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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
import time
import re
import os
import automationutils
import tempfile
import shutil
import subprocess
from automation import Automation
from devicemanager import NetworkTools, DMError
# signatures for logcat messages that we don't care about much
fennecLogcatFilters = [ "The character encoding of the HTML document was not declared",
"Use of Mutation Events is deprecated. Use MutationObserver instead." ]
class RemoteAutomation(Automation):
_devicemanager = None
def __init__(self, deviceManager, appName = '', remoteLog = None):
self._devicemanager = deviceManager
self._appName = appName
self._remoteProfile = None
self._remoteLog = remoteLog
# Default our product to fennec
self._product = "fennec"
self.lastTestSeen = "remoteautomation.py"
def setDeviceManager(self, deviceManager):
self._devicemanager = deviceManager
def setAppName(self, appName):
self._appName = appName
def setRemoteProfile(self, remoteProfile):
self._remoteProfile = remoteProfile
def setProduct(self, product):
self._product = product
def setRemoteLog(self, logfile):
self._remoteLog = logfile
# Set up what we need for the remote environment
def environment(self, env = None, xrePath = None, crashreporter = True):
# Because we are running remote, we don't want to mimic the local env
# so no copying of os.environ
if env is None:
env = {}
# Except for the mochitest results table hiding option, which isn't
# passed to runtestsremote.py as an actual option, but through the
# MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_DISABLE environment variable.
if 'MOZ_HIDE_RESULTS_TABLE' in os.environ:
if crashreporter:
return env
def waitForFinish(self, proc, utilityPath, timeout, maxTime, startTime, debuggerInfo, symbolsPath):
""" Wait for tests to finish (as evidenced by the process exiting),
or for maxTime elapse, in which case kill the process regardless.
# maxTime is used to override the default timeout, we should honor that
status = proc.wait(timeout = maxTime)
self.lastTestSeen = proc.getLastTestSeen
if (status == 1 and self._devicemanager.processExist(proc.procName)):
# Then we timed out, make sure Fennec is dead
if maxTime:
print "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | %s | application ran for longer than " \
"allowed maximum time of %s seconds" % (self.lastTestSeen, maxTime)
print "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | %s | application ran for longer than " \
"allowed maximum time" % (self.lastTestSeen)
return status
def checkForCrashes(self, directory, symbolsPath):
remoteCrashDir = self._remoteProfile + '/minidumps/'
if not self._devicemanager.dirExists(remoteCrashDir):
# As of this writing, the minidumps directory is automatically
# created when fennec (first) starts, so its lack of presence
# is a hint that something went wrong.
print "Automation Error: No crash directory (%s) found on remote device" % remoteCrashDir
# Whilst no crash was found, the run should still display as a failure
return True
dumpDir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
self._devicemanager.getDirectory(remoteCrashDir, dumpDir)
crashed = automationutils.checkForCrashes(dumpDir, symbolsPath,
print "WARNING: unable to remove directory: %s" % dumpDir
return crashed
def buildCommandLine(self, app, debuggerInfo, profileDir, testURL, extraArgs):
# If remote profile is specified, use that instead
if (self._remoteProfile):
profileDir = self._remoteProfile
# Hack for robocop, if app & testURL == None and extraArgs contains the rest of the stuff, lets
# assume extraArgs is all we need
if app == "am" and extraArgs[0] == "instrument":
return app, extraArgs
cmd, args = Automation.buildCommandLine(self, app, debuggerInfo, profileDir, testURL, extraArgs)
# Remove -foreground if it exists, if it doesn't this just returns
#TODO: figure out which platform require NO_EM_RESTART
# return app, ['--environ:NO_EM_RESTART=1'] + args
return app, args
def getLanIp(self):
nettools = NetworkTools()
return nettools.getLanIp()
def Process(self, cmd, stdout = None, stderr = None, env = None, cwd = None):
if stdout == None or stdout == -1 or stdout == subprocess.PIPE:
stdout = self._remoteLog
return self.RProcess(self._devicemanager, cmd, stdout, stderr, env, cwd)
# be careful here as this inner class doesn't have access to outer class members
class RProcess(object):
# device manager process
dm = None
def __init__(self, dm, cmd, stdout = None, stderr = None, env = None, cwd = None):
self.dm = dm
self.stdoutlen = 0
self.lastTestSeen = "remoteautomation.py"
self.proc = dm.launchProcess(cmd, stdout, cwd, env, True)
if (self.proc is None):
if cmd[0] == 'am':
self.proc = stdout
raise Exception("unable to launch process")
exepath = cmd[0]
name = exepath.split('/')[-1]
self.procName = name
# Hack for Robocop: Derive the actual process name from the command line.
# We expect something like:
# ['am', 'instrument', '-w', '-e', 'class', 'org.mozilla.fennec.tests.testBookmark', 'org.mozilla.roboexample.test/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner']
# and want to derive 'org.mozilla.fennec'.
if cmd[0] == 'am' and cmd[1] == "instrument":
i = cmd.index("class")
except ValueError:
# no "class" argument -- maybe this isn't robocop?
i = -1
if (i > 0):
classname = cmd[i+1]
parts = classname.split('.')
i = parts.index("tests")
except ValueError:
# no "tests" component -- maybe this isn't robocop?
i = -1
if (i > 0):
self.procName = '.'.join(parts[0:i])
print "Robocop derived process name: "+self.procName
# Setting timeout at 1 hour since on a remote device this takes much longer
self.timeout = 3600
# The benefit of the following sleep is unclear; it was formerly 15 seconds
def pid(self):
pid = self.dm.processExist(self.procName)
# HACK: we should probably be more sophisticated about monitoring
# running processes for the remote case, but for now we'll assume
# that this method can be called when nothing exists and it is not
# an error
if pid is None:
return 0
return pid
def stdout(self):
""" Fetch the full remote log file using devicemanager and return just
the new log entries since the last call (as a multi-line string).
if self.dm.fileExists(self.proc):
t = self.dm.pullFile(self.proc)
except DMError:
# we currently don't retry properly in the pullFile
# function in dmSUT, so an error here is not necessarily
# the end of the world
return ''
newLogContent = t[self.stdoutlen:]
self.stdoutlen = len(t)
# Match the test filepath from the last TEST-START line found in the new
# log content. These lines are in the form:
# 1234 INFO TEST-START | /filepath/we/wish/to/capture.html\n
testStartFilenames = re.findall(r"TEST-START \| ([^\s]*)", newLogContent)
if testStartFilenames:
self.lastTestSeen = testStartFilenames[-1]
return newLogContent.strip('\n').strip()
return ''
def getLastTestSeen(self):
return self.lastTestSeen
def wait(self, timeout = None):
timer = 0
interval = 5
if timeout == None:
timeout = self.timeout
while (self.dm.processExist(self.procName)):
t = self.stdout
if t != '': print t
timer += interval
if (timer > timeout):
# Flush anything added to stdout during the sleep
print self.stdout
if (timer >= timeout):
return 1
return 0
def kill(self):