Ms2ger 21e8d08889 servo: Merge #14465 - Make the fetch target non-optional (from servo:http); r=nox
Source-Revision: 1b2daae453e9276977059fd51c9b733e6400f35c
2016-12-15 14:02:42 -08:00

1343 lines
49 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use brotli::Decompressor;
use connector::{Connector, create_http_connector};
use content_blocker_parser::RuleList;
use cookie;
use cookie_storage::CookieStorage;
use devtools_traits::{ChromeToDevtoolsControlMsg, DevtoolsControlMsg, HttpRequest as DevtoolsHttpRequest};
use devtools_traits::{HttpResponse as DevtoolsHttpResponse, NetworkEvent};
use fetch::cors_cache::CorsCache;
use fetch::methods::{Data, DoneChannel, FetchContext, Target, is_simple_header, is_simple_method, main_fetch};
use flate2::read::{DeflateDecoder, GzDecoder};
use hsts::HstsList;
use hyper::Error as HttpError;
use hyper::LanguageTag;
use hyper::client::{Pool, Request as HyperRequest, Response as HyperResponse};
use hyper::header::{AcceptEncoding, AcceptLanguage, AccessControlAllowCredentials};
use hyper::header::{AccessControlAllowOrigin, AccessControlAllowHeaders, AccessControlAllowMethods};
use hyper::header::{AccessControlRequestHeaders, AccessControlMaxAge, AccessControlRequestMethod};
use hyper::header::{Authorization, Basic, CacheControl, CacheDirective, ContentEncoding};
use hyper::header::{ContentLength, Encoding, Header, Headers, Host, IfMatch, IfRange};
use hyper::header::{IfUnmodifiedSince, IfModifiedSince, IfNoneMatch, Location, Pragma, Quality};
use hyper::header::{QualityItem, Referer, SetCookie, UserAgent, qitem};
use hyper::method::Method;
use hyper::net::Fresh;
use hyper::status::StatusCode;
use hyper_serde::Serde;
use log;
use msg::constellation_msg::PipelineId;
use net_traits::{CookieSource, FetchMetadata, NetworkError, ReferrerPolicy};
use net_traits::hosts::replace_hosts;
use net_traits::request::{CacheMode, CredentialsMode, Destination, Origin};
use net_traits::request::{RedirectMode, Referrer, Request, RequestMode, ResponseTainting};
use net_traits::response::{HttpsState, Response, ResponseBody, ResponseType};
use openssl;
use openssl::ssl::error::{OpensslError, SslError};
use resource_thread::AuthCache;
use servo_url::ServoUrl;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::error::Error;
use std::io::{self, Read, Write};
use std::iter::FromIterator;
use std::mem;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
use std::sync::mpsc::{channel, Sender};
use std::thread;
use time;
use time::Tm;
use unicase::UniCase;
use url::Origin as UrlOrigin;
use uuid;
fn read_block<R: Read>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<Data, ()> {
let mut buf = vec![0; 1024];
match buf) {
Ok(len) if len > 0 => {
Ok(_) => Ok(Data::Done),
Err(_) => Err(()),
pub struct HttpState {
pub hsts_list: Arc<RwLock<HstsList>>,
pub cookie_jar: Arc<RwLock<CookieStorage>>,
pub auth_cache: Arc<RwLock<AuthCache>>,
pub blocked_content: Arc<Option<RuleList>>,
impl HttpState {
pub fn new() -> HttpState {
HttpState {
hsts_list: Arc::new(RwLock::new(HstsList::new())),
cookie_jar: Arc::new(RwLock::new(CookieStorage::new(150))),
auth_cache: Arc::new(RwLock::new(AuthCache::new())),
blocked_content: Arc::new(None),
fn precise_time_ms() -> u64 {
time::precise_time_ns() / (1000 * 1000)
pub struct WrappedHttpResponse {
pub response: HyperResponse
impl Read for WrappedHttpResponse {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
impl WrappedHttpResponse {
fn headers(&self) -> &Headers {
fn content_encoding(&self) -> Option<Encoding> {
let encodings = match self.headers().get::<ContentEncoding>() {
Some(&ContentEncoding(ref encodings)) => encodings,
None => return None,
if encodings.contains(&Encoding::Gzip) {
} else if encodings.contains(&Encoding::Deflate) {
} else if encodings.contains(&Encoding::EncodingExt("br".to_owned())) {
} else {
struct NetworkHttpRequestFactory {
pub connector: Arc<Pool<Connector>>,
impl NetworkHttpRequestFactory {
fn create(&self, url: ServoUrl, method: Method, headers: Headers)
-> Result<HyperRequest<Fresh>, NetworkError> {
let connection = HyperRequest::with_connector(method,
if let Err(HttpError::Ssl(ref error)) = connection {
let error: &(Error + Send + 'static) = &**error;
if let Some(&SslError::OpenSslErrors(ref errors)) = error.downcast_ref::<SslError>() {
if errors.iter().any(is_cert_verify_error) {
let mut error_report = vec![format!("ssl error ({}):", openssl::version::version())];
let mut suggestion = None;
for err in errors {
if is_unknown_message_digest_err(err) {
suggestion = Some("<b>Servo recommends upgrading to a newer OpenSSL version.</b>");
if let Some(suggestion) = suggestion {
let error_report = error_report.join("<br>\n");
return Err(NetworkError::SslValidation(url, error_report));
let mut request = match connection {
Ok(req) => req,
Err(e) => return Err(NetworkError::Internal(e.description().to_owned())),
*request.headers_mut() = headers;
fn set_default_accept_encoding(headers: &mut Headers) {
if headers.has::<AcceptEncoding>() {
pub fn set_default_accept_language(headers: &mut Headers) {
if headers.has::<AcceptLanguage>() {
let mut en_us: LanguageTag = Default::default();
en_us.language = Some("en".to_owned());
en_us.region = Some("US".to_owned());
let mut en: LanguageTag = Default::default();
en.language = Some("en".to_owned());
QualityItem::new(en, Quality(500)),
fn no_referrer_when_downgrade_header(referrer_url: ServoUrl, url: ServoUrl) -> Option<ServoUrl> {
if referrer_url.scheme() == "https" && url.scheme() != "https" {
return None;
return strip_url(referrer_url, false);
fn strict_origin(referrer_url: ServoUrl, url: ServoUrl) -> Option<ServoUrl> {
if referrer_url.scheme() == "https" && url.scheme() != "https" {
return None;
strip_url(referrer_url, true)
fn strict_origin_when_cross_origin(referrer_url: ServoUrl, url: ServoUrl) -> Option<ServoUrl> {
if referrer_url.scheme() == "https" && url.scheme() != "https" {
return None;
let cross_origin = referrer_url.origin() != url.origin();
strip_url(referrer_url, cross_origin)
fn strip_url(mut referrer_url: ServoUrl, origin_only: bool) -> Option<ServoUrl> {
if referrer_url.scheme() == "https" || referrer_url.scheme() == "http" {
let referrer = referrer_url.as_mut_url().unwrap();
if origin_only {
return Some(referrer_url);
return None;
/// Steps 4-6.
pub fn determine_request_referrer(headers: &mut Headers,
referrer_policy: ReferrerPolicy,
referrer_source: ServoUrl,
current_url: ServoUrl)
-> Option<ServoUrl> {
// FIXME(#14505): this does not seem to be the correct way of checking for
// same-origin requests.
let cross_origin = referrer_source.origin() != current_url.origin();
// FIXME(#14506): some of these cases are expected to consider whether the
// request's client is "TLS-protected", whatever that means.
match referrer_policy {
ReferrerPolicy::NoReferrer => None,
ReferrerPolicy::Origin => strip_url(referrer_source, true),
ReferrerPolicy::SameOrigin => if cross_origin { None } else { strip_url(referrer_source, false) },
ReferrerPolicy::UnsafeUrl => strip_url(referrer_source, false),
ReferrerPolicy::OriginWhenCrossOrigin => strip_url(referrer_source, cross_origin),
ReferrerPolicy::StrictOrigin => strict_origin(referrer_source, current_url),
ReferrerPolicy::StrictOriginWhenCrossOrigin => strict_origin_when_cross_origin(referrer_source, current_url),
ReferrerPolicy::NoReferrerWhenDowngrade => no_referrer_when_downgrade_header(referrer_source, current_url),
pub fn set_request_cookies(url: &ServoUrl, headers: &mut Headers, cookie_jar: &Arc<RwLock<CookieStorage>>) {
let mut cookie_jar = cookie_jar.write().unwrap();
if let Some(cookie_list) = cookie_jar.cookies_for_url(url, CookieSource::HTTP) {
let mut v = Vec::new();
headers.set_raw("Cookie".to_owned(), v);
fn set_cookie_for_url(cookie_jar: &Arc<RwLock<CookieStorage>>,
request: &ServoUrl,
cookie_val: String) {
let mut cookie_jar = cookie_jar.write().unwrap();
let source = CookieSource::HTTP;
let header = Header::parse_header(&[cookie_val.into_bytes()]);
if let Ok(SetCookie(cookies)) = header {
for bare_cookie in cookies {
if let Some(cookie) = cookie::Cookie::new_wrapped(bare_cookie, request, source) {
cookie_jar.push(cookie, source);
fn set_cookies_from_headers(url: &ServoUrl, headers: &Headers, cookie_jar: &Arc<RwLock<CookieStorage>>) {
if let Some(cookies) = headers.get_raw("set-cookie") {
for cookie in cookies.iter() {
if let Ok(cookie_value) = String::from_utf8(cookie.clone()) {
struct StreamedResponse {
decoder: Decoder,
impl Read for StreamedResponse {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
match self.decoder {
Decoder::Gzip(ref mut d) =>,
Decoder::Deflate(ref mut d) =>,
Decoder::Brotli(ref mut d) =>,
Decoder::Plain(ref mut d) =>
impl StreamedResponse {
fn from_http_response(response: WrappedHttpResponse) -> io::Result<StreamedResponse> {
let decoder = match response.content_encoding() {
Some(Encoding::Gzip) => {
Some(Encoding::Deflate) => {
Some(Encoding::EncodingExt(ref ext)) if ext == "br" => {
Decoder::Brotli(Decompressor::new(response, 1024))
_ => {
Ok(StreamedResponse { decoder: decoder })
enum Decoder {
fn prepare_devtools_request(request_id: String,
url: ServoUrl,
method: Method,
headers: Headers,
body: Option<Vec<u8>>,
pipeline_id: PipelineId,
now: Tm,
connect_time: u64,
send_time: u64,
is_xhr: bool) -> ChromeToDevtoolsControlMsg {
let request = DevtoolsHttpRequest {
url: url,
method: method,
headers: headers,
body: body,
pipeline_id: pipeline_id,
startedDateTime: now,
timeStamp: now.to_timespec().sec,
connect_time: connect_time,
send_time: send_time,
is_xhr: is_xhr,
let net_event = NetworkEvent::HttpRequest(request);
ChromeToDevtoolsControlMsg::NetworkEvent(request_id, net_event)
fn send_request_to_devtools(msg: ChromeToDevtoolsControlMsg,
devtools_chan: &Sender<DevtoolsControlMsg>) {
fn send_response_to_devtools(devtools_chan: &Sender<DevtoolsControlMsg>,
request_id: String,
headers: Option<Headers>,
status: Option<(u16, Vec<u8>)>,
pipeline_id: PipelineId) {
let response = DevtoolsHttpResponse { headers: headers, status: status, body: None, pipeline_id: pipeline_id };
let net_event_response = NetworkEvent::HttpResponse(response);
let msg = ChromeToDevtoolsControlMsg::NetworkEvent(request_id, net_event_response);
let _ = devtools_chan.send(DevtoolsControlMsg::FromChrome(msg));
fn auth_from_cache(auth_cache: &Arc<RwLock<AuthCache>>, origin: &UrlOrigin) -> Option<Basic> {
if let Some(ref auth_entry) = {
let user_name = auth_entry.user_name.clone();
let password = Some(auth_entry.password.clone());
Some(Basic { username: user_name, password: password })
} else {
fn obtain_response(request_factory: &NetworkHttpRequestFactory,
url: &ServoUrl,
method: &Method,
request_headers: &Headers,
data: &Option<Vec<u8>>,
load_data_method: &Method,
pipeline_id: &Option<PipelineId>,
iters: u32,
request_id: Option<&str>,
is_xhr: bool)
-> Result<(WrappedHttpResponse, Option<ChromeToDevtoolsControlMsg>), NetworkError> {
let null_data = None;
let connection_url = replace_hosts(&url);
// loop trying connections in connection pool
// they may have grown stale (disconnected), in which case we'll get
// a ConnectionAborted error. this loop tries again with a new
// connection.
loop {
let mut headers = request_headers.clone();
// Avoid automatically sending request body if a redirect has occurred.
// TODO - This is the wrong behaviour according to the RFC. However, I'm not
// sure how much "correctness" vs. real-world is important in this case.
let is_redirected_request = iters != 1;
let request_body;
match data {
&Some(ref d) if !is_redirected_request => {
headers.set(ContentLength(d.len() as u64));
request_body = data;
_ => {
if *load_data_method != Method::Get && *load_data_method != Method::Head {
request_body = &null_data;
if log_enabled!(log::LogLevel::Info) {
info!("{} {}", method, connection_url);
for header in headers.iter() {
info!(" - {}", header);
info!("{:?}", data);
let connect_start = precise_time_ms();
let request = try!(request_factory.create(connection_url.clone(), method.clone(),
let connect_end = precise_time_ms();
let send_start = precise_time_ms();
let mut request_writer = match request.start() {
Ok(streaming) => streaming,
Err(e) => return Err(NetworkError::Internal(e.description().to_owned())),
if let Some(ref data) = *request_body {
if let Err(e) = request_writer.write_all(&data) {
return Err(NetworkError::Internal(e.description().to_owned()))
let response = match request_writer.send() {
Ok(w) => w,
Err(HttpError::Io(ref io_error)) if io_error.kind() == io::ErrorKind::ConnectionAborted => {
debug!("connection aborted ({:?}), possibly stale, trying new connection", io_error.description());
Err(e) => return Err(NetworkError::Internal(e.description().to_owned())),
let send_end = precise_time_ms();
let msg = if let Some(request_id) = request_id {
if let Some(pipeline_id) = *pipeline_id {
url.clone(), method.clone(), headers,
request_body.clone(), pipeline_id, time::now(),
connect_end - connect_start, send_end - send_start, is_xhr))
} else {
debug!("Not notifying devtools (no pipeline_id)");
} else {
debug!("Not notifying devtools (no request_id)");
return Ok((WrappedHttpResponse { response: response }, msg));
// FIXME: This incredibly hacky. Make it more robust, and at least test it.
fn is_cert_verify_error(error: &OpensslError) -> bool {
match error {
&OpensslError::UnknownError { ref library, ref function, ref reason } => {
library == "SSL routines" &&
function.to_uppercase() == "SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE" &&
reason == "certificate verify failed"
fn is_unknown_message_digest_err(error: &OpensslError) -> bool {
match error {
&OpensslError::UnknownError { ref library, ref function, ref reason } => {
library == "asn1 encoding routines" &&
function == "ASN1_item_verify" &&
reason == "unknown message digest algorithm"
fn format_ssl_error(error: &OpensslError) -> String {
match error {
&OpensslError::UnknownError { ref library, ref function, ref reason } => {
format!("{}: {} - {}", library, function, reason)
/// [HTTP fetch](
pub fn http_fetch(request: Rc<Request>,
cache: &mut CorsCache,
cors_flag: bool,
cors_preflight_flag: bool,
authentication_fetch_flag: bool,
target: Target,
done_chan: &mut DoneChannel,
context: &FetchContext)
-> Response {
// This is a new async fetch, reset the channel we are waiting on
*done_chan = None;
// Step 1
let mut response: Option<Response> = None;
// Step 2
// nothing to do, since actual_response is a function on response
// Step 3
if !request.skip_service_worker.get() && !request.is_service_worker_global_scope {
// Substep 1
// TODO (handle fetch unimplemented)
if let Some(ref res) = response {
// Substep 2
// nothing to do, since actual_response is a function on response
// Substep 3
if (res.response_type == ResponseType::Opaque &&
request.mode != RequestMode::NoCors) ||
(res.response_type == ResponseType::OpaqueRedirect &&
request.redirect_mode.get() != RedirectMode::Manual) ||
(res.url_list.borrow().len() > 1 &&
request.redirect_mode.get() != RedirectMode::Follow) ||
res.is_network_error() {
return Response::network_error(NetworkError::Internal("Request failed".into()));
// Substep 4
// TODO: set response's CSP list on actual_response
// Step 4
let credentials = match request.credentials_mode {
CredentialsMode::Include => true,
CredentialsMode::CredentialsSameOrigin if request.response_tainting.get() == ResponseTainting::Basic
=> true,
_ => false
// Step 5
if response.is_none() {
// Substep 1
if cors_preflight_flag {
let method_cache_match = cache.match_method(&*request,
let method_mismatch = !method_cache_match && (!is_simple_method(&request.method.borrow()) ||
let header_mismatch = request.headers.borrow().iter().any(|view|
!cache.match_header(&*request, && !is_simple_header(&view)
// Sub-substep 1
if method_mismatch || header_mismatch {
let preflight_result = cors_preflight_fetch(request.clone(), cache, context);
// Sub-substep 2
if let Some(e) = preflight_result.get_network_error() {
return Response::network_error(e.clone());
// Substep 2
// Substep 3
let fetch_result = http_network_or_cache_fetch(request.clone(), credentials, authentication_fetch_flag,
done_chan, context);
// Substep 4
if cors_flag && cors_check(request.clone(), &fetch_result).is_err() {
return Response::network_error(NetworkError::Internal("CORS check failed".into()));
response = Some(fetch_result);
// response is guaranteed to be something by now
let mut response = response.unwrap();
// Step 5
match response.actual_response().status {
// Code 301, 302, 303, 307, 308
Some(StatusCode::MovedPermanently) |
Some(StatusCode::Found) |
Some(StatusCode::SeeOther) |
Some(StatusCode::TemporaryRedirect) |
Some(StatusCode::PermanentRedirect) => {
response = match request.redirect_mode.get() {
RedirectMode::Error => Response::network_error(NetworkError::Internal("Redirect mode error".into())),
RedirectMode::Manual => {
RedirectMode::Follow => {
// set back to default
http_redirect_fetch(request, cache, response,
cors_flag, target, done_chan, context)
// Code 401
Some(StatusCode::Unauthorized) => {
// Step 1
// FIXME: Figure out what to do with request window objects
if cors_flag || !credentials {
return response;
// Step 2
// TODO: Spec says requires testing on multiple WWW-Authenticate headers
// Step 3
if !request.use_url_credentials || authentication_fetch_flag {
// TODO: Prompt the user for username and password from the window
// Wrong, but will have to do until we are able to prompt the user
// otherwise this creates an infinite loop
// We basically pretend that the user declined to enter credentials
return response;
// Step 4
return http_fetch(request, cache, cors_flag, cors_preflight_flag,
true, target, done_chan, context);
// Code 407
Some(StatusCode::ProxyAuthenticationRequired) => {
// Step 1
// TODO: Figure out what to do with request window objects
// Step 2
// TODO: Spec says requires testing on Proxy-Authenticate headers
// Step 3
// TODO: Prompt the user for proxy authentication credentials
// Wrong, but will have to do until we are able to prompt the user
// otherwise this creates an infinite loop
// We basically pretend that the user declined to enter credentials
return response;
// Step 4
// return http_fetch(request, cache,
// cors_flag, cors_preflight_flag,
// authentication_fetch_flag, target,
// done_chan, context);
_ => { }
// Step 6
if authentication_fetch_flag {
// TODO: Create authentication entry for this request
// set back to default
// Step 7
/// [HTTP redirect fetch](
fn http_redirect_fetch(request: Rc<Request>,
cache: &mut CorsCache,
response: Response,
cors_flag: bool,
target: Target,
done_chan: &mut DoneChannel,
context: &FetchContext)
-> Response {
// Step 1
assert_eq!(response.return_internal.get(), true);
// Step 2
if !response.actual_response().headers.has::<Location>() {
return response;
// Step 3
let location = match response.actual_response().headers.get::<Location>() {
Some(&Location(ref location)) => location.clone(),
_ => return Response::network_error(NetworkError::Internal("Location header parsing failure".into()))
let response_url = response.actual_response().url().unwrap();
let location_url = response_url.join(&*location);
let location_url = match location_url {
Ok(url) => url,
_ => return Response::network_error(NetworkError::Internal("Location URL parsing failure".into()))
// Step 4
match location_url.scheme() {
"http" | "https" => { },
_ => return Response::network_error(NetworkError::Internal("Not an HTTP(S) Scheme".into()))
// Step 5
if request.redirect_count.get() >= 20 {
return Response::network_error(NetworkError::Internal("Too many redirects".into()));
// Step 6
request.redirect_count.set(request.redirect_count.get() + 1);
// Step 7
let same_origin = if let Origin::Origin(ref origin) = *request.origin.borrow() {
*origin == request.current_url().origin()
} else {
let has_credentials = has_credentials(&location_url);
if request.mode == RequestMode::CorsMode && !same_origin && has_credentials {
return Response::network_error(NetworkError::Internal("Cross-origin credentials check failed".into()));
// Step 8
if cors_flag && has_credentials {
return Response::network_error(NetworkError::Internal("Credentials check failed".into()));
// Step 9
if cors_flag && !same_origin {
*request.origin.borrow_mut() = Origin::Origin(UrlOrigin::new_opaque());
// Step 10
let status_code = response.actual_response().status.unwrap();
if ((status_code == StatusCode::MovedPermanently || status_code == StatusCode::Found) &&
*request.method.borrow() == Method::Post) ||
status_code == StatusCode::SeeOther {
*request.method.borrow_mut() = Method::Get;
*request.body.borrow_mut() = None;
// Step 11
// Step 12
// TODO implement referrer policy
// Step 13
main_fetch(request, cache, cors_flag, true, target, done_chan, context)
/// [HTTP network or cache fetch](
fn http_network_or_cache_fetch(request: Rc<Request>,
credentials_flag: bool,
authentication_fetch_flag: bool,
done_chan: &mut DoneChannel,
context: &FetchContext)
-> Response {
// TODO: Implement Window enum for Request
let request_has_no_window = true;
// Step 1
let http_request = if request_has_no_window &&
request.redirect_mode.get() == RedirectMode::Error {
} else {
let content_length_value = match *http_request.body.borrow() {
None =>
match *http_request.method.borrow() {
// Step 3
Method::Head | Method::Post | Method::Put =>
// Step 2
_ => None
// Step 4
Some(ref http_request_body) => Some(http_request_body.len() as u64)
// Step 5
if let Some(content_length_value) = content_length_value {
// Step 6
match *http_request.referrer.borrow() {
Referrer::NoReferrer => (),
Referrer::ReferrerUrl(ref http_request_referrer) =>
Referrer::Client =>
// it should be impossible for referrer to be anything else during fetching
// Step 7
if http_request.omit_origin_header.get() == false {
// TODO update this when is finished
// http_request.headers.borrow_mut().set_raw("origin", origin);
// Step 8
if !http_request.headers.borrow().has::<UserAgent>() {
let user_agent = context.user_agent.clone().into_owned();
match http_request.cache_mode.get() {
// Step 9
CacheMode::Default if is_no_store_cache(&http_request.headers.borrow()) => {
// Step 10
CacheMode::NoCache if !http_request.headers.borrow().has::<CacheControl>() => {
// Step 11
CacheMode::Reload => {
// Substep 1
if !http_request.headers.borrow().has::<Pragma>() {
// Substep 2
if !http_request.headers.borrow().has::<CacheControl>() {
_ => {}
let current_url = http_request.current_url();
// Step 12
// todo: pass referrer url and policy
// this can only be uncommented when the referrer header is set, else it crashes
// in the meantime, we manually set the headers in the block below
// modify_request_headers(&mut http_request.headers.borrow_mut(), &current_url,
// None, None, None);
let headers = &mut *http_request.headers.borrow_mut();
let host = Host {
hostname: current_url.host_str().unwrap().to_owned(),
port: current_url.port_or_known_default()
// unlike http_loader, we should not set the accept header
// here, according to the fetch spec
// Step 13
// TODO some of this step can't be implemented yet
if credentials_flag {
// Substep 1
// XXXManishearth http_loader has block_cookies: support content blocking here too
&mut *http_request.headers.borrow_mut(),
// Substep 2
if !http_request.headers.borrow().has::<Authorization<String>>() {
// Substep 3
let mut authorization_value = None;
// Substep 4
if let Some(basic) = auth_from_cache(&context.state.auth_cache, &current_url.origin()) {
if !http_request.use_url_credentials || !has_credentials(&current_url) {
authorization_value = Some(basic);
// Substep 5
if authentication_fetch_flag && authorization_value.is_none() {
if has_credentials(&current_url) {
authorization_value = Some(Basic {
username: current_url.username().to_owned(),
password: current_url.password().map(str::to_owned)
// Substep 6
if let Some(basic) = authorization_value {
// Step 14
// TODO this step can't be implemented yet
// Step 15
let mut response: Option<Response> = None;
// Step 16
// TODO have a HTTP cache to check for a completed response
let complete_http_response_from_cache: Option<Response> = None;
if http_request.cache_mode.get() != CacheMode::NoStore &&
http_request.cache_mode.get() != CacheMode::Reload &&
complete_http_response_from_cache.is_some() {
// Substep 1
if http_request.cache_mode.get() == CacheMode::ForceCache {
// TODO pull response from HTTP cache
// response = http_request
let revalidation_needed = match response {
Some(ref response) => response_needs_revalidation(&response),
_ => false
// Substep 2
if !revalidation_needed && http_request.cache_mode.get() == CacheMode::Default {
// TODO pull response from HTTP cache
// response = http_request
// response.cache_state = CacheState::Local;
// Substep 3
if revalidation_needed && http_request.cache_mode.get() == CacheMode::Default ||
http_request.cache_mode.get() == CacheMode::NoCache {
// TODO this substep
// Step 17
// TODO have a HTTP cache to check for a partial response
} else if http_request.cache_mode.get() == CacheMode::Default ||
http_request.cache_mode.get() == CacheMode::ForceCache {
// TODO this substep
// Step 18
if response.is_none() {
response = Some(http_network_fetch(http_request.clone(), credentials_flag,
done_chan, context));
let response = response.unwrap();
// Step 19
if let Some(status) = response.status {
if status == StatusCode::NotModified &&
(http_request.cache_mode.get() == CacheMode::Default ||
http_request.cache_mode.get() == CacheMode::NoCache) {
// Substep 1
// TODO this substep
// let cached_response: Option<Response> = None;
// Substep 2
// if cached_response.is_none() {
// return Response::network_error();
// }
// Substep 3
// Substep 4
// response = cached_response;
// Substep 5
// TODO cache_state is immutable?
// response.cache_state = CacheState::Validated;
// Step 20
/// [HTTP network fetch](
fn http_network_fetch(request: Rc<Request>,
credentials_flag: bool,
done_chan: &mut DoneChannel,
context: &FetchContext)
-> Response {
// TODO: Implement HTTP network fetch spec
// Step 1
// nothing to do here, since credentials_flag is already a boolean
// Step 2
// TODO be able to create connection using current url's origin and credentials
let connection = create_http_connector();
// Step 3
// TODO be able to tell if the connection is a failure
// Step 4
let factory = NetworkHttpRequestFactory {
connector: connection,
let url = request.current_url();
let request_id = context.devtools_chan.as_ref().map(|_| {
// XHR uses the default destination; other kinds of fetches (which haven't been implemented yet)
// do not. Once we support other kinds of fetches we'll need to be more fine grained here
// since things like image fetches are classified differently by devtools
let is_xhr = request.destination == Destination::None;
let wrapped_response = obtain_response(&factory, &url, &request.method.borrow(),
&request.body.borrow(), &request.method.borrow(),
&request.pipeline_id.get(), request.redirect_count.get() + 1,
request_id.as_ref().map(Deref::deref), is_xhr);
let pipeline_id = request.pipeline_id.get();
let (res, msg) = match wrapped_response {
Ok(wrapped_response) => wrapped_response,
Err(error) => return Response::network_error(error),
let mut response = Response::new(url.clone());
response.status = Some(res.response.status);
response.raw_status = Some((res.response.status_raw().0,
response.headers = res.response.headers.clone();
response.referrer = request.referrer.borrow().to_url().cloned();
let res_body = response.body.clone();
// We're about to spawn a thread to be waited on here
let (done_sender, done_receiver) = channel();
*done_chan = Some((done_sender.clone(), done_receiver));
let meta = match response.metadata().expect("Response metadata should exist at this stage") {
FetchMetadata::Unfiltered(m) => m,
FetchMetadata::Filtered { unsafe_, .. } => unsafe_
let devtools_sender = context.devtools_chan.clone();
let meta_status = meta.status.clone();
let meta_headers = meta.headers.clone();
thread::Builder::new().name(format!("fetch worker thread")).spawn(move || {
match StreamedResponse::from_http_response(res) {
Ok(mut res) => {
*res_body.lock().unwrap() = ResponseBody::Receiving(vec![]);
if let Some(ref sender) = devtools_sender {
if let Some(m) = msg {
send_request_to_devtools(m, &sender);
// --- Tell devtools that we got a response
// Send an HttpResponse message to devtools with the corresponding request_id
if let Some(pipeline_id) = pipeline_id {
&sender, request_id.unwrap(),,
loop {
match read_block(&mut res) {
Ok(Data::Payload(chunk)) => {
if let ResponseBody::Receiving(ref mut body) = *res_body.lock().unwrap() {
let _ = done_sender.send(Data::Payload(chunk));
Ok(Data::Done) | Err(_) => {
let mut body = res_body.lock().unwrap();
let completed_body = match *body {
ResponseBody::Receiving(ref mut body) => {
mem::replace(body, vec![])
_ => vec![],
*body = ResponseBody::Done(completed_body);
let _ = done_sender.send(Data::Done);
Err(_) => {
// XXXManishearth we should propagate this error somehow
*res_body.lock().unwrap() = ResponseBody::Done(vec![]);
let _ = done_sender.send(Data::Done);
}).expect("Thread spawning failed");
// TODO these substeps aren't possible yet
// Substep 1
// Substep 2
// TODO Determine if response was retrieved over HTTPS
// TODO Servo needs to decide what ciphers are to be treated as "deprecated"
response.https_state = HttpsState::None;
// TODO Read request
// Step 5-9
// (needs stream bodies)
// Step 10
// TODO when
// is resolved, this step will become uneccesary
// TODO this step
if let Some(encoding) = response.headers.get::<ContentEncoding>() {
if encoding.contains(&Encoding::Gzip) {
else if encoding.contains(&Encoding::Compress) {
// Step 11
// TODO this step isn't possible yet (CSP)
// Step 12
if response.is_network_error() && request.cache_mode.get() == CacheMode::NoStore {
// TODO update response in the HTTP cache for request
// TODO this step isn't possible yet
// Step 13
// Step 14.
if credentials_flag {
set_cookies_from_headers(&url, &response.headers, &context.state.cookie_jar);
// TODO these steps
// Step 15
// Substep 1
// Substep 2
// Sub-substep 1
// Sub-substep 2
// Sub-substep 3
// Sub-substep 4
// Substep 3
// Step 16
/// [CORS preflight fetch](
fn cors_preflight_fetch(request: Rc<Request>,
cache: &mut CorsCache,
context: &FetchContext)
-> Response {
// Step 1
let mut preflight = Request::new(request.current_url(), Some(request.origin.borrow().clone()),
request.is_service_worker_global_scope, request.pipeline_id.get());
*preflight.method.borrow_mut() = Method::Options;
preflight.initiator = request.initiator.clone();
preflight.type_ = request.type_.clone();
preflight.destination = request.destination.clone();
*preflight.referrer.borrow_mut() = request.referrer.borrow().clone();
// Step 2
// Step 3, 4
let mut value = request.headers.borrow().iter()
.filter(|view| !is_simple_header(view))
.map(|view| UniCase(
// Step 5
// Step 6
let preflight = Rc::new(preflight);
let response = http_network_or_cache_fetch(preflight.clone(), false, false, &mut None, context);
// Step 7
if cors_check(request.clone(), &response).is_ok() &&
response.status.map_or(false, |status| status.is_success()) {
// Substep 1
let mut methods = if response.headers.has::<AccessControlAllowMethods>() {
match response.headers.get::<AccessControlAllowMethods>() {
Some(&AccessControlAllowMethods(ref m)) => m.clone(),
// Substep 3
None => return Response::network_error(NetworkError::Internal("CORS ACAM check failed".into()))
} else {
// Substep 2
let header_names = if response.headers.has::<AccessControlAllowHeaders>() {
match response.headers.get::<AccessControlAllowHeaders>() {
Some(&AccessControlAllowHeaders(ref hn)) => hn.clone(),
// Substep 3
None => return Response::network_error(NetworkError::Internal("CORS ACAH check failed".into()))
} else {
// Substep 4
if methods.is_empty() && request.use_cors_preflight {
methods = vec![request.method.borrow().clone()];
// Substep 5
debug!("CORS check: Allowed methods: {:?}, current method: {:?}",
methods, request.method.borrow());
if methods.iter().all(|method| *method != *request.method.borrow()) &&
!is_simple_method(&*request.method.borrow()) {
return Response::network_error(NetworkError::Internal("CORS method check failed".into()));
// Substep 6
debug!("CORS check: Allowed headers: {:?}, current headers: {:?}",
header_names, request.headers.borrow());
let set: HashSet<&UniCase<String>> = HashSet::from_iter(header_names.iter());
if request.headers.borrow().iter().any(|ref hv| !set.contains(&UniCase( &&
!is_simple_header(hv)) {
return Response::network_error(NetworkError::Internal("CORS headers check failed".into()));
// Substep 7, 8
let max_age = response.headers.get::<AccessControlMaxAge>().map(|acma| acma.0).unwrap_or(0);
// TODO: Substep 9 - Need to define what an imposed limit on max-age is
// Substep 11, 12
for method in &methods {
cache.match_method_and_update(&*request, method.clone(), max_age);
// Substep 13, 14
for header_name in &header_names {
cache.match_header_and_update(&*request, &*header_name, max_age);
// Substep 15
return response;
// Step 8
Response::network_error(NetworkError::Internal("CORS check failed".into()))
/// [CORS check](
fn cors_check(request: Rc<Request>, response: &Response) -> Result<(), ()> {
// Step 1
let origin = response.headers.get::<AccessControlAllowOrigin>().cloned();
// Step 2
let origin = try!(origin.ok_or(()));
// Step 3
if request.credentials_mode != CredentialsMode::Include &&
origin == AccessControlAllowOrigin::Any {
return Ok(());
// Step 4
let origin = match origin {
AccessControlAllowOrigin::Value(origin) => origin,
// if it's Any or Null at this point, there's nothing to do but return Err(())
_ => return Err(())
match *request.origin.borrow() {
Origin::Origin(ref o) if o.ascii_serialization() == origin => {},
_ => return Err(())
// Step 5
if request.credentials_mode != CredentialsMode::Include {
return Ok(());
// Step 6
let credentials = request.headers.borrow().get::<AccessControlAllowCredentials>().cloned();
// Step 7
if credentials.is_some() {
return Ok(());
// Step 8
fn has_credentials(url: &ServoUrl) -> bool {
!url.username().is_empty() || url.password().is_some()
fn is_no_store_cache(headers: &Headers) -> bool {
headers.has::<IfModifiedSince>() | headers.has::<IfNoneMatch>() |
headers.has::<IfUnmodifiedSince>() | headers.has::<IfMatch>() |
fn response_needs_revalidation(_response: &Response) -> bool {
// TODO this function