Nick Alexander 00bbcb11bb Bug 1429815 - Fix InstallManifest::add_entries_from with non-trivial base. r=gps
There's a bug in InstallManifest::add_entries_from: some of the
manifest entries bake their destination into both the manifest key and
the manifest value, and add_entries_from with a non-empty "base"
parameter to prepend to the destination only updates the manifest key
and not the value.

This bug causes |mach watch| to fail to _read_ the unified manifest
that aggregates all of the build manifests relevant to |mach watch|
that |mach build-backend -b FasterMake| successfully _wrote_, because
the manifest keys are validated against the manifest values written to

I see no way to address this other than to manually reach into the
manifest values and patch the internal destination parameter, which
this patch does.

MozReview-Commit-ID: FVyRB41NnHa

extra : rebase_source : 23eb18ddc0452955539ce2e7a6d7bbfd083c940c
2018-01-18 16:58:07 -08:00

This directory contains common Python code.

The basic rule is that if Python code is cross-module (that's "module" in the
Mozilla meaning - as in "module ownership") and is MPL-compatible, it should
go here.

What should not go here:

* Vendored python modules (use third_party/python instead)
* Python that is not MPL-compatible (see other-licenses/)
* Python that has good reason to remain close to its "owning" (Mozilla)
  module (e.g. it is only being consumed from there).

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