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/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
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* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Mats Palmgren.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2007
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Mats Palmgren <mats.palmgren@bredband.net>
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// Test nsIPartialFileInputStream
// NOTE! These tests often use do_check_true(a == b) rather than
// do_check_eq(a, b) to avoid outputting characters which confuse
// the console
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const CC = Components.Constructor;
const BinaryInputStream = CC("@mozilla.org/binaryinputstream;1",
const PR_RDONLY = 0x1; // see prio.h
// We need the profile directory so the test harness will clean up our test
// files.
var binary_test_file_name = "data/image.png";
var text_test_file_name = "test_file_partial_inputstream.js";
// This is a global variable since if it's passed as an argument stack traces
// become unreadable.
var test_file_data;
function run_test()
// Binary tests
let binaryFile = do_get_file(binary_test_file_name);
let size = binaryFile.fileSize;
// Want to make sure we're working with a large enough file
dump("**** binary file size is: " + size + " ****\n");
do_check_true(size > 65536);
let binaryStream = new BinaryInputStream(new_file_input_stream(binaryFile));
test_file_data = "";
while ((avail = binaryStream.available()) > 0) {
test_file_data += binaryStream.readBytes(avail);
do_check_eq(test_file_data.length, size);
test_binary_portion(0, 10);
test_binary_portion(0, 20000);
test_binary_portion(0, size);
test_binary_portion(20000, 10);
test_binary_portion(20000, 20000);
test_binary_portion(20000, size-20000);
test_binary_portion(size-10, 10);
test_binary_portion(size-20000, 20000);
test_binary_portion(0, 0);
test_binary_portion(20000, 0);
test_binary_portion(size-1, 1);
// Text-file tests
let textFile = do_get_file(binary_test_file_name);
size = textFile.fileSize;
// Want to make sure we're working with a large enough file
dump("**** text file size is: " + size + " ****\n");
do_check_true(size > 7000);
let textStream = new BinaryInputStream(new_file_input_stream(textFile));
test_file_data = "";
while ((avail = textStream.available()) > 0)
test_file_data += textStream.readBytes(avail);
do_check_eq(test_file_data.length, size);
test_text_portion(0, 100);
test_text_portion(0, size);
test_text_portion(5000, 1000);
test_text_portion(size-10, 10);
test_text_portion(size-5000, 5000);
test_text_portion(10, 0);
test_text_portion(size-1, 1);
// Test auto-closing files
// Test behavior when *not* autoclosing
let tempFile = create_temp_file("01234567890123456789");
let tempInputStream = new_partial_file_input_stream(tempFile, 5, 10);
do_check_eq(read_line_stream(tempInputStream)[1], "5678901234");
try {
// This fails on some platforms
catch (ex) {
tempInputStream.seek(SET, 1);
do_check_eq(read_line_stream(tempInputStream)[1], "678901234");
// Test removing the file when autoclosing
tempFile = create_temp_file("01234567890123456789");
tempInputStream = new_partial_file_input_stream(tempFile, 5, 10,
Ci.nsIFileInputStream.CLOSE_ON_EOF |
do_check_eq(read_line_stream(tempInputStream)[1], "5678901234");
try {
// The seek should reopen the file, which should fail.
tempInputStream.seek(SET, 1);
catch (ex) {
// Test editing the file when autoclosing
tempFile = create_temp_file("01234567890123456789");
tempInputStream = new_partial_file_input_stream(tempFile, 5, 10,
Ci.nsIFileInputStream.CLOSE_ON_EOF |
do_check_eq(read_line_stream(tempInputStream)[1], "5678901234");
let ostream = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1"].
ostream.init(tempFile, 0x02 | 0x08 | 0x20, // write, create, truncate
0666, 0);
let newData = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
ostream.write(newData, newData.length);
tempInputStream.seek(SET, 1);
do_check_eq(read_line_stream(tempInputStream)[1], newData.substr(6,9));
// Test auto-delete and auto-close together
tempFile = create_temp_file("01234567890123456789");
tempInputStream = new_partial_file_input_stream(tempFile, 5, 10,
Ci.nsIFileInputStream.CLOSE_ON_EOF |
do_check_eq(read_line_stream(tempInputStream)[1], "5678901234");
function test_binary_portion(start, length) {
let subFile = create_temp_file(test_file_data.substr(start, length));
let streamTests = [
for each(test in streamTests) {
let fileStream = new_file_input_stream(subFile);
let partialStream = new_partial_file_input_stream(do_get_file(binary_test_file_name),
start, length);
test(fileStream, partialStream, length);
function test_4k_read(fileStreamA, fileStreamB) {
let streamA = new BinaryInputStream(fileStreamA);
let streamB = new BinaryInputStream(fileStreamB);
while(1) {
do_check_eq(fileStreamA.tell(), fileStreamB.tell());
let availA = streamA.available();
let availB = streamB.available();
do_check_eq(availA, availB);
if (availA == 0)
let readSize = availA > 4096 ? 4096 : availA;
do_check_true(streamA.readBytes(readSize) ==
function test_max_read(fileStreamA, fileStreamB) {
let streamA = new BinaryInputStream(fileStreamA);
let streamB = new BinaryInputStream(fileStreamB);
while(1) {
do_check_eq(fileStreamA.tell(), fileStreamB.tell());
let availA = streamA.available();
let availB = streamB.available();
do_check_eq(availA, availB);
if (availA == 0)
do_check_true(streamA.readBytes(availA) ==
const SET = Ci.nsISeekableStream.NS_SEEK_SET;
const CUR = Ci.nsISeekableStream.NS_SEEK_CUR;
const END = Ci.nsISeekableStream.NS_SEEK_END;
function test_seek(dummy, partialFileStream, size) {
// We can't test the "real" filestream here as our existing file streams
// are very broken and allows searching past the end of the file.
tests = [
[SET, 0],
[SET, 5],
[SET, 1000],
[SET, size-10],
[SET, size-5],
[SET, size-1],
[SET, size],
[SET, size+10],
[SET, 0],
[CUR, 5],
[CUR, -5],
[SET, 5000],
[CUR, -100],
[CUR, 200],
[CUR, -5000],
[CUR, 5000],
[CUR, size * 2],
[SET, 1],
[CUR, -1],
[CUR, -1],
[CUR, -1],
[CUR, -1],
[CUR, -1],
[SET, size-1],
[CUR, 1],
[CUR, 1],
[CUR, 1],
[CUR, 1],
[CUR, 1],
[END, 0],
[END, -1],
[END, -5],
[END, -1000],
[END, -size+10],
[END, -size+5],
[END, -size+1],
[END, -size],
[END, -size-10],
[END, 10],
[CUR, 10],
[CUR, 10],
[CUR, 100],
[CUR, 1000],
[END, -1000],
[CUR, 100],
[CUR, 900],
[CUR, 100],
[CUR, 100],
let pos = 0;
for each(test in tests) {
let didThrow = false;
try {
partialFileStream.seek(test[0], test[1]);
catch (ex) {
didThrow = true;
let newPos = test[0] == SET ? test[1] :
test[0] == CUR ? pos + test[1] :
size + test[1];
if (newPos > size || newPos < 0) {
else {
pos = newPos;
do_check_eq(partialFileStream.tell(), pos);
do_check_eq(partialFileStream.available(), size - pos);
function test_seek_then_read(fileStreamA, fileStreamB, size) {
// For now we only test seeking inside the file since our existing file
// streams behave very strange when seeking to past the end of the file.
if (size < 20000) {
let streamA = new BinaryInputStream(fileStreamA);
let streamB = new BinaryInputStream(fileStreamB);
let read = {};
tests = [
[SET, 0],
[read, 1000],
[read, 1000],
[SET, 5],
[read, 1000],
[read, 5000],
[CUR, 100],
[read, 1000],
[read, 5000],
[CUR, -100],
[read, 1000],
[CUR, -100],
[read, 5000],
[END, -10],
[read, 10],
[END, -100],
[read, 101],
[CUR, -100],
[read, 10],
[SET, 0],
[read, 20000],
[read, 1],
[read, 100],
for each(test in tests) {
if (test[0] === read) {
let didThrowA = false;
let didThrowB = false;
let bytesA, bytesB;
try {
bytesA = streamA.readBytes(test[1]);
catch (ex) {
didThrowA = true;
try {
bytesB = streamB.readBytes(test[1]);
catch (ex) {
didThrowB = true;
do_check_eq(didThrowA, didThrowB);
do_check_true(bytesA == bytesB);
else {
fileStreamA.seek(test[0], test[1]);
fileStreamB.seek(test[0], test[1]);
do_check_eq(fileStreamA.tell(), fileStreamB.tell());
do_check_eq(fileStreamA.available(), fileStreamB.available());
function test_text_portion(start, length) {
let subFile = create_temp_file(test_file_data.substr(start, length));
let streamTests = [
for each(test in streamTests) {
let fileStream = new_file_input_stream(subFile)
let partialStream = new_partial_file_input_stream(do_get_file(binary_test_file_name),
start, length)
test(fileStream, partialStream, length);
function test_readline(fileStreamA, fileStreamB)
let moreA = true, moreB;
while(moreA) {
let lineA, lineB;
[moreA, lineA] = read_line_stream(fileStreamA);
[moreB, lineB] = read_line_stream(fileStreamB);
do_check_eq(moreA, moreB);
do_check_true(lineA.value == lineB.value);
function test_seek_then_readline(fileStreamA, fileStreamB, size) {
// For now we only test seeking inside the file since our existing file
// streams behave very strange when seeking to past the end of the file.
if (size < 100) {
let read = {};
tests = [
[SET, 0],
[read, 5],
[read, 5],
[SET, 5],
[read, 5],
[read, 15],
[CUR, 100],
[read, 5],
[read, 15],
[CUR, -100],
[read, 5],
[CUR, -100],
[read, 25],
[END, -10],
[read, 1],
[END, -50],
[read, 30],
[read, 1],
[read, 1],
[CUR, -100],
[read, 1],
[SET, 0],
[read, 10000],
[read, 1],
[read, 1],
[SET, 0],
[read, 1],
for each(test in tests) {
if (test[0] === read) {
for (let i = 0; i < test[1]; ++i) {
let didThrowA = false;
let didThrowB = false;
let lineA, lineB, moreA, moreB;
try {
[moreA, lineA] = read_line_stream(fileStreamA);
catch (ex) {
didThrowA = true;
try {
[moreB, lineB] = read_line_stream(fileStreamB);
catch (ex) {
didThrowB = true;
do_check_eq(didThrowA, didThrowB);
do_check_eq(moreA, moreB);
do_check_true(lineA == lineB);
do_check_eq(fileStreamA.tell(), fileStreamB.tell());
do_check_eq(fileStreamA.available(), fileStreamB.available());
if (!moreA)
else {
if (!(test[0] == CUR && (test[1] > fileStreamA.available() ||
test[1] < -fileStreamA.tell()))) {
fileStreamA.seek(test[0], test[1]);
fileStreamB.seek(test[0], test[1]);
do_check_eq(fileStreamA.tell(), fileStreamB.tell());
do_check_eq(fileStreamA.available(), fileStreamB.available());
function read_line_stream(stream) {
let line = {};
let more = stream.readLine(line);
return [more, line.value];
function new_file_input_stream(file) {
var stream =
stream.init(file, PR_RDONLY, 0, 0);
return stream.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInputStream);
function new_partial_file_input_stream(file, start, length, flags) {
var stream =
stream.init(file, start, length, PR_RDONLY, 0, flags || 0);
return stream.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInputStream);
function create_temp_file(data) {
let file = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"].
get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile);
file.createUnique(Ci.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0666);
let ostream = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1"].
ostream.init(file, 0x02 | 0x08 | 0x20, // write, create, truncate
0666, 0);
do_check_eq(ostream.write(data, data.length), data.length);
return file;