
257 lines
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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef mozilla_dom_SyncedContext_h
#define mozilla_dom_SyncedContext_h
#include "mozilla/dom/MaybeDiscarded.h"
#include "mozilla/EnumSet.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/Tuple.h"
#include <utility>
class PickleIterator;
namespace IPC {
class Message;
} // namespace IPC
namespace mozilla {
namespace ipc {
class IProtocol;
class IPCResult;
template <typename T>
struct IPDLParamTraits;
} // namespace ipc
namespace dom {
class ContentParent;
class ContentChild;
namespace syncedcontext {
template <size_t I>
using Index = typename std::integral_constant<size_t, I>;
using IndexSet = EnumSet<size_t, uint64_t>;
template <typename Context>
class Transaction {
// Set a field at the given index in this `Transaction`. Creating a
// `Transaction` object and setting multiple fields on it allows for
// multiple mutations to be performed atomically.
template <size_t I, typename U>
void Set(U&& aValue) {
auto& field = mozilla::Get<I>(mMaybeFields);
// Apply the changes from this transaction to the specified Context in all
// processes. This method will call the correct `CanSet` and `DidSet` methods,
// as well as move the value.
// If the target has been discarded, changes will be ignored.
// NOTE: This method mutates `this`, resetting all members to `Nothing()`
nsresult Commit(Context* aOwner);
// Called from `ContentParent` in response to a transaction from content.
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult CommitFromIPC(const MaybeDiscarded<Context>& aOwner,
ContentParent* aSource);
// Called from `ContentChild` in response to a transaction from the parent.
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult CommitFromIPC(const MaybeDiscarded<Context>& aOwner,
uint64_t aEpoch, ContentChild* aSource);
void Write(IPC::Message* aMsg, mozilla::ipc::IProtocol* aActor) const;
bool Read(const IPC::Message* aMsg, PickleIterator* aIter,
mozilla::ipc::IProtocol* aActor);
friend struct mozilla::ipc::IPDLParamTraits<Transaction<Context>>;
// You probably don't want to directly call this method - instead call
// `Commit`, which will perform the necessary synchronization.
// `Validate` must be called before calling this method.
void Apply(Context* aOwner);
// Returns the set of fields which failed to validate, or an empty set if
// there were no validation errors.
IndexSet Validate(Context* aOwner, ContentParent* aSource);
using FieldStorage = typename Context::FieldStorage;
static FieldStorage& GetFieldStorage(Context* aContext) {
return aContext->mFields;
// Call a generic lambda with a `Index<I>` for each index less than the number
// of elements in `FieldStorage`.
template <typename F>
static void EachIndexInner(Index<0>, F&&) {}
template <size_t I, typename F>
static void EachIndexInner(Index<I>, F&& aCallback) {
aCallback(Index<I - 1>());
EachIndexInner(Index<I - 1>(), aCallback);
template <typename F>
static void EachIndex(F&& aCallback) {
EachIndexInner(Index<FieldStorage::fieldCount>(), aCallback);
// Helper for invoking `std::get` or `mozilla::Get` using a
// `SyncedFieldIndex<I>` value.
template <size_t I, typename... Ts>
static auto& GetAt(Index<I>, mozilla::Tuple<Ts...>& aTarget) {
return mozilla::Get<I>(aTarget);
template <size_t I, typename T, size_t L>
static auto& GetAt(Index<I>, std::array<T, L>& aTarget) {
return std::get<I>(aTarget);
typename FieldStorage::MaybeFieldTuple mMaybeFields;
// Storage related to synchronized context fields. Contains both a tuple of
// individual field values, and epoch information for field synchronization.
template <typename, typename... Ts>
class FieldStorage {
using FieldTuple = mozilla::Tuple<Ts...>;
static constexpr size_t fieldCount = sizeof...(Ts);
static_assert(fieldCount < 64,
"At most 64 synced fields are supported. Please file a bug if "
"you need to additional fields.");
const FieldTuple& Fields() const { return mFields; }
// Get an individual field by index.
template <size_t I>
const auto& Get() const {
return mozilla::Get<I>(mFields);
// Set the value of a field without telling other processes about the change.
// This is only sound in specific code which is already messaging other
// processes, and doesn't need to worry about epochs or other properties of
// field synchronization.
template <size_t I, typename U>
void SetWithoutSyncing(U&& aValue) {
mozilla::Get<I>(mFields) = std::move(aValue);
// Get a reference to a field that can modify without telling other
// processes about the change.
// This is only sound in specific code which is already messaging other
// processes, and doesn't need to worry about epochs or other properties of
// field synchronization.
template <size_t I>
auto& GetNonSyncingReference() {
return mozilla::Get<I>(mFields);
FieldStorage() = default;
explicit FieldStorage(FieldTuple&& aInit) : mFields(std::move(aInit)) {}
template <typename Context>
friend class Transaction;
// Helper type for `Transaction`.
using MaybeFieldTuple = mozilla::Tuple<mozilla::Maybe<Ts>...>;
// Data Members
std::array<uint64_t, sizeof...(Ts)> mEpochs{};
FieldTuple mFields;
#define MOZ_DECL_SYNCED_CONTEXT_FIELD_TYPE(name, type) , type
#define MOZ_DECL_SYNCED_CONTEXT_FIELD_INDEX(name, type) IDX_##name,
const type& Get##name() const { return mFields.template Get<IDX_##name>(); } \
template <typename U> \
void Set##name(U&& aValue) { \
Transaction txn; \
txn.template Set<IDX_##name>(std::forward<U>(aValue)); \
txn.Commit(this); \
template <typename U> \
void Set##name(U&& aValue) { \
this->template Set<IDX_##name>(std::forward<U>(aValue)); \
case IDX_##name: \
return #name;
// Declare a type as a synced context type.
// clazz is the name of the type being declared, and `eachfield` is a macro
// which, when called with the name of the macro, will call that macro once for
// each field in the synced context.
#define MOZ_DECL_SYNCED_CONTEXT(clazz, eachfield) \
protected: \
friend class ::mozilla::dom::syncedcontext::Transaction<clazz>; \
enum FieldIndexes { eachfield(MOZ_DECL_SYNCED_CONTEXT_FIELD_INDEX) }; \
using FieldStorage = \
typename ::mozilla::dom::syncedcontext::FieldStorage<void eachfield( \
FieldStorage mFields; \
public: \
/* Helper for overloading methods like `CanSet` and `DidSet` */ \
template <size_t I> \
using FieldIndex = typename ::mozilla::dom::syncedcontext::Index<I>; \
/* Field tuple type for use by initializers */ \
using FieldTuple = typename FieldStorage::FieldTuple; \
/* Transaction types for bulk mutations */ \
using BaseTransaction = ::mozilla::dom::syncedcontext::Transaction<clazz>; \
class Transaction final : public BaseTransaction { \
public: \
}; \
/* Field name getter by field index */ \
static const char* FieldIndexToName(size_t aIndex) { \
switch (aIndex) { eachfield(MOZ_DECL_SYNCED_CONTEXT_INDEX_TO_NAME) } \
return "<unknown>"; \
} \
} // namespace syncedcontext
} // namespace dom
namespace ipc {
template <typename Context>
struct IPDLParamTraits<dom::syncedcontext::Transaction<Context>> {
typedef dom::syncedcontext::Transaction<Context> paramType;
static void Write(IPC::Message* aMsg, IProtocol* aActor,
const paramType& aParam) {
aParam.Write(aMsg, aActor);
static bool Read(const IPC::Message* aMsg, PickleIterator* aIter,
IProtocol* aActor, paramType* aResult) {
return aResult->Read(aMsg, aIter, aActor);
} // namespace ipc
} // namespace mozilla
#endif // !defined(mozilla_dom_SyncedContext_h)