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synced 2025-01-16 15:17:14 +00:00
354 lines
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354 lines
13 KiB
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
function test() {
let instance, widthBeforeClose, heightBeforeClose;
let mgr = ResponsiveUI.ResponsiveUIManager;
gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab();
gBrowser.selectedBrowser.addEventListener("load", function onload() {
gBrowser.selectedBrowser.removeEventListener("load", onload, true);
waitForFocus(startTest, content);
}, true);
content.location = "data:text/html,mop";
function startTest() {
mgr.once("on", function() {executeSoon(onUIOpen)});
function onUIOpen() {
// Is it open?
let container = gBrowser.getBrowserContainer();
is(container.getAttribute("responsivemode"), "true", "In responsive mode.");
// Menus are correctly updated?
is(document.getElementById("Tools:ResponsiveUI").getAttribute("checked"), "true", "menus checked");
instance = gBrowser.selectedTab.__responsiveUI;
ok(instance, "instance of the module is attached to the tab.");
if (instance._floatingScrollbars) {
instance.transitionsEnabled = false;
function ensureScrollbarsAreFloating() {
let body = gBrowser.contentDocument.body;
let html = gBrowser.contentDocument.documentElement;
let originalWidth = body.getBoundingClientRect().width;
html.style.overflowY = "scroll"; // Force scrollbars
// Flush. Should not be needed as getBoundingClientRect() should flush,
// but just in case.
let newWidth = body.getBoundingClientRect().width;
is(originalWidth, newWidth, "Floating scrollbars are presents");
function testPresets() {
function testOnePreset(c) {
if (c == 0) {
instance.menulist.selectedIndex = c;
let item = instance.menulist.firstChild.childNodes[c];
let [width, height] = extractSizeFromString(item.getAttribute("label"));
is(content.innerWidth, width, "preset " + c + ": dimension valid (width)");
is(content.innerHeight, height, "preset " + c + ": dimension valid (height)");
testOnePreset(c - 1);
// Starting from length - 4 because last 3 items are not presets : separator, addbutton and removebutton
testOnePreset(instance.menulist.firstChild.childNodes.length - 4);
function extractSizeFromString(str) {
let numbers = str.match(/(\d+)[^\d]*(\d+)/);
if (numbers) {
return [numbers[1], numbers[2]];
} else {
return [null, null];
function testCustom() {
let initialWidth = content.innerWidth;
let initialHeight = content.innerHeight;
let x = 2, y = 2;
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(instance.resizer, x, y, {type: "mousedown"}, window);
x += 20; y += 10;
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(instance.resizer, x, y, {type: "mousemove"}, window);
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(instance.resizer, x, y, {type: "mouseup"}, window);
let expectedWidth = initialWidth + 20;
let expectedHeight = initialHeight + 10;
info("initial width: " + initialWidth);
info("initial height: " + initialHeight);
is(content.innerWidth, expectedWidth, "Size correcty updated (width).");
is(content.innerHeight, expectedHeight, "Size correcty updated (height).");
is(instance.menulist.selectedIndex, -1, "Custom menuitem cannot be selected");
let label = instance.menulist.firstChild.firstChild.getAttribute("label");
let value = instance.menulist.value;
isnot(label, value, "Label from the menulist item is different than the value of the menulist")
let [width, height] = extractSizeFromString(label);
is(width, expectedWidth, "Label updated (width).");
is(height, expectedHeight, "Label updated (height).");
[width, height] = extractSizeFromString(value);
is(width, expectedWidth, "Value updated (width).");
is(height, expectedHeight, "Value updated (height).");
function testCustom2() {
let initialWidth = content.innerWidth;
let initialHeight = content.innerHeight;
let x = 2, y = 2;
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(instance.resizer, x, y, {type: "mousedown"}, window);
x += 23; y += 13;
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(instance.resizer, x, y, {type: "mousemove", shiftKey: true}, window);
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(instance.resizer, x, y, {type: "mouseup"}, window);
let expectedWidth = initialWidth + 20;
let expectedHeight = initialHeight + 10;
is(content.innerWidth, expectedWidth, "with shift: Size correcty updated (width).");
is(content.innerHeight, expectedHeight, "with shift: Size correcty updated (height).");
is(instance.menulist.selectedIndex, -1, "with shift: Custom menuitem cannot be selected");
let label = instance.menulist.firstChild.firstChild.getAttribute("label");
let value = instance.menulist.value;
isnot(label, value, "Label from the menulist item is different than the value of the menulist")
let [width, height] = extractSizeFromString(label);
is(width, expectedWidth, "Label updated (width).");
is(height, expectedHeight, "Label updated (height).");
[width, height] = extractSizeFromString(value);
is(width, expectedWidth, "Value updated (width).");
is(height, expectedHeight, "Value updated (height).");
function testCustom3() {
let initialWidth = content.innerWidth;
let initialHeight = content.innerHeight;
let x = 2, y = 2;
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(instance.resizer, x, y, {type: "mousedown"}, window);
x += 60; y += 30;
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(instance.resizer, x, y, {type: "mousemove", ctrlKey: true}, window);
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(instance.resizer, x, y, {type: "mouseup"}, window);
let expectedWidth = initialWidth + 10;
let expectedHeight = initialHeight + 5;
is(content.innerWidth, expectedWidth, "with ctrl: Size correcty updated (width).");
is(content.innerHeight, expectedHeight, "with ctrl: Size correcty updated (height).");
is(instance.menulist.selectedIndex, -1, "with ctrl: Custom menuitem cannot be selected");
let label = instance.menulist.firstChild.firstChild.getAttribute("label");
let value = instance.menulist.value;
isnot(label, value, "Label from the menulist item is different than the value of the menulist")
let [width, height] = extractSizeFromString(label);
is(width, expectedWidth, "Label updated (width).");
is(height, expectedHeight, "Label updated (height).");
[width, height] = extractSizeFromString(value);
is(width, expectedWidth, "Value updated (width).");
is(height, expectedHeight, "Value updated (height).");
function testCustomInput() {
let initialWidth = content.innerWidth;
let initialHeight = content.innerHeight;
let expectedWidth = initialWidth - 20;
let expectedHeight = initialHeight - 10;
let index = instance.menulist.selectedIndex;
let label, value, width, height;
let userInput = expectedWidth + " x " + expectedHeight;
instance.menulist.inputField.value = "";
// While typing, the size should not change
is(content.innerWidth, initialWidth, "Size hasn't changed (width).");
is(content.innerHeight, initialHeight, "Size hasn't changed (height).");
// Only the `change` event must change the size
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", {});
is(content.innerWidth, expectedWidth, "Size correctly updated (width).");
is(content.innerHeight, expectedHeight, "Size correctly updated (height).");
is(instance.menulist.selectedIndex, -1, "Custom menuitem cannot be selected");
label = instance.menulist.firstChild.firstChild.getAttribute("label");
value = instance.menulist.value;
isnot(label, value, "Label from the menulist item is different than the value of the menulist");
[width, height] = extractSizeFromString(label);
is(width, expectedWidth, "Label updated (width).");
is(height, expectedHeight, "Label updated (height).");
[width, height] = extractSizeFromString(value);
is(width, expectedWidth, "Value updated (width).");
is(height, expectedHeight, "Value updated (height).");
function testCustomInput2() {
let initialWidth = content.innerWidth;
let initialHeight = content.innerHeight;
let index = instance.menulist.selectedIndex;
let expectedValue = initialWidth + "x" + initialHeight;
let expectedLabel = instance.menulist.firstChild.firstChild.getAttribute("label");
let userInput = "I'm wrong";
instance.menulist.inputField.value = "";
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", {});
is(content.innerWidth, initialWidth, "Size hasn't changed (width).");
is(content.innerHeight, initialHeight, "Size hasn't changed (height).");
is(instance.menulist.selectedIndex, index, "Selected item hasn't changed.");
is(instance.menulist.value, expectedValue, "Value has been reset")
let label = instance.menulist.firstChild.firstChild.getAttribute("label");
is(label, expectedLabel, "Custom menuitem's label hasn't changed");
function rotate() {
let initialWidth = content.innerWidth;
let initialHeight = content.innerHeight;
is(content.innerWidth, initialHeight, "The width is now the height.");
is(content.innerHeight, initialWidth, "The height is now the width.");
let [width, height] = extractSizeFromString(instance.menulist.firstChild.firstChild.getAttribute("label"));
is(width, initialHeight, "Label updated (width).");
is(height, initialWidth, "Label updated (height).");
widthBeforeClose = content.innerWidth;
heightBeforeClose = content.innerHeight;
info("XXX BUG 851296: instance.closing: " + !!instance.closing);
mgr.once("off", function() {
info("XXX BUG 851296: 'off' received.");
mgr.toggle(window, gBrowser.selectedTab);
function restart() {
info("XXX BUG 851296: restarting.");
info("XXX BUG 851296: __responsiveUI: " + gBrowser.selectedTab.__responsiveUI);
mgr.once("on", function() {
info("XXX BUG 851296: 'on' received.");
//XXX BUG 851296: synthesizeKeyFromKeyTag("key_responsiveUI");
mgr.toggle(window, gBrowser.selectedTab);
info("XXX BUG 851296: restart() finished.");
function onUIOpen2() {
info("XXX BUG 851296: onUIOpen2.");
let container = gBrowser.getBrowserContainer();
is(container.getAttribute("responsivemode"), "true", "In responsive mode.");
// Menus are correctly updated?
is(document.getElementById("Tools:ResponsiveUI").getAttribute("checked"), "true", "menus checked");
is(content.innerWidth, widthBeforeClose, "width restored.");
is(content.innerHeight, heightBeforeClose, "height restored.");
mgr.once("off", function() {executeSoon(testScreenshot)});
mgr.toggle(window, gBrowser.selectedTab);
function testScreenshot() {
let isWinXP = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows NT 5.1") != -1;
if (isWinXP) {
// We have issues testing this on Windows XP.
// See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=848760#c17
return finishUp();
let FileUtils = (Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm", {})).FileUtils;
// while(1) until we find the file.
// no need for a timeout, the test will get killed anyway.
info("checking if file exists in 200ms");
function checkIfFileExist() {
let file = FileUtils.getFile("DfltDwnld", [ "responsiveui.png" ]);
if (file.exists()) {
ok(true, "Screenshot file exists");
} else {
setTimeout(checkIfFileExist, 200);
function finishUp() {
// Menus are correctly updated?
is(document.getElementById("Tools:ResponsiveUI").getAttribute("checked"), "false", "menu unchecked");
delete instance;
function synthesizeKeyFromKeyTag(aKeyId) {
let key = document.getElementById(aKeyId);
isnot(key, null, "Successfully retrieved the <key> node");
let modifiersAttr = key.getAttribute("modifiers");
let name = null;
if (key.getAttribute("keycode"))
name = key.getAttribute("keycode");
else if (key.getAttribute("key"))
name = key.getAttribute("key");
isnot(name, null, "Successfully retrieved keycode/key");
let modifiers = {
shiftKey: modifiersAttr.match("shift"),
ctrlKey: modifiersAttr.match("ctrl"),
altKey: modifiersAttr.match("alt"),
metaKey: modifiersAttr.match("meta"),
accelKey: modifiersAttr.match("accel")
info("XXX BUG 851296: key name: " + name);
info("XXX BUG 851296: key modifiers: " + JSON.stringify(modifiers));
EventUtils.synthesizeKey(name, modifiers);
function processStringAsKey(str) {
for (let i = 0, l = str.length; i < l; i++) {
EventUtils.synthesizeKey(str.charAt(i), {});