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if (this.Components) {
throw new Error("This worker can only be loaded from a worker thread");
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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// Worker thread for osfile asynchronous front-end
// Exception names to be posted from the worker thread to main thread
EvalError: "EvalError",
InternalError: "InternalError",
RangeError: "RangeError",
ReferenceError: "ReferenceError",
SyntaxError: "SyntaxError",
TypeError: "TypeError",
URIError: "URIError"
(function(exports) {
"use strict";
// Timestamps, for use in Telemetry.
// The object is set to |null| once it has been sent
// to the main thread.
let timeStamps = {
entered: Date.now(),
loaded: null
let SharedAll = require("resource://gre/modules/osfile/osfile_shared_allthreads.jsm");
let LOG = SharedAll.LOG.bind(SharedAll, "Agent");
// Post a message to the parent, decorate it with statistics if
// necessary. Use this instead of self.postMessage.
function post(message, ...transfers) {
if (timeStamps) {
message.timeStamps = timeStamps;
timeStamps = null;
self.postMessage(message, ...transfers);
* Communications with the controller.
* Accepts messages:
* {fun:function_name, args:array_of_arguments_or_null, id:id}
* Sends messages:
* {ok: result, id:id} / {fail: serialized_form_of_OS.File.Error, id:id}
self.onmessage = function onmessage(msg) {
let data = msg.data;
LOG("Received message", data);
let id = data.id;
let start;
let options;
if (data.args) {
options = data.args[data.args.length - 1];
// If |outExecutionDuration| option was supplied, start measuring the
// duration of the operation.
if (options && typeof options === "object" && "outExecutionDuration" in options) {
start = Date.now();
let result;
let exn;
let durationMs;
try {
let method = data.fun;
LOG("Calling method", method);
result = Agent[method].apply(Agent, data.args);
LOG("Method", method, "succeeded");
} catch (ex) {
exn = ex;
LOG("Error while calling agent method", exn, exn.stack || "");
if (start) {
// Record duration
durationMs = Date.now() - start;
LOG("Method took", durationMs, "ms");
// Now, post a reply, possibly as an uncaught error.
// We post this message from outside the |try ... catch| block
// to avoid capturing errors that take place during |postMessage| and
// built-in serialization.
if (!exn) {
LOG("Sending positive reply", result, "id is", id);
if (result instanceof Meta) {
if ("transfers" in result.meta) {
// Take advantage of zero-copy transfers
post({ok: result.data, id: id, durationMs: durationMs},
} else {
post({ok: result.data, id:id, durationMs: durationMs});
if (result.meta.shutdown || false) {
// Time to close the worker
} else {
post({ok: result, id:id, durationMs: durationMs});
} else if (exn == StopIteration) {
// StopIteration cannot be serialized automatically
LOG("Sending back StopIteration");
post({StopIteration: true, id: id, durationMs: durationMs});
} else if (exn instanceof exports.OS.File.Error) {
LOG("Sending back OS.File error", exn, "id is", id);
// Instances of OS.File.Error know how to serialize themselves
// (deserialization ensures that we end up with OS-specific
// instances of |OS.File.Error|)
post({fail: exports.OS.File.Error.toMsg(exn), id:id, durationMs: durationMs});
} else if (exn.constructor.name in EXCEPTION_NAMES) {
LOG("Sending back exception", exn.constructor.name);
post({fail: {exn: exn.constructor.name, message: exn.message,
fileName: exn.moduleName || exn.fileName, lineNumber: exn.lineNumber},
id: id, durationMs: durationMs});
} else {
// Other exceptions do not, and should be propagated through DOM's
// built-in mechanism for uncaught errors, although this mechanism
// may lose interesting information.
LOG("Sending back regular error", exn, exn.moduleStack || exn.stack, "id is", id);
throw exn;
* A data structure used to track opened resources
let ResourceTracker = function ResourceTracker() {
// A number used to generate ids
this._idgen = 0;
// A map from id to resource
this._map = new Map();
ResourceTracker.prototype = {
* Get a resource from its unique identifier.
get: function(id) {
let result = this._map.get(id);
if (result == null) {
return result;
return result.resource;
* Remove a resource from its unique identifier.
remove: function(id) {
if (!this._map.has(id)) {
throw new Error("Cannot find resource id " + id);
* Add a resource, return a new unique identifier
* @param {*} resource A resource.
* @param {*=} info Optional information. For debugging purposes.
* @return {*} A unique identifier. For the moment, this is a number,
* but this might not remain the case forever.
add: function(resource, info) {
let id = this._idgen++;
this._map.set(id, {resource:resource, info:info});
return id;
* Return a list of all open resources i.e. the ones still present in
* ResourceTracker's _map.
listOpenedResources: function listOpenedResources() {
return [resource.info.path for ([id, resource] of this._map)];
* A map of unique identifiers to opened files.
let OpenedFiles = new ResourceTracker();
* Execute a function in the context of a given file.
* @param {*} id A unique identifier, as used by |OpenFiles|.
* @param {Function} f A function to call.
* @param {boolean} ignoreAbsent If |true|, the error is ignored. Otherwise, the error causes an exception.
* @return The return value of |f()|
* This function attempts to get the file matching |id|. If
* the file exists, it executes |f| within the |this| set
* to the corresponding file. Otherwise, it throws an error.
let withFile = function withFile(id, f, ignoreAbsent) {
let file = OpenedFiles.get(id);
if (file == null) {
if (!ignoreAbsent) {
throw OS.File.Error.closed("accessing file");
return undefined;
return f.call(file);
let OpenedDirectoryIterators = new ResourceTracker();
let withDir = function withDir(fd, f, ignoreAbsent) {
let file = OpenedDirectoryIterators.get(fd);
if (file == null) {
if (!ignoreAbsent) {
throw OS.File.Error.closed("accessing directory");
return undefined;
if (!(file instanceof File.DirectoryIterator)) {
throw new Error("file is not a directory iterator " + file.__proto__.toSource());
return f.call(file);
let Type = exports.OS.Shared.Type;
let File = exports.OS.File;
* A constructor used to return data to the caller thread while
* also executing some specific treatment (e.g. shutting down
* the current thread, transmitting data instead of copying it).
* @param {object=} data The data to return to the caller thread.
* @param {object=} meta Additional instructions, as an object
* that may contain the following fields:
* - {bool} shutdown If |true|, shut down the current thread after
* having sent the result.
* - {Array} transfers An array of objects that should be transferred
* instead of being copied.
* @constructor
let Meta = function Meta(data, meta) {
this.data = data;
this.meta = meta;
* The agent.
* It is in charge of performing method-specific deserialization
* of messages, calling the function/method of OS.File and serializing
* back the results.
let Agent = {
// Update worker's OS.Shared.DEBUG flag message from controller.
SET_DEBUG: function(aDEBUG) {
SharedAll.Config.DEBUG = aDEBUG;
// Return worker's current OS.Shared.DEBUG value to controller.
// Note: This is used for testing purposes.
GET_DEBUG: function() {
return SharedAll.Config.DEBUG;
* Execute shutdown sequence, returning data on leaked file descriptors.
* @param {bool} If |true|, kill the worker if this would not cause
* leaks.
Meta_shutdown: function(kill) {
let result = {
openedFiles: OpenedFiles.listOpenedResources(),
openedDirectoryIterators: OpenedDirectoryIterators.listOpenedResources(),
killed: false // Placeholder
// Is it safe to kill the worker?
let safe = result.openedFiles.length == 0
&& result.openedDirectoryIterators.length == 0;
result.killed = safe && kill;
return new Meta(result, {shutdown: result.killed});
// Functions of OS.File
stat: function stat(path, options) {
return exports.OS.File.Info.toMsg(
exports.OS.File.stat(Type.path.fromMsg(path), options));
setDates: function setDates(path, accessDate, modificationDate) {
return exports.OS.File.setDates(Type.path.fromMsg(path), accessDate,
getCurrentDirectory: function getCurrentDirectory() {
return exports.OS.Shared.Type.path.toMsg(File.getCurrentDirectory());
setCurrentDirectory: function setCurrentDirectory(path) {
copy: function copy(sourcePath, destPath, options) {
return File.copy(Type.path.fromMsg(sourcePath),
Type.path.fromMsg(destPath), options);
move: function move(sourcePath, destPath, options) {
return File.move(Type.path.fromMsg(sourcePath),
Type.path.fromMsg(destPath), options);
getAvailableFreeSpace: function getAvailableFreeSpace(sourcePath) {
return Type.uint64_t.toMsg(
makeDir: function makeDir(path, options) {
return File.makeDir(Type.path.fromMsg(path), options);
removeEmptyDir: function removeEmptyDir(path, options) {
return File.removeEmptyDir(Type.path.fromMsg(path), options);
remove: function remove(path) {
return File.remove(Type.path.fromMsg(path));
open: function open(path, mode, options) {
let filePath = Type.path.fromMsg(path);
let file = File.open(filePath, mode, options);
return OpenedFiles.add(file, {
// Adding path information to keep track of opened files
// to report leaks when debugging.
path: filePath
openUnique: function openUnique(path, options) {
let filePath = Type.path.fromMsg(path);
let openedFile = OS.Shared.AbstractFile.openUnique(filePath, options);
let resourceId = OpenedFiles.add(openedFile.file, {
// Adding path information to keep track of opened files
// to report leaks when debugging.
path: openedFile.path
return {
path: openedFile.path,
file: resourceId
read: function read(path, bytes, options) {
let data = File.read(Type.path.fromMsg(path), bytes, options);
if (typeof data == "string") {
return data;
return new Meta({
buffer: data.buffer,
byteOffset: data.byteOffset,
byteLength: data.byteLength
}, {
transfers: [data.buffer]
exists: function exists(path) {
return File.exists(Type.path.fromMsg(path));
writeAtomic: function writeAtomic(path, buffer, options) {
if (options.tmpPath) {
options.tmpPath = Type.path.fromMsg(options.tmpPath);
return File.writeAtomic(Type.path.fromMsg(path),
removeDir: function(path, options) {
return File.removeDir(Type.path.fromMsg(path), options);
new_DirectoryIterator: function new_DirectoryIterator(path, options) {
let directoryPath = Type.path.fromMsg(path);
let iterator = new File.DirectoryIterator(directoryPath, options);
return OpenedDirectoryIterators.add(iterator, {
// Adding path information to keep track of opened directory
// iterators to report leaks when debugging.
path: directoryPath
// Methods of OS.File
File_prototype_close: function close(fd) {
return withFile(fd,
function do_close() {
try {
return this.close();
} finally {
File_prototype_stat: function stat(fd) {
return withFile(fd,
function do_stat() {
return exports.OS.File.Info.toMsg(this.stat());
File_prototype_setDates: function setDates(fd, accessTime, modificationTime) {
return withFile(fd,
function do_setDates() {
return this.setDates(accessTime, modificationTime);
File_prototype_read: function read(fd, nbytes, options) {
return withFile(fd,
function do_read() {
let data = this.read(nbytes, options);
return new Meta({
buffer: data.buffer,
byteOffset: data.byteOffset,
byteLength: data.byteLength
}, {
transfers: [data.buffer]
File_prototype_readTo: function readTo(fd, buffer, options) {
return withFile(fd,
function do_readTo() {
return this.readTo(exports.OS.Shared.Type.voidptr_t.fromMsg(buffer),
File_prototype_write: function write(fd, buffer, options) {
return withFile(fd,
function do_write() {
return this.write(exports.OS.Shared.Type.voidptr_t.fromMsg(buffer),
File_prototype_setPosition: function setPosition(fd, pos, whence) {
return withFile(fd,
function do_setPosition() {
return this.setPosition(pos, whence);
File_prototype_getPosition: function getPosition(fd) {
return withFile(fd,
function do_getPosition() {
return this.getPosition();
File_prototype_flush: function flush(fd) {
return withFile(fd,
function do_flush() {
return this.flush();
// Methods of OS.File.DirectoryIterator
DirectoryIterator_prototype_next: function next(dir) {
return withDir(dir,
function do_next() {
try {
return File.DirectoryIterator.Entry.toMsg(this.next());
} catch (x) {
if (x == StopIteration) {
throw x;
}, false);
DirectoryIterator_prototype_nextBatch: function nextBatch(dir, size) {
return withDir(dir,
function do_nextBatch() {
let result;
try {
result = this.nextBatch(size);
} catch (x) {
throw x;
return result.map(File.DirectoryIterator.Entry.toMsg);
}, false);
DirectoryIterator_prototype_close: function close(dir) {
return withDir(dir,
function do_close() {
}, true);// ignore error to support double-closing |DirectoryIterator|
DirectoryIterator_prototype_exists: function exists(dir) {
return withDir(dir,
function do_exists() {
return this.exists();
if (!SharedAll.Constants.Win) {
Agent.unixSymLink = function unixSymLink(sourcePath, destPath) {
return File.unixSymLink(Type.path.fromMsg(sourcePath),
timeStamps.loaded = Date.now();