/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #if defined(XP_WIN) # include "CompositorD3D11.h" # include "TextureD3D11.h" # include "mozilla/gfx/DeviceManagerDx.h" #elif defined(XP_MACOSX) # include "mozilla/gfx/MacIOSurface.h" #endif #include "mozilla/Base64.h" #include "mozilla/gfx/DataSurfaceHelpers.h" #include "mozilla/layers/CompositorThread.h" // for CompositorThreadHolder #include "gfxPrefs.h" #include "gfxUtils.h" #include "gfxVRPuppet.h" #include "VRManager.h" #include "VRThread.h" #include "mozilla/dom/GamepadEventTypes.h" #include "mozilla/dom/GamepadBinding.h" // See CompositorD3D11Shaders.h namespace mozilla { namespace layers { struct ShaderBytes { const void* mData; size_t mLength; }; extern ShaderBytes sRGBShader; extern ShaderBytes sLayerQuadVS; } // namespace layers } // namespace mozilla using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::gfx; using namespace mozilla::gfx::impl; using namespace mozilla::layers; // Reminder: changing the order of these buttons may break web content static const uint64_t kPuppetButtonMask[] = {1, 2, 4, 8}; static const uint32_t kNumPuppetButtonMask = sizeof(kPuppetButtonMask) / sizeof(uint64_t); static const uint32_t kNumPuppetAxis = 3; static const uint32_t kNumPuppetHaptcs = 1; VRDisplayPuppet::VRDisplayPuppet() : VRDisplayLocal(VRDeviceType::Puppet), mIsPresenting(false), mSensorState{} { MOZ_COUNT_CTOR_INHERITED(VRDisplayPuppet, VRDisplayLocal); VRDisplayState& state = mDisplayInfo.mDisplayState; strncpy(state.displayName, "Puppet HMD", kVRDisplayNameMaxLen); state.isConnected = true; state.isMounted = false; state.capabilityFlags = VRDisplayCapabilityFlags::Cap_None | VRDisplayCapabilityFlags::Cap_Orientation | VRDisplayCapabilityFlags::Cap_Position | VRDisplayCapabilityFlags::Cap_External | VRDisplayCapabilityFlags::Cap_Present | VRDisplayCapabilityFlags::Cap_StageParameters; state.eyeResolution.width = 1836; // 1080 * 1.7 state.eyeResolution.height = 2040; // 1200 * 1.7 // SteamVR gives the application a single FOV to use; it's not configurable as // with Oculus for (uint32_t eye = 0; eye < 2; ++eye) { state.eyeTranslation[eye].x = 0.0f; state.eyeTranslation[eye].y = 0.0f; state.eyeTranslation[eye].z = 0.0f; state.eyeFOV[eye] = VRFieldOfView(45.0, 45.0, 45.0, 45.0); } // default: 1m x 1m space, 0.75m high in seated position state.stageSize.width = 1.0f; state.stageSize.height = 1.0f; state.sittingToStandingTransform[0] = 1.0f; state.sittingToStandingTransform[1] = 0.0f; state.sittingToStandingTransform[2] = 0.0f; state.sittingToStandingTransform[3] = 0.0f; state.sittingToStandingTransform[4] = 0.0f; state.sittingToStandingTransform[5] = 1.0f; state.sittingToStandingTransform[6] = 0.0f; state.sittingToStandingTransform[7] = 0.0f; state.sittingToStandingTransform[8] = 0.0f; state.sittingToStandingTransform[9] = 0.0f; state.sittingToStandingTransform[10] = 1.0f; state.sittingToStandingTransform[11] = 0.0f; state.sittingToStandingTransform[12] = 0.0f; state.sittingToStandingTransform[13] = 0.75f; state.sittingToStandingTransform[14] = 0.0f; state.sittingToStandingTransform[15] = 1.0f; gfx::Quaternion rot; mSensorState.flags |= VRDisplayCapabilityFlags::Cap_Orientation; mSensorState.pose.orientation[0] = rot.x; mSensorState.pose.orientation[1] = rot.y; mSensorState.pose.orientation[2] = rot.z; mSensorState.pose.orientation[3] = rot.w; mSensorState.pose.angularVelocity[0] = 0.0f; mSensorState.pose.angularVelocity[1] = 0.0f; mSensorState.pose.angularVelocity[2] = 0.0f; mSensorState.flags |= VRDisplayCapabilityFlags::Cap_Position; mSensorState.pose.position[0] = 0.0f; mSensorState.pose.position[1] = 0.0f; mSensorState.pose.position[2] = 0.0f; mSensorState.pose.linearVelocity[0] = 0.0f; mSensorState.pose.linearVelocity[1] = 0.0f; mSensorState.pose.linearVelocity[2] = 0.0f; } VRDisplayPuppet::~VRDisplayPuppet() { MOZ_COUNT_DTOR_INHERITED(VRDisplayPuppet, VRDisplayLocal); } void VRDisplayPuppet::SetDisplayInfo(const VRDisplayInfo& aDisplayInfo) { // We are only interested in the eye and mount info of the display info. VRDisplayState& state = mDisplayInfo.mDisplayState; state.eyeResolution = aDisplayInfo.mDisplayState.eyeResolution; state.isMounted = aDisplayInfo.mDisplayState.isMounted; memcpy(&state.eyeFOV, &aDisplayInfo.mDisplayState.eyeFOV, sizeof(state.eyeFOV[0]) * VRDisplayState::NumEyes); memcpy(&state.eyeTranslation, &aDisplayInfo.mDisplayState.eyeTranslation, sizeof(state.eyeTranslation[0]) * VRDisplayState::NumEyes); } void VRDisplayPuppet::Destroy() { StopPresentation(); } void VRDisplayPuppet::ZeroSensor() {} VRHMDSensorState& VRDisplayPuppet::GetSensorState() { mSensorState.inputFrameID = mDisplayInfo.mFrameId; Matrix4x4 matHeadToEye[2]; for (uint32_t eye = 0; eye < 2; ++eye) { matHeadToEye[eye].PreTranslate(mDisplayInfo.GetEyeTranslation(eye)); } mSensorState.CalcViewMatrices(matHeadToEye); return mSensorState; } void VRDisplayPuppet::SetSensorState(const VRHMDSensorState& aSensorState) { memcpy(&mSensorState, &aSensorState, sizeof(mSensorState)); } void VRDisplayPuppet::StartPresentation() { if (mIsPresenting) { return; } mIsPresenting = true; #if defined(XP_WIN) if (!CreateD3DObjects()) { return; } if (FAILED(mDevice->CreateVertexShader( sLayerQuadVS.mData, sLayerQuadVS.mLength, nullptr, &mQuadVS))) { NS_WARNING("Failed to create vertex shader for Puppet"); return; } if (FAILED(mDevice->CreatePixelShader(sRGBShader.mData, sRGBShader.mLength, nullptr, &mQuadPS))) { NS_WARNING("Failed to create pixel shader for Puppet"); return; } CD3D11_BUFFER_DESC cBufferDesc(sizeof(layers::VertexShaderConstants), D3D11_BIND_CONSTANT_BUFFER, D3D11_USAGE_DYNAMIC, D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_WRITE); if (FAILED(mDevice->CreateBuffer(&cBufferDesc, nullptr, getter_AddRefs(mVSConstantBuffer)))) { NS_WARNING("Failed to vertex shader constant buffer for Puppet"); return; } cBufferDesc.ByteWidth = sizeof(layers::PixelShaderConstants); if (FAILED(mDevice->CreateBuffer(&cBufferDesc, nullptr, getter_AddRefs(mPSConstantBuffer)))) { NS_WARNING("Failed to pixel shader constant buffer for Puppet"); return; } CD3D11_SAMPLER_DESC samplerDesc(D3D11_DEFAULT); if (FAILED(mDevice->CreateSamplerState( &samplerDesc, getter_AddRefs(mLinearSamplerState)))) { NS_WARNING("Failed to create sampler state for Puppet"); return; } D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC layout[] = { {"POSITION", 0, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_FLOAT, 0, 0, D3D11_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA, 0}, }; if (FAILED(mDevice->CreateInputLayout( layout, sizeof(layout) / sizeof(D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC), sLayerQuadVS.mData, sLayerQuadVS.mLength, getter_AddRefs(mInputLayout)))) { NS_WARNING("Failed to create input layout for Puppet"); return; } Vertex vertices[] = {{{0.0, 0.0}}, {{1.0, 0.0}}, {{0.0, 1.0}}, {{1.0, 1.0}}}; CD3D11_BUFFER_DESC bufferDesc(sizeof(vertices), D3D11_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER); D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA data; data.pSysMem = (void*)vertices; if (FAILED(mDevice->CreateBuffer(&bufferDesc, &data, getter_AddRefs(mVertexBuffer)))) { NS_WARNING("Failed to create vertex buffer for Puppet"); return; } memset(&mVSConstants, 0, sizeof(mVSConstants)); memset(&mPSConstants, 0, sizeof(mPSConstants)); #endif // XP_WIN } void VRDisplayPuppet::StopPresentation() { if (!mIsPresenting) { return; } mIsPresenting = false; } #if defined(XP_WIN) bool VRDisplayPuppet::UpdateConstantBuffers() { HRESULT hr; D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE resource; resource.pData = nullptr; hr = mContext->Map(mVSConstantBuffer, 0, D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD, 0, &resource); if (FAILED(hr) || !resource.pData) { return false; } *(VertexShaderConstants*)resource.pData = mVSConstants; mContext->Unmap(mVSConstantBuffer, 0); resource.pData = nullptr; hr = mContext->Map(mPSConstantBuffer, 0, D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD, 0, &resource); if (FAILED(hr) || !resource.pData) { return false; } *(PixelShaderConstants*)resource.pData = mPSConstants; mContext->Unmap(mPSConstantBuffer, 0); ID3D11Buffer* buffer = mVSConstantBuffer; mContext->VSSetConstantBuffers(0, 1, &buffer); buffer = mPSConstantBuffer; mContext->PSSetConstantBuffers(0, 1, &buffer); return true; } bool VRDisplayPuppet::SubmitFrame(ID3D11Texture2D* aSource, const IntSize& aSize, const gfx::Rect& aLeftEyeRect, const gfx::Rect& aRightEyeRect) { MOZ_ASSERT(mSubmitThread->GetThread() == NS_GetCurrentThread()); if (!mIsPresenting) { return false; } if (!CreateD3DObjects()) { return false; } AutoRestoreRenderState restoreState(this); if (!restoreState.IsSuccess()) { return false; } VRManager* vm = VRManager::Get(); MOZ_ASSERT(vm); switch (gfxPrefs::VRPuppetSubmitFrame()) { case 0: // The VR frame is not displayed. break; case 1: { // The frames are submitted to VR compositor are decoded // into a base64Image and dispatched to the DOM side. D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC desc; aSource->GetDesc(&desc); MOZ_ASSERT(desc.Format == DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM, "Only support B8G8R8A8_UNORM format."); // Map the staging resource ID3D11Texture2D* mappedTexture = nullptr; D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE mapInfo; HRESULT hr = mContext->Map(aSource, 0, // Subsource D3D11_MAP_READ, 0, // MapFlags &mapInfo); if (FAILED(hr)) { // If we can't map this texture, copy it to a staging resource. if (hr == E_INVALIDARG) { D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC desc2; desc2.Width = desc.Width; desc2.Height = desc.Height; desc2.MipLevels = desc.MipLevels; desc2.ArraySize = desc.ArraySize; desc2.Format = desc.Format; desc2.SampleDesc = desc.SampleDesc; desc2.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_STAGING; desc2.BindFlags = 0; desc2.CPUAccessFlags = D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_READ; desc2.MiscFlags = 0; ID3D11Texture2D* stagingTexture = nullptr; hr = mDevice->CreateTexture2D(&desc2, nullptr, &stagingTexture); if (FAILED(hr)) { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Failed to create a staging texture"); return false; } // Copy the texture to a staging resource mContext->CopyResource(stagingTexture, aSource); // Map the staging resource hr = mContext->Map(stagingTexture, 0, // Subsource D3D11_MAP_READ, 0, // MapFlags &mapInfo); if (FAILED(hr)) { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Failed to map staging texture"); } mappedTexture = stagingTexture; } else { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Failed to map staging texture"); return false; } } else { mappedTexture = aSource; } // Ideally, we should convert the srcData to a PNG image and decode it // to a Base64 string here, but the GPU process does not have the // privilege to access the image library. So, we have to convert the RAW // image data to a base64 string and forward it to let the content process // to do the image conversion. const char* srcData = static_cast(mapInfo.pData); VRSubmitFrameResultInfo result; result.mFormat = SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8; result.mWidth = desc.Width; result.mHeight = desc.Height; result.mFrameNum = mDisplayInfo.mFrameId; // If the original texture size is not pow of 2, the data will not be // tightly strided. We have to copy the pixels by rows. nsCString rawString; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < desc.Height; i++) { rawString += Substring(srcData + i * mapInfo.RowPitch, desc.Width * 4); } mContext->Unmap(mappedTexture, 0); if (Base64Encode(rawString, result.mBase64Image) != NS_OK) { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Failed to encode base64 images."); } // Dispatch the base64 encoded string to the DOM side. Then, it will be // decoded and convert to a PNG image there. MessageLoop* loop = CompositorThreadHolder::Loop(); loop->PostTask(NewRunnableMethod( "VRManager::DispatchSubmitFrameResult", vm, &VRManager::DispatchSubmitFrameResult, mDisplayInfo.mDisplayID, result)); break; } case 2: { // The VR compositor sumbmit frame to the screen window, // the current coordinate is at (0, 0, width, height). Matrix viewMatrix = Matrix::Translation(-1.0, 1.0); viewMatrix.PreScale(2.0f / float(aSize.width), 2.0f / float(aSize.height)); viewMatrix.PreScale(1.0f, -1.0f); Matrix4x4 projection = Matrix4x4::From2D(viewMatrix); projection._33 = 0.0f; Matrix transform2d; gfx::Matrix4x4 transform = gfx::Matrix4x4::From2D(transform2d); const float posX = 0.0f, posY = 0.0f; D3D11_VIEWPORT viewport; viewport.MinDepth = 0.0f; viewport.MaxDepth = 1.0f; viewport.Width = aSize.width; viewport.Height = aSize.height; viewport.TopLeftX = posX; viewport.TopLeftY = posY; D3D11_RECT scissor; scissor.left = posX; scissor.right = aSize.width + posX; scissor.top = posY; scissor.bottom = aSize.height + posY; memcpy(&mVSConstants.layerTransform, &transform._11, sizeof(mVSConstants.layerTransform)); memcpy(&mVSConstants.projection, &projection._11, sizeof(mVSConstants.projection)); mVSConstants.renderTargetOffset[0] = 0.0f; mVSConstants.renderTargetOffset[1] = 0.0f; mVSConstants.layerQuad = Rect(0.0f, 0.0f, aSize.width, aSize.height); mVSConstants.textureCoords = Rect(0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f); mPSConstants.layerOpacity[0] = 1.0f; ID3D11Buffer* vbuffer = mVertexBuffer; UINT vsize = sizeof(Vertex); UINT voffset = 0; mContext->IASetVertexBuffers(0, 1, &vbuffer, &vsize, &voffset); mContext->IASetIndexBuffer(nullptr, DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UINT, 0); mContext->IASetInputLayout(mInputLayout); mContext->RSSetViewports(1, &viewport); mContext->RSSetScissorRects(1, &scissor); mContext->IASetPrimitiveTopology(D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLESTRIP); mContext->VSSetShader(mQuadVS, nullptr, 0); mContext->PSSetShader(mQuadPS, nullptr, 0); RefPtr srView; HRESULT hr = mDevice->CreateShaderResourceView(aSource, nullptr, getter_AddRefs(srView)); if (FAILED(hr) || !srView) { gfxWarning() << "Could not create shader resource view for Puppet: " << hexa(hr); return false; } ID3D11ShaderResourceView* viewPtr = srView.get(); mContext->PSSetShaderResources(0 /* 0 == TexSlot::RGB */, 1, &viewPtr); // XXX Use Constant from TexSlot in CompositorD3D11.cpp? ID3D11SamplerState* sampler = mLinearSamplerState; mContext->PSSetSamplers(0, 1, &sampler); if (!UpdateConstantBuffers()) { NS_WARNING("Failed to update constant buffers for Puppet"); return false; } mContext->Draw(4, 0); break; } } // We will always return false for gfxVRPuppet to ensure that the fallback // "watchdog" code in VRDisplayHost::NotifyVSync() throttles the render loop. // This "watchdog" will result in a refresh rate that is quite low compared to // real hardware, but should be sufficient for non-performance oriented tests. // If we wish to simulate realistic frame rates with VRDisplayPuppet, we // should block here for the appropriate amount of time and return true to // indicate that we have blocked. return false; } #elif defined(XP_MACOSX) bool VRDisplayPuppet::SubmitFrame(MacIOSurface* aMacIOSurface, const IntSize& aSize, const gfx::Rect& aLeftEyeRect, const gfx::Rect& aRightEyeRect) { MOZ_ASSERT(mSubmitThread->GetThread() == NS_GetCurrentThread()); if (!mIsPresenting || !aMacIOSurface) { return false; } VRManager* vm = VRManager::Get(); MOZ_ASSERT(vm); switch (gfxPrefs::VRPuppetSubmitFrame()) { case 0: // The VR frame is not displayed. break; case 1: { // The frames are submitted to VR compositor are decoded // into a base64Image and dispatched to the DOM side. RefPtr surf = aMacIOSurface->GetAsSurface(); RefPtr dataSurf = surf ? surf->GetDataSurface() : nullptr; if (dataSurf) { // Ideally, we should convert the srcData to a PNG image and decode it // to a Base64 string here, but the GPU process does not have the // privilege to access the image library. So, we have to convert the RAW // image data to a base64 string and forward it to let the content // process to do the image conversion. DataSourceSurface::MappedSurface map; if (!dataSurf->Map(gfx::DataSourceSurface::MapType::READ, &map)) { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Read DataSourceSurface fail."); return false; } const uint8_t* srcData = map.mData; const auto& surfSize = dataSurf->GetSize(); VRSubmitFrameResultInfo result; result.mFormat = SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8; result.mWidth = surfSize.width; result.mHeight = surfSize.height; result.mFrameNum = mDisplayInfo.mFrameId; // If the original texture size is not pow of 2, the data will not be // tightly strided. We have to copy the pixels by rows. nsCString rawString; for (int32_t i = 0; i < surfSize.height; i++) { rawString += Substring((const char*)(srcData) + i * map.mStride, surfSize.width * 4); } dataSurf->Unmap(); if (Base64Encode(rawString, result.mBase64Image) != NS_OK) { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Failed to encode base64 images."); } // Dispatch the base64 encoded string to the DOM side. Then, it will be // decoded and convert to a PNG image there. MessageLoop* loop = CompositorThreadHolder::Loop(); loop->PostTask( NewRunnableMethod( "VRManager::DispatchSubmitFrameResult", vm, &VRManager::DispatchSubmitFrameResult, mDisplayInfo.mDisplayID, result)); } break; } case 2: { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "No support for showing VR frames on MacOSX yet."); break; } } return false; } #elif defined(MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID) bool VRDisplayPuppet::SubmitFrame( const mozilla::layers::SurfaceTextureDescriptor& aDescriptor, const gfx::Rect& aLeftEyeRect, const gfx::Rect& aRightEyeRect) { MOZ_ASSERT(mSubmitThread->GetThread() == NS_GetCurrentThread()); return false; } #endif void VRDisplayPuppet::Refresh() { // We update mIsConneced once per refresh. mDisplayInfo.mDisplayState.isConnected = true; } VRControllerPuppet::VRControllerPuppet(dom::GamepadHand aHand, uint32_t aDisplayID) : VRControllerHost(VRDeviceType::Puppet, aHand, aDisplayID), mButtonPressState(0), mButtonTouchState(0) { MOZ_COUNT_CTOR_INHERITED(VRControllerPuppet, VRControllerHost); VRControllerState& state = mControllerInfo.mControllerState; strncpy(state.controllerName, "Puppet Gamepad", kVRControllerNameMaxLen); state.numButtons = kNumPuppetButtonMask; state.numAxes = kNumPuppetAxis; state.numHaptics = kNumPuppetHaptcs; } VRControllerPuppet::~VRControllerPuppet() { MOZ_COUNT_DTOR_INHERITED(VRControllerPuppet, VRControllerHost); } void VRControllerPuppet::SetButtonPressState(uint32_t aButton, bool aPressed) { const uint64_t buttonMask = kPuppetButtonMask[aButton]; uint64_t pressedBit = GetButtonPressed(); if (aPressed) { pressedBit |= kPuppetButtonMask[aButton]; } else if (pressedBit & buttonMask) { // this button was pressed but is released now. uint64_t mask = 0xff ^ buttonMask; pressedBit &= mask; } mButtonPressState = pressedBit; } uint64_t VRControllerPuppet::GetButtonPressState() { return mButtonPressState; } void VRControllerPuppet::SetButtonTouchState(uint32_t aButton, bool aTouched) { const uint64_t buttonMask = kPuppetButtonMask[aButton]; uint64_t touchedBit = GetButtonTouched(); if (aTouched) { touchedBit |= kPuppetButtonMask[aButton]; } else if (touchedBit & buttonMask) { // this button was touched but is released now. uint64_t mask = 0xff ^ buttonMask; touchedBit &= mask; } mButtonTouchState = touchedBit; } uint64_t VRControllerPuppet::GetButtonTouchState() { return mButtonTouchState; } void VRControllerPuppet::SetAxisMoveState(uint32_t aAxis, double aValue) { MOZ_ASSERT((sizeof(mAxisMoveState) / sizeof(float)) == kNumPuppetAxis); MOZ_ASSERT(aAxis <= kNumPuppetAxis); mAxisMoveState[aAxis] = aValue; } double VRControllerPuppet::GetAxisMoveState(uint32_t aAxis) { return mAxisMoveState[aAxis]; } void VRControllerPuppet::SetPoseMoveState(const dom::GamepadPoseState& aPose) { mPoseState = aPose; } const dom::GamepadPoseState& VRControllerPuppet::GetPoseMoveState() { return mPoseState; } float VRControllerPuppet::GetAxisMove(uint32_t aAxis) { return mControllerInfo.mControllerState.axisValue[aAxis]; } void VRControllerPuppet::SetAxisMove(uint32_t aAxis, float aValue) { mControllerInfo.mControllerState.axisValue[aAxis] = aValue; } VRSystemManagerPuppet::VRSystemManagerPuppet() : mPuppetDisplayCount(0), mPuppetDisplayInfo{}, mPuppetDisplaySensorState{} {} /*static*/ already_AddRefed VRSystemManagerPuppet::Create() { if (!gfxPrefs::VREnabled() || !gfxPrefs::VRPuppetEnabled()) { return nullptr; } RefPtr manager = new VRSystemManagerPuppet(); return manager.forget(); } void VRSystemManagerPuppet::Destroy() { Shutdown(); } void VRSystemManagerPuppet::Shutdown() { mPuppetHMDs.Clear(); } void VRSystemManagerPuppet::Run10msTasks() { VRSystemManager::Run10msTasks(); /** * When running headless mochitests on some of our automated test * infrastructure, 2d display vsyncs are not always generated. * To workaround, we produce a vsync manually. */ VRManager* vm = VRManager::Get(); MOZ_ASSERT(vm); vm->NotifyVsync(TimeStamp::Now()); } void VRSystemManagerPuppet::NotifyVSync() { VRSystemManager::NotifyVSync(); for (const auto& display : mPuppetHMDs) { display->Refresh(); } } uint32_t VRSystemManagerPuppet::CreateTestDisplay() { if (mPuppetDisplayCount >= kMaxPuppetDisplays) { MOZ_ASSERT(false); return mPuppetDisplayCount; } return mPuppetDisplayCount++; } void VRSystemManagerPuppet::ClearTestDisplays() { mPuppetDisplayCount = 0; } void VRSystemManagerPuppet::Enumerate() { while (mPuppetHMDs.Length() < mPuppetDisplayCount) { VRDisplayPuppet* puppetDisplay = new VRDisplayPuppet(); uint32_t deviceID = mPuppetHMDs.Length(); puppetDisplay->SetDisplayInfo(mPuppetDisplayInfo[deviceID]); puppetDisplay->SetSensorState(mPuppetDisplaySensorState[deviceID]); mPuppetHMDs.AppendElement(puppetDisplay); } while (mPuppetHMDs.Length() > mPuppetDisplayCount) { mPuppetHMDs.RemoveLastElement(); } } void VRSystemManagerPuppet::SetPuppetDisplayInfo( const uint32_t& aDeviceID, const VRDisplayInfo& aDisplayInfo) { if (aDeviceID >= mPuppetDisplayCount) { MOZ_ASSERT(false); return; } /** * Even if mPuppetHMDs.Length() <= aDeviceID, we need to * update mPuppetDisplayInfo[aDeviceID]. In the case that * a puppet display is added and SetPuppetDisplayInfo is * immediately called, mPuppetHMDs may not be populated yet. * VRSystemManagerPuppet::Enumerate() will initialize * the VRDisplayPuppet later using mPuppetDisplayInfo. */ mPuppetDisplayInfo[aDeviceID] = aDisplayInfo; if (mPuppetHMDs.Length() > aDeviceID) { /** * In the event that the VRDisplayPuppet has already been * created, we update it directly. */ mPuppetHMDs[aDeviceID]->SetDisplayInfo(aDisplayInfo); } } void VRSystemManagerPuppet::SetPuppetDisplaySensorState( const uint32_t& aDeviceID, const VRHMDSensorState& aSensorState) { if (aDeviceID >= mPuppetDisplayCount) { MOZ_ASSERT(false); return; } /** * Even if mPuppetHMDs.Length() <= aDeviceID, we need to * update mPuppetDisplaySensorState[aDeviceID]. In the case that * a puppet display is added and SetPuppetDisplaySensorState is * immediately called, mPuppetHMDs may not be populated yet. * VRSystemManagerPuppet::Enumerate() will initialize * the VRDisplayPuppet later using mPuppetDisplaySensorState. */ mPuppetDisplaySensorState[aDeviceID] = aSensorState; if (mPuppetHMDs.Length() > aDeviceID) { /** * In the event that the VRDisplayPuppet has already been * created, we update it directly. */ mPuppetHMDs[aDeviceID]->SetSensorState(aSensorState); } } void VRSystemManagerPuppet::GetHMDs( nsTArray>& aHMDResult) { for (auto display : mPuppetHMDs) { aHMDResult.AppendElement(display); } } bool VRSystemManagerPuppet::GetIsPresenting() { for (const auto& display : mPuppetHMDs) { const VRDisplayInfo& displayInfo(display->GetDisplayInfo()); if (displayInfo.GetPresentingGroups() != kVRGroupNone) { return true; } } return false; } void VRSystemManagerPuppet::HandleInput() { RefPtr controller; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mPuppetController.Length(); ++i) { controller = mPuppetController[i]; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < kNumPuppetButtonMask; ++j) { HandleButtonPress(i, j, kPuppetButtonMask[j], controller->GetButtonPressState(), controller->GetButtonTouchState()); } controller->SetButtonPressed(controller->GetButtonPressState()); controller->SetButtonTouched(controller->GetButtonTouchState()); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < kNumPuppetAxis; ++j) { HandleAxisMove(i, j, controller->GetAxisMoveState(j)); } HandlePoseTracking(i, controller->GetPoseMoveState(), controller); } } void VRSystemManagerPuppet::HandleButtonPress(uint32_t aControllerIdx, uint32_t aButton, uint64_t aButtonMask, uint64_t aButtonPressed, uint64_t aButtonTouched) { RefPtr controller( mPuppetController[aControllerIdx]); MOZ_ASSERT(controller); const uint64_t pressedDiff = (controller->GetButtonPressed() ^ aButtonPressed); const uint64_t touchedDiff = (controller->GetButtonTouched() ^ aButtonTouched); if (!pressedDiff && !touchedDiff) { return; } if (pressedDiff & aButtonMask || touchedDiff & aButtonMask) { // diff & (aButtonPressed, aButtonTouched) would be true while a new button // pressed or touched event, otherwise it is an old event and needs to // notify the button has been released. NewButtonEvent(aControllerIdx, aButton, aButtonMask & aButtonPressed, aButtonMask & aButtonPressed, (aButtonMask & aButtonPressed) ? 1.0L : 0.0L); } } void VRSystemManagerPuppet::HandleAxisMove(uint32_t aControllerIdx, uint32_t aAxis, float aValue) { RefPtr controller( mPuppetController[aControllerIdx]); MOZ_ASSERT(controller); if (controller->GetAxisMove(aAxis) != aValue) { NewAxisMove(aControllerIdx, aAxis, aValue); controller->SetAxisMove(aAxis, aValue); } } void VRSystemManagerPuppet::HandlePoseTracking( uint32_t aControllerIdx, const dom::GamepadPoseState& aPose, VRControllerHost* aController) { MOZ_ASSERT(aController); if (aPose != aController->GetPose()) { aController->SetPose(aPose); NewPoseState(aControllerIdx, aPose); } } void VRSystemManagerPuppet::VibrateHaptic(uint32_t aControllerIdx, uint32_t aHapticIndex, double aIntensity, double aDuration, const VRManagerPromise& aPromise) {} void VRSystemManagerPuppet::StopVibrateHaptic(uint32_t aControllerIdx) {} void VRSystemManagerPuppet::GetControllers( nsTArray>& aControllerResult) { aControllerResult.Clear(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mPuppetController.Length(); ++i) { aControllerResult.AppendElement(mPuppetController[i]); } } void VRSystemManagerPuppet::ScanForControllers() { // We make sure VRSystemManagerPuppet has two controllers // for each display const uint32_t newControllerCount = mPuppetHMDs.Length() * 2; if (newControllerCount != mControllerCount) { RemoveControllers(); // Re-adding controllers to VRControllerManager. for (const auto& display : mPuppetHMDs) { uint32_t displayID = display->GetDisplayInfo().GetDisplayID(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) { dom::GamepadHand hand = (i % 2) ? dom::GamepadHand::Right : dom::GamepadHand::Left; RefPtr puppetController; puppetController = new VRControllerPuppet(hand, displayID); mPuppetController.AppendElement(puppetController); // Not already present, add it. AddGamepad(puppetController->GetControllerInfo()); ++mControllerCount; } } } } void VRSystemManagerPuppet::RemoveControllers() { // controller count is changed, removing the existing gamepads first. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mPuppetController.Length(); ++i) { RemoveGamepad(i); } mPuppetController.Clear(); mControllerCount = 0; }