
328 lines
9.4 KiB

/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
TestRunner.logEnabled = true;
TestRunner.logger = LogController;
/* Helper function */
parseQueryString = function(encodedString, useArrays) {
// strip a leading '?' from the encoded string
var qstr = (encodedString[0] == "?") ? encodedString.substring(1) :
var pairs = qstr.replace(/\+/g, "%20").split(/(\&amp\;|\&\#38\;|\&|\&)/);
var o = {};
var decode;
if (typeof(decodeURIComponent) != "undefined") {
decode = decodeURIComponent;
} else {
decode = unescape;
if (useArrays) {
for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
var pair = pairs[i].split("=");
if (pair.length !== 2) {
var name = decode(pair[0]);
var arr = o[name];
if (!(arr instanceof Array)) {
arr = [];
o[name] = arr;
} else {
for (i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
pair = pairs[i].split("=");
if (pair.length !== 2) {
o[decode(pair[0])] = decode(pair[1]);
return o;
// Check the query string for arguments
var params = parseQueryString(, true);
var config = {};
if (window.readConfig) {
config = readConfig();
if (config.testRoot == "chrome" || config.testRoot == "a11y") {
for (p in params) {
if (params[p] == 1) {
config[p] = true;
} else if (params[p] == 0) {
config[p] = false;
} else {
config[p] = params[p];
params = config;
// set the per-test timeout if specified in the query string
if (params.timeout) {
TestRunner.timeout = parseInt(params.timeout) * 1000;
// log levels for console and logfile
var fileLevel = params.fileLevel || null;
var consoleLevel = params.consoleLevel || null;
// loop tells us how many times to run the tests
if (params.repeat) {
TestRunner.repeat = params.repeat;
// closeWhenDone tells us to close the browser when complete
if (params.closeWhenDone) {
TestRunner.onComplete = SpecialPowers.quit;
if (params.failureFile) {
// logFile to write our results
if (params.logFile) {
var spl = new SpecialPowersLogger(params.logFile);
TestRunner.logger.addListener("mozLogger", fileLevel + "", spl.getLogCallback());
// if we get a quiet param, don't log to the console
if (!params.quiet) {
function dumpListener(msg) {
dump(msg.num + " " + msg.level + " " +' ') + "\n");
TestRunner.logger.addListener("dumpListener", consoleLevel + "", dumpListener);
// A temporary hack for android 4.0 where Fennec utilizes the pandaboard so much it reboots
if (params.runSlower) {
TestRunner.runSlower = true;
var gTestList = [];
var RunSet = {}
RunSet.runall = function(e) {
// Filter tests to include|exclude tests based on data in params.filter.
// This allows for including or excluding tests from the gTestList
gTestList = filterTests(params.testManifest, params.runOnly);
// Which tests we're going to run
var my_tests = gTestList;
if (params.totalChunks && params.thisChunk) {
var total_chunks = parseInt(params.totalChunks);
// this_chunk is in the range [1,total_chunks]
var this_chunk = parseInt(params.thisChunk);
// We want to split the tests up into chunks according to which directory
// they're in
if (params.chunkByDir) {
var chunkByDir = parseInt(params.chunkByDir);
var tests_by_dir = {};
var test_dirs = []
for (var i = 0; i < gTestList.length; ++i) {
var test_path = gTestList[i];
if (test_path[0] == '/') {
test_path = test_path.substr(1);
var dir = test_path.split("/");
// We want the first chunkByDir+1 components, or everything but the
// last component, whichever is less.
// we add 1 to chunkByDir since 'tests' is always part of the path, and
// want to ignore the last component since it's the test filename.
dir = dir.slice(0, Math.min(chunkByDir+1, dir.length-1));
// reconstruct a directory name
dir = dir.join("/");
if (!(dir in tests_by_dir)) {
tests_by_dir[dir] = [gTestList[i]];
} else {
var tests_per_chunk = test_dirs.length / total_chunks;
var start = Math.round((this_chunk-1) * tests_per_chunk);
var end = Math.round(this_chunk * tests_per_chunk);
my_tests = [];
var dirs = []
for (var i = start; i < end; ++i) {
var dir = test_dirs[i];
my_tests = my_tests.concat(tests_by_dir[dir]);
TestRunner.logger.log("Running tests in " + dirs.join(", "));
} else {
var tests_per_chunk = gTestList.length / total_chunks;
var start = Math.round((this_chunk-1) * tests_per_chunk);
var end = Math.round(this_chunk * tests_per_chunk);
my_tests = gTestList.slice(start, end);
TestRunner.logger.log("Running tests " + (start+1) + "-" + end + "/" + gTestList.length);
if (params.shuffle) {
for (var i = my_tests.length-1; i > 0; --i) {
var j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i);
var tmp = my_tests[j];
my_tests[j] = my_tests[i];
my_tests[i] = tmp;
RunSet.reloadAndRunAll = function(e) {
//window.location.hash = "";
var addParam = "";
if (params.autorun) { += "";
window.location.href = window.location.href;
} else if ( {
window.location.href += "&autorun=1";
} else {
window.location.href += "?autorun=1";
// Test Filtering Code
// Open the file referenced by runOnly|exclude and use that to compare against
// gTestList. Return a modified version of gTestList
function filterTests(filterFile, runOnly) {
var filteredTests = [];
var removedTests = [];
var runtests = {};
var excludetests = {};
if (filterFile == null) {
return gTestList;
var datafile = "http://mochi.test:8888/" + filterFile;
var objXml = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET",datafile,false);
try {
var filter = JSON.parse(objXml.responseText);
} catch (ex) {
dump("INFO | setup.js | error loading or parsing '" + datafile + "'\n");
return gTestList;
if ('runtests' in filter) {
runtests = filter.runtests;
if ('excludetests' in filter)
excludetests = filter.excludetests;
if (!('runtests' in filter) && !('excludetests' in filter)) {
if (runOnly == 'true') {
runtests = filter;
} else
excludetests = filter;
// Start with gTestList, and put everything that's in 'runtests' in
// filteredTests.
if (Object.keys(runtests).length) {
for (var i = 0; i < gTestList.length; i++) {
var test_path = gTestList[i];
var tmp_path = test_path.replace(/^\//, '');
for (var f in runtests) {
// Remove leading /tests/ if exists
file = f.replace(/^\//, '')
file = file.replace(/^tests\//, '')
// Match directory or filename, gTestList has tests/<path>
if (tmp_path.match("^tests/" + file) != null) {
else {
filteredTests = gTestList.slice(0);
// Continue with filteredTests, and deselect everything that's in
// excludedtests.
if (Object.keys(excludetests).length) {
var refilteredTests = [];
for (var i = 0; i < filteredTests.length; i++) {
var found = false;
var test_path = filteredTests[i];
var tmp_path = test_path.replace(/^\//, '');
for (var f in excludetests) {
// Remove leading /tests/ if exists
file = f.replace(/^\//, '')
file = file.replace(/^tests\//, '')
// Match directory or filename, gTestList has tests/<path>
if (tmp_path.match("^tests/" + file) != null) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
filteredTests = refilteredTests;
return filteredTests;
// UI Stuff
function toggleVisible(elem) {
toggleElementClass("invisible", elem);
function makeVisible(elem) {
removeElementClass(elem, "invisible");
function makeInvisible(elem) {
addElementClass(elem, "invisible");
function isVisible(elem) {
// you may also want to check for
// getElement(elem).style.display == "none"
return !hasElementClass(elem, "invisible");
function toggleNonTests (e) {
var elems = document.getElementsByClassName("non-test");
for (var i="0"; i<elems.length; i++) {
if (isVisible(elems[0])) {
$("toggleNonTests").innerHTML = "Hide Non-Tests";
} else {
$("toggleNonTests").innerHTML = "Show Non-Tests";
// hook up our buttons
function hookup() {
document.getElementById('runtests').onclick = RunSet.reloadAndRunAll;
document.getElementById('toggleNonTests').onclick = toggleNonTests;
// run automatically if autorun specified
if (params.autorun) {