2001-01-08 21:27:40 +00:00
build Automated test cases. 2001-01-08 21:27:40 +00:00
config Automated test cases. 2001-01-08 21:27:40 +00:00
doc Automated test cases. 2001-01-08 21:27:40 +00:00
log Automated test cases. 2001-01-08 21:27:40 +00:00
src Automated test cases. 2001-01-08 21:27:40 +00:00
utils Automated test cases. 2001-01-08 21:27:40 +00:00
all_files Automated test cases. 2001-01-08 21:27:40 +00:00
README Automated test cases. 2001-01-08 21:27:40 +00:00
README.html Automated test cases. 2001-01-08 21:27:40 +00:00

<pre>             Automated Webclient API testbase.<br><br><br>1. Goals.<br>	The main goal of this testbase is test of Webclient API.<br>	Tests covers all interfaces(so far implemented) than can be queried by application or received to application in any other way.<br>	The "Webclient"(EMWindow Test application that is run from /mozilla/java/..src_moz/runwm script) is not a subject of this testbase.<br><br>2. How it works.<br>	The perl script is used to run test application in cycles.<br>	The simple test application runs  and executes test class.<br>	Test class  queries corresponding interface, performs procedure call<br>	and verifies result when possible. <br><br>3. Directory struct.<br>	Source files, build files , configuration files and utils are placed in different directories. Please see the diagram below for more details.<br><br>	TOP(0)                                    <br>	 |<br>	 |-build(1)<br>	 |     |-classes(1.1)<br>	 |     |	<br>	 |     |-test(1.2)<br>	 |     |    |-basic(1.2.1)<br>	 |     |-run(1.3) |-api(<br>	 |-src(2)         |-mixed(<br>	 |   |-classes(2.1)<br>	 |   |<br>	 |   |-test(2.2)	   <br>	 |   |	  |-basic(2.2.1)<br>	 |   |	        |-api(	<br>	 |   |		|-mixed(<br>         |   |-run(2.3)<br>	 |   |<br>         |   |-Killer(2.4)<br>	 |-utils(3)<br>	 |-config(4)<br>	 |-doc(5)<br>	 |-log(6)<br>	<br>	TOP 0) directory with testbase, in usually this dir named "automated" <br>	build 1) build directory. All class and data files(exclude html and cgi files) compiled and copied to it.<br>       		1.1) classes directory. <br>			Directory for test classes files . User must add this directory to the CLASSPATH before executing tests.<br>		 1.2, 1.2.1,, In these directories data and properties files are copied at make stage<br>		 1.3) Execution script and default list file are copied to this dir.<br>	src 2) All source files  placed to this dir.<br>		2.1) Directory for all Java files<br>		2.2, 2.2.1,, Directories for data and properties files. <br>                   All common files can be placed to 2.2.1,, <br>		   For specific test files additional dirs created in and<br>		2.3) Directory for and miscellaneous  list files<br>		2.4) Directory where sources of "Killer" util is placed<br>	utils 3) Directory for miscellaneous  utils, that is used at "make" and "run" stages.<br>	config 4) Directory for configuration files. CommonProperties file. <br>		PLEASE EDIT IT BEFORE RUNNING A MAKE<br>	doc 5) Directory for miscellaneous documents. Documentation for testcases placed here.<br>	log 6) Directory for placing execution logs.<br>	 <br><br>	Also additional HTML_ROOT_DIR and CGI_ROOT_DIR directories used to placing CGI and HTML files.<br> <br>4. Requirements.<br>	- User must have successfully built Webclient and Mozilla<br>	- User must have a configured and working http/Java Web server. Otherwise user must use file:/// protocol <br>	  to specify HTML_ROOT .Tests( very small part of all), that uses CGI will not executed properly in such cases.  <br><br>5. How to build.<br>	- Please setup environment as for running Webclient. <br>	- Please edit CommonProperties file in config(4) dir. This file is self documented.<br>	- Go to build(1) dir and do make     <br>	<br><br>6. How to run.<br>	- Set JAVAHOME environment variable to path to java executable.<br>	- Make sure CLASSPATH is included &lt;TOP_DIR&gt;/build/classes<br>	- Go to build/run(1.3) directory and execute script.<br> <br>6.1 Usage.<br>    User can execute tests by different ways:<br>	To execute ONE testcase just do:  "perl -t test_case_id" <br>	To execute LIST of tests just do: "perl -f file_with_test_ids"<br>     Also user can turn TestRunner to the "mixed" mode via -m switch. "perl -m file file_with_mixed_tests".  <br>     In this mode 2 buttons "FAILED" and "PASSED" added to TestWindow <br>     and tester can fail or pass test in any time. <br>     This mode is NECESSARY for running tests from "mixed" sections   <br><br>     And via -i switch user can turn autorun to "ignorecore" mode. In<br>     this mode ignore core and doesn't fail tests, that<br>     really coredumps. This mode is useful for Solaris testing. "perl -i -f file_with_testids"<br><br>7. Logging.<br>	- All logs are placed to the log(6) directory. A unique directory created <br>	  in the log(6) directory for each execution. <br>	  Files, created in this directory are:<br>	    BWTest.html - the main log file with results of execution in HTML format<br>	    BWTest.txt - the results of execution in TXT format<br>	    BWTestRun.log - the log of test execution with additional info<br>	    &lt;testID&gt;.log \<br>	    &lt;testID&gt;.log |- files with output of each testcase.<br>	    &lt;testID&gt;.log /<br><br>8. Sections.<br><br>   Now testbase contains 3 different sections of tests: api, stress and mixed.<br>   <br>   "api"    Tests from this section performs calls to api methods and verify results when <br>            possible. They are fully automated and user mustn't interact<br>	    with application.<br><br>   "stress" Tests from this section performs stress actions. E.g loading many pages,<br>            calls api methods many times, etc.  They are fully automated <br>	    and user need not interact  with application. <br>            	<br>   "mixed" Tests from this section performs calls of api methods, that can change <br>            rendering/viewing behavior. Eg setBounds, moveWindowTo. User should read <br>            instructions on TestWindow and pass or fail tests via corresponding buttons.<br><br>9. Things, that must be done, known bugs.<br>	- Several tests on CurrentPage failed with NP exception.<br>          Problem with system clipboard.<br>	- Solaris: Some times no urls loaded by TestRunner at all.<br>	- Webclient tests have been tested (so far) with PR3 Webclient bundled with Netscape6 SVR4pkg from SUN <br>          on Sparc Solris and Intel Solaris Platforms only.<br>        - Webclient Tests have not been tested  with PR3 Webclinet on Win32 or Linux platoforms yet.<br>	<br><br>Last Modified 08/23/2000 by avm <br>Last Modified 09/08/2000 by gv <br>Last Modified 12/15/2000 by GV<br><br><br></pre>