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synced 2025-02-28 21:28:55 +00:00
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322 lines
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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
* License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
* IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
* Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
* Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
#ifndef ParseMboxSt_H
#define ParseMboxSt_H
#include "idarray.h"
#include "ptrarray.h"
/* Be sure to include msg.h before including this file. */
class MSG_Master;
class MailDB;
class MSG_Pane;
class MSG_FolderPane;
class MailMessageHdr;
struct MSG_FilterList;
struct MSG_Filter;
struct MSG_Rule;
class MailMessageHdr;
class MSG_UrlQueue;
class TImapFlagAndUidState;
class MSG_FolderInfoContainer;
class MSG_FolderInfoMail;
class MSG_IMAPHost;
typedef enum
// This object maintains the parse state for a single mail message.
class ParseMailMessageState
virtual ~ParseMailMessageState();
void Init(uint32 fileposition);
virtual void Clear();
virtual void FinishHeader();
virtual int32 ParseFolderLine(const char *line, uint32 lineLength);
virtual int StartNewEnvelope(const char *line, uint32 lineLength);
int ParseHeaders();
int GrowHeaders(uint32 desired_size);
int GrowEnvelope(uint32 desired_size);
int FinalizeHeaders();
int ParseEnvelope (const char *line, uint32 line_size);
int InternSubject (struct message_header *header);
int InternRfc822 (struct message_header *header,
char **ret_name);
void SetMailDB(MailDB *mailDB);
MailDB *GetMailDB() {return m_mailDB;}
MailMessageHdr *m_newMsgHdr; /* current message header we're building */
MailDB *m_mailDB;
uint32 m_position;
uint32 m_envelope_pos;
uint32 m_headerstartpos;
char *m_headers;
uint32 m_headers_fp;
uint32 m_headers_size;
char *m_envelope;
uint32 m_envelope_fp;
uint32 m_envelope_size;
struct message_header m_message_id;
struct message_header m_references;
struct message_header m_date;
struct message_header m_from;
struct message_header m_sender;
struct message_header m_newsgroups;
struct message_header m_subject;
struct message_header m_status;
struct message_header m_mozstatus;
struct message_header m_mozstatus2;
// Support for having multiple To or CC header lines in a message
XPPtrArray m_toList;
XPPtrArray m_ccList;
struct message_header *GetNextHeaderInAggregate (XPPtrArray &list);
void GetAggregateHeader (XPPtrArray &list, struct message_header *);
void ClearAggregateHeader (XPPtrArray &list);
struct message_header m_envelope_from;
struct message_header m_envelope_date;
struct message_header m_priority;
// Mdn support
struct message_header m_mdn_original_recipient;
struct message_header m_return_path;
struct message_header m_mdn_dnt; /* MDN Disposition-Notification-To: header */
uint16 m_body_lines;
XP_Bool m_IgnoreXMozillaStatus;
// This class should ultimately be part of a mailbox parsing
// state machine - either by inheritance or delegation.
// Currently, a folder pane owns one and libnet message socket
// related messages get passed to this object.
// This class has a few things in common with ListNewsGroupState.
// We might want to consider a common base class that stores the
// view and db and url and master objects, though there will
// be casting involved if we do that so it may not be worthwhile.
// All of the actual work functions are different.
class ParseMailboxState
ParseMailboxState(const char *mailboxName);
virtual ~ParseMailboxState();
MSG_Master *GetMaster() {return m_mailMaster;}
void SetMaster(MSG_Master *master)
{m_mailMaster = master;}
void SetView(MessageDBView *view) {m_msgDBView = view;}
void SetPane(MSG_Pane *pane) {m_pane = pane;}
void SetContext(MWContext *context) {m_context = context; }
MWContext* GetContext() { return m_context; }
void SetMailMessageParseState(ParseMailMessageState *mailMessageState) ;
void SetDB (MailDB *mailDB) {m_mailDB = mailDB; if (m_parseMsgState) m_parseMsgState->SetMailDB(mailDB);}
MailDB *GetDB() {return m_mailDB;}
char *GetMailboxName() {return m_mailboxName;}
void SetFolder(MSG_FolderInfo *folder) {m_folder = folder;}
void SetIncrementalUpdate(XP_Bool update) {m_updateAsWeGo = update;}
void SetIgnoreNonMailFolder(XP_Bool ignoreNonMailFolder) {m_ignoreNonMailFolder = ignoreNonMailFolder;}
MailMessageHdr *GetCurrentMsg() {return m_parseMsgState->m_newMsgHdr;}
XP_Bool GetIsRealMailFolder() {return m_isRealMailFolder;}
// message socket libnet callbacks, which come through folder pane
virtual int BeginOpenFolderSock(const char *folder_name,
const char *message_id, int32 msgnum,
void **folder_ptr);
virtual int ParseMoreFolderSock(const char* folder_name,
const char* message_id,
int32 msgnum, void** folder_ptr);
virtual void CloseFolderSock(const char* folder_name, const char* message_id,
int32 msgnum, void* folder_ptr);
virtual int BeginParsingFolder(int32 startPos);
virtual void DoneParsingFolder();
virtual void AbortNewHeader();
virtual int ParseBlock(const char *block, int32 length);
// msg_LineBuffer callback.
static int32 LineBufferCallback (char *line, uint32 line_length,
void *closure);
// which in turn calls this.
int32 ParseFolderLine(const char *line, uint32 lineLength);
void UpdateDBFolderInfo();
void UpdateDBFolderInfo(MailDB *mailDB, const char *mailboxName);
void UpdateStatusText ();
// Update the progress bar based on what we know.
virtual void UpdateProgressPercent ();
ParseMailMessageState *GetMsgState();
virtual int32 PublishMsgHeader();
virtual void FolderTypeSpecificTweakMsgHeader(MailMessageHdr *tweakMe);
void FreeBuffers();
// data
ParseMailMessageState *m_parseMsgState;
MailDB *m_mailDB;
MessageDBView *m_msgDBView; // open view on current download, if any
MSG_FolderInfo *m_folder; // folder, if any, we are reparsing.
char *m_mailboxName;
MSG_Master *m_mailMaster;
MSG_Pane *m_pane;
int32 m_obuffer_size;
char *m_obuffer;
uint32 m_ibuffer_fp;
char *m_ibuffer;
uint32 m_ibuffer_size;
XP_File m_file;
int32 m_graph_progress_total;
int32 m_graph_progress_received;
MWContext *m_context;
XP_Bool m_updateAsWeGo;
XP_Bool m_parsingDone;
XP_Bool m_ignoreNonMailFolder;
XP_Bool m_isRealMailFolder;
class ParseNewMailState : public ParseMailboxState
ParseNewMailState(MSG_Master *master, MSG_FolderInfoMail *folder);
virtual ~ParseNewMailState();
virtual void DoneParsingFolder();
virtual void SetUsingTempDB(XP_Bool usingTempDB, char *tmpDBName);
void DisableFilters() {m_disableFilters = TRUE;}
// from jsmsg.cpp
friend void JSMailFilter_MoveMessage(ParseNewMailState *state,
MailMessageHdr *msgHdr,
MailDB *mailDB,
const char *folder,
MSG_Filter *filter,
XP_Bool *pMoved);
virtual int32 PublishMsgHeader();
virtual void ApplyFilters(XP_Bool *pMoved);
virtual MSG_FolderInfoMail *GetTrashFolder();
virtual int MoveIncorporatedMessage(MailMessageHdr *mailHdr,
MailDB *sourceDB,
char *destFolder,
MSG_Filter *filter);
virtual int MarkFilteredMessageRead(MailMessageHdr *msgHdr);
void LogRuleHit(MSG_Filter *filter, MailMessageHdr *msgHdr);
MSG_FilterList *m_filterList;
XP_File m_logFile;
char *m_tmpdbName; // Temporary filename of new database
XP_Bool m_usingTempDB;
XP_Bool m_disableFilters;
class ParseIMAPMailboxState : public ParseNewMailState
ParseIMAPMailboxState(MSG_Master *master, MSG_IMAPHost *host, MSG_FolderInfoMail *folder, MSG_UrlQueue *urlQueue, TImapFlagAndUidState *flagStateAdopted);
virtual ~ParseIMAPMailboxState();
// close the db
virtual void DoneParsingFolder();
virtual void SetPublishUID(int32 uid);
virtual void SetPublishByteLength(uint32 byteLength);
virtual void SetNextSequenceNum(int32 seqNum);
const IDArray &GetBodyKeys() { return fFetchBodyKeys; }
MSG_UrlQueue *GetFilterUrlQueue() {return fUrlQueue;}
virtual int32 PublishMsgHeader();
virtual void FolderTypeSpecificTweakMsgHeader(MailMessageHdr *tweakMe);
virtual void ApplyFilters(XP_Bool *pMoved);
virtual MSG_FolderInfoMail *GetTrashFolder();
virtual int MoveIncorporatedMessage(MailMessageHdr *mailHdr,
MailDB *sourceDB,
char *destFolder,
MSG_Filter *filter);
virtual int MarkFilteredMessageRead(MailMessageHdr *msgHdr);
XP_Bool fParsingInbox;
XP_Bool fB2HaveWarnedUserOfOfflineFiltertarget;
int32 fNextMessagePublishUID;
uint32 fNextMessageByteLength;
MSG_UrlQueue *fUrlQueue;
TImapFlagAndUidState *fFlagState;
IDArray fFetchBodyKeys;
int32 fNextSequenceNum;
MSG_FolderInfoContainer *m_imapContainer;
MSG_IMAPHost *m_host;
// If m_out_file is set, this parser will also write out the message,
// adding a mozilla status line if one is not present.
class ParseOutgoingMessage : public ParseMailMessageState
virtual ~ParseOutgoingMessage();
void SetOutFile(XP_File out_file) {m_out_file = out_file;}
XP_File GetOutFile() {return m_out_file;}
virtual int StartNewEnvelope(const char *line, uint32 lineLength);
virtual void FinishHeader();
virtual int32 ParseFolderLine(const char *line, uint32 lineLength);
virtual int32 ParseBlock(const char *block, uint32 lineLength);
virtual void Clear();
void AdvanceOutPosition(uint32 amountToAdvance);
void SetWriteToOutFile(XP_Bool writeToOutFile) {m_writeToOutFile = writeToOutFile;}
void FlushOutputBuffer();
uint32 m_bytes_written;
static int32 LineBufferCallback(char *line, uint32 lineLength, void *closure);
XP_Bool m_wroteXMozillaStatus;
XP_Bool m_writeToOutFile;
XP_Bool m_lastBodyLineEmpty;
XP_File m_out_file;
uint32 m_ouputBufferSize;
char *m_outputBuffer;
uint32 m_outputBufferIndex;