Andreas Pehrson a5fd3d90d5 Bug 1913932 - Add an event and a generation id to handle multiple concurrent platform processing params. r=padenot
As described, this patch adds two things:
A new event where an audio processing track can get notified that new
processing params are about to get applied to the source. This is to handle use
cases involving concurrent processing params, i.e. when two tracks want to apply
different processing params to the same device. A second such track would
otherwise cause the intersection of both tracks' params to get applied before
the first track gets notified async through the result event, possibly causing a
glitch -- if platform params are relaxed before compensated by the track. And,

A generation id of the processing params getting applied to a particular device.
Since the event informing a processing track of the result of applying platform
processing params is async from the new event informing the processing track of
the platform processing params about to get applied, described above, there can
in theory be any number of requests to apply processing params in flight at any
given time. The generation id is needed to distinguish two distinct requests to
apply identical processing params to a given device, where neither of the
requests have signaled their result yet. This allows the processing track to
avoid relaxing the software processing params prematurely, which could cause a
glitch similar to that described for the new event above.

Differential Revision:
2024-08-22 09:13:03 +00:00

818 lines
32 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
#include "nsAutoRef.h"
#include "nsIThread.h"
#include "AudioBufferUtils.h"
#include "AudioMixer.h"
#include "AudioSegment.h"
#include "SelfRef.h"
#include "mozilla/Atomics.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/AudioContext.h"
#include "mozilla/DataMutex.h"
#include "mozilla/TaskQueue.h"
#include "mozilla/StaticPtr.h"
#include "WavDumper.h"
#include <thread>
struct cubeb_stream;
template <>
class nsAutoRefTraits<cubeb_stream> : public nsPointerRefTraits<cubeb_stream> {
static void Release(cubeb_stream* aStream) { cubeb_stream_destroy(aStream); }
namespace mozilla {
* Assume we can run an iteration of the MediaTrackGraph loop in this much time
* or less.
* We try to run the control loop at this rate.
static const int MEDIA_GRAPH_TARGET_PERIOD_MS = 10;
* Assume that we might miss our scheduled wakeup of the MediaTrackGraph by
* this much.
static const int SCHEDULE_SAFETY_MARGIN_MS = 10;
* Try have this much audio buffered in streams and queued to the hardware.
* The maximum delay to the end of the next control loop
* There is no point in buffering more audio than this in a stream at any
* given time (until we add processing).
* This is not optimal yet.
static const int AUDIO_TARGET_MS =
* After starting a fallback driver, wait this long before attempting to re-init
* the audio stream the first time.
* The backoff step duration for when to next attempt to re-init the audio
* stream is capped at this value.
static const int AUDIO_MAX_FALLBACK_BACKOFF_STEP_MS = 1000;
class AudioCallbackDriver;
class GraphDriver;
class MediaTrack;
class OfflineClockDriver;
class SystemClockDriver;
namespace dom {
enum class AudioContextOperation : uint8_t;
struct GraphInterface : public nsISupports {
* Object returned from OneIteration() instructing the iterating GraphDriver
* what to do.
* - If the result is StillProcessing: keep the iterations coming.
* - If the result is Stop: the driver potentially updates its internal state
* and interacts with the graph (e.g., NotifyOutputData), then it must call
* Stopped() exactly once.
* - If the result is SwitchDriver: the driver updates internal state as for
* the Stop result, then it must call Switched() exactly once and start
* NextDriver().
class IterationResult final {
struct Undefined {};
struct StillProcessing {};
struct Stop {
explicit Stop(RefPtr<Runnable> aStoppedRunnable)
: mStoppedRunnable(std::move(aStoppedRunnable)) {}
Stop(const Stop&) = delete;
Stop(Stop&& aOther) noexcept
: mStoppedRunnable(std::move(aOther.mStoppedRunnable)) {}
~Stop() { MOZ_ASSERT(!mStoppedRunnable); }
RefPtr<Runnable> mStoppedRunnable;
void Stopped() {
mStoppedRunnable = nullptr;
struct SwitchDriver {
SwitchDriver(RefPtr<GraphDriver> aDriver,
RefPtr<Runnable> aSwitchedRunnable)
: mDriver(std::move(aDriver)),
mSwitchedRunnable(std::move(aSwitchedRunnable)) {}
SwitchDriver(const SwitchDriver&) = delete;
SwitchDriver(SwitchDriver&& aOther) noexcept
: mDriver(std::move(aOther.mDriver)),
mSwitchedRunnable(std::move(aOther.mSwitchedRunnable)) {}
~SwitchDriver() { MOZ_ASSERT(!mSwitchedRunnable); }
RefPtr<GraphDriver> mDriver;
RefPtr<Runnable> mSwitchedRunnable;
void Switched() {
mSwitchedRunnable = nullptr;
Variant<Undefined, StillProcessing, Stop, SwitchDriver> mResult;
explicit IterationResult(StillProcessing&& aArg)
: mResult(std::move(aArg)) {}
explicit IterationResult(Stop&& aArg) : mResult(std::move(aArg)) {}
explicit IterationResult(SwitchDriver&& aArg) : mResult(std::move(aArg)) {}
IterationResult() : mResult(Undefined()) {}
IterationResult(const IterationResult&) = delete;
IterationResult(IterationResult&&) = default;
IterationResult& operator=(const IterationResult&) = delete;
IterationResult& operator=(IterationResult&&) = default;
static IterationResult CreateStillProcessing() {
return IterationResult(StillProcessing());
static IterationResult CreateStop(RefPtr<Runnable> aStoppedRunnable) {
return IterationResult(Stop(std::move(aStoppedRunnable)));
static IterationResult CreateSwitchDriver(
RefPtr<GraphDriver> aDriver, RefPtr<Runnable> aSwitchedRunnable) {
return IterationResult(
SwitchDriver(std::move(aDriver), std::move(aSwitchedRunnable)));
bool IsStillProcessing() const { return<StillProcessing>(); }
bool IsStop() const { return<Stop>(); }
bool IsSwitchDriver() const { return<SwitchDriver>(); }
void Stopped() {
GraphDriver* NextDriver() const {
if (!IsSwitchDriver()) {
return nullptr;
void Switched() {
/* Called on the graph thread after an AudioCallbackDriver with an input
* stream has stopped. */
virtual void NotifyInputStopped() = 0;
/* Called on the graph thread when there is new input data for listeners. This
* is the raw audio input for this MediaTrackGraph. */
virtual void NotifyInputData(const AudioDataValue* aBuffer, size_t aFrames,
TrackRate aRate, uint32_t aChannels,
uint32_t aAlreadyBuffered) = 0;
/* Called on the main thread after an AudioCallbackDriver has attempted an
* operation to set the processing params matching aGeneration on the cubeb
* stream. */
virtual void NotifySetRequestedInputProcessingParamsResult(
AudioCallbackDriver* aDriver, int aGeneration,
Result<cubeb_input_processing_params, int>&& aResult) = 0;
/* Called every time there are changes to input/output audio devices like
* plug/unplug etc. This can be called on any thread, and posts a message to
* the main thread so that it can post a message to the graph thread. */
virtual void DeviceChanged() = 0;
/* Called by GraphDriver to iterate the graph. Mixed audio output from the
* graph is passed into aMixerReceiver, if it is non-null. */
virtual IterationResult OneIteration(
GraphTime aStateComputedEnd, GraphTime aIterationEnd,
MixerCallbackReceiver* aMixerReceiver) = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
/* True if we're on aDriver's thread, or if we're on mGraphRunner's thread
* and mGraphRunner is currently run by aDriver. */
virtual bool InDriverIteration(const GraphDriver* aDriver) const = 0;
* A driver is responsible for the scheduling of the processing, the thread
* management, and give the different clocks to a MediaTrackGraph. This is an
* abstract base class. A MediaTrackGraph can be driven by an
* OfflineClockDriver, if the graph is offline, or a SystemClockDriver or an
* AudioCallbackDriver, if the graph is real time.
* A MediaTrackGraph holds an owning reference to its driver.
* The lifetime of drivers is a complicated affair. Here are the different
* scenarii that can happen:
* Starting a MediaTrackGraph with an AudioCallbackDriver
* - A new thread T is created, from the main thread.
* - On this thread T, cubeb is initialized if needed, and a cubeb_stream is
* created and started
* - The thread T posts a message to the main thread to terminate itself.
* - The graph runs off the audio thread
* Starting a MediaTrackGraph with a SystemClockDriver:
* - A new thread T is created from the main thread.
* - The graph runs off this thread.
* Switching from a SystemClockDriver to an AudioCallbackDriver:
* - At the end of the MTG iteration, the graph tells the current driver to
* switch to an AudioCallbackDriver, which is created and initialized on the
* graph thread.
* - At the end of the MTG iteration, the SystemClockDriver transfers its timing
* info and a reference to itself to the AudioCallbackDriver. It then starts
* the AudioCallbackDriver.
* - When the AudioCallbackDriver starts, it:
* - Starts a fallback SystemClockDriver that runs until the
* AudioCallbackDriver is running, in case it takes a long time to start (it
* could block on I/O, e.g., negotiating a bluetooth connection).
* - Checks if it has been switched from a SystemClockDriver, and if that is
* the case, sends a message to the main thread to shut the
* SystemClockDriver thread down.
* - When the AudioCallbackDriver is running, data callbacks are blocked. The
* fallback driver detects this in its callback and stops itself. The first
* DataCallback after the fallback driver had stopped goes through.
* - The graph now runs off an audio callback.
* Switching from an AudioCallbackDriver to a SystemClockDriver:
* - At the end of the MTG iteration, the graph tells the current driver to
* switch to a SystemClockDriver.
* - the AudioCallbackDriver transfers its timing info and a reference to itself
* to the SystemClockDriver. A new SystemClockDriver is started from the
* current audio thread.
* - When starting, the SystemClockDriver checks if it has been switched from an
* AudioCallbackDriver. If yes, it creates a new temporary thread to release
* the cubeb_streams. This temporary thread closes the cubeb_stream, and then
* dispatches a message to the main thread to be terminated.
* - The graph now runs off a normal thread.
* Two drivers cannot run at the same time for the same graph. The thread safety
* of the different members of drivers, and their access pattern is documented
* next to the members themselves.
class GraphDriver {
using IterationResult = GraphInterface::IterationResult;
GraphDriver(GraphInterface* aGraphInterface, GraphDriver* aPreviousDriver,
uint32_t aSampleRate);
/* Start the graph, init the driver, start the thread.
* A driver cannot be started twice, it must be shutdown
* before being started again. */
virtual void Start() = 0;
/* Shutdown GraphDriver */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT virtual void Shutdown() = 0;
/* Set the UTF-8 name for system audio streams.
* Graph thread, or main thread if the graph is not running. */
virtual void SetStreamName(const nsACString& aStreamName);
/* Rate at which the GraphDriver runs, in ms. This can either be user
* controlled (because we are using a {System,Offline}ClockDriver, and decide
* how often we want to wakeup/how much we want to process per iteration), or
* it can be indirectly set by the latency of the audio backend, and the
* number of buffers of this audio backend: say we have four buffers, and 40ms
* latency, we will get a callback approximately every 10ms. */
virtual uint32_t IterationDuration() = 0;
* Signaled by the graph when it needs another iteration. Goes unhandled for
* GraphDrivers that are not able to sleep indefinitely (i.e., all drivers but
* ThreadedDriver). Can be called on any thread.
virtual void EnsureNextIteration() = 0;
// Those are simply for accessing the associated pointer. Graph thread only,
// or if one is not running, main thread.
GraphDriver* PreviousDriver();
void SetPreviousDriver(GraphDriver* aPreviousDriver);
virtual AudioCallbackDriver* AsAudioCallbackDriver() { return nullptr; }
virtual const AudioCallbackDriver* AsAudioCallbackDriver() const {
return nullptr;
virtual OfflineClockDriver* AsOfflineClockDriver() { return nullptr; }
virtual const OfflineClockDriver* AsOfflineClockDriver() const {
return nullptr;
virtual SystemClockDriver* AsSystemClockDriver() { return nullptr; }
virtual const SystemClockDriver* AsSystemClockDriver() const {
return nullptr;
* Set the state of the driver so it can start at the right point in time,
* after switching from another driver.
void SetState(const nsACString& aStreamName, GraphTime aIterationEnd,
GraphTime aStateComputedTime);
GraphInterface* Graph() const { return mGraphInterface; }
#ifdef DEBUG
// True if the current thread is currently iterating the MTG.
bool InIteration() const;
// True if the current thread is the GraphDriver's thread.
virtual bool OnThread() const = 0;
// GraphDriver's thread has started and the thread is running.
virtual bool ThreadRunning() const = 0;
double MediaTimeToSeconds(GraphTime aTime) const {
"Bad time");
return static_cast<double>(aTime) / mSampleRate;
GraphTime SecondsToMediaTime(double aS) const {
"Bad seconds");
return mSampleRate * aS;
GraphTime MillisecondsToMediaTime(int32_t aMS) const {
return RateConvertTicksRoundDown(mSampleRate, 1000, aMS);
// The UTF-8 name for system audio streams. Graph thread.
nsCString mStreamName;
// Time of the end of this graph iteration.
GraphTime mIterationEnd = 0;
// Time until which the graph has processed data.
GraphTime mStateComputedTime = 0;
// The GraphInterface this driver is currently iterating.
const RefPtr<GraphInterface> mGraphInterface;
// The sample rate for the graph, and in case of an audio driver, also for the
// cubeb stream.
const uint32_t mSampleRate;
// This is non-null only when this driver has recently switched from an other
// driver, and has not cleaned it up yet (for example because the audio stream
// is currently calling the callback during initialization).
// This is written to when changing driver, from the previous driver's thread,
// or a thread created for the occasion. This is read each time we need to
// check whether we're changing driver (in Switching()), from the graph
// thread.
// This must be accessed using the {Set,Get}PreviousDriver methods.
RefPtr<GraphDriver> mPreviousDriver;
virtual ~GraphDriver() = default;
class MediaTrackGraphInitThreadRunnable;
* This class is a driver that manages its own thread.
class ThreadedDriver : public GraphDriver {
class IterationWaitHelper {
Monitor mMonitor MOZ_UNANNOTATED;
// The below members are guarded by mMonitor.
bool mNeedAnotherIteration = false;
TimeStamp mWakeTime;
IterationWaitHelper() : mMonitor("IterationWaitHelper::mMonitor") {}
* If another iteration is needed we wait for aDuration, otherwise we wait
* for a wake-up. If a wake-up occurs before aDuration time has passed, we
* wait for aDuration nonetheless.
void WaitForNextIterationAtLeast(TimeDuration aDuration) {
MonitorAutoLock lock(mMonitor);
TimeStamp now = TimeStamp::Now();
mWakeTime = now + aDuration;
while (true) {
if (mNeedAnotherIteration && now >= mWakeTime) {
if (mNeedAnotherIteration) {
lock.Wait(mWakeTime - now);
} else {
now = TimeStamp::Now();
mWakeTime = TimeStamp();
mNeedAnotherIteration = false;
* Sets mNeedAnotherIteration to true and notifies the monitor, in case a
* driver is currently waiting.
void EnsureNextIteration() {
MonitorAutoLock lock(mMonitor);
mNeedAnotherIteration = true;
ThreadedDriver(GraphInterface* aGraphInterface, GraphDriver* aPreviousDriver,
uint32_t aSampleRate);
void EnsureNextIteration() override;
void Start() override;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT void Shutdown() override;
* Runs main control loop on the graph thread. Normally a single invocation
* of this runs for the entire lifetime of the graph thread.
virtual void RunThread();
friend class MediaTrackGraphInitThreadRunnable;
uint32_t IterationDuration() override { return MEDIA_GRAPH_TARGET_PERIOD_MS; }
nsIThread* Thread() const { return mThread; }
bool OnThread() const override {
return !mThread || mThread->IsOnCurrentThread();
bool ThreadRunning() const override { return mThreadRunning; }
/* Waits until it's time to process more data. */
void WaitForNextIteration();
/* Implementation dependent time the ThreadedDriver should wait between
* iterations. */
virtual TimeDuration WaitInterval() = 0;
/* When the graph wakes up to do an iteration, implementations return the
* range of time that will be processed. This is called only once per
* iteration; it may determine the interval from state in a previous
* call. */
virtual MediaTime GetIntervalForIteration() = 0;
virtual ~ThreadedDriver();
nsCOMPtr<nsIThread> mThread;
// This is true if the thread is running. It is false
// before starting the thread and after stopping it.
Atomic<bool> mThreadRunning;
// Any thread.
IterationWaitHelper mWaitHelper;
* A SystemClockDriver drives a GraphInterface using a system clock, and waits
* using a monitor, between each iteration.
class SystemClockDriver : public ThreadedDriver {
SystemClockDriver(GraphInterface* aGraphInterface,
GraphDriver* aPreviousDriver, uint32_t aSampleRate);
virtual ~SystemClockDriver();
SystemClockDriver* AsSystemClockDriver() override { return this; }
const SystemClockDriver* AsSystemClockDriver() const override { return this; }
/* Return the TimeDuration to wait before the next rendering iteration. */
TimeDuration WaitInterval() override;
MediaTime GetIntervalForIteration() override;
// Those are only modified (after initialization) on the graph thread. The
// graph thread does not run during the initialization.
TimeStamp mInitialTimeStamp;
TimeStamp mCurrentTimeStamp;
TimeStamp mLastTimeStamp;
* An OfflineClockDriver runs the graph as fast as possible, without waiting
* between iteration.
class OfflineClockDriver : public ThreadedDriver {
OfflineClockDriver(GraphInterface* aGraphInterface, uint32_t aSampleRate,
GraphTime aSlice);
virtual ~OfflineClockDriver();
OfflineClockDriver* AsOfflineClockDriver() override { return this; }
const OfflineClockDriver* AsOfflineClockDriver() const override {
return this;
void RunThread() override;
TimeDuration WaitInterval() override { return TimeDuration(); }
MediaTime GetIntervalForIteration() override;
// Time, in GraphTime, for each iteration
GraphTime mSlice;
enum class AudioInputType { Unknown, Voice };
struct AudioInputProcessingParamsRequest {
int mGeneration{};
cubeb_input_processing_params mParams{};
* This is a graph driver that is based on callback functions called by the
* audio api. This ensures minimal audio latency, because it means there is no
* buffering happening: the audio is generated inside the callback.
* This design is less flexible than running our own thread:
* - We have no control over the thread:
* - It cannot block, and it has to run for a shorter amount of time than the
* buffer it is going to fill, or an under-run is going to occur (short burst
* of silence in the final audio output).
* - We can't know for sure when the callback function is going to be called
* (although we compute an estimation so we can schedule video frames)
* - Creating and shutting the thread down is a blocking operation, that can
* take _seconds_ in some cases (because IPC has to be set up, and
* sometimes hardware components are involved and need to be warmed up)
* - We have no control on how much audio we generate, we have to return exactly
* the number of frames asked for by the callback. Since for the Web Audio
* API, we have to do block processing at 128 frames per block, we need to
* keep a little spill buffer to store the extra frames.
class AudioCallbackDriver : public GraphDriver, public MixerCallbackReceiver {
using IterationResult = GraphInterface::IterationResult;
enum class FallbackDriverState;
class FallbackWrapper;
AudioCallbackDriver, mCubebOperationThread, override);
/** If aInputChannelCount is zero, then this driver is output-only. */
GraphInterface* aGraphInterface, GraphDriver* aPreviousDriver,
uint32_t aSampleRate, uint32_t aOutputChannelCount,
uint32_t aInputChannelCount, CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID aOutputDeviceID,
CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID aInputDeviceID, AudioInputType aAudioInputType,
Maybe<AudioInputProcessingParamsRequest> aRequestedInputProcessingParams);
void Start() override;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT void Shutdown() override;
void SetStreamName(const nsACString& aStreamName) override;
/* Static wrapper function cubeb calls back. */
static long DataCallback_s(cubeb_stream* aStream, void* aUser,
const void* aInputBuffer, void* aOutputBuffer,
long aFrames);
static void StateCallback_s(cubeb_stream* aStream, void* aUser,
cubeb_state aState);
static void DeviceChangedCallback_s(void* aUser);
/* This function is called by the underlying audio backend when a refill is
* needed. This is what drives the whole graph when it is used to output
* audio. If the return value is exactly aFrames, this function will get
* called again. If it is less than aFrames, the stream will go in draining
* mode, and this function will not be called again. */
long DataCallback(const AudioDataValue* aInputBuffer,
AudioDataValue* aOutputBuffer, long aFrames);
/* This function is called by the underlying audio backend, but is only used
* for informational purposes at the moment. */
void StateCallback(cubeb_state aState);
/* This is an approximation of the number of millisecond there are between two
* iterations of the graph. */
uint32_t IterationDuration() override;
/* If the audio stream has started, this does nothing. There will be another
* iteration. If there is an active fallback driver, we forward the call so it
* can wake up. */
void EnsureNextIteration() override;
/* This function gets called when the graph has produced the audio frames for
* this iteration. */
void MixerCallback(AudioChunk* aMixedBuffer, uint32_t aSampleRate) override;
AudioCallbackDriver* AsAudioCallbackDriver() override { return this; }
const AudioCallbackDriver* AsAudioCallbackDriver() const override {
return this;
uint32_t OutputChannelCount() { return mOutputChannelCount; }
uint32_t InputChannelCount() { return mInputChannelCount; }
AudioInputType InputDevicePreference() {
if (mInputDevicePreference == CUBEB_DEVICE_PREF_VOICE) {
return AudioInputType::Voice;
return AudioInputType::Unknown;
/* Get the latest input processing params request from this driver, so
* that an external caller can decide whether it is necessary to call the
* setter, since it may allocate or dispatch. */
const AudioInputProcessingParamsRequest& RequestedInputProcessingParams()
/* Set the input processing params requested from this driver. */
void RequestInputProcessingParams(AudioInputProcessingParamsRequest);
std::thread::id ThreadId() const { return mAudioThreadIdInCb.load(); }
/* Called at the beginning of the audio callback to check if the thread id has
* changed. */
bool CheckThreadIdChanged();
bool OnThread() const override {
return mAudioThreadIdInCb.load() == std::this_thread::get_id();
/* Returns true if this driver has started (perhaps with a fallback driver)
* and not yet stopped. */
bool ThreadRunning() const override {
return mAudioStreamState == AudioStreamState::Running ||
mFallbackDriverState == FallbackDriverState::Running;
/* Whether the underlying cubeb stream has been started and has not stopped
* or errored. */
bool IsStarted() { return mAudioStreamState > AudioStreamState::Starting; };
// Returns the output latency for the current audio output stream.
TimeDuration AudioOutputLatency();
/* Returns true if this driver has a fallback driver and handover to the audio
* callback has not been completed. */
bool HasFallback() const;
/* Returns true if this driver is currently driven by the fallback driver. */
bool OnFallback() const;
* On certain MacBookPro, the microphone is located near the left speaker.
* We need to pan the sound output to the right speaker if we are using the
* mic and the built-in speaker, or we will have terrible echo. */
void PanOutputIfNeeded(bool aMicrophoneActive);
* This is called when the output device used by the cubeb stream changes. */
void DeviceChangedCallback();
/* Start the cubeb stream */
bool StartStream();
friend class MediaTrackGraphInitThreadRunnable;
void Init(const nsCString& aStreamName);
void SetCubebStreamName(const nsCString& aStreamName);
void Stop();
/* After the requested input processing params has changed, this applies them
* on the cubeb stream. */
void SetInputProcessingParams(AudioInputProcessingParamsRequest aRequest);
/* Calls FallbackToSystemClockDriver() if in FallbackDriverState::None.
* Returns Ok(true) if the fallback driver was started, or the old
* FallbackDriverState in an Err otherwise. */
Result<bool, FallbackDriverState> TryStartingFallbackDriver();
/* Fall back to a SystemClockDriver using a normal thread. If needed, the
* graph will try to re-open an audio stream later. */
void FallbackToSystemClockDriver();
/* Called by the fallback driver when it has fully stopped, after finishing
* its last iteration. If it stopped after the audio stream started, aState
* will be None. If it stopped after the graph told it to stop, or switch,
* aState will be Stopped. Hands over state to the audio driver that may
* iterate the graph after this has been called. */
void FallbackDriverStopped(GraphTime aIterationEnd,
GraphTime aStateComputedTime,
FallbackDriverState aState);
/* Called at the end of the fallback driver's iteration to see whether we
* should attempt to start the AudioStream again. */
void MaybeStartAudioStream();
/* This is true when the method is executed on CubebOperation thread pool. */
bool OnCubebOperationThread() {
return mCubebOperationThread->IsOnCurrentThreadInfallible();
/* MediaTrackGraphs are always down/up mixed to output channels. */
const uint32_t mOutputChannelCount;
/* The size of this buffer comes from the fact that some audio backends can
* call back with a number of frames lower than one block (128 frames), so we
* need to keep at most two block in the SpillBuffer, because we always round
* up to block boundaries during an iteration.
* This is only ever accessed on the audio callback thread. */
SpillBuffer<AudioDataValue, WEBAUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE * 2> mScratchBuffer;
/* Wrapper to ensure we write exactly the number of frames we need in the
* audio buffer cubeb passes us. This is only ever accessed on the audio
* callback thread. */
AudioCallbackBufferWrapper<AudioDataValue> mBuffer;
// mAudioStream (a cubeb_stream) has a bare pointer to the cubeb context, so
// we hold a strong reference on its behalf.
RefPtr<CubebUtils::CubebHandle> mCubeb;
/* cubeb stream for this graph. This is non-null after a successful
* cubeb_stream_init(). CubebOperation thread only. */
nsAutoRef<cubeb_stream> mAudioStream;
/* The number of input channels from cubeb. Set before opening cubeb. If it is
* zero then the driver is output-only. */
const uint32_t mInputChannelCount;
* Devices to use for cubeb input & output, or nullptr for default device.
const CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID mOutputDeviceID;
const CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID mInputDeviceID;
/* Approximation of the time between two callbacks. This is used to schedule
* video frames. This is in milliseconds. Only even used (after
* inizatialization) on the audio callback thread. */
uint32_t mIterationDurationMS;
struct AutoInCallback {
explicit AutoInCallback(AudioCallbackDriver* aDriver);
AudioCallbackDriver* mDriver;
static already_AddRefed<TaskQueue> CreateTaskQueue();
/* Shared thread pool with up to one thread for off-main-thread
* initialization and shutdown of the audio stream and for other tasks that
* must run serially for access to mAudioStream. */
const RefPtr<TaskQueue> mCubebOperationThread;
cubeb_device_pref mInputDevicePreference;
/* Params that have been attempted to set on mAudioStream, after filtering by
* supported processing params. Cubeb operation thread only. */
cubeb_input_processing_params mConfiguredInputProcessingParams =
/* The input processing params and generation requested from this audio
* driver. Once started, audio callback thread only. */
AudioInputProcessingParamsRequest mInputProcessingRequest;
/* Contains the id of the audio thread, from profiler_current_thread_id. */
std::atomic<ProfilerThreadId> mAudioThreadId;
/* This allows implementing AutoInCallback. This is equal to the current
* thread id when in an audio callback, and is an invalid thread id otherwise.
std::atomic<std::thread::id> mAudioThreadIdInCb;
/* State of the audio stream, see inline comments. */
enum class AudioStreamState {
/* There is no cubeb_stream or mAudioStream is in CUBEB_STATE_ERROR or
* CUBEB_STATE_STOPPED and no pending task exists to Init() a new
* cubeb_stream. */
/* A task to Init() a new cubeb_stream is pending. */
/* cubeb_start_stream() is about to be or has been called on mAudioStream.
* Any previous cubeb_streams have been destroyed. */
/* mAudioStream has advertised it will change device. In this state we
ignore all data callbacks until the fallback driver has started. */
/* mAudioStream is running. */
/* mAudioStream is draining, and will soon stop. */
Atomic<AudioStreamState> mAudioStreamState{AudioStreamState::None};
/* State of the fallback driver, see inline comments. */
enum class FallbackDriverState {
/* There is no fallback driver. */
/* There is a fallback driver trying to iterate us. */
/* There was a fallback driver and the graph stopped it. No audio callback
may iterate the graph. */
Atomic<FallbackDriverState> mFallbackDriverState{FallbackDriverState::None};
/* SystemClockDriver used as fallback if this AudioCallbackDriver fails to
* init or start. */
DataMutex<RefPtr<FallbackWrapper>> mFallback;
/* If using a fallback driver, this is the duration to wait after failing to
* start it before attempting to start it again. */
TimeDuration mNextReInitBackoffStep;
/* If using a fallback driver, this is the next time we'll try to start the
* audio stream. */
TimeStamp mNextReInitAttempt;
/* The time mAudioStreamState was changed to ChangingDevice.
* Synchronized by the mAudioStreamState atomic, i.e. written *before* writing
* the atomic, and read *after* reading the atomic. */
TimeStamp mChangingDeviceStartTime;
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
/* When using the built-in speakers on macbook pro (13 and 15, all models),
* it's best to hard pan the audio on the right, to avoid feedback into the
* microphone that is located next to the left speaker. */
Atomic<bool> mNeedsPanning;
WavDumper mInputStreamFile;
WavDumper mOutputStreamFile;
virtual ~AudioCallbackDriver();
const bool mSandboxed = false;
} // namespace mozilla
#endif // GRAPHDRIVER_H_