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synced 2025-02-01 11:27:55 +00:00
scc checking in from jst's account. bug #75220: sr=jst, rs=brendan. renaming |nsPromiseC?Concatenation| to |nsDependentC?Concatenation|; |nsPromiseC?Substring| to |nsDependentC?Substring|; |nsLiteralC?String| and |nsLocalC?String| to |nsDependentC?String|, as these new names better reflect clients obligations to instances.
another patch for bug #65777. This one removes the intermediate window that is created for mailto:// URLs that are explicitly target to a new window...
scc checking in from jst's account. bug #75220: sr=jst, rs=brendan. renaming |nsPromiseC?Concatenation| to |nsDependentC?Concatenation|; |nsPromiseC?Substring| to |nsDependentC?Substring|; |nsLiteralC?String| and |nsLocalC?String| to |nsDependentC?String|, as these new names better reflect clients obligations to instances.
Check in for Ron Guilmette. r=shaver, sr=waterson. For intl r=nhotta. Changes for NS_IMPL_NSGETMODULE. bug #46775.
scc checking in from jst's account. bug #75220: sr=jst, rs=brendan. renaming |nsPromiseC?Concatenation| to |nsDependentC?Concatenation|; |nsPromiseC?Substring| to |nsDependentC?Substring|; |nsLiteralC?String| and |nsLocalC?String| to |nsDependentC?String|, as these new names better reflect clients obligations to instances.
Set EXPORT_LIBRARY=1 in all pertinent Makefile.ins. Allows us to build the final link list as we traverse the tree. Bug #46775
another patch for bug #65777. This one removes the intermediate window that is created for mailto:// URLs that are explicitly target to a new window...
scc checking in from jst's account. bug #75220: sr=jst, rs=brendan. renaming |nsPromiseC?Concatenation| to |nsDependentC?Concatenation|; |nsPromiseC?Substring| to |nsDependentC?Substring|; |nsLiteralC?String| and |nsLocalC?String| to |nsDependentC?String|, as these new names better reflect clients obligations to instances.
scc checking in from jst's account. bug #75220: sr=jst, rs=brendan. renaming |nsPromiseC?Concatenation| to |nsDependentC?Concatenation|; |nsPromiseC?Substring| to |nsDependentC?Substring|; |nsLiteralC?String| and |nsLocalC?String| to |nsDependentC?String|, as these new names better reflect clients obligations to instances.
bug #75220: sr=jst, rs=brendan. fixing string names. removing the old |nsPromise...| files from the build.
scc checking in from jst's account. bug #75220: sr=jst, rs=brendan. renaming |nsPromiseC?Concatenation| to |nsDependentC?Concatenation|; |nsPromiseC?Substring| to |nsDependentC?Substring|; |nsLiteralC?String| and |nsLocalC?String| to |nsDependentC?String|, as these new names better reflect clients obligations to instances.
Fix bug #81826. When using plug/socket ( like in nautilus ) popup menus will some times come up in the wrong place. Invalidate the position cache based on the true toplevel window instead of the widget toplevel. r=pavlov,sr=tor
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