2003-06-26 01:05:15 +00:00

489 lines
15 KiB

# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# This script gets called after a full mozilla build & test.
# Use this to build and test an embedded or commercial branding of Mozilla.
# ./ will call PostMozilla::main() after
# a successful build and testing of mozilla. This package can report
# status via the $TinderUtils::build_status variable. Yeah this is a hack,
# but it works for now. Feel free to improve this mechanism to properly
# return values & stuff. -mcafee
# Things to do:
# * Get pull by branch working
use strict;
use File::Path; # for rmtree();
package PostMozilla;
sub checkout {
my ($mozilla_build_dir) = @_;
# chdir to build directory
chdir "$mozilla_build_dir";
# Next, do the checkout:
print "Settings::CVS = $Settings::CVS\n";
my $status = TinderUtils::run_shell_command("$Settings::CVS checkout mozilla/camino");
# hack in the camino prefs, if needed
return $status;
sub ReadHeapDumpToHash($$)
my($dumpfile, $hashref) = @_;
open(DUMP_FILE, "< $dumpfile") || die "Can't open heap output file $dumpfile\n";
my $section = 0;
my $zone = "";
my $default_zone_bytes = 0;
while (<DUMP_FILE>)
my($line) = $_;
if ($line =~ /^\#/ || $line =~ /^\s*$/ || $line =~ /------------------------/) { # ignore comments and empty lines
# use the 'All zones' lines as section markers
if ($line =~ /^All zones:/) {
$section ++;
if ($section == 2) # we're in the detailed section
if ($line =~ /^Zone ([^_]+).+\((\d+).+\)/)
$zone = $1;
if ($zone eq "DefaultMallocZone") {
$default_zone_bytes = $2;
TinderUtils::print_log(" $line\n");
if ($zone eq "DefaultMallocZone")
if ($line =~ /(\w+)\s*=\s*(\d+)\s*\((\d+).+\)/)
my(%entry_hash) = ("count", $2,
"bytes", $3);
$hashref->{$1} = \%entry_hash;
elsif ($line =~ /^<not.+>\s*=\s*(\d+)\s*\((\d+).+\)/)
my(%entry_hash) = ("count", $1,
"bytes", $2);
$hashref->{"malloc_block"} = \%entry_hash;
return $default_zone_bytes;
sub DumpHash($)
my($hashref) = @_;
print "Dumping values\n";
foreach $key (keys %{$hashref})
my($value) = $hashref->{$key};
print "Class $key count $value->{'count'} bytes $value->{'bytes'}\n";
sub ClassEntriesEqual($$)
my($hashone, $hashtwo) = @_;
return ($hashone->{"count"} == $hashtwo->{"count"}) and ($hashone->{"bytes"} == $hashtwo->{"bytes"})
sub DumpHashDiffs($$)
my($beforehash, $afterhash) = @_;
my($name_width) = 50;
my($print_format) = "%10s %-${name_width}s %8d %8d\n";
TinderUtils::print_log(sprintf "%10s %-${name_width}s %8s %8s\n", "", "Class", "Count", "Bytes");
foreach $key (keys %{$beforehash})
my($beforevalue) = $beforehash->{$key};
if (exists $afterhash->{$key})
my($aftervalue) = $afterhash->{$key};
if (!ClassEntriesEqual($beforevalue, $aftervalue))
my($count_change) = $aftervalue->{"count"} - $beforevalue->{"count"};
my($bytes_change) = $aftervalue->{"bytes"} - $beforevalue->{"bytes"};
if ($bytes_change > 0) {
TinderUtils::print_log(sprintf $print_format, "Leaked", $key, $count_change, $bytes_change);
} else {
TinderUtils::print_log(sprintf $print_format, "Freed", $key, $count_change, $bytes_change);
#$before_only{$key} = $beforevalue;
TinderUtils::print_log(sprintf $print_format, "Freed", $key, $beforevalue->{'count'}, $beforevalue->{'bytes'});
# now look for things only in the after cache
foreach $key (keys %{$afterhash})
my($value) = $afterhash->{$key};
if (!exists $beforehash->{$key})
#$after_only{$key} = $value;
TinderUtils::print_log(sprintf $print_format, "Leaked", $key, $value->{'count'}, $value->{'bytes'});
sub ParseHeapOutput($$)
my($beforedump, $afterdump) = @_;
TinderUtils::print_log("Before window open:\n");
my %before_data;
my $before_heap = ReadHeapDumpToHash($beforedump, \%before_data);
TinderUtils::print_log("After window open and close:\n");
my %after_data;
my $after_heap = ReadHeapDumpToHash($afterdump, \%after_data);
# DumpHash(\%before_data);
# DumpHash(\%after_data);
TinderUtils::print_log("Open/close window leaks:\n");
DumpHashDiffs(\%before_data, \%after_data);
my $heap_diff = $after_heap - $before_heap;
TinderUtils::print_log("TinderboxPrint:<acronym title=\"Per-window leaks\">Lw:".TinderUtils::PrintSize($heap_diff, 3)."B</acronym>\n");
sub CaminoWindowLeaksTest($$$$$)
my ($test_name, $build_dir, $binary, $args, $timeout_secs) = @_;
my($status) = 'success';
my $beforefile = "/tmp/nav_before_heap.dat";
my $afterfile = "/tmp/nav_after_heap.dat";
my $run_test = 1; # useful for testing parsing code
if ($run_test)
my $close_window_script =<<END_SCRIPT;
tell application "Camino"
delay 5
close the first window
end tell
my $new_window_script =<<END_SCRIPT;
tell application "Camino"
Get URL "about:blank"
delay 20
close the first window
end tell
TinderUtils::print_log("Window leak test\n");
my $binary_basename = File::Basename::basename($binary);
my $binary_dir = File::Basename::dirname($binary);
my $binary_log = "$build_dir/$test_name.log";
my $cmd = $binary_basename;
my $pid = TinderUtils::fork_and_log($build_dir, $binary_dir, $cmd, $binary_log);
# close the existing window
system("echo '$close_window_script' | osascript");
# open and close few window to get to a stable point
system("echo '$new_window_script' | osascript");
# dump before data
system("heap $pid > $beforefile");
# run the test
system("echo '$new_window_script' | osascript");
# dump after data
system("heap $pid > $afterfile");
my $result = TinderUtils::wait_for_pid($pid, $timeout_secs);
ParseHeapOutput($beforefile, $afterfile);
return $status;
sub main {
my ($mozilla_build_dir) = @_;
TinderUtils::print_log("Starting camino build.\n");
# Tell camino to unbuffer stdio, otherwise when we kill the child process
# stdout & stderr won't get flushed.
# Pending a config file, stuff things here.
my $post_status = 'success'; # Success until we report a failure.
my $status = 0; # 0 = success
# Control tests from here, sorry no config file yet.
my $camino_alive_test = 1;
my $camino_test8_test = 1;
my $camino_layout_performance_test = 1;
my $camino_startup_test = 1;
my $camino_window_leaks_test = 0;
my $safari_layout_performance_test = 0;
my $camino_clean_profile = 1;
# Build flags
my $camino_build_static = 0;
my $camino_build_opt = 1;
my $camino_dir = "$mozilla_build_dir/mozilla/camino";
my $embedding_dir = "$mozilla_build_dir/mozilla/embedding/config";
my $camino_binary = "Camino";
unless ($Settings::TestOnly) {
# Checkout/update the camino code.
$status = checkout($mozilla_build_dir);
TinderUtils::print_log("Status from checkout: $status\n");
if ($status != 0) {
$post_status = 'busted';
# Build camino if we passed the checkout command.
if ($post_status ne 'busted') {
# Build embedding/config.
chdir $embedding_dir;
if ($status == 0) {
$status = TinderUtils::run_shell_command("make");
TinderUtils::print_log("Status from make: $status\n");
# Build camino.
chdir $camino_dir;
if ($status == 0) {
TinderUtils::print_log("Deleting binary...\n");
# Always do a clean build; gecko dependencies don't work correctly
# for Camino.
TinderUtils::print_log("Clobbering camino...\n");
TinderUtils::run_shell_command("make clean");
$status = TinderUtils::run_shell_command("make");
TinderUtils::print_log("Status from pbxbuild: $status\n");
TinderUtils::print_log("Testing build status...\n");
if ($status != 0) {
TinderUtils::print_log("busted, pbxbuild status non-zero\n");
$post_status = 'busted';
} elsif (not TinderUtils::BinaryExists("$camino_dir/build/$camino_binary")) {
TinderUtils::print_log("Error: binary not found: $camino_dir/build/$camino_binary\n");
$post_status = 'busted';
} else {
$post_status = 'success';
# Tests...
# Clean profile out, if set.
# Assume Camino always uses ~/Library/Application Support/Chimera/Profiles/default for now.
if ($camino_clean_profile) {
# Warning: workaround camino bug, delete whole Camino dir.
my $chim_profile_dir = "$ENV{HOME}/Library/Application Support/Chimera";
#my $chim_profile_dir = "$ENV{HOME}/Library/Application Support/Chimera/Profiles/default";
TinderUtils::print_log("Deleting $chim_profile_dir...\n");
print "Deleting $chim_profile_dir...\n";
File::Path::rmtree([$chim_profile_dir], 0, 0);
if (-e "$chim_profile_dir") {
TinderUtils::print_log("Error: rmtree('$chim_profile_dir') failed\n");
# Re-create profile. We have no -CreateProfile, so we instead
# run the AliveTest first.
# AliveTest for camino, about:blank
if ($camino_alive_test and $post_status eq 'success') {
$post_status = TinderUtils::AliveTest("CaminoAliveTest",
["Camino", "-url", "about:blank"],
# Find the prefs file, remember we have the secret/random salt dir,
# e.g. /Users/cltbld/Library/Application Support/Chimera/Profiles/default/dyrs1ar8.slt/prefs.js
# so File::Path::find will find the prefs.js file.
my $pref_file = "prefs.js";
my $start_dir = "/Users/cltbld/Library/Application Support/Chimera/Profiles/default";
my $found = undef;
my $sub = sub {$pref_file = $File::Find::name, $found++ if $pref_file eq $_};
File::Find::find($sub, $start_dir); # Find prefs.js, write this to $pref_file.
# Set up performance prefs.
if ($pref_file and ($camino_layout_performance_test or 1)) {
# Some tests need browser.dom.window.dump.enabled set to true, so
# that JS dump() will work in optimized builds.
if (system("\\grep -s browser.dom.window.dump.enabled $pref_file > /dev/null")) {
TinderUtils::print_log("Setting browser.dom.window.dump.enabled\n");
open PREFS, ">>$pref_file" or die "can't open $pref_file ($?)\n";
print PREFS "user_pref(\"browser.dom.window.dump.enabled\", true);\n";
close PREFS;
} else {
TinderUtils::print_log("Already set browser.dom.window.dump.enabled\n");
# Set security prefs to allow us to close our own window,
# pageloader test (and possibly other tests) needs this on.
if (system("\\grep -s dom.allow_scripts_to_close_windows $pref_file > /dev/null")) {
TinderUtils::print_log("Setting dom.allow_scripts_to_close_windows to true.\n");
open PREFS, ">>$pref_file" or die "can't open $pref_file ($?)\n";
print PREFS "user_pref(\"dom.allow_scripts_to_close_windows\", true);\n";
close PREFS;
} else {
TinderUtils::print_log("Already set dom.allow_scripts_to_close_windows\n");
# LayoutTest8
# resource:///res/samples/test8.html
if ($camino_test8_test and $post_status eq 'success') {
if(0) {
open STDOUT, ">/tmp/foo";
open STDERR, ">&/tmp/foo";
select STDOUT; $| = 1; # make STDOUT unbuffered
select STDERR; $| = 1; # make STDERR unbuffered
print STDERR "hello, world\n";
exec "./Camino -url \"\"";
#exec "foo";
} else {
$post_status = TinderUtils::AliveTest("CaminoLayoutTest8Test",
["Camino", "-url", ""],
# Pageload test.
if ($camino_layout_performance_test and $post_status eq 'success') {
$post_status =
["Camino", "-url"]);
# Pageload test -- Safari.
if ($safari_layout_performance_test) {
TinderUtils::run_system_cmd("/Applications/Utilities/ http://$Settings::pageload_server/page-loader/$Settings::LayoutPerformanceTestPageTimeout%26auto=1", 30);
# This is a hack.
TinderUtils::run_system_cmd("sync; sleep 400", 405);
TinderUtils::run_system_cmd("/Applications/Utilities/ quit", 30);
TinderUtils::print_log "TinderboxPrint:" .
"<a title=\"Avg of the median per url pageload time\" href=\"http://$Settings::results_server/graph/query.cgi?testname=pageload&tbox=" . ::hostname() . "-aux&autoscale=1&days=7&avg=1\">~Tp" . "</a>\n";
# Startup test.
if ($camino_startup_test and $post_status eq 'success') {
$post_status =
if ($camino_window_leaks_test and $post_status eq 'success') {
$post_status = CaminoWindowLeaksTest("CaminoWindowLeakTest",
"-url \"\"",
# Pass our status back to calling script.
return $post_status;
# Need to end with a true value, (since we're using "require").