Hiroyuki Ikezoe 2a51338a5a Bug 1586144 - Introduce an API to set the dynamic toolbar maximum height in GeckoView. r=geckoview-reviewers,tnikkel,snorp
And deliver the value to the top content pres context, but it's not used in
this commit. The value will be used in the next commit.

One caveat is that areas covered by the dynamic toolbar will be outside
of the content area, which means implementers of GeckoView needs to call
setVerticalClipping with _negative_ values.

Depends on D50416

Differential Revision:

extra : moz-landing-system : lando
2019-11-14 05:59:47 +00:00

389 lines
13 KiB

/* -*- Mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 2; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
* vim: set sw=2 ts=4 expandtab:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef NSWINDOW_H_
#define NSWINDOW_H_
#include "nsBaseWidget.h"
#include "gfxPoint.h"
#include "nsIIdleServiceInternal.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
#include "EventDispatcher.h"
#include "GeneratedJNIWrappers.h"
#include "mozilla/EventForwards.h"
#include "mozilla/Mutex.h"
#include "mozilla/StaticPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/TextRange.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
struct ANPEvent;
namespace mozilla {
class WidgetTouchEvent;
namespace layers {
class CompositorBridgeChild;
class LayerManager;
class APZCTreeManager;
class UiCompositorControllerChild;
} // namespace layers
namespace widget {
class GeckoEditableSupport;
} // namespace widget
namespace ipc {
class Shmem;
} // namespace ipc
namespace a11y {
class SessionAccessibility;
} // namespace mozilla
class nsWindow final : public nsBaseWidget {
virtual ~nsWindow();
using nsBaseWidget::GetLayerManager;
static void InitNatives();
void SetScreenId(uint32_t aScreenId) { mScreenId = aScreenId; }
void OnGeckoViewReady();
uint32_t mScreenId;
// An Event subclass that guards against stale events.
template <typename Lambda, bool IsStatic = Lambda::isStatic,
typename InstanceType = typename Lambda::ThisArgType,
class Impl = typename Lambda::TargetClass>
class WindowEvent;
// Smart pointer for holding a pointer back to the nsWindow inside a native
// object class. The nsWindow pointer is automatically cleared when the
// nsWindow is destroyed, and a WindowPtr<Impl>::Locked class is provided
// for thread-safe access to the nsWindow pointer off of the Gecko thread.
template <class Impl>
class WindowPtr;
// Smart pointer for holding a pointer to a native object class. The
// pointer is automatically cleared when the object is destroyed.
template <class Impl>
class NativePtr final {
friend WindowPtr<Impl>;
friend nsWindow;
static const char sName[];
WindowPtr<Impl>* mPtr;
Impl* mImpl;
mozilla::Mutex mImplLock;
NativePtr() : mPtr(nullptr), mImpl(nullptr), mImplLock(sName) {}
~NativePtr() { MOZ_ASSERT(!mPtr); }
class Locked;
operator Impl*() const {
return mImpl;
Impl* operator->() const { return operator Impl*(); }
template <class Cls, typename... Args>
void Attach(const mozilla::jni::LocalRef<Cls>& aInstance, nsWindow* aWindow,
Args&&... aArgs);
template <class Cls, typename T>
void Detach(const mozilla::jni::Ref<Cls, T>& aInstance);
template <class Impl>
class WindowPtr final {
friend NativePtr<Impl>;
NativePtr<Impl>* mPtr;
nsWindow* mWindow;
mozilla::Mutex mWindowLock;
class Locked final : private mozilla::MutexAutoLock {
nsWindow* const mWindow;
explicit Locked(WindowPtr<Impl>& aPtr)
: mozilla::MutexAutoLock(aPtr.mWindowLock), mWindow(aPtr.mWindow) {}
operator nsWindow*() const { return mWindow; }
nsWindow* operator->() const { return mWindow; }
WindowPtr(NativePtr<Impl>* aPtr, nsWindow* aWindow);
~WindowPtr() {
if (!mPtr) {
mPtr->mPtr = nullptr;
mPtr->mImpl = nullptr;
operator nsWindow*() const {
return mWindow;
nsWindow* operator->() const { return operator nsWindow*(); }
class AndroidView final : public nsIAndroidView {
virtual ~AndroidView() {}
const RefPtr<mozilla::widget::EventDispatcher> mEventDispatcher{
new mozilla::widget::EventDispatcher()};
AndroidView() {}
mozilla::java::GeckoBundle::GlobalRef mInitData;
RefPtr<AndroidView> mAndroidView;
class LayerViewSupport;
// Object that implements native LayerView calls.
// Owned by the Java LayerView instance.
NativePtr<LayerViewSupport> mLayerViewSupport;
class NPZCSupport;
// Object that implements native NativePanZoomController calls.
// Owned by the Java NativePanZoomController instance.
NativePtr<NPZCSupport> mNPZCSupport;
// Object that implements native GeckoEditable calls.
// Strong referenced by the Java instance.
NativePtr<mozilla::widget::GeckoEditableSupport> mEditableSupport;
mozilla::jni::Object::GlobalRef mEditableParent;
// Object that implements native SessionAccessibility calls.
// Strong referenced by the Java instance.
NativePtr<mozilla::a11y::SessionAccessibility> mSessionAccessibility;
class GeckoViewSupport;
// Object that implements native GeckoView calls and associated states.
// nullptr for nsWindows that were not opened from GeckoView.
// Because other objects get destroyed in the mGeckOViewSupport destructor,
// keep it last in the list, so its destructor is called first.
mozilla::UniquePtr<GeckoViewSupport> mGeckoViewSupport;
mozilla::Atomic<bool, mozilla::ReleaseAcquire> mContentDocumentDisplayed;
static already_AddRefed<nsWindow> From(nsPIDOMWindowOuter* aDOMWindow);
static already_AddRefed<nsWindow> From(nsIWidget* aWidget);
static nsWindow* TopWindow();
static mozilla::Modifiers GetModifiers(int32_t aMetaState);
static mozilla::TimeStamp GetEventTimeStamp(int64_t aEventTime);
void OnSizeChanged(const mozilla::gfx::IntSize& aSize);
void InitEvent(mozilla::WidgetGUIEvent& event,
LayoutDeviceIntPoint* aPoint = 0);
void UpdateOverscrollVelocity(const float aX, const float aY);
void UpdateOverscrollOffset(const float aX, const float aY);
mozilla::widget::EventDispatcher* GetEventDispatcher() const {
if (mAndroidView) {
return mAndroidView->mEventDispatcher;
return nullptr;
void NotifyDisablingWebRender();
// nsIWidget
using nsBaseWidget::Create; // for Create signature not overridden here
virtual MOZ_MUST_USE nsresult Create(nsIWidget* aParent,
nsNativeWidget aNativeParent,
const LayoutDeviceIntRect& aRect,
nsWidgetInitData* aInitData) override;
virtual void Destroy() override;
virtual nsresult ConfigureChildren(
const nsTArray<nsIWidget::Configuration>&) override;
virtual void SetParent(nsIWidget* aNewParent) override;
virtual nsIWidget* GetParent(void) override;
virtual float GetDPI() override;
virtual double GetDefaultScaleInternal() override;
virtual void Show(bool aState) override;
virtual bool IsVisible() const override;
virtual void ConstrainPosition(bool aAllowSlop, int32_t* aX,
int32_t* aY) override;
virtual void Move(double aX, double aY) override;
virtual void Resize(double aWidth, double aHeight, bool aRepaint) override;
virtual void Resize(double aX, double aY, double aWidth, double aHeight,
bool aRepaint) override;
void SetZIndex(int32_t aZIndex) override;
virtual void SetSizeMode(nsSizeMode aMode) override;
virtual void Enable(bool aState) override;
virtual bool IsEnabled() const override;
virtual void Invalidate(const LayoutDeviceIntRect& aRect) override;
virtual void SetFocus(Raise) override;
virtual LayoutDeviceIntRect GetScreenBounds() override;
virtual LayoutDeviceIntPoint WidgetToScreenOffset() override;
virtual nsresult DispatchEvent(mozilla::WidgetGUIEvent* aEvent,
nsEventStatus& aStatus) override;
nsEventStatus DispatchEvent(mozilla::WidgetGUIEvent* aEvent);
virtual already_AddRefed<nsIScreen> GetWidgetScreen() override;
virtual nsresult MakeFullScreen(bool aFullScreen,
nsIScreen* aTargetScreen = nullptr) override;
void SetCursor(nsCursor aDefaultCursor, imgIContainer* aImageCursor,
uint32_t aHotspotX, uint32_t aHotspotY) override {}
void* GetNativeData(uint32_t aDataType) override;
void SetNativeData(uint32_t aDataType, uintptr_t aVal) override;
virtual nsresult SetTitle(const nsAString& aTitle) override { return NS_OK; }
virtual MOZ_MUST_USE nsresult GetAttention(int32_t aCycleCount) override {
TextEventDispatcherListener* GetNativeTextEventDispatcherListener() override;
virtual void SetInputContext(const InputContext& aContext,
const InputContextAction& aAction) override;
virtual InputContext GetInputContext() override;
LayerManager* GetLayerManager(
PLayerTransactionChild* aShadowManager = nullptr,
LayersBackend aBackendHint = mozilla::layers::LayersBackend::LAYERS_NONE,
LayerManagerPersistence aPersistence = LAYER_MANAGER_CURRENT) override;
virtual bool NeedsPaint() override;
virtual bool WidgetPaintsBackground() override;
virtual uint32_t GetMaxTouchPoints() const override;
void UpdateZoomConstraints(
const uint32_t& aPresShellId, const ScrollableLayerGuid::ViewID& aViewId,
const mozilla::Maybe<ZoomConstraints>& aConstraints) override;
nsresult SynthesizeNativeTouchPoint(uint32_t aPointerId,
TouchPointerState aPointerState,
LayoutDeviceIntPoint aPoint,
double aPointerPressure,
uint32_t aPointerOrientation,
nsIObserver* aObserver) override;
nsresult SynthesizeNativeMouseEvent(LayoutDeviceIntPoint aPoint,
uint32_t aNativeMessage,
uint32_t aModifierFlags,
nsIObserver* aObserver) override;
nsresult SynthesizeNativeMouseMove(LayoutDeviceIntPoint aPoint,
nsIObserver* aObserver) override;
mozilla::layers::CompositorBridgeChild* GetCompositorBridgeChild() const;
void SetContentDocumentDisplayed(bool aDisplayed);
bool IsContentDocumentDisplayed();
// Call this function when the users activity is the direct cause of an
// event (like a keypress or mouse click).
void UserActivity();
mozilla::jni::Object::Ref& GetEditableParent() { return mEditableParent; }
mozilla::a11y::SessionAccessibility* GetSessionAccessibility() {
return mSessionAccessibility;
void RecvToolbarAnimatorMessageFromCompositor(int32_t aMessage) override;
void UpdateRootFrameMetrics(const ScreenPoint& aScrollOffset,
const CSSToScreenScale& aZoom) override;
void RecvScreenPixels(mozilla::ipc::Shmem&& aMem,
const ScreenIntSize& aSize) override;
void UpdateDynamicToolbarMaxHeight(mozilla::ScreenIntCoord aHeight) override;
mozilla::ScreenIntCoord GetDynamicToolbarMaxHeight() const override {
return mDynamicToolbarMaxHeight;
nsresult SetPrefersReducedMotionOverrideForTest(bool aValue) override;
nsresult ResetPrefersReducedMotionOverrideForTest() override;
void BringToFront();
nsWindow* FindTopLevel();
bool IsTopLevel();
void ConfigureAPZControllerThread() override;
void DispatchHitTest(const mozilla::WidgetTouchEvent& aEvent);
already_AddRefed<GeckoContentController> CreateRootContentController()
bool mIsVisible;
nsTArray<nsWindow*> mChildren;
nsWindow* mParent;
nsCOMPtr<nsIIdleServiceInternal> mIdleService;
mozilla::ScreenIntCoord mDynamicToolbarMaxHeight;
bool mIsFullScreen;
bool mIsDisablingWebRender;
bool UseExternalCompositingSurface() const override { return true; }
static void DumpWindows();
static void DumpWindows(const nsTArray<nsWindow*>& wins, int indent = 0);
static void LogWindow(nsWindow* win, int index, int indent);
void CreateLayerManager();
void RedrawAll();
mozilla::layers::LayersId GetRootLayerId() const;
// Explicit template declarations to make clang be quiet.
template <>
const char nsWindow::NativePtr<nsWindow::LayerViewSupport>::sName[];
template <>
const char nsWindow::NativePtr<mozilla::widget::GeckoEditableSupport>::sName[];
template <>
const char nsWindow::NativePtr<mozilla::a11y::SessionAccessibility>::sName[];
template <>
const char nsWindow::NativePtr<nsWindow::NPZCSupport>::sName[];
template <class Impl>
nsWindow::WindowPtr<Impl>::WindowPtr(NativePtr<Impl>* aPtr, nsWindow* aWindow)
: mPtr(aPtr), mWindow(aWindow), mWindowLock(NativePtr<Impl>::sName) {
if (mPtr) {
mPtr->mPtr = this;
#endif /* NSWINDOW_H_ */