
581 lines
20 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef nsChildView_h_
#define nsChildView_h_
// formal protocols
#include "mozView.h"
#include "mozilla/a11y/Accessible.h"
#include "mozAccessibleProtocol.h"
#include "nsAutoPtr.h"
#include "nsISupports.h"
#include "nsBaseWidget.h"
#include "nsIPluginInstanceOwner.h"
#include "nsIPluginWidget.h"
#include "nsWeakPtr.h"
#include "TextInputHandler.h"
#include "nsCocoaUtils.h"
#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsIDragService.h"
#include "npapi.h"
#import <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import <AppKit/NSOpenGL.h>
// The header files QuickdrawAPI.h and QDOffscreen.h are missing on OS X 10.7
// and up (though the QuickDraw APIs defined in them are still present) -- so
// we need to supply the relevant parts of their contents here. It's likely
// that Apple will eventually remove the APIs themselves (probably in OS X
// 10.8), so we need to make them weak imports, and test for their presence
// before using them.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#if !defined(__QUICKDRAWAPI__)
extern void SetPort(GrafPtr port)
extern void SetOrigin(short h, short v)
extern RgnHandle NewRgn(void)
extern void DisposeRgn(RgnHandle rgn)
extern void RectRgn(RgnHandle rgn, const Rect * r)
extern GDHandle GetMainDevice(void)
extern Boolean IsPortOffscreen(CGrafPtr port)
extern void SetPortVisibleRegion(CGrafPtr port, RgnHandle visRgn)
extern void SetPortClipRegion(CGrafPtr port, RgnHandle clipRgn)
extern CGrafPtr GetQDGlobalsThePort(void)
#endif /* __QUICKDRAWAPI__ */
#if !defined(__QDOFFSCREEN__)
extern void GetGWorld(CGrafPtr * port, GDHandle * gdh)
extern void SetGWorld(CGrafPtr port, GDHandle gdh)
#endif /* __QDOFFSCREEN__ */
#ifdef __cplusplus
class gfxASurface;
class nsChildView;
class nsCocoaWindow;
union nsPluginPort;
namespace mozilla {
namespace gl {
class TextureImage;
namespace layers {
class LayerManagerOGL;
@interface NSEvent (Undocumented)
// Return Cocoa event's corresponding Carbon event. Not initialized (on
// synthetic events) until the OS actually "sends" the event. This method
// has been present in the same form since at least OS X 10.2.8.
- (EventRef)_eventRef;
// Support for pixel scroll deltas, not part of NSEvent.h
// See
@interface NSEvent (DeviceDelta)
// Leopard and SnowLeopard
- (CGFloat)deviceDeltaX;
- (CGFloat)deviceDeltaY;
// Lion and above
- (CGFloat)scrollingDeltaX;
- (CGFloat)scrollingDeltaY;
- (BOOL)hasPreciseScrollingDeltas;
#if !defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6) || \
@interface NSEvent (SnowLeopardEventFeatures)
+ (NSUInteger)pressedMouseButtons;
+ (NSUInteger)modifierFlags;
// The following section, required to support fluid swipe tracking on OS X 10.7
// and up, contains defines/declarations that are only available on 10.7 and up.
// [NSEvent trackSwipeEventWithOptions:...] also requires that the compiler
// support "blocks"
// (
// -- which it does on 10.6 and up (using the 10.6 SDK or higher).
// MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED "controls which OS functionality, if used,
// will result in a compiler error because that functionality is not
// available" (quoting from AvailabilityMacros.h). The compiler initializes
// it to the version of the SDK being used. Its value does *not* prevent the
// binary from running on higher OS versions. MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7 and
// friends are defined (in AvailabilityMacros.h) as decimal numbers (not
// hexadecimal numbers).
enum {
NSEventPhaseNone = 0,
NSEventPhaseBegan = 0x1 << 0,
NSEventPhaseStationary = 0x1 << 1,
NSEventPhaseChanged = 0x1 << 2,
NSEventPhaseEnded = 0x1 << 3,
NSEventPhaseCancelled = 0x1 << 4,
typedef NSUInteger NSEventPhase;
#ifdef __LP64__
enum {
NSEventSwipeTrackingLockDirection = 0x1 << 0,
NSEventSwipeTrackingClampGestureAmount = 0x1 << 1
typedef NSUInteger NSEventSwipeTrackingOptions;
enum {
NSEventGestureAxisNone = 0,
typedef NSInteger NSEventGestureAxis;
@interface NSEvent (FluidSwipeTracking)
+ (BOOL)isSwipeTrackingFromScrollEventsEnabled;
- (BOOL)hasPreciseScrollingDeltas;
- (CGFloat)scrollingDeltaX;
- (CGFloat)scrollingDeltaY;
- (NSEventPhase)phase;
- (void)trackSwipeEventWithOptions:(NSEventSwipeTrackingOptions)options
usingHandler:(void (^)(CGFloat gestureAmount, NSEventPhase phase, BOOL isComplete, BOOL *stop))trackingHandler;
#endif // #ifdef __LP64__
#endif // #if !defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7) || MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED < MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7
// Undocumented scrollPhase flag that lets us discern between real scrolls and
// automatically firing momentum scroll events.
@interface NSEvent (ScrollPhase)
// Leopard and SnowLeopard
- (long long)_scrollPhase;
// Lion and above
- (NSEventPhase)momentumPhase;
@interface ChildView : NSView<
mozView, NSTextInput>
// the nsChildView that created the view. It retains this NSView, so
// the link back to it must be weak.
nsChildView* mGeckoChild;
// Text input handler for mGeckoChild and us. Note that this is a weak
// reference. Ideally, this should be a strong reference but a ChildView
// object can live longer than the mGeckoChild that owns it. And if
// mTextInputHandler were a strong reference, this would make it difficult
// for Gecko's leak detector to detect leaked TextInputHandler objects.
// This is initialized by [mozView installTextInputHandler:aHandler] and
// cleared by [mozView uninstallTextInputHandler].
mozilla::widget::TextInputHandler* mTextInputHandler; // [WEAK]
BOOL mIsPluginView;
NPEventModel mPluginEventModel;
NPDrawingModel mPluginDrawingModel;
// when mouseDown: is called, we store its event here (strong)
NSEvent* mLastMouseDownEvent;
// Whether the last mouse down event was blocked from Gecko.
BOOL mBlockedLastMouseDown;
// when acceptsFirstMouse: is called, we store the event here (strong)
NSEvent* mClickThroughMouseDownEvent;
// rects that were invalidated during a draw, so have pending drawing
NSMutableArray* mPendingDirtyRects;
BOOL mPendingFullDisplay;
BOOL mPendingDisplay;
// Holds our drag service across multiple drag calls. The reference to the
// service is obtained when the mouse enters the view and is released when
// the mouse exits or there is a drop. This prevents us from having to
// re-establish the connection to the service manager many times per second
// when handling |draggingUpdated:| messages.
nsIDragService* mDragService;
NSOpenGLContext *mGLContext;
// Simple gestures support
// mGestureState is used to detect when Cocoa has called both
// magnifyWithEvent and rotateWithEvent within the same
// beginGestureWithEvent and endGestureWithEvent sequence. We
// discard the spurious gesture event so as not to confuse Gecko.
// mCumulativeMagnification keeps track of the total amount of
// magnification peformed during a magnify gesture so that we can
// send that value with the final MozMagnifyGesture event.
// mCumulativeRotation keeps track of the total amount of rotation
// performed during a rotate gesture so we can send that value with
// the final MozRotateGesture event.
enum {
} mGestureState;
float mCumulativeMagnification;
float mCumulativeRotation;
BOOL mDidForceRefreshOpenGL;
// Support for fluid swipe tracking.
#ifdef __LP64__
BOOL *mSwipeAnimationCancelled;
// Whether this uses off-main-thread compositing.
BOOL mUsingOMTCompositor;
// class initialization
+ (void)initialize;
// these are sent to the first responder when the window key status changes
- (void)viewsWindowDidBecomeKey;
- (void)viewsWindowDidResignKey;
// Stop NSView hierarchy being changed during [ChildView drawRect:]
- (void)delayedTearDown;
- (void)sendFocusEvent:(uint32_t)eventType;
- (void)handleMouseMoved:(NSEvent*)aEvent;
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)aRect inTitlebarContext:(CGContextRef)aContext;
- (void)sendMouseEnterOrExitEvent:(NSEvent*)aEvent
- (void)update;
- (void)lockFocus;
- (void) _surfaceNeedsUpdate:(NSNotification*)notification;
- (BOOL)isPluginView;
// Are we processing an NSLeftMouseDown event that will fail to click through?
// If so, we shouldn't focus or unfocus a plugin.
- (BOOL)isInFailingLeftClickThrough;
- (void)setGLContext:(NSOpenGLContext *)aGLContext;
// Simple gestures support
// XXX - The swipeWithEvent, beginGestureWithEvent, magnifyWithEvent,
// rotateWithEvent, and endGestureWithEvent methods are part of a
// PRIVATE interface exported by nsResponder and reverse-engineering
// was necessary to obtain the methods' prototypes. Thus, Apple may
// change the interface in the future without notice.
// The prototypes were obtained from the following link:
- (void)swipeWithEvent:(NSEvent *)anEvent;
- (void)beginGestureWithEvent:(NSEvent *)anEvent;
- (void)magnifyWithEvent:(NSEvent *)anEvent;
- (void)rotateWithEvent:(NSEvent *)anEvent;
- (void)endGestureWithEvent:(NSEvent *)anEvent;
// Support for fluid swipe tracking.
#ifdef __LP64__
- (void)maybeTrackScrollEventAsSwipe:(NSEvent *)anEvent
- (void)setUsingOMTCompositor:(BOOL)aUseOMTC;
class ChildViewMouseTracker {
static void MouseMoved(NSEvent* aEvent);
static void MouseScrolled(NSEvent* aEvent);
static void OnDestroyView(ChildView* aView);
static void OnDestroyWindow(NSWindow* aWindow);
static BOOL WindowAcceptsEvent(NSWindow* aWindow, NSEvent* aEvent,
ChildView* aView, BOOL isClickThrough = NO);
static void MouseExitedWindow(NSEvent* aEvent);
static void MouseEnteredWindow(NSEvent* aEvent);
static void ReEvaluateMouseEnterState(NSEvent* aEvent = nil);
static void ResendLastMouseMoveEvent();
static ChildView* ViewForEvent(NSEvent* aEvent);
static ChildView* sLastMouseEventView;
static NSEvent* sLastMouseMoveEvent;
static NSWindow* sWindowUnderMouse;
static NSPoint sLastScrollEventScreenLocation;
// nsChildView
class nsChildView : public nsBaseWidget,
public nsIPluginWidget
typedef nsBaseWidget Inherited;
virtual ~nsChildView();
// nsIWidget interface
NS_IMETHOD Create(nsIWidget *aParent,
nsNativeWidget aNativeParent,
const nsIntRect &aRect,
nsDeviceContext *aContext,
nsWidgetInitData *aInitData = nullptr);
NS_IMETHOD Destroy();
NS_IMETHOD Show(bool aState);
virtual bool IsVisible() const;
NS_IMETHOD SetParent(nsIWidget* aNewParent);
virtual nsIWidget* GetParent(void);
virtual float GetDPI();
NS_IMETHOD ConstrainPosition(bool aAllowSlop,
int32_t *aX, int32_t *aY);
NS_IMETHOD Move(int32_t aX, int32_t aY);
NS_IMETHOD Resize(int32_t aWidth,int32_t aHeight, bool aRepaint);
NS_IMETHOD Resize(int32_t aX, int32_t aY,int32_t aWidth,int32_t aHeight, bool aRepaint);
NS_IMETHOD Enable(bool aState);
virtual bool IsEnabled() const;
NS_IMETHOD SetFocus(bool aRaise);
NS_IMETHOD GetBounds(nsIntRect &aRect);
// Returns the "backing scale factor" of the view's window, which is the
// ratio of pixels in the window's backing store to Cocoa points. Prior to
// HiDPI support in OS X 10.7, this was always 1.0, but in HiDPI mode it
// will be 2.0 (and might potentially other values as screen resolutions
// evolve). This gives the relationship between what Gecko calls "device
// pixels" and the Cocoa "points" coordinate system.
CGFloat BackingScaleFactor();
// Call if the window's backing scale factor changes - i.e., it is moved
// between HiDPI and non-HiDPI screens
void BackingScaleFactorChanged();
virtual double GetDefaultScale();
NS_IMETHOD Invalidate(const nsIntRect &aRect);
virtual void* GetNativeData(uint32_t aDataType);
virtual nsresult ConfigureChildren(const nsTArray<Configuration>& aConfigurations);
virtual nsIntPoint WidgetToScreenOffset();
virtual bool ShowsResizeIndicator(nsIntRect* aResizerRect);
static bool ConvertStatus(nsEventStatus aStatus)
{ return aStatus == nsEventStatus_eConsumeNoDefault; }
NS_IMETHOD DispatchEvent(nsGUIEvent* event, nsEventStatus & aStatus);
virtual bool GetShouldAccelerate();
virtual bool UseOffMainThreadCompositing();
NS_IMETHOD SetCursor(nsCursor aCursor);
NS_IMETHOD SetCursor(imgIContainer* aCursor, uint32_t aHotspotX, uint32_t aHotspotY);
NS_IMETHOD CaptureRollupEvents(nsIRollupListener * aListener, bool aDoCapture, bool aConsumeRollupEvent);
NS_IMETHOD SetTitle(const nsAString& title);
NS_IMETHOD GetAttention(int32_t aCycleCount);
virtual bool HasPendingInputEvent();
NS_IMETHOD ActivateNativeMenuItemAt(const nsAString& indexString);
NS_IMETHOD ForceUpdateNativeMenuAt(const nsAString& indexString);
NS_IMETHOD ResetInputState();
NS_IMETHOD_(void) SetInputContext(const InputContext& aContext,
const InputContextAction& aAction);
NS_IMETHOD_(InputContext) GetInputContext();
NS_IMETHOD CancelIMEComposition();
NS_IMETHOD GetToggledKeyState(uint32_t aKeyCode,
bool* aLEDState);
NS_IMETHOD OnIMEFocusChange(bool aFocus);
// nsIPluginWidget
NS_IMETHOD GetPluginClipRect(nsIntRect& outClipRect, nsIntPoint& outOrigin, bool& outWidgetVisible);
NS_IMETHOD StartDrawPlugin();
NS_IMETHOD EndDrawPlugin();
NS_IMETHOD SetPluginInstanceOwner(nsIPluginInstanceOwner* aInstanceOwner);
NS_IMETHOD SetPluginEventModel(int inEventModel);
NS_IMETHOD GetPluginEventModel(int* outEventModel);
NS_IMETHOD SetPluginDrawingModel(int inDrawingModel);
NS_IMETHOD StartComplexTextInputForCurrentEvent();
virtual nsTransparencyMode GetTransparencyMode();
virtual void SetTransparencyMode(nsTransparencyMode aMode);
virtual nsresult SynthesizeNativeKeyEvent(int32_t aNativeKeyboardLayout,
int32_t aNativeKeyCode,
uint32_t aModifierFlags,
const nsAString& aCharacters,
const nsAString& aUnmodifiedCharacters);
virtual nsresult SynthesizeNativeMouseEvent(nsIntPoint aPoint,
uint32_t aNativeMessage,
uint32_t aModifierFlags);
virtual nsresult SynthesizeNativeMouseMove(nsIntPoint aPoint)
{ return SynthesizeNativeMouseEvent(aPoint, NSMouseMoved, 0); }
// Mac specific methods
virtual bool DispatchWindowEvent(nsGUIEvent& event);
bool PaintWindow(nsIntRegion aRegion, bool aIsAlternate);
already_AddRefed<Accessible> GetDocumentAccessible();
virtual void CreateCompositor();
virtual gfxASurface* GetThebesSurface();
virtual void DrawWindowOverlay(LayerManager* aManager, nsIntRect aRect);
virtual void UpdateThemeGeometries(const nsTArray<ThemeGeometry>& aThemeGeometries);
NS_IMETHOD BeginSecureKeyboardInput();
NS_IMETHOD EndSecureKeyboardInput();
void HidePlugin();
void UpdatePluginPort();
void ResetParent();
static bool DoHasPendingInputEvent();
static uint32_t GetCurrentInputEventCount();
static void UpdateCurrentInputEventCount();
NSView<mozView>* GetEditorView();
bool IsPluginView() { return (mWindowType == eWindowType_plugin); }
nsCocoaWindow* GetXULWindowWidget();
NS_IMETHOD ReparentNativeWidget(nsIWidget* aNewParent);
mozilla::widget::TextInputHandler* GetTextInputHandler()
return mTextInputHandler;
// unit conversion convenience functions
nsIntPoint CocoaPointsToDevPixels(const NSPoint& aPt) {
return nsCocoaUtils::CocoaPointsToDevPixels(aPt, BackingScaleFactor());
nsIntRect CocoaPointsToDevPixels(const NSRect& aRect) {
return nsCocoaUtils::CocoaPointsToDevPixels(aRect, BackingScaleFactor());
CGFloat DevPixelsToCocoaPoints(int32_t aPixels) {
return nsCocoaUtils::DevPixelsToCocoaPoints(aPixels, BackingScaleFactor());
NSRect DevPixelsToCocoaPoints(const nsIntRect& aRect) {
return nsCocoaUtils::DevPixelsToCocoaPoints(aRect, BackingScaleFactor());
void ReportMoveEvent();
void ReportSizeEvent();
// override to create different kinds of child views. Autoreleases, so
// caller must retain.
virtual NSView* CreateCocoaView(NSRect inFrame);
void TearDownView();
virtual already_AddRefed<nsIWidget>
nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> widget = do_CreateInstance(kCPopUpCID);
return widget.forget();
NSView<mozView>* mView; // my parallel cocoa view (ChildView or NativeScrollbarView), [STRONG]
nsRefPtr<mozilla::widget::TextInputHandler> mTextInputHandler;
InputContext mInputContext;
NSView<mozView>* mParentView;
nsIWidget* mParentWidget;
// weak ref to this childview's associated mozAccessible for speed reasons
// (we get queried for it *a lot* but don't want to own it)
nsWeakPtr mAccessible;
nsRefPtr<gfxASurface> mTempThebesSurface;
nsRefPtr<mozilla::gl::TextureImage> mResizerImage;
// Cached value of [mView backingScaleFactor], to avoid sending two obj-c
// messages (respondsToSelector, backingScaleFactor) every time we need to
// use it.
// ** We'll need to reinitialize this if the backing resolution changes. **
CGFloat mBackingScaleFactor;
bool mVisible;
bool mDrawing;
bool mPluginDrawing;
bool mIsDispatchPaint; // Is a paint event being dispatched
NP_CGContext mPluginCGContext;
nsIPluginInstanceOwner* mPluginInstanceOwner; // [WEAK]
static uint32_t sLastInputEventCount;
void NS_InstallPluginKeyEventsHandler();
void NS_RemovePluginKeyEventsHandler();
#endif // nsChildView_h_