Sean Feng 75047f597c Bug 1653474 - Process META elements when it's inserted r=smaug
Unlike other engine vendors, we process meta elements
at parser, instead of when they are inserted. This
leads some web compact issues.

This patch aligns us with other vendors.

Differential Revision:
2020-08-05 16:32:57 +00:00

340 lines
11 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Base class for the XML and HTML content sinks, which construct a
* DOM based on information from the parser.
#ifndef _nsContentSink_h_
#define _nsContentSink_h_
// Base class for contentsink implementations.
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "nsICSSLoaderObserver.h"
#include "nsWeakReference.h"
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsGkAtoms.h"
#include "nsITimer.h"
#include "nsStubDocumentObserver.h"
#include "nsIContentSink.h"
#include "mozilla/Logging.h"
#include "nsCycleCollectionParticipant.h"
#include "nsThreadUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_content.h"
class nsIURI;
class nsIChannel;
class nsIDocShell;
class nsAtom;
class nsIChannel;
class nsIContent;
class nsNodeInfoManager;
class nsIApplicationCache;
namespace mozilla {
namespace css {
class Loader;
} // namespace css
namespace dom {
class Document;
class ScriptLoader;
} // namespace dom
} // namespace mozilla
#ifdef DEBUG
extern mozilla::LazyLogModule gContentSinkLogModuleInfo;
# define SINK_TRACE_CALLS 0x1
# define SINK_TRACE_REFLOW 0x2
# define SINK_LOG_TEST(_lm, _bit) (int((_lm)->Level()) & (_bit))
# define SINK_TRACE(_lm, _bit, _args) \
do { \
if (SINK_LOG_TEST(_lm, _bit)) { \
printf_stderr _args; \
} \
} while (0)
# define SINK_TRACE(_lm, _bit, _args)
class nsContentSink : public nsICSSLoaderObserver,
public nsSupportsWeakReference,
public nsStubDocumentObserver,
public nsITimerCallback,
public nsINamed {
typedef mozilla::dom::Document Document;
// nsITimerCallback
// nsICSSLoaderObserver
NS_IMETHOD StyleSheetLoaded(mozilla::StyleSheet* aSheet, bool aWasDeferred,
nsresult aStatus) override;
// nsIContentSink implementation helpers
nsresult WillParseImpl(void);
nsresult WillInterruptImpl(void);
nsresult WillResumeImpl(void);
nsresult DidProcessATokenImpl(void);
void WillBuildModelImpl(void);
void DidBuildModelImpl(bool aTerminated);
void DropParserAndPerfHint(void);
bool IsScriptExecutingImpl();
void NotifyAppend(nsIContent* aContent, uint32_t aStartIndex);
// nsIDocumentObserver
virtual void UpdateChildCounts() = 0;
bool IsTimeToNotify();
bool LinkContextIsOurDocument(const nsAString& aAnchor);
bool Decode5987Format(nsAString& aEncoded);
virtual ~nsContentSink();
enum CacheSelectionAction {
// There is no offline cache manifest specified by the document,
// or the document was loaded from a cache other than the one it
// specifies via its manifest attribute and IS NOT a top-level
// document, or an error occurred during the cache selection
// algorithm.
// The offline cache manifest must be updated.
// The document was loaded from a cache other than the one it
// specifies via its manifest attribute and IS a top-level
// document. In this case, the document is marked as foreign in
// the cache it was loaded from and must be reloaded from the
// correct cache (the one it specifies).
// Some conditions require we must reselect the cache without the manifest
nsresult Init(Document* aDoc, nsIURI* aURI, nsISupports* aContainer,
nsIChannel* aChannel);
nsresult ProcessHTTPHeaders(nsIChannel* aChannel);
nsresult ProcessLinkHeader(const nsAString& aLinkData);
nsresult ProcessLinkFromHeader(
const nsAString& aAnchor, const nsAString& aHref, const nsAString& aRel,
const nsAString& aTitle, const nsAString& aIntegrity,
const nsAString& aSrcset, const nsAString& aSizes, const nsAString& aType,
const nsAString& aMedia, const nsAString& aCrossOrigin,
const nsAString& aReferrerPolicy, const nsAString& aAs);
virtual nsresult ProcessStyleLinkFromHeader(
const nsAString& aHref, bool aAlternate, const nsAString& aTitle,
const nsAString& aIntegrity, const nsAString& aType,
const nsAString& aMedia, const nsAString& aReferrerPolicy);
void PrefetchHref(const nsAString& aHref, const nsAString& aAs,
const nsAString& aType, const nsAString& aMedia);
void PreloadHref(const nsAString& aHref, const nsAString& aAs,
const nsAString& aType, const nsAString& aMedia,
const nsAString& aIntegrity, const nsAString& aSrcset,
const nsAString& aSizes, const nsAString& aCORS,
const nsAString& aReferrerPolicy);
// For PrefetchDNS() aHref can either be the usual
// URI format or of the form "//" without a scheme.
void PrefetchDNS(const nsAString& aHref);
// Gets the cache key (used to identify items in a cache) of the channel.
nsresult GetChannelCacheKey(nsIChannel* aChannel, nsACString& aCacheKey);
// There is an offline cache manifest attribute specified and the
// document is allowed to use the offline cache. Process the cache
// selection algorithm for this document and the manifest. Result is
// an action that must be taken on the manifest, see
// CacheSelectionAction enum above.
// @param aLoadApplicationCache
// The application cache from which the load originated, if
// any.
// @param aManifestURI
// The manifest URI listed in the document.
// @param aFetchedWithHTTPGetOrEquiv
// TRUE if this was fetched using the HTTP GET method.
// @param aAction
// Out parameter, returns the action that should be performed
// by the calling function.
nsresult SelectDocAppCache(nsIApplicationCache* aLoadApplicationCache,
nsIURI* aManifestURI,
bool aFetchedWithHTTPGetOrEquiv,
CacheSelectionAction* aAction);
// There is no offline cache manifest attribute specified. Process
// the cache selection algorithm w/o the manifest. Result is an
// action that must be taken, see CacheSelectionAction enum
// above. In case the offline cache manifest has to be updated the
// manifest URI is returned in aManifestURI.
// @param aLoadApplicationCache
// The application cache from which the load originated, if
// any.
// @param aManifestURI
// Out parameter, returns the manifest URI of the cache that
// was selected.
// @param aAction
// Out parameter, returns the action that should be performed
// by the calling function.
nsresult SelectDocAppCacheNoManifest(
nsIApplicationCache* aLoadApplicationCache, nsIURI** aManifestURI,
CacheSelectionAction* aAction);
// Searches for the offline cache manifest attribute and calls one
// of the above defined methods to select the document's application
// cache, let it be associated with the document and eventually
// schedule the cache update process.
// This method MUST be called with the empty string as the argument
// when there is no manifest attribute!
void ProcessOfflineManifest(const nsAString& aManifestSpec);
// Extracts the manifest attribute from the element if it is the root
// element and calls the above method.
void ProcessOfflineManifest(nsIContent* aElement);
// For Preconnect() aHref can either be the usual
// URI format or of the form "//" without a scheme.
void Preconnect(const nsAString& aHref, const nsAString& aCrossOrigin);
// Tries to scroll to the URI's named anchor. Once we've successfully
// done that, further calls to this method will be ignored.
// Start layout. If aIgnorePendingSheets is true, this will happen even if
// we still have stylesheet loads pending. Otherwise, we'll wait until the
// stylesheets are all done loading.
void StartLayout(bool aIgnorePendingSheets);
static void NotifyDocElementCreated(Document* aDoc);
Document* GetDocument() { return mDocument; }
void FavorPerformanceHint(bool perfOverStarvation, uint32_t starvationDelay);
inline int32_t GetNotificationInterval() {
if (mDynamicLowerValue) {
return 1000;
return mozilla::StaticPrefs::content_notify_interval();
virtual nsresult FlushTags() = 0;
// Later on we might want to make this more involved somehow
// (e.g. stop waiting after some timeout or whatnot).
bool WaitForPendingSheets() { return mPendingSheetCount > 0; }
void DoProcessLinkHeader();
void StopDeflecting() {
mDeflectedCount = mozilla::StaticPrefs::content_sink_perf_deflect_count();
RefPtr<Document> mDocument;
RefPtr<nsParserBase> mParser;
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> mDocumentURI;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> mDocShell;
RefPtr<mozilla::css::Loader> mCSSLoader;
RefPtr<nsNodeInfoManager> mNodeInfoManager;
RefPtr<mozilla::dom::ScriptLoader> mScriptLoader;
// back off timer notification after count
int32_t mBackoffCount;
// Time of last notification
// Note: mLastNotificationTime is only valid once mLayoutStarted is true.
PRTime mLastNotificationTime;
// Timer used for notification
nsCOMPtr<nsITimer> mNotificationTimer;
uint8_t mLayoutStarted : 1;
uint8_t mDynamicLowerValue : 1;
uint8_t mParsing : 1;
uint8_t mDroppedTimer : 1;
// If true, we deferred starting layout until sheets load
uint8_t mDeferredLayoutStart : 1;
// If true, we deferred notifications until sheets load
uint8_t mDeferredFlushTags : 1;
// If false, we're not ourselves a document observer; that means we
// shouldn't be performing any more content model notifications,
// since we're not longer updating our child counts.
uint8_t mIsDocumentObserver : 1;
// True if this is parser is a fragment parser or an HTML DOMParser.
// XML DOMParser leaves this to false for now!
uint8_t mRunsToCompletion : 1;
// True if we are blocking load event.
bool mIsBlockingOnload : 1;
// -- Can interrupt parsing members --
// The number of tokens that have been processed since we measured
// if it's time to return to the main event loop.
uint32_t mDeflectedCount;
// Is there currently a pending event?
bool mHasPendingEvent;
// When to return to the main event loop
uint32_t mCurrentParseEndTime;
int32_t mBeginLoadTime;
// Last mouse event or keyboard event time sampled by the content
// sink
uint32_t mLastSampledUserEventTime;
int32_t mInMonolithicContainer;
int32_t mInNotification;
uint32_t mUpdatesInNotification;
uint32_t mPendingSheetCount;
nsRevocableEventPtr<nsRunnableMethod<nsContentSink, void, false> >
#endif // _nsContentSink_h_