Kris Maglione e930b89c34 Bug 1514594: Part 3 - Change ChromeUtils.import API.
Bug 1514594: Part 3a - Change ChromeUtils.import to return an exports object; not pollute global. r=mccr8

This changes the behavior of ChromeUtils.import() to return an exports object,
rather than a module global, in all cases except when `null` is passed as a
second argument, and changes the default behavior not to pollute the global
scope with the module's exports. Thus, the following code written for the old


is approximately the same as the following, in the new model:

  var {Services} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");

Since the two behaviors are mutually incompatible, this patch will land with a
scripted rewrite to update all existing callers to use the new model rather
than the old.
Bug 1514594: Part 3b - Mass rewrite all JS code to use the new ChromeUtils.import API. rs=Gijs

This was done using the followng script:
Bug 1514594: Part 3c - Update ESLint plugin for ChromeUtils.import API changes. r=Standard8

Differential Revision:
Bug 1514594: Part 3d - Remove/fix hundreds of duplicate imports from sync tests. r=Gijs

Differential Revision:
Bug 1514594: Part 3e - Remove no-op ChromeUtils.import() calls. r=Gijs

Differential Revision:
Bug 1514594: Part 3f.1 - Cleanup various test corner cases after mass rewrite. r=Gijs
Bug 1514594: Part 3f.2 - Cleanup various non-test corner cases after mass rewrite. r=Gijs

Differential Revision:

extra : rebase_source : 359574ee3064c90f33bf36c2ebe3159a24cc8895
extra : histedit_source : b93c8f42808b1599f9122d7842d2c0b3e656a594%2C64a3a4e3359dc889e2ab2b49461bab9e27fc10a7
2019-01-17 10:18:31 -08:00

154 lines
7.0 KiB

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="chrome://global/skin"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"?>
<window title="nsTransferable with large string"
<title>nsTransferable with large string</title>
<script type="application/javascript"
<script type="application/javascript">
// This value is chosen such that the size of the memory for the string exceeds
// the kLargeDatasetSize threshold in nsTransferable.h (one million).
// Each character of a JS string is internally represented by two bytes,
// so the following string of length 500 001 uses 1 000 002 bytes.
const BIG_STRING = "x" + "BIGGY".repeat(100000);
// Some value with a length that is exactly kLargeDatasetSize (1 000 000).
const SMALL_STRING = "small".repeat(100000);
const nsTransferable = Components.Constructor(";1", "nsITransferable");
const nsSupportsString = Components.Constructor(";1", "nsISupportsString");
function assignTextToTransferable(transferable, string) {
var Suppstr = nsSupportsString(); = string;
transferable.setTransferData("text/unicode", Suppstr, string.length * 2);
function checkTransferableText(transferable, expectedString, description) {
var data = {};
transferable.getTransferData("text/unicode", data);
var actualValue = data.value.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsString).data;
// Use ok + shortenString instead of is(...) to avoid dumping millions of characters in the output.
ok(actualValue === expectedString, description + ": text should match. " +
"Expected " + shortenString(expectedString) + ", got " + shortenString(actualValue));
function shortenString(str) {
return str && str.length > 30 ? str.slice(0, 10) + "..." + str.slice(-10) : String(str);
function isFDCountingSupported() {
// On on-Windows we can count the number of file handles for the current process,
// while on Windows we need to count the number of files in ${TempD}\mozilla-temp-files\,
// which can be unreliable, especially because nsAnonymousTemporaryFile has documented
// that the deletion might not be immediate.
// To avoid intermittents, we only check the file descriptor counts on non-Windows.
// test_bug1123480.xul will do some basic testing for Windows.
const {AppConstants} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm");
return AppConstants.platform !== 'win';
function getClipboardCacheFDCount() {
var dir = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFile);
var count = 0;
for (var de = dir.directoryEntries; de.hasMoreElements(); ) {
var fdFile = de.nextFile;
var fileSize;
try {
fileSize = fdFile.fileSize;
} catch (e) {
// This can happen on macOS.
if (fileSize === BIG_STRING.length * 2 ||
// We are not expecting files of this small size,
// but include them in the count anyway
// in case the files are unexpectedly created.
fileSize === SMALL_STRING.length * 2) {
// Assume that the file was created by us if the size matches.
return count;
function RunTest() {
const {PrivateBrowsingUtils} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/PrivateBrowsingUtils.jsm");
const {Services} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
var win ="about:blank", "_blank", "chrome, width=500, height=200");
ok(win, "should open window");
is(PrivateBrowsingUtils.isContentWindowPrivate(win), false, "used correct window context");
// ### Part 1 - Writing to the clipboard.
var Loadctx = PrivateBrowsingUtils.privacyContextFromWindow(win);
var Transfer = nsTransferable();
var initialFdCount = isFDCountingSupported() ? getClipboardCacheFDCount() : -1;
assignTextToTransferable(Transfer, BIG_STRING);
checkTransferableText(Transfer, BIG_STRING, "transferable after assigning BIG_STRING");
if (isFDCountingSupported()) {
is(getClipboardCacheFDCount(), initialFdCount + 1, "should use a file for BIG_STRING");
// Share the transferable with the system.
Services.clipboard.setData(Transfer, null, Services.clipboard.kGlobalClipboard);
// Sanity check: Copying to the clipboard should not have altered the transferable.
checkTransferableText(Transfer, BIG_STRING, "transferable after copying to clipboard");
if (isFDCountingSupported()) {
// We are only counting file descriptors for the current process,
// so even if the test were to be multi-process and the parent process creates another
// nsTransferable, then the count should still be the same.
is(getClipboardCacheFDCount(), initialFdCount + 1, "should still be using files for previously stored BIG_STRING");
// Re-establish baseline for the second part of the test below.
initialFdCount = getClipboardCacheFDCount();
// ### Part 2 - Reading from the clipboard.
var Transfer2 = nsTransferable();
// Iniitalize with a small string, so we can see that mData -> mCacheFD works.
assignTextToTransferable(Transfer2, SMALL_STRING);
checkTransferableText(Transfer2, SMALL_STRING, "transferable after assigning SMALL_STRING");
if (isFDCountingSupported()) {
is(getClipboardCacheFDCount(), initialFdCount, "should not use file to store SMALL_STRING.");
// Check whether the clipboard data can be read, and simulatenously trigger mData -> mCacheFD.
Services.clipboard.getData(Transfer2, Services.clipboard.kGlobalClipboard);
checkTransferableText(Transfer2, BIG_STRING, "transferable after retrieving from clipboard");
if (isFDCountingSupported()) {
is(getClipboardCacheFDCount(), initialFdCount + 1, "should use a file for BIG_STRING (read from clipboard).");
// Store a small string, to exercise the code path from mCacheFD -> mData.
assignTextToTransferable(Transfer2, SMALL_STRING);
checkTransferableText(Transfer2, SMALL_STRING, "transferable after assigning SMALL_STRING");
if (isFDCountingSupported()) {
is(getClipboardCacheFDCount(), initialFdCount, "should release the file after clearing the transferable.");
<!-- test results are displayed in the html:body -->
<body xmlns="">
This test checks whether a big string can be copied to the clipboard, and then retrieved in the same form.
On non-Windows, the test also checks whether the data of the transferable is really stored in a file.