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/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at
* http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
* Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* NPL.
* The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape
* Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights
* Reserved.
<!-- to hide script contents from old browsers
// THIS IS THE API for functions you will want to access from outside of this javascript file:
// you probably want to use these functions in the OnLoad and OnUnload event handlers of your htmls files,
// in order (1) Get all the appropriate information from the config files and set the appropriate form fields on load
// and (2) To write the data from your form fields back out to the config files on unload
// these functions interface with the config files (e.g., ACCTSET.INI)
// function GetNameValuePair(fileName, sectionName, flagName) // looks in the file fileName for a line that looks like "flagName=value"
// under the section called "[sectionName]". If it finds one, returns value.
// function SetNameValuePair(fileName, sectionName, flagName, data) // in the file fileName, writes a line that looks like "flagname=data" under
// the section called "[sectionName]" -will create the file and/or section name
// if necessary
// function getFileListFromConfigFolder(fileSuffix) // returns a list of files with the specified suffix that live
// in the Config Folder
// these functions set the elements of your form (all return nothing)
// function setCheckBox(formName, boxName, inValue) // if inValue = 0 sets checkbox to off, else to on
// function setRadio(formName, radioName, inValue) // inValue is yes or no - yes is first, no is second radio. If inValue is a number, sets
// the inValueth radio with that name to on. (0 < inValue < 33, jsut for sanity checking0
// function setText(formName, textFieldName, inValue) // sets the specified textField to the input value
// function setCardTypes(formName, cardTypesString) // cardTypesString is a string of the form "AX,MC,DC,VI" as per ACCTSET.INI requirements, this sets
// four checkboxes whose names MUST be: "AX", "MC", "DC", and "VI"
// function fillSelectListWithConfigFiles(formName, selectListName, fileSuffix, offerNew) // finds all files with the suffix fileSuffix
// (should look like ".NCI") and fills in the specified list
// this is used by the following two functions
// if offerNew is true, an option will be provided with name
// "New Configuration" and value "_new_"
// function fillNCIFileList(formName, selectListName) //will fill the specified select list with the names of all NCI files in the Config folder
// function fillIASFileList(formName, selectListName) //will fill the specified select list with the names of all IAS files in the Config folder
//selects RegServ.SR if that file exists
// function setSelectList(formName, selectListName, inValue) // sets the selectlist to select the option whose text is inValue, if it exists
// used internally to set the value of the NCI file list, for example
// these functions get the values of elements of your form and return text suitable for writing into Config files (all return strings)
// function getRadio(formName, radioName) // returns "yes" if first radio is selected, "no" if second is selected, else returns
// index of selected radio (-1 if none selected)
// function getText(formName, textFieldName) // returns the text inside a text field
// function getCheckBox(formName, selectListName) // returns true if checkbox is checked, false if not
// function getSelectListSelection(formName, selectListName)
////////these are specific functions which get specfic information using the above functions//////////////////
// function getCardTypes(formName) // returns a string of the form "AX,MC,DC,VI", based on the values of the four checkboxes in
// the specified form, whose names MUST be: "AX", "MC", "DC", and "VI"
// Other Functions
//function yesNoToNoYes(inValue) // if inValue == "yes" returns "no". if invalue == "no" returns yes, else nothing
//function getAcctSetupFileName() //returns the name of ACCTSET.INI
//function debug(theString) // writes the string to the java console, using the setUpPlugin
//these should be overriden if this file is included from within another javascript file
// function checkData() // this should return true in most cases, you can add checks in here for determining if any necessary fields
// have been left empty, etc. - if it returns false, account setup's global navigation won't proceed when next is clicked
// function getAcctSetFlags() // this is an example of a function that would be used as an onLoad handler in a file where the form name is
// "acctsetForm", and it has form elements for all the flags in ACCTSET.INI
// function saveAcctSetFlags() // this is an example of a function that would be used as an onUnLoad handler in a file where the form name is
// "acctsetForm", and it has form elements for all the flags in ACCTSET.INI
// The following functions are dependent on the LOCATION OF THIS FILE and the LOCATION OF THE globals.js FILE
// actually, they are really dependent on the part of the frameset heirarchy in which this file is included
// right now we assume it is included two framesets deep, and the outermost frameset contains a frame called "globals",
// which includes the "globals.js" file which is the meat of the account setup javascript universe - it interfaces with the plugin
// SO, if the heirarchy changes, the path of the "globals" frame should be updated
// function getGlobalsLocation()
//this is the function that determines where access to the globals is
//from the document that is including this file.
//it's made out of ugly hacks and ricotta cheese
function getGlobalsLocation()
var loc = "";
//this stuff is no longer necessary, since we now do everything in the same window,
//and the globals are always in the same relative location.
//if (top.name == "addnci")
// //alert("addnci!");
// loc = ("top.opener.top.globals");
//else if (top.name == "addias")
// loc = ("top.window.opener.globals");
//standard case, globals is in the same window
var loc = "top.globals";
return loc;
function getAcctSetupFileName()
return "ACCTSET.INI";
function completeConfigFilePath(inFileName)
var outFileName = top.globals.getConfigFolder(top.globals) + inFileName;
return outFileName;
///WARNING THE LOCATION OF THE GLOBALS IS HARDCODED IN THIS FCN - it can only be accessed by children windows
function saveNewConfigFile(fileName, inValue, doPrompt)
// Request privilege
if ((doPrompt != true) && (doPrompt != false))
doPrompt = false; //should we really assume false?
if ((fileName != null) && (fileName != ""))
var cFileName = completeConfigFilePath(fileName);
if ((cFileName != null) && (inValue != null) && (cFileName != "") && (inValue != ""))
top.globals.document.setupPlugin.SaveTextToFile(cFileName, inValue, doPrompt);
function debug(theString)
if (top.debugFlag == true)
function GetNameValuePair(inFileName, sectionName, flagName)
// Request privilege
var fileName = completeConfigFilePath(inFileName);
var data = top.globals.document.setupPlugin.GetNameValuePair(fileName, sectionName, flagName);
debug("\tGetNameValuePair: (" + inFileName + ") [" +sectionName+ "] " +flagName+ "=" + data);
return data;
function SetNameValuePair(inFileName, section, variable, data)
// Request privilege
var fileName = completeConfigFilePath(inFileName);
top.globals.document.setupPlugin.SetNameValuePair(fileName, section, variable, data);
debug("\tSetNameValuePair: (" + fileName + ")[" +section+ "] " +variable+ "=" + data);
function getFileListFromConfigFolder(fileSuffix)
// Request privilege
var pathName = top.globals.getConfigFolder(top.globals);
var globalsLocate = top.globals;
var theList = top.globals.document.setupPlugin.GetFolderContents(pathName, fileSuffix);
return theList;
function fillSelectListWithConfigFiles(formName, selectListName, fileSuffix, offerNew)
var curConfigName = "";
var curConfigDescription = "";
//blank out old list
for (var i = (document[formName][selectListName].length -1); i >= 0 ; i--)
document[formName][selectListName].options[i] = null;
//make a blank so the user can choose nothing
document[formName][selectListName].options[0] = new Option("< None Selected >","",false, false);
//Only offer a new if we said so
if (offerNew == true)
document[formName][selectListName].options[1] = new Option("< New Configuration >","_new_",false, false);
// Get a list of the files in the Config folder
fileList = getFileListFromConfigFolder(fileSuffix);
//alert( "filelist: " + fileList);
if (fileList != null) {
for (var i=0; i<fileList.length; i++) {
curConfigName = GetNameValuePair(fileList[i], "Dial-In Configuration", "SiteName");
curConfigDescription = GetNameValuePair(fileList[i], "Dial-In Configuration", "Description");
if ((curConfigName != null) && (curConfigName != ""))
document[formName][selectListName].options[document[formName][selectListName].length] = new Option(curConfigName + " (" + fileList[i] + ")",fileList[i], false, false);
else if ((curConfigDescription != null) && (curConfigDescription != ""))
document[formName][selectListName].options[document[formName][selectListName].length] = new Option(curConfigDescription + " (" + fileList[i] + ")",fileList[i], false, false);
document[formName][selectListName].options[document[formName][selectListName].length] = new Option(fileList[i],fileList[i], false, false);
//this is a helper function that converts "yes" to 0 and "no" to 1 - but leaves integers alone
function ynToZeroOne(inValue)
var ynValue = new String(inValue);
var intValue = -1;
if (ynValue == "yes")
intValue = 0;
else if (ynValue == "no")
intValue = 1;
if (!isNaN(parseInt(inValue)))
intValue = inValue;
return intValue;
function yesNoToNoYes(inValue)
var tempValue = new String(inValue);
if ((tempValue != null))
if (tempValue == "yes")
return "no";
else if (tempValue == "no")
return "yes";
return inValue;
//set checkbox on if inValue is "yes" or 0, off otherwise
function setCheckBox(formName, boxName, inValue)
debug("SetCheckbox: " + inValue);
var intValue = ynToZeroOne(inValue);
if (intValue == 0)
document[formName][boxName].checked = 1;
document[formName][boxName].checked = 0;
function getCheckBox(formName, boxName) // returns yes if checked, no if not
var outValue = "no";
var tfValue = (document[formName][boxName].checked);
if (tfValue == true)
outValue = "yes";
return outValue;
function setRadio(formName, radioName, inValue)
var intValue = ynToZeroOne(inValue);
document[formName][radioName][intValue].checked = 1;
debug("Setting radio " +radioName + " to " + intValue);
function getRadio(formName, radioName)
var radioIndex = -1;
//based on the assumption that yes is the first radio, "no" is the second radio
if (document[formName][radioName][0].checked == 1)
//debug("getRadio: returning yes");
return ("yes");
else if (document[formName][radioName][1].checked == 1)
//debug("getRadio: returning no");
return ("no");
//debug("getRadio: radio[0]" + document[formName][radioName][0].checked);
//debug("getRadio: radio[1]" + document[formName][radioName][1].checked);
for (var i = 0; i < document[formName][radioName].length; i++)
if (document[formName][radioName][i].checked == 1)
radioIndex = i;
return radioIndex;
function getText(formName, textFieldName)
return document[formName][textFieldName].value;
function setText(formName, textFieldName, inValue)
debug("Setting Text for " + textFieldName + " to " + inValue);
document[formName][textFieldName].value = inValue;
function setCardTypes(formName, value)
var cTypes = new String(value);
if (value.indexOf("AX") >= 0) setCheckBox(formName, "AX", 0);
else setCheckBox(formName, "AX", 1);
if (value.indexOf("MC") >= 0) setCheckBox(formName, "MC", 0);
else setCheckBox(formName, "MC", 1);
if (value.indexOf("DC") >= 0) setCheckBox(formName, "DC", 0);
else setCheckBox(formName, "DC", 1);
if (value.indexOf("VI") >= 0) setCheckBox(formName, "VI", 0);
else setCheckBox(formName, "VI", 1);
function getCardTypes(formName)
var cardTypes = "";
if (document[formName].AX.checked == 1)
cardTypes = "AX,";
if (document[formName].MC.checked == 1)
cardTypes = (cardTypes + "MC,");
if (document[formName].DC.checked == 1)
cardTypes = (cardTypes + "DC,");
if (document[formName].VI.checked == 1)
cardTypes = (cardTypes + "VI");
if ( ( cardTypes.length > 2) && (cardTypes.charAt(cardTypes.length-1) == ","))
cardTypes = cardTypes.substring(0, cardTypes.length-1);
cardTypes = ("\"" + cardTypes + "\"");
return cardTypes;
function setSelectList(formName, selectListName, inValue)
if (inValue != null)
for (var i = (document[formName][selectListName].length - 1); i >= 0 ; i--)
if(inValue.toString() == (document[formName][selectListName].options[i].value.toString()))
//debug("Found select list Match (" + i + ")(" + inValue + ")");
document[formName][selectListName].options[i].selected = true;
function fillNCIFileList(formName, listName)
fillSelectListWithConfigFiles(formName, listName, ".NCI", false);
var acctSetupFile = getAcctSetupFileName();
var selectedNCIFile = GetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,"Mode Selection","ExistingSRFile");
setSelectList(formName, listName, selectedNCIFile);
} // fillNCIFileList
function fillIASFileList(formName, listName)
fillSelectListWithConfigFiles(formName, listName, ".IAS", false);
var acctSetupFile = getAcctSetupFileName();
var selectedIASFile = GetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,"New Acct Mode","RegServer");
setSelectList(formName, listName, selectedIASFile);
} // fillIASFileList
function getSelectListSelection(formName, selectListName)
return document[formName][selectListName].options[document[formName][selectListName].options.selectedIndex].value.toString();
// this is a smaple onLoad event handler - this would be used if the form in question
// had an element for each and every flag in ACCTSET.INI
function getAcctSetFlags()
var acctSetupFile = getAcctSetupFileName();
var tempFlagValue = "";
var asFormName = "acctsetForm";
//parent.parent.parent.status = ("loading data from " + acctSetupFile + "...");
//get all the flags related to mode selection, set the appropriate form fields (4)
tempFlagValue = GetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,"Mode Selection","ForceExisting");
setRadio(asFormName, "ForceExisting", tempFlagValue);
fillNCIFileList(asFormName, "ExistingSRFile");
tempFlagValue = GetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,"Mode Selection","ForceNew");
setRadio(asFormName, "ForceNew", tempFlagValue);
tempFlagValue = GetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,"Mode Selection","IntlMode");
setRadio(asFormName, "IntlMode", tempFlagValue);
//get all the flags related to new account mode, set the appropriate form fields (9)
tempFlagValue = GetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,"New Acct Mode","ShowNewPathInfo");
setRadio(asFormName, "ShowNewPathInfo", tempFlagValue);
tempFlagValue = GetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,"New Acct Mode","AskSaveAcctInfo");
setRadio(asFormName, "AskSaveAcctInfo", tempFlagValue);
tempFlagValue = GetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,"New Acct Mode","SavePasswords");
setRadio(asFormName, "SavePasswords", tempFlagValue);
tempFlagValue = GetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,"New Acct Mode","AskPersonalInfo");
setRadio(asFormName, "AskPersonalInfo", tempFlagValue);
tempFlagValue = GetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,"New Acct Mode","AskBillingInfo");
setRadio(asFormName, "AskBillingInfo", tempFlagValue);
tempFlagValue = GetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,"New Acct Mode","RegServer");
setText(asFormName, "RegServer", tempFlagValue);
tempFlagValue = GetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,"New Acct Mode","CardTypes");
setCardTypes(asFormName, tempFlagValue);
//get all the flags related to Existing account mode, set the appropriate form fields (15)
tempFlagValue = GetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,"Existing Acct Mode","ShowExistingPathInfo");
setRadio(asFormName, "ShowExistingPathInfo", tempFlagValue);
tempFlagValue = GetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,"Existing Acct Mode","RegPodURL");
setText(asFormName, "RegPodURL", tempFlagValue);
tempFlagValue = GetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,"Existing Acct Mode","ShowIntro2");
setRadio(asFormName, "ShowIntro2", tempFlagValue);
tempFlagValue = GetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,"Existing Acct Mode","ShowPhones");
setRadio(asFormName, "ShowPhones", tempFlagValue);
tempFlagValue = GetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,"Existing Acct Mode","AskName");
setRadio(asFormName, "AskName", tempFlagValue);
tempFlagValue = GetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,"Existing Acct Mode","AskLogin");
setRadio(asFormName, "AskLogin", tempFlagValue);
tempFlagValue = GetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,"Existing Acct Mode","AskTTY");
setRadio(asFormName, "AskTTY", tempFlagValue);
tempFlagValue = GetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,"Existing Acct Mode","AskEmail");
setRadio(asFormName, "AskEmail", tempFlagValue);
tempFlagValue = GetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,"Existing Acct Mode","AskPhone");
setRadio(asFormName, "AskPhone", tempFlagValue);
tempFlagValue = GetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,"Existing Acct Mode","AskDNS");
setRadio(asFormName, "AskDNS", tempFlagValue);
tempFlagValue = GetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,"Existing Acct Mode","AskHosts");
setRadio(asFormName, "AskHosts", tempFlagValue);
tempFlagValue = GetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,"Existing Acct Mode","AskPublishing");
setRadio(asFormName, "AskPublishing", tempFlagValue);
tempFlagValue = GetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,"Existing Acct Mode","AskRegister");
setRadio(asFormName, "AskRegister", tempFlagValue);
tempFlagValue = GetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,"Existing Acct Mode","AskLDAP");
setRadio(asFormName, "AskLDAP", tempFlagValue);
tempFlagValue = GetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,"Existing Acct Mode","AskIMAP");
setRadio(asFormName, "AskIMAP", tempFlagValue);
//parent.parent.status = ("Loading Data.....Done.");
}//function getAcctSetFlags()
function checkData()
return true;
//sample onUnload event handler - this would be used if the form in question
// had an element for each and every flag in ACCTSET.INI
function saveAcctSetFlags()
// save globals here
var modeSectionName = "Mode Selection";
var existingSectionName = "Existing Acct Mode";
var newSectionName = "New Acct Mode";
var asFormName = "acctsetForm";
//debug("trying to save...");
// Request privilege
if (top.globals.document.setupPlugin == null) return;
var acctSetupFile = getAcctSetupFileName();
debug("writing data to " + acctSetupFile);
if (acctSetupFile != null && acctSetupFile != "") {
SetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,modeSectionName,"ForceExisting", getRadio("acctsetForm", "ForceExisting"));
SetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,modeSectionName,"ExistingSRFile", getSelectListSelection("acctsetForm", "ExistingSRFile"));
SetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,modeSectionName,"ForceNew", getRadio(asFormName,"ForceNew"));
SetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,modeSectionName,"IntlMode", getRadio(asFormName,"IntlMode"));
SetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,newSectionName,"ShowNewPathInfo", getRadio(asFormName,"ShowNewPathInfo"));
SetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,newSectionName,"AskSaveAcctInfo", getRadio(asFormName,"AskSaveAcctInfo"));
SetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,newSectionName,"SavePasswords", getRadio(asFormName,"SavePasswords"));
SetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,newSectionName,"AskPersonalInfo", getRadio(asFormName,"AskPersonalInfo"));
SetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,newSectionName,"AskBillingInfo", getRadio(asFormName,"AskBillingInfo"));
SetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,newSectionName,"RegServer", getText(asFormName, "RegServer"));
SetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,newSectionName,"CardTypes", getCardTypes(asFormName));
SetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,existingSectionName,"ShowExistingPathInfo", getRadio(asFormName,"ShowExistingPathInfo"));
SetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,existingSectionName,"RegPodURL", getText(asFormName, "RegPodURL"));
SetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,existingSectionName,"ShowIntro2", getRadio(asFormName,"ShowIntro2"));
SetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,existingSectionName,"ShowPhones", getRadio(asFormName,"ShowPhones"));
SetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,existingSectionName,"AskName", getRadio(asFormName,"AskName"));
SetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,existingSectionName,"AskLogin", getRadio(asFormName,"AskLogin"));
SetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,existingSectionName,"AskTTY", getRadio(asFormName,"AskTTY"));
SetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,existingSectionName,"AskEmail", getRadio(asFormName,"AskEmail"));
SetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,existingSectionName,"AskPhone", getRadio(asFormName,"AskPhone"));
SetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,existingSectionName,"AskDNS", getRadio(asFormName,"AskDNS"));
SetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,existingSectionName,"AskHosts", getRadio(asFormName,"AskHosts"));
SetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,existingSectionName,"AskPublishing", getRadio(asFormName,"AskPublishing"));
SetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,existingSectionName,"AskRegister", getRadio(asFormName,"AskRegister"));
SetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,existingSectionName,"AskLDAP", getRadio(asFormName,"AskLDAP"));
SetNameValuePair(acctSetupFile,existingSectionName,"AskIMAP", getRadio(asFormName,"AskIMAP"));
// For easy reference, this is the list of flags that ACCTSET.INI currently supports
// ForceExisting
// ExistingSRFile
// ForceNew
// IntlMode
// ShowNewPathInfo
// AskSaveAcctInfo
// SavePasswords
// AskPersonalInfo
// //AskSurvey //defunct
// //AskShareInfo //defunct
// AskBillingInfo
// RegServer
// CardTypes
// ShowExistingPathInfo
// RegPodURL
// ShowIntro2
// ShowPhones
// AskName
// AskLogin
// AskTTY
// AskEmail
// AskPhone
// AskDNS
// AskHosts
// AskPublishing
// AskRegister
// AskLDAP
// AskIMAP
// end hiding contents from old browsers -->