2000-04-12 00:05:55 +00:00

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/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
* License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
* IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is the Netscape security libraries.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
* Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
* Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
* terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the
* "GPL"), in which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable
* instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your
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#ifndef _CRMFRES_H_
#define _CRMFRES_H_
#include "cmmf.h"
#include "keyres.h"
#include "ssmdefs.h"
#include "ctrlconn.h"
* FILE: crmfres.h
* ---------------
* This file defines the public interface for the class SSMCRMFRequest
* which is to be used in Cartman to implement all necessary CRMF
* functionality.
* -------------------------
* This is the structure used to implement the SSMCRMFRequest
* class. This class will be used to create CRMF Requests within
* Cartman. SSMCRMFRequest sub-classess off of SSMResource so it
* must always follow any guidelines for naming and defining presented
* by the SSMResource class.
* The fields:
* super The mandatory first member for any class sub-classing
* from SSMResource.
* m_KeyGenType An enumerated type indicating what type of key pair
* we are creating a request for. This value is used
* to set the appropriate keyUsage extensions and also
* determining the proper method to set for
* Proof-Of-Possession. Look at the file
* ns/security/ssm/lib/protocol/ssmders.h for valid values.
* This value is set by the client.
* m_KeyPair A pointer to a key pair associated with the instantiation
* of the CRMF request. The members mPrivKey and mPubKey
* must be non-NULL values when a new request is created.
* m_CRMFRequest This is the member that holds all of the state information
* about the CRMF request.
* m_Connection This is the control connection associated with the
* request.
typedef struct SSMCRMFRequest {
SSMResource super; /* This must always be the first member of the
* structure. Don't even think of adding another
* field before it or removing it.
SSMKeyGenType m_KeyGenType;
SSMKeyPair *m_KeyPair;
CRMFCertRequest *m_CRMFRequest;
SSMControlConnection *m_Connection;
} SSMCRMFRequest;
* ----------------------------
* This structure will be used to pass the initialization information
* to the SSMCRMFRequest_Init function.
* keyPair The key pair that will be associated with the
* new CRMF request.
* connection The control connection to be associated with the
* new CRMF request. The SSMCRMFRequest object will
* use to get to the certificate and key databases.
typedef struct SSMCRMFRequestArgStr {
SSMKeyPair *keyPair;
SSMControlConnection *connection;
} SSMCRMFRequestArg;
* ---------------------------------
* msg
* The message from the client requesting a new CRMF request.
* connection
* The control connection to be associated with the new request.
* destID
* Pointer to a pre-allocated chunk of memory where the function
* will place the ID of the newly created SSMCRMFRequest Object.
* This function takes the message received by the client, interprets
* the message, creates a new SSMCRMFObject, adds it to the Global Resource
* table, and places the resource id of the new object at *destID. To free
* the returned object, call SSM_FreeResource and pass in the object object
* ID placed at *destID by this function.
* The function returns PR_SUCCESS when successful. Any other return value
* should be interpreted as an error.
SSMStatus SSM_CreateNewCRMFRequest(SECItem *msg,
SSMControlConnection *connection,
SSMResourceID *destID);
* -------------------------------
* arg
* The creation argument for the SSMCRMFRequest class. This should
* be a pointer to SSMKeyPair resource.
* res
* Pointer to a pre-allocated chunk of memory where the function can
* place the value of the pointer to the newly created SSMCRMFRequest
* object
* This function serves as the constructor for the SSMCRMFRequest class. This
* function over-rides the function SSMResource_Create which is the super
* class for SSMCRMFRequest.
* Returns PR_SUCCESS upon successful creation. Any other error indicates an
* error.
SSMStatus SSMCRMFRequest_Create(void *arg, SSMControlConnection * conn,
SSMResource **res);
* -----------------------------
* inCRMFReq
* A pointer to a newly allocated SSMCRMFRequest which needs to be
* initialized.
* type
* The type for the class that is being initialized. This value should
* always be SSM_RESTYPE_CRMFREQ. (Unless one day someone decides to
* sub-class off of SSMCRMFRequest.)
* inKeyPair
* The Key Pair to associate with the CRMF request being initialized.
* inConnection
* The control connection to be associated with the request being
* initialized.
* This function intializes a new SSMCRMFRequest object. This function will
* initialize its super-class member and make sure the passed in key pair has
* non-NULL values for mPrivKey and mPubKey before getting a reference to the
* passed in key pair. Finally, the function creates a
* new NSS based CRMF request and sets the following fields in the request:
* 1) version is set v3 Cert
* 2) The Public Key value in the request
* The function returns PR_SUCCESS upon successful initialization. Any other
* return value should be interpreted as an error.
SSMStatus SSMCRMFRequest_Init(SSMCRMFRequest *inCRMFReq,
SSMControlConnection * conn,
SSMResourceType type,
SSMKeyPair *inKeyPair,
SSMControlConnection *inConnection);
* FUNCTION: SSMCRMFRequest_Destroy
* --------------------------------
* inRequest
* A pointer to a SSMResource of type SSM_RESTYPE_CRMFREQ to be
* destroyed.
* doFree
* Until the day when someone creates a sub-class of SSMCRMFRequest,
* this value should always be PR_TRUE.
* This function takes of freeing up all memory associated with the
* SSMCRMFRequest. First the funciton will release the reference obtained
* for the member mKeyPair in the function SSMCRMFRequest_Init. The function
* then calls CRMF_DestroyCertRequest to free the memory used by mCRMFRequest.
* Finally, the function calls SSMResource_Destroy to free up the SSMResource
* member before calling free on the pointer passed in.
* Function returns PR_SUCCESS upon successful destruction of the object. Any
* other return value should be interpreted as an error.
SSMStatus SSMCRMFRequest_Destroy(SSMResource *inRequest, PRBool doFree);
* --------------------------------
* res
* A pointer to a SSMResource of type SSM_RESTYPE_CRMFREQ
* attrID
* The attribute to set in the request.
* value
* The data to use when setting the desired attribute.
* This function over-rides SSMResource_SetAttr which all classes inherit
* from the SSMResource class. This function will set the following
* attributes (these attributes are defined in
* ns/security/ssm/lib/protocol/rsrcids.h):
* SSMAttributeID SSMResourceAttrType Value(s)
* -------------- ------------------- --------
* enumerated value
* with type of
* SSMKeyGenType.
* formatted DN.
* as the Registration
* token for the
* request.
* as the
* Authenticator token
* in the request.
* DER cert to use for
* creating the
* PKIArchiveOptions
* control.
* The function return PR_SUCCESS if setting the field with the given data
* was successful. Any other return value should be considered an error.
SSMStatus SSMCRMFRequest_SetAttr(SSMResource *res,
SSMAttributeID attrID,
SSMAttributeValue *value);
* FUNCTION: SSMCRMFRequest_SetEscrowAuthority
* -------------------------------------------
* crmfReq
* The CRMFRequest resource to add the escrow authority to.
* eaCert
* The Certificate that belongs to the CA that wants to
* escrow the private key associated with the request.
* This function will wrap the private key in an EncryptedKey type
* defined by CRMF and include in the CRMF request that is generated.
* PR_SUCCESS indicates the private key associated with the requested
* was successfully wrapped and made a part of the CRMF request. Any
* other return value indicates an error in trying to wrap the private
* and include it in the CRMF request.
SSMStatus SSMCRMFRequest_SetEscrowAuthority(SSMCRMFRequest *crmfReq,
CERTCertificate *eaCert);
* FUNCTION: SSM_EncodeCRMFRequests
* --------------------------------
* msg
* The message received from the client requesting CRMF messages to
* be encoded.
* destDER
* Pointer to a pre-allocated chunk of memory where the function can
* place a pointer to the base64 encoded CRMF CertReqMessages
* destLen
* Pointer to a pre-allocated piece of memory where the function can
* place the length of the string returned in *destDER.
* This function takes a message request from the client to encode CRMF
* requests. The output will be base64 DER-formatted bytes of the type
* CertReqMessages as defined by the CRMF Internet Draft. The function
* will allocate a buffer in memory to store the DER using PORT_Alloc and
* place a pointer to the buffer at *destDER.
* The function will return PR_SUCCESS if encoding the requests was successful.
* Any other return value should be treated as an error and the values at
* *destDER and *destLen should be ignored.
SSMStatus SSM_EncodeCRMFRequests(SSMControlConnection * ctrl, SECItem *msg,
char **destDER, SSMPRUint32 *destLen);
* FUNCTION: SSM_ProcessCMMFCertResponse
* -------------------------------------
* msg
* The message received from the client requesting Cartman to
* process a CMMF response.
* connection
* The control connection associated with the CMMF response.
* The connection is necessary so that the function can find
* the appropriate cetificate database for placing the decoded
* certificates.
* This function serves as the back-end for the JavaScript method
* crypto.importUserCertificates. It will decode the base64 DER blob passed
* in and process it. Eventually this function will also start the process
* of backing up the certificate when Cartman supports that feature.
* View the document at http://warp/hardcore/library/arch/cert-issue.html
* to see a detailed explanation for what this function doess.
SSMStatus SSM_ProcessCMMFCertResponse(SECItem *msg,
SSMControlConnection *connection);
* FUNCTION: SSM_RespondToPOPChallenge
* -----------------------------------
* msg
* The message received from the client requesting that Cartman
* respond to a challenge.
* ctrl
* The Control Connection associated with the message to process.
* challengeResponse
* A pointer to a pre-allocated pointer where the function can place
* a copy of the base64 encoded response to the challenge. The
* response will be a POPODecKeyRespContent defined in the CMMF
* internet draft.
* responseLen
* A pointer to a pre-allocated PRUint32 where the function can place
* the length of the response returned via the challengeResponse input
* parameter.
* This function servers as the back-end for the JavaScript method
* crypto.popChallengeRespone. The function will decode the base64 DER blob
* passed in and process it. The function
SSMStatus SSM_RespondToPOPChallenge(SECItem *msg,
SSMControlConnection *ctrl,
char **challengeResponse,
PRUint32 *responseLen);
typedef struct SSMCRMFThreadArgStr {
SSMControlConnection *ctrl;
SECItem *msg;
} SSMCRMFThreadArg;
* ------------------------------
* arg
* A pointer to a structure of type SSMCRMFThreadArg which the function
* will use to encode a CRMF request.
* This function is intended to encode a CRMF request taking a message from
* the client as its argument along with the associated control thread. This
* function will send the reply back to the client in case of success or
* failure so the client may proceed with its operations.
* No return value.
void SSM_CRMFEncodeThread(void *arg);
#endif /* _CRMFRES_H_ */