserver = new OfflineObserver(this); gNeckoParent = this; } NeckoParent::~NeckoParent() { gNeckoParent = nullptr; if (mObserver) { mObserver->RemoveObserver(); } } static PBOverrideStatus PBOverrideStatusFromLoadContext(const SerializedLoadContext& aSerialized) { if (!aSerialized.IsNotNull() && aSerialized.IsPrivateBitValid()) { return aSerialized.mUsePrivateBrowsing ? kPBOverride_Private : kPBOverride_NotPrivate; } return kPBOverride_Unset; } const char* NeckoParent::GetValidatedAppInfo(const SerializedLoadContext& aSerialized, PContentParent* aContent, DocShellOriginAttributes& aAttrs) { if (UsingNeckoIPCSecurity()) { if (!aSerialized.IsNotNull()) { return "SerializedLoadContext from child is null"; } } nsTArray contextArray = static_cast(aContent)->GetManagedTabContext(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < contextArray.Length(); i++) { TabContext tabContext = contextArray[i]; uint32_t appId = tabContext.OwnOrContainingAppId(); bool inBrowserElement = aSerialized.IsNotNull() ? aSerialized.mOriginAttributes.mInIsolatedMozBrowser : tabContext.IsIsolatedMozBrowserElement(); if (appId == NECKO_UNKNOWN_APP_ID) { continue; } // We may get appID=NO_APP if child frame is neither a browser nor an app if (appId == NECKO_NO_APP_ID && tabContext.HasOwnApp() { // NECKO_NO_APP_ID but also is an app? Weird, skip. continue; } if (!aSerialized.mOriginAttributes.mSignedPkg.IsEmpty() && aSerialized.mOriginAttributes.mSignedPkg != tabContext.OriginAttributesRef().mSignedPkg) { continue; } if (aSerialized.mOriginAttributes.mUserContextId != tabContext.OriginAttributesRef().mUserContextId) { continue; } aAttrs = DocShellOriginAttributes(); aAttrs.mAppId = appId; aAttrs.mInIsolatedMozBrowser = inBrowserElement; aAttrs.mSignedPkg = aSerialized.mOriginAttributes.mSignedPkg; aAttrs.mUserContextId = aSerialized.mOriginAttributes.mUserContextId; return nullptr; } if (contextArray.Length() != 0) { return "App does not have permission"; } if (!UsingNeckoIPCSecurity()) { // We are running xpcshell tests if (aSerialized.IsNotNull()) { aAttrs = aSerialized.mOriginAttributes; } else { aAttrs = DocShellOriginAttributes(NECKO_NO_APP_ID, false); } return nullptr; } return "ContentParent does not have any PBrowsers"; } const char * NeckoParent::CreateChannelLoadContext(const PBrowserOrId& aBrowser, PContentParent* aContent, const SerializedLoadContext& aSerialized, nsCOMPtr &aResult) { DocShellOriginAttributes attrs; const char* error = GetValidatedAppInfo(aSerialized, aContent, attrs); if (error) { return error; } // if !UsingNeckoIPCSecurity(), we may not have a LoadContext to set. This is // the common case for most xpcshell tests. if (aSerialized.IsNotNull()) { switch (aBrowser.type()) { case PBrowserOrId::TPBrowserParent: { RefPtr tabParent = TabParent::GetFrom(aBrowser.get_PBrowserParent()); dom::Element* topFrameElement = nullptr; if (tabParent) { topFrameElement = tabParent->GetOwnerElement(); } aResult = new LoadContext(aSerialized, topFrameElement, attrs); break; } case PBrowserOrId::TTabId: { aResult = new LoadContext(aSerialized, aBrowser.get_TabId(), attrs); break; } default: MOZ_CRASH(); } } return nullptr; } void NeckoParent::ActorDestroy(ActorDestroyReason aWhy) { // Implement me! Bug 1005184 } PHttpChannelParent* NeckoParent::AllocPHttpChannelParent(const PBrowserOrId& aBrowser, const SerializedLoadContext& aSerialized, const HttpChannelCreationArgs& aOpenArgs) { nsCOMPtr loadContext; const char *error = CreateChannelLoadContext(aBrowser, Manager(), aSerialized, loadContext); if (error) { printf_stderr("NeckoParent::AllocPHttpChannelParent: " "FATAL error: %s: KILLING CHILD PROCESS\n", error); return nullptr; } PBOverrideStatus overrideStatus = PBOverrideStatusFromLoadContext(aSerialized); HttpChannelParent *p = new HttpChannelParent(aBrowser, loadContext, overrideStatus); p->AddRef(); return p; } bool NeckoParent::DeallocPHttpChannelParent(PHttpChannelParent* channel) { HttpChannelParent *p = static_cast(channel); p->Release(); return true; } bool NeckoParent::RecvPHttpChannelConstructor( PHttpChannelParent* aActor, const PBrowserOrId& aBrowser, const SerializedLoadContext& aSerialized, const HttpChannelCreationArgs& aOpenArgs) { HttpChannelParent* p = static_cast(aActor); return p->Init(aOpenArgs); } PFTPChannelParent* NeckoParent::AllocPFTPChannelParent(const PBrowserOrId& aBrowser, const SerializedLoadContext& aSerialized, const FTPChannelCreationArgs& aOpenArgs) { nsCOMPtr loadContext; const char *error = CreateChannelLoadContext(aBrowser, Manager(), aSerialized, loadContext); if (error) { printf_stderr("NeckoParent::AllocPFTPChannelParent: " "FATAL error: %s: KILLING CHILD PROCESS\n", error); return nullptr; } PBOverrideStatus overrideStatus = PBOverrideStatusFromLoadContext(aSerialized); FTPChannelParent *p = new FTPChannelParent(aBrowser, loadContext, overrideStatus); p->AddRef(); return p; } bool NeckoParent::DeallocPFTPChannelParent(PFTPChannelParent* channel) { FTPChannelParent *p = static_cast(channel); p->Release(); return true; } bool NeckoParent::RecvPFTPChannelConstructor( PFTPChannelParent* aActor, const PBrowserOrId& aBrowser, const SerializedLoadContext& aSerialized, const FTPChannelCreationArgs& aOpenArgs) { FTPChannelParent* p = static_cast(aActor); return p->Init(aOpenArgs); } PCookieServiceParent* NeckoParent::AllocPCookieServiceParent() { return new CookieServiceParent(); } bool NeckoParent::DeallocPCookieServiceParent(PCookieServiceParent* cs) { delete cs; return true; } PWyciwygChannelParent* NeckoParent::AllocPWyciwygChannelParent() { WyciwygChannelParent *p = new WyciwygChannelParent(); p->AddRef(); return p; } bool NeckoParent::DeallocPWyciwygChannelParent(PWyciwygChannelParent* channel) { WyciwygChannelParent *p = static_cast(channel); p->Release(); return true; } PWebSocketParent* NeckoParent::AllocPWebSocketParent(const PBrowserOrId& browser, const SerializedLoadContext& serialized, const uint32_t& aSerial) { nsCOMPtr loadContext; const char *error = CreateChannelLoadContext(browser, Manager(), serialized, loadContext); if (error) { printf_stderr("NeckoParent::AllocPWebSocketParent: " "FATAL error: %s: KILLING CHILD PROCESS\n", error); return nullptr; } RefPtr tabParent = TabParent::GetFrom(browser.get_PBrowserParent()); PBOverrideStatus overrideStatus = PBOverrideStatusFromLoadContext(serialized); WebSocketChannelParent* p = new WebSocketChannelParent(tabParent, loadContext, overrideStatus, aSerial); p->AddRef(); return p; } bool NeckoParent::DeallocPWebSocketParent(PWebSocketParent* actor) { WebSocketChannelParent* p = static_cast(actor); p->Release(); return true; } PWebSocketEventListenerParent* NeckoParent::AllocPWebSocketEventListenerParent(const uint64_t& aInnerWindowID) { RefPtr c = new WebSocketEventListenerParent(aInnerWindowID); return c.forget().take(); } bool NeckoParent::DeallocPWebSocketEventListenerParent(PWebSocketEventListenerParent* aActor) { RefPtr c = dont_AddRef(static_cast(aActor)); MOZ_ASSERT(c); return true; } PDataChannelParent* NeckoParent::AllocPDataChannelParent(const uint32_t &channelId) { RefPtr p = new DataChannelParent(); return p.forget().take(); } bool NeckoParent::DeallocPDataChannelParent(PDataChannelParent* actor) { RefPtr p = dont_AddRef(static_cast(actor)); return true; } bool NeckoParent::RecvPDataChannelConstructor(PDataChannelParent* actor, const uint32_t& channelId) { DataChannelParent* p = static_cast(actor); p->Init(channelId); return true; } PRtspControllerParent* NeckoParent::AllocPRtspControllerParent() { #ifdef NECKO_PROTOCOL_rtsp RtspControllerParent* p = new RtspControllerParent(); p->AddRef(); return p; #else return nullptr; #endif } bool NeckoParent::DeallocPRtspControllerParent(PRtspControllerParent* actor) { #ifdef NECKO_PROTOCOL_rtsp RtspControllerParent* p = static_cast(actor); p->Release(); #endif return true; } PRtspChannelParent* NeckoParent::AllocPRtspChannelParent(const RtspChannelConnectArgs& aArgs) { #ifdef NECKO_PROTOCOL_rtsp nsCOMPtr uri = DeserializeURI(aArgs.uri()); RtspChannelParent *p = new RtspChannelParent(uri); p->AddRef(); return p; #else return nullptr; #endif } bool NeckoParent::RecvPRtspChannelConstructor( PRtspChannelParent* aActor, const RtspChannelConnectArgs& aConnectArgs) { #ifdef NECKO_PROTOCOL_rtsp RtspChannelParent* p = static_cast(aActor); return p->Init(aConnectArgs); #else return false; #endif } bool NeckoParent::DeallocPRtspChannelParent(PRtspChannelParent* actor) { #ifdef NECKO_PROTOCOL_rtsp RtspChannelParent* p = static_cast(actor); p->Release(); #endif return true; } PTCPSocketParent* NeckoParent::AllocPTCPSocketParent(const nsString& /* host */, const uint16_t& /* port */) { // We actually don't need host/port to construct a TCPSocketParent since // TCPSocketParent will maintain an internal nsIDOMTCPSocket instance which // can be delegated to get the host/port. TCPSocketParent* p = new TCPSocketParent(); p->AddIPDLReference(); return p; } bool NeckoParent::DeallocPTCPSocketParent(PTCPSocketParent* actor) { TCPSocketParent* p = static_cast(actor); p->ReleaseIPDLReference(); return true; } PTCPServerSocketParent* NeckoParent::AllocPTCPServerSocketParent(const uint16_t& aLocalPort, const uint16_t& aBacklog, const bool& aUseArrayBuffers) { TCPServerSocketParent* p = new TCPServerSocketParent(this, aLocalPort, aBacklog, aUseArrayBuffers); p->AddIPDLReference(); return p; } bool NeckoParent::RecvPTCPServerSocketConstructor(PTCPServerSocketParent* aActor, const uint16_t& aLocalPort, const uint16_t& aBacklog, const bool& aUseArrayBuffers) { static_cast(aActor)->Init(); return true; } bool NeckoParent::DeallocPTCPServerSocketParent(PTCPServerSocketParent* actor) { TCPServerSocketParent* p = static_cast(actor); p->ReleaseIPDLReference(); return true; } PUDPSocketParent* NeckoParent::AllocPUDPSocketParent(const Principal& /* unused */, const nsCString& /* unused */) { RefPtr p = new UDPSocketParent(this); return p.forget().take(); } bool NeckoParent::RecvPUDPSocketConstructor(PUDPSocketParent* aActor, const Principal& aPrincipal, const nsCString& aFilter) { return static_cast(aActor)->Init(aPrincipal, aFilter); } bool NeckoParent::DeallocPUDPSocketParent(PUDPSocketParent* actor) { UDPSocketParent* p = static_cast(actor); p->Release(); return true; } PDNSRequestParent* NeckoParent::AllocPDNSRequestParent(const nsCString& aHost, const uint32_t& aFlags, const nsCString& aNetworkInterface) { DNSRequestParent *p = new DNSRequestParent(); p->AddRef(); return p; } bool NeckoParent::RecvPDNSRequestConstructor(PDNSRequestParent* aActor, const nsCString& aHost, const uint32_t& aFlags, const nsCString& aNetworkInterface) { static_cast(aActor)->DoAsyncResolve(aHost, aFlags, aNetworkInterface); return true; } bool NeckoParent::DeallocPDNSRequestParent(PDNSRequestParent* aParent) { DNSRequestParent *p = static_cast(aParent); p->Release(); return true; } PRemoteOpenFileParent* NeckoParent::AllocPRemoteOpenFileParent(const SerializedLoadContext& aSerialized, const URIParams& aURI, const OptionalURIParams& aAppURI) { nsCOMPtr uri = DeserializeURI(aURI); nsCOMPtr fileURL = do_QueryInterface(uri); if (!fileURL) { return nullptr; } // security checks if (UsingNeckoIPCSecurity()) { nsCOMPtr appsService = do_GetService(APPS_SERVICE_CONTRACTID); if (!appsService) { return nullptr; } bool haveValidBrowser = false; bool hasManage = false; nsCOMPtr mozApp; nsTArray contextArray = static_cast(Manager())->GetManagedTabContext(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < contextArray.Length(); i++) { TabContext tabContext = contextArray[i]; uint32_t appId = tabContext.OwnOrContainingAppId(); // Note: this enforces that SerializedLoadContext.appID is one of the apps // in the child process, but there's currently no way to verify the // request is not from a different app in that process. if (appId == aSerialized.mOriginAttributes.mAppId) { nsresult rv = appsService->GetAppByLocalId(appId, getter_AddRefs(mozApp)); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !mozApp) { break; } rv = mozApp->HasPermission("webapps-manage", &hasManage); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { break; } haveValidBrowser = true; break; } } nsCOMPtr appUri = DeserializeURI(aAppURI); if (!haveValidBrowser) { // Extension loads come from chrome and have no valid browser, so we check // for these early on. bool fromExtension = false; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(appsService->IsExtensionResource(appUri, &fromExtension)) && fromExtension) { RemoteOpenFileParent* parent = new RemoteOpenFileParent(fileURL); return parent; } return nullptr; } nsAutoCString requestedPath; fileURL->GetPath(requestedPath); NS_UnescapeURL(requestedPath); // Check if we load the whitelisted app uri for the neterror page. bool netErrorWhiteList = false; if (appUri) { nsAdoptingString netErrorURI; netErrorURI = Preferences::GetString("b2g.neterror.url"); if (netErrorURI) { nsAutoCString spec; appUri->GetSpec(spec); netErrorWhiteList = spec.Equals(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(netErrorURI).get()); } } // Check if we load a resource from the shared theme url space. // If we try to load the theme but have no permission, refuse to load. bool themeWhitelist = false; if (Preferences::GetBool("dom.mozApps.themable") && appUri) { nsAutoCString origin; nsPrincipal::GetOriginForURI(appUri, origin); nsAutoCString themeOrigin; themeOrigin = Preferences::GetCString("b2g.theme.origin"); themeWhitelist = origin.Equals(themeOrigin); if (themeWhitelist) { bool hasThemePerm = false; mozApp->HasPermission("themeable", &hasThemePerm); if (!hasThemePerm) { return nullptr; } } } if (hasManage || netErrorWhiteList || themeWhitelist) { // webapps-manage permission means allow reading any application.zip file // in either the regular webapps directory, or the core apps directory (if // we're using one). NS_NAMED_LITERAL_CSTRING(appzip, "/application.zip"); nsAutoCString pathEnd; requestedPath.Right(pathEnd, appzip.Length()); if (!pathEnd.Equals(appzip)) { return nullptr; } nsAutoCString pathStart; requestedPath.Left(pathStart, mWebAppsBasePath.Length()); if (!pathStart.Equals(mWebAppsBasePath)) { if (mCoreAppsBasePath.IsEmpty()) { return nullptr; } requestedPath.Left(pathStart, mCoreAppsBasePath.Length()); if (!pathStart.Equals(mCoreAppsBasePath)) { return nullptr; } } // Finally: make sure there are no "../" in URI. // Note: not checking for symlinks (would cause I/O for each path // component). So it's up to us to avoid creating symlinks that could // provide attack vectors. if (PL_strnstr(requestedPath.BeginReading(), "/../", requestedPath.Length())) { printf_stderr("NeckoParent::AllocPRemoteOpenFile: " "FATAL error: requested file URI '%s' contains '/../' " "KILLING CHILD PROCESS\n", requestedPath.get()); return nullptr; } } else { // regular packaged apps can only access their own application.zip file nsAutoString basePath; nsresult rv = mozApp->GetBasePath(basePath); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return nullptr; } nsAutoString uuid; rv = mozApp->GetId(uuid); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return nullptr; } nsPrintfCString mustMatch("%s/%s/application.zip", NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(basePath).get(), NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(uuid).get()); if (!requestedPath.Equals(mustMatch)) { printf_stderr("NeckoParent::AllocPRemoteOpenFile: " "FATAL error: app without webapps-manage permission is " "requesting file '%s' but is only allowed to open its " "own application.zip at %s: KILLING CHILD PROCESS\n", requestedPath.get(), mustMatch.get()); return nullptr; } } } RemoteOpenFileParent* parent = new RemoteOpenFileParent(fileURL); return parent; } bool NeckoParent::RecvPRemoteOpenFileConstructor( PRemoteOpenFileParent* aActor, const SerializedLoadContext& aSerialized, const URIParams& aFileURI, const OptionalURIParams& aAppURI) { return static_cast(aActor)->OpenSendCloseDelete(); } bool NeckoParent::DeallocPRemoteOpenFileParent(PRemoteOpenFileParent* actor) { delete actor; return true; } bool NeckoParent::RecvSpeculativeConnect(const URIParams& aURI, const bool& aAnonymous) { nsCOMPtr speculator(gIOService); nsCOMPtr uri = DeserializeURI(aURI); if (uri && speculator) { if (aAnonymous) { speculator->SpeculativeAnonymousConnect(uri, nullptr); } else { speculator->SpeculativeConnect(uri, nullptr); } } return true; } bool NeckoParent::RecvHTMLDNSPrefetch(const nsString& hostname, const uint16_t& flags) { nsHTMLDNSPrefetch::Prefetch(hostname, flags); return true; } bool NeckoParent::RecvCancelHTMLDNSPrefetch(const nsString& hostname, const uint16_t& flags, const nsresult& reason) { nsHTMLDNSPrefetch::CancelPrefetch(hostname, flags, reason); return true; } PChannelDiverterParent* NeckoParent::AllocPChannelDiverterParent(const ChannelDiverterArgs& channel) { return new ChannelDiverterParent(); } bool NeckoParent::RecvPChannelDiverterConstructor(PChannelDiverterParent* actor, const ChannelDiverterArgs& channel) { auto parent = static_cast(actor); parent->Init(channel); return true; } bool NeckoParent::DeallocPChannelDiverterParent(PChannelDiverterParent* parent) { delete static_cast(parent); return true; } void NeckoParent::CloneManagees(ProtocolBase* aSource, mozilla::ipc::ProtocolCloneContext* aCtx) { aCtx->SetNeckoParent(this); // For cloning protocols managed by this. PNeckoParent::CloneManagees(aSource, aCtx); } mozilla::ipc::IProtocol* NeckoParent::CloneProtocol(Channel* aChannel, mozilla::ipc::ProtocolCloneContext* aCtx) { ContentParent* contentParent = aCtx->GetContentParent(); nsAutoPtr actor(contentParent->AllocPNeckoParent()); if (!actor || !contentParent->RecvPNeckoConstructor(actor)) { return nullptr; } return actor.forget(); } namespace { std::map >& CallbackMap() { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); static std::map > sCallbackMap; return sCallbackMap; } } // namespace NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(NeckoParent::NestedFrameAuthPrompt, nsIAuthPrompt2) NeckoParent::NestedFrameAuthPrompt::NestedFrameAuthPrompt(PNeckoParent* aParent, TabId aNestedFrameId) : mNeckoParent(aParent) , mNestedFrameId(aNestedFrameId) {} NS_IMETHODIMP NeckoParent::NestedFrameAuthPrompt::AsyncPromptAuth( nsIChannel* aChannel, nsIAuthPromptCallback* callback, nsISupports*, uint32_t, nsIAuthInformation* aInfo, nsICancelable**) { static uint64_t callbackId = 0; MOZ_ASSERT(XRE_IsParentProcess()); nsCOMPtr uri; nsresult rv = aChannel->GetURI(getter_AddRefs(uri)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsAutoCString spec; if (uri) { rv = uri->GetSpec(spec); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } nsString realm; rv = aInfo->GetRealm(realm); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); callbackId++; if (mNeckoParent->SendAsyncAuthPromptForNestedFrame(mNestedFrameId, spec, realm, callbackId)) { CallbackMap()[callbackId] = callback; return NS_OK; } return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } bool NeckoParent::RecvOnAuthAvailable(const uint64_t& aCallbackId, const nsString& aUser, const nsString& aPassword, const nsString& aDomain) { nsCOMPtr callback = CallbackMap()[aCallbackId]; if (!callback) { return true; } CallbackMap().erase(aCallbackId); RefPtr holder = new nsAuthInformationHolder(0, EmptyString(), EmptyCString()); holder->SetUsername(aUser); holder->SetPassword(aPassword); holder->SetDomain(aDomain); callback->OnAuthAvailable(nullptr, holder); return true; } bool NeckoParent::RecvOnAuthCancelled(const uint64_t& aCallbackId, const bool& aUserCancel) { nsCOMPtr callback = CallbackMap()[aCallbackId]; if (!callback) { return true; } CallbackMap().erase(aCallbackId); callback->OnAuthCancelled(nullptr, aUserCancel); return true; } /* Predictor Messages */ bool NeckoParent::RecvPredPredict(const ipc::OptionalURIParams& aTargetURI, const ipc::OptionalURIParams& aSourceURI, const uint32_t& aReason, const SerializedLoadContext& aLoadContext, const bool& hasVerifier) { nsCOMPtr targetURI = DeserializeURI(aTargetURI); nsCOMPtr sourceURI = DeserializeURI(aSourceURI); // We only actually care about the loadContext.mPrivateBrowsing, so we'll just // pass dummy params for nestFrameId, and originAttributes. uint64_t nestedFrameId = 0; DocShellOriginAttributes attrs(NECKO_UNKNOWN_APP_ID, false); nsCOMPtr loadContext; if (aLoadContext.IsNotNull()) { loadContext = new LoadContext(aLoadContext, nestedFrameId, attrs); } // Get the current predictor nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsCOMPtr predictor = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/network/predictor;1", &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false); nsCOMPtr verifier; if (hasVerifier) { verifier = do_QueryInterface(predictor); } predictor->Predict(targetURI, sourceURI, aReason, loadContext, verifier); return true; } bool NeckoParent::RecvPredLearn(const ipc::URIParams& aTargetURI, const ipc::OptionalURIParams& aSourceURI, const uint32_t& aReason, const SerializedLoadContext& aLoadContext) { nsCOMPtr targetURI = DeserializeURI(aTargetURI); nsCOMPtr sourceURI = DeserializeURI(aSourceURI); // We only actually care about the loadContext.mPrivateBrowsing, so we'll just // pass dummy params for nestFrameId, and originAttributes; uint64_t nestedFrameId = 0; DocShellOriginAttributes attrs(NECKO_UNKNOWN_APP_ID, false); nsCOMPtr loadContext; if (aLoadContext.IsNotNull()) { loadContext = new LoadContext(aLoadContext, nestedFrameId, attrs); } // Get the current predictor nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsCOMPtr predictor = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/network/predictor;1", &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false); predictor->Learn(targetURI, sourceURI, aReason, loadContext); return true; } bool NeckoParent::RecvPredReset() { // Get the current predictor nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsCOMPtr predictor = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/network/predictor;1", &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false); predictor->Reset(); return true; } nsresult NeckoParent::OfflineNotification(nsISupports *aSubject) { nsCOMPtr info(do_QueryInterface(aSubject)); if (!info) { return NS_OK; } uint32_t targetAppId = NECKO_UNKNOWN_APP_ID; info->GetAppId(&targetAppId); nsTArray contextArray = static_cast(Manager())->GetManagedTabContext(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < contextArray.Length(); ++i) { TabContext tabContext = contextArray[i]; uint32_t appId = tabContext.OwnOrContainingAppId(); if (appId == targetAppId) { if (gIOService) { bool offline = false; nsresult rv = gIOService->IsAppOffline(appId, &offline); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { printf_stderr("Unexpected - NeckoParent: " "appId not found by isAppOffline(): %u\n", appId); break; } if (!SendAppOfflineStatus(appId, offline)) { printf_stderr("NeckoParent: " "SendAppOfflineStatus failed for appId: %u\n", appId); } // Once we found the targetAppId, we don't need to continue break; } } } // XPCShells don't have any TabParents // Just send the ipdl message to the child process. if (!UsingNeckoIPCSecurity()) { bool offline = false; gIOService->IsAppOffline(targetAppId, &offline); if (!SendAppOfflineStatus(targetAppId, offline)) { printf_stderr("NeckoParent: " "SendAppOfflineStatus failed for targetAppId: %u\n", targetAppId); } } return NS_OK; } bool NeckoParent::RecvRemoveRequestContext(const nsCString& rcid) { nsCOMPtr rcsvc = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/network/request-context-service;1"); if (!rcsvc) { return true; } nsID id; id.Parse(rcid.BeginReading()); rcsvc->RemoveRequestContext(id); return true; } } // namespace net } // namespace mozilla