edburns%acm.org 0eca4c3b0f I now have webclient mostly working on win32. The following features have been tested and work well.
File->New Window


View->View Page Source as String


Search->Find Next

Edit->Select All




History-> <Navigation Number>

Bookmarks->Manage Bookmarks

The bookmarks window pops up and you can double click on bookmarks to
cause webclient to go to that page.

Stream->Load Stream From File...

Stream->Load Random HTML InputStream

Mouse over events work

The DOMViewer works

Navigation buttons work.

This leaves Bookmarks->Add Current Page, Bookmarks->Add Current Page in New Folder,
Profile->Create Profile, and Profile->Delete Profile. The first two should be easy,
the second two, I'll probably just take out, since their implementation was based in
BlackConnect, which is currently quite dead.

When I'm happy with the state of Webclient on win32, I'll get it working on linux.
2002-05-08 21:55:14 +00:00

Here lies the code that comprises the java enhancers to mozilla.

Authors: see the README files for each individual subdirectory


* JDK1.2 or greater (may work with lower versions, haven't checked).

* Successfully built MOZ_DEBUG=1 Mozilla M13 tree.

* Perl 5 perl.exe must be in your path

How To Build:

* make it so the directory in which this file resides is a child of your
  top level Mozilla M13 directory

* make sure the environment var JDKHOME is set to your jdk installation
  directory, ie SET JDKHOME=C:\jdk1.2.2

* type "nmake /f makefile.win all" and hope for the best

* this should compile the clasess into %MOZ_SRC%\dist\classes


* clobber_all doesn't remove the .class files from dist\classes.  You
  have to do this manually.

* post to netscape.public.mozilla.java newsgroup

General notes:

* Please update the ChangeLog (changelo) files in the subdirectories when
  you make changes.