2020-03-27 14:10:45 +00:00

437 lines
16 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nullptr; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "mozilla/layers/SurfacePoolCA.h"
#import <CoreVideo/CVPixelBuffer.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include "mozilla/StaticMutex.h"
#include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_gfx.h"
#include "GLContextCGL.h"
#include "MozFramebuffer.h"
namespace mozilla {
namespace layers {
using gfx::IntPoint;
using gfx::IntSize;
using gfx::IntRect;
using gfx::IntRegion;
using gl::GLContext;
using gl::GLContextCGL;
/* static */ RefPtr<SurfacePool> SurfacePool::Create(size_t aPoolSizeLimit) {
return new SurfacePoolCA(aPoolSizeLimit);
// SurfacePoolCA::LockedPool
SurfacePoolCA::LockedPool::LockedPool(size_t aPoolSizeLimit) : mPoolSizeLimit(aPoolSizeLimit) {}
SurfacePoolCA::LockedPool::~LockedPool() {
"Any outstanding wrappers should have kept the surface pool alive");
"Leak! No more surfaces should be in use at this point.");
// Remove all entries in mPendingEntries and mAvailableEntries.
MutateEntryStorage("Clear", {}, [&]() {
RefPtr<SurfacePoolCAWrapperForGL> SurfacePoolCA::LockedPool::GetWrapperForGL(SurfacePoolCA* aPool,
GLContext* aGL) {
auto& wrapper = mWrappers[aGL];
if (!wrapper) {
wrapper = new SurfacePoolCAWrapperForGL(aPool, aGL);
return wrapper;
void SurfacePoolCA::LockedPool::DestroyGLResourcesForContext(GLContext* aGL) {
ForEachEntry([&](SurfacePoolEntry& entry) {
if (entry.mGLResources && entry.mGLResources->mGLContext == aGL) {
entry.mGLResources = Nothing();
[&](const DepthBufferEntry& entry) { return entry.mGLContext == aGL; });
template <typename F>
void SurfacePoolCA::LockedPool::MutateEntryStorage(const char* aMutationType,
const gfx::IntSize& aSize, F aFn) {
size_t inUseCountBefore = mInUseEntries.size();
size_t pendingCountBefore = mPendingEntries.Length();
size_t availableCountBefore = mAvailableEntries.Length();
TimeStamp before = TimeStamp::NowUnfuzzed();
if (profiler_thread_is_being_profiled()) {
nsPrintfCString("%d -> %d in use | %d -> %d waiting for | %d -> %d available | %s %dx%d | "
"%dMB total memory",
int(inUseCountBefore), int(mInUseEntries.size()), int(pendingCountBefore),
int(mPendingEntries.Length()), int(availableCountBefore),
int(mAvailableEntries.Length()), aMutationType, aSize.width, aSize.height,
int(EstimateTotalMemory() / 1000 / 1000)),
JS::ProfilingCategoryPair::GRAPHICS, before, TimeStamp::NowUnfuzzed());
template <typename F>
void SurfacePoolCA::LockedPool::ForEachEntry(F aFn) {
for (auto& iter : mInUseEntries) {
for (auto& entry : mPendingEntries) {
for (auto& entry : mAvailableEntries) {
uint64_t SurfacePoolCA::LockedPool::EstimateTotalMemory() {
std::unordered_set<const gl::DepthAndStencilBuffer*> depthAndStencilBuffers;
uint64_t memBytes = 0;
ForEachEntry([&](const SurfacePoolEntry& entry) {
auto size = entry.mSize;
memBytes += size.width * 4 * size.height;
if (entry.mGLResources) {
const auto& fb = *entry.mGLResources->mFramebuffer;
if (const auto& buffer = fb.GetDepthAndStencilBuffer()) {
for (const auto& buffer : depthAndStencilBuffers) {
memBytes += buffer->EstimateMemory();
return memBytes;
bool SurfacePoolCA::LockedPool::CanRecycleSurfaceForRequest(const SurfacePoolEntry& aEntry,
const IntSize& aSize, GLContext* aGL) {
if (aEntry.mSize != aSize) {
return false;
if (aEntry.mGLResources) {
return aEntry.mGLResources->mGLContext == aGL;
return true;
CFTypeRefPtr<IOSurfaceRef> SurfacePoolCA::LockedPool::ObtainSurfaceFromPool(const IntSize& aSize,
GLContext* aGL) {
// Do a linear scan through mAvailableEntries to find an eligible suface, going from oldest to
// newest. The size of this array is limited, so the linear scan is fast.
auto iterToRecycle = std::find_if(mAvailableEntries.begin(), mAvailableEntries.end(),
[&](const SurfacePoolEntry& aEntry) {
return CanRecycleSurfaceForRequest(aEntry, aSize, aGL);
if (iterToRecycle != mAvailableEntries.end()) {
CFTypeRefPtr<IOSurfaceRef> surface = iterToRecycle->mIOSurface;
// Move the entry from mAvailableEntries to mInUseEntries.
MutateEntryStorage("Recycle", aSize, [&]() {
mInUseEntries.insert({surface, std::move(*iterToRecycle)});
return surface;
nsPrintfCString("%dx%d", aSize.width, aSize.height));
CFTypeRefPtr<IOSurfaceRef> surface =
CFTypeRefPtr<IOSurfaceRef>::WrapUnderCreateRule(IOSurfaceCreate((__bridge CFDictionaryRef) @{
(__bridge NSString*)kIOSurfaceWidth : @(aSize.width),
(__bridge NSString*)kIOSurfaceHeight : @(aSize.height),
(__bridge NSString*)kIOSurfacePixelFormat : @(kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA),
(__bridge NSString*)kIOSurfaceBytesPerElement : @(4),
if (surface) {
// Create a new entry in mInUseEntries.
MutateEntryStorage("Create", aSize, [&]() {
mInUseEntries.insert({surface, SurfacePoolEntry{aSize, surface, {}}});
return surface;
void SurfacePoolCA::LockedPool::ReturnSurfaceToPool(CFTypeRefPtr<IOSurfaceRef> aSurface) {
auto inUseEntryIter = mInUseEntries.find(aSurface);
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(inUseEntryIter != mInUseEntries.end());
if (IOSurfaceIsInUse(aSurface.get())) {
// Move the entry from mInUseEntries to mPendingEntries.
MutateEntryStorage("Start waiting for", IntSize(inUseEntryIter->second.mSize), [&]() {
PendingSurfaceEntry{std::move(inUseEntryIter->second), mCollectionGeneration, 0});
} else {
// Move the entry from mInUseEntries to mAvailableEntries.
MutateEntryStorage("Retain", IntSize(inUseEntryIter->second.mSize), [&]() {
void SurfacePoolCA::LockedPool::EnforcePoolSizeLimit() {
// Enforce the pool size limit, removing least-recently-used entries as necessary.
while (mAvailableEntries.Length() > mPoolSizeLimit) {
MutateEntryStorage("Evict", IntSize(mAvailableEntries[0].mSize),
[&]() { mAvailableEntries.RemoveElementAt(0); });
uint64_t SurfacePoolCA::LockedPool::CollectPendingSurfaces(uint64_t aCheckGenerationsUpTo) {
// Loop from back to front, potentially deleting items as we iterate.
// mPendingEntries is used as a set; the order of its items is not meaningful.
size_t i = mPendingEntries.Length();
while (i) {
i -= 1;
auto& pendingSurf = mPendingEntries[i];
if (pendingSurf.mPreviousCheckGeneration > aCheckGenerationsUpTo) {
// Check if the window server is still using the surface. As long as it is doing that, we cannot
// move the surface to mAvailableSurfaces because anything we draw to it could reach the screen
// in a place where we don't expect it.
if (IOSurfaceIsInUse(pendingSurf.mEntry.mIOSurface.get())) {
// The surface is still in use. Update mPreviousCheckGeneration and mCheckCount.
pendingSurf.mPreviousCheckGeneration = mCollectionGeneration;
if (pendingSurf.mCheckCount >= 30) {
// The window server has been holding on to this surface for an unreasonably long time. This
// is known to happen sometimes, for example in occluded windows or after a GPU switch. In
// that case, release our references to the surface so that it's Not Our Problem anymore.
// Remove the entry from mPendingEntries.
MutateEntryStorage("Eject", IntSize(pendingSurf.mEntry.mSize),
[&]() { mPendingEntries.RemoveElementAt(i); });
} else {
// The surface has become unused!
// Move the entry from mPendingEntries to mAvailableEntries.
MutateEntryStorage("Stop waiting for", IntSize(pendingSurf.mEntry.mSize), [&]() {
return mCollectionGeneration;
void SurfacePoolCA::LockedPool::OnWrapperDestroyed(gl::GLContext* aGL,
SurfacePoolCAWrapperForGL* aWrapper) {
if (aGL) {
auto iter = mWrappers.find(aGL);
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(iter != mWrappers.end());
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(iter->second == aWrapper, "Only one SurfacePoolCAWrapperForGL object should "
"exist for each GLContext* at any time");
Maybe<GLuint> SurfacePoolCA::LockedPool::GetFramebufferForSurface(
CFTypeRefPtr<IOSurfaceRef> aSurface, GLContext* aGL, bool aNeedsDepthBuffer) {
auto inUseEntryIter = mInUseEntries.find(aSurface);
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(inUseEntryIter != mInUseEntries.end());
SurfacePoolEntry& entry = inUseEntryIter->second;
if (entry.mGLResources) {
// We have an existing framebuffer.
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(entry.mGLResources->mGLContext == aGL,
"Recycled surface that still had GL resources from a different GL context. "
"This shouldn't happen.");
if (!aNeedsDepthBuffer || entry.mGLResources->mFramebuffer->HasDepth()) {
return Some(entry.mGLResources->mFramebuffer->mFB);
// No usable existing framebuffer, we need to create one.
"Framebuffer creation", GRAPHICS_TileAllocation,
nsPrintfCString("%dx%d", entry.mSize.width, entry.mSize.height));
RefPtr<GLContextCGL> cgl = GLContextCGL::Cast(aGL);
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(cgl, "Unexpected GLContext type");
if (!aGL->MakeCurrent()) {
// Context may have been destroyed.
return {};
GLuint tex = aGL->CreateTexture();
const gl::ScopedBindTexture bindTex(aGL, tex, LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB);
entry.mSize.width, entry.mSize.height, LOCAL_GL_BGRA,
LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV, entry.mIOSurface.get(), 0);
auto fb = CreateFramebufferForTexture(aGL, entry.mSize, tex, aNeedsDepthBuffer);
if (!fb) {
// Framebuffer completeness check may have failed.
return {};
GLuint fbo = fb->mFB;
entry.mGLResources = Some(GLResourcesForSurface{aGL, std::move(fb)});
return Some(fbo);
RefPtr<gl::DepthAndStencilBuffer> SurfacePoolCA::LockedPool::GetDepthBufferForSharing(
GLContext* aGL, const IntSize& aSize) {
// Clean out entries for which the weak pointer has become null.
mDepthBuffers.RemoveElementsBy([&](const DepthBufferEntry& entry) { return !entry.mBuffer; });
for (const auto& entry : mDepthBuffers) {
if (entry.mGLContext == aGL && entry.mSize == aSize) {
return entry.mBuffer.get();
return nullptr;
UniquePtr<gl::MozFramebuffer> SurfacePoolCA::LockedPool::CreateFramebufferForTexture(
GLContext* aGL, const IntSize& aSize, GLuint aTexture, bool aNeedsDepthBuffer) {
if (aNeedsDepthBuffer) {
// Try to find an existing depth buffer of aSize in aGL and create a framebuffer that shares it.
if (auto buffer = GetDepthBufferForSharing(aGL, aSize)) {
return gl::MozFramebuffer::CreateForBackingWithSharedDepthAndStencil(
aSize, 0, LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, aTexture, buffer);
// No depth buffer needed or we didn't find one. Create a framebuffer with a new depth buffer and
// store a weak pointer to the new depth buffer in mDepthBuffers.
UniquePtr<gl::MozFramebuffer> fb = gl::MozFramebuffer::CreateForBacking(
aGL, aSize, 0, aNeedsDepthBuffer, LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, aTexture);
if (fb && fb->GetDepthAndStencilBuffer()) {
mDepthBuffers.AppendElement(DepthBufferEntry{aGL, aSize, fb->GetDepthAndStencilBuffer().get()});
return fb;
// SurfacePoolHandleCA
SurfacePoolHandleCA::SurfacePoolHandleCA(RefPtr<SurfacePoolCAWrapperForGL>&& aPoolWrapper,
uint64_t aCurrentCollectionGeneration)
: mPoolWrapper(aPoolWrapper),
"SurfacePoolHandleCA::mPreviousFrameCollectionGeneration") {
auto generation = mPreviousFrameCollectionGeneration.Lock();
*generation = aCurrentCollectionGeneration;
SurfacePoolHandleCA::~SurfacePoolHandleCA() {}
void SurfacePoolHandleCA::OnBeginFrame() {
auto generation = mPreviousFrameCollectionGeneration.Lock();
*generation = mPoolWrapper->mPool->CollectPendingSurfaces(*generation);
void SurfacePoolHandleCA::OnEndFrame() { mPoolWrapper->mPool->EnforcePoolSizeLimit(); }
CFTypeRefPtr<IOSurfaceRef> SurfacePoolHandleCA::ObtainSurfaceFromPool(const IntSize& aSize) {
return mPoolWrapper->mPool->ObtainSurfaceFromPool(aSize, mPoolWrapper->mGL);
void SurfacePoolHandleCA::ReturnSurfaceToPool(CFTypeRefPtr<IOSurfaceRef> aSurface) {
Maybe<GLuint> SurfacePoolHandleCA::GetFramebufferForSurface(CFTypeRefPtr<IOSurfaceRef> aSurface,
bool aNeedsDepthBuffer) {
return mPoolWrapper->mPool->GetFramebufferForSurface(aSurface, mPoolWrapper->mGL,
// SurfacePoolCA
SurfacePoolCA::SurfacePoolCA(size_t aPoolSizeLimit)
: mPool(LockedPool(aPoolSizeLimit), "SurfacePoolCA::mPool") {}
SurfacePoolCA::~SurfacePoolCA() {}
RefPtr<SurfacePoolHandle> SurfacePoolCA::GetHandleForGL(GLContext* aGL) {
RefPtr<SurfacePoolCAWrapperForGL> wrapper;
uint64_t collectionGeneration = 0;
auto pool = mPool.Lock();
wrapper = pool->GetWrapperForGL(this, aGL);
collectionGeneration = pool->mCollectionGeneration;
// Run the SurfacePoolHandleCA constructor outside of the lock so that the
// mPool lock and the handle's lock are always ordered the same way.
return new SurfacePoolHandleCA(std::move(wrapper), collectionGeneration);
void SurfacePoolCA::DestroyGLResourcesForContext(GLContext* aGL) {
auto pool = mPool.Lock();
CFTypeRefPtr<IOSurfaceRef> SurfacePoolCA::ObtainSurfaceFromPool(const IntSize& aSize,
GLContext* aGL) {
auto pool = mPool.Lock();
return pool->ObtainSurfaceFromPool(aSize, aGL);
void SurfacePoolCA::ReturnSurfaceToPool(CFTypeRefPtr<IOSurfaceRef> aSurface) {
auto pool = mPool.Lock();
uint64_t SurfacePoolCA::CollectPendingSurfaces(uint64_t aCheckGenerationsUpTo) {
auto pool = mPool.Lock();
return pool->CollectPendingSurfaces(aCheckGenerationsUpTo);
void SurfacePoolCA::EnforcePoolSizeLimit() {
auto pool = mPool.Lock();
Maybe<GLuint> SurfacePoolCA::GetFramebufferForSurface(CFTypeRefPtr<IOSurfaceRef> aSurface,
GLContext* aGL, bool aNeedsDepthBuffer) {
auto pool = mPool.Lock();
return pool->GetFramebufferForSurface(aSurface, aGL, aNeedsDepthBuffer);
void SurfacePoolCA::OnWrapperDestroyed(gl::GLContext* aGL, SurfacePoolCAWrapperForGL* aWrapper) {
auto pool = mPool.Lock();
return pool->OnWrapperDestroyed(aGL, aWrapper);
} // namespace layers
} // namespace mozilla