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synced 2025-03-04 07:40:42 +00:00

These issues were previously ignored due to the nature of our global import rules. They need to be fixed before that rule can be updated. MozReview-Commit-ID: DCChktTc5TW --HG-- extra : rebase_source : cffb1c9762191c579d1397c8169e6e7635d229da extra : histedit_source : dea59ddd2daaae52069c5faceae9149a4f08dd73
871 lines
28 KiB
871 lines
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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
"use strict";
var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["BrowserUITelemetry"];
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(this, {
BrowserWindowTracker: "resource:///modules/BrowserWindowTracker.jsm",
CustomizableUI: "resource:///modules/CustomizableUI.jsm",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "Timer", function() {
let timer = {};
ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Timer.jsm", timer);
return timer;
const MS_SECOND = 1000;
const MS_MINUTE = MS_SECOND * 60;
const MS_HOUR = MS_MINUTE * 60;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "DEFAULT_AREA_PLACEMENTS", function() {
let result = {
"nav-bar": [
// It's true that toolbar-menubar is not visible
// on OS X, but the XUL node is definitely present
// in the document.
"toolbar-menubar": [
"TabsToolbar": [
"PersonalToolbar": [
"widget-overflow-fixed-list": [
return result;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "DEFAULT_AREAS", function() {
return Object.keys(DEFAULT_AREA_PLACEMENTS);
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "PALETTE_ITEMS", function() {
let result = [
if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("privacy.panicButton.enabled")) {
return result;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "DEFAULT_ITEMS", function() {
let result = [];
for (let [, buttons] of Object.entries(DEFAULT_AREA_PLACEMENTS)) {
result = result.concat(buttons);
return result;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "ALL_BUILTIN_ITEMS", function() {
// These special cases are for click events on built-in items that are
// contained within customizable items (like the navigation widget).
// Items that open arrow panels will often be overlapped by
// the panel that they're opening by the time the mouseup
// event is fired, so for these items, we monitor mousedown.
// Weakly maps browser windows to objects whose keys are relative
// timestamps for when some kind of session started. For example,
// when a customization session started. That way, when the window
// exits customization mode, we can determine how long the session
// lasted.
const WINDOW_DURATION_MAP = new WeakMap();
// Default bucket name, when no other bucket is active.
// Bucket prefix, for named buckets.
const BUCKET_PREFIX = "bucket_";
// Standard separator to use between different parts of a bucket name, such
// as primary name and the time step string.
var BrowserUITelemetry = {
init() {
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "autocomplete-did-enter-text");
// Register existing windows
let browserEnum = Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
while (browserEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "browser-delayed-startup-finished");
observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
switch (aTopic) {
case "browser-delayed-startup-finished":
case "autocomplete-did-enter-text":
let input = aSubject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIAutoCompleteInput);
if (input && input.id == "urlbar" && !input.inPrivateContext &&
input.popup.selectedIndex != -1) {
* For the _countableEvents object, constructs a chain of
* Javascript Objects with the keys in aKeys, with the final
* key getting the value in aEndWith. If the final key already
* exists in the final object, its value is not set. In either
* case, a reference to the second last object in the chain is
* returned.
* Example - suppose I want to store:
* _countableEvents: {
* a: {
* b: {
* c: 0
* }
* }
* }
* And then increment the "c" value by 1, you could call this
* function like this:
* let example = this._ensureObjectChain([a, b, c], 0);
* example["c"]++;
* Subsequent repetitions of these last two lines would
* simply result in the c value being incremented again
* and again.
* @param aKeys the Array of keys to chain Objects together with.
* @param aEndWith the value to assign to the last key.
* @param aRoot the root object onto which we create/get the object chain
* designated by aKeys.
* @returns a reference to the second last object in the chain -
* so in our example, that'd be "b".
_ensureObjectChain(aKeys, aEndWith, aRoot) {
let current = aRoot;
let parent = null;
for (let [i, key] of aKeys.entries()) {
if (!(key in current)) {
if (i == aKeys.length - 1) {
current[key] = aEndWith;
} else {
current[key] = {};
parent = current;
current = current[key];
return parent;
_countableEvents: {},
_countEvent(aKeyArray, root = this._countableEvents) {
let countObject = this._ensureObjectChain(aKeyArray, 0, root);
let lastItemKey = aKeyArray[aKeyArray.length - 1];
_countMouseUpEvent(aCategory, aAction, aButton) {
const BUTTONS = ["left", "middle", "right"];
let buttonKey = BUTTONS[aButton];
if (buttonKey) {
this._countEvent([aCategory, aAction, buttonKey]);
_firstWindowMeasurements: null,
_gatherFirstWindowMeasurements() {
// We'll gather measurements as soon as the session has restored.
// We do this here instead of waiting for UITelemetry to ask for
// our measurements because at that point all browser windows have
// probably been closed, since the vast majority of saved-session
// pings are gathered during shutdown.
Services.search.init(rv => {
let win = BrowserWindowTracker.getTopWindow({
private: false,
allowPopups: false,
// If there are no such windows, we're out of luck. :(
this._firstWindowMeasurements = win ? this._getWindowMeasurements(win, rv)
: {};
_registerWindow(aWindow) {
aWindow.addEventListener("unload", this);
let document = aWindow.document;
for (let areaID of CustomizableUI.areas) {
let areaNode = document.getElementById(areaID);
if (areaNode) {
(areaNode.customizationTarget || areaNode).addEventListener("mouseup", this);
let item = document.getElementById(itemID);
if (item) {
item.addEventListener("mouseup", this);
let item = document.getElementById(itemID);
if (item) {
item.addEventListener("mousedown", this);
WINDOW_DURATION_MAP.set(aWindow, {});
_unregisterWindow(aWindow) {
aWindow.removeEventListener("unload", this);
let document = aWindow.document;
for (let areaID of CustomizableUI.areas) {
let areaNode = document.getElementById(areaID);
if (areaNode) {
(areaNode.customizationTarget || areaNode).removeEventListener("mouseup", this);
let item = document.getElementById(itemID);
if (item) {
item.removeEventListener("mouseup", this);
let item = document.getElementById(itemID);
if (item) {
item.removeEventListener("mousedown", this);
handleEvent(aEvent) {
switch (aEvent.type) {
case "unload":
case "mouseup":
case "mousedown":
_handleMouseUp(aEvent) {
let targetID = aEvent.currentTarget.id;
switch (targetID) {
case "PlacesToolbarItems":
case "PlacesChevron":
case "menubar-items":
_handleMouseDown(aEvent) {
if (aEvent.currentTarget.id == "PanelUI-menu-button") {
// _countMouseUpEvent expects a detail for the second argument,
// but we don't really have any details to give. Just passing in
// "button" is probably simpler than trying to modify
// _countMouseUpEvent for this particular case.
this._countMouseUpEvent("click-menu-button", "button", aEvent.button);
_PlacesChevronMouseUp(aEvent) {
let target = aEvent.originalTarget;
let result = target.id == "PlacesChevron" ? "chevron" : "overflowed-item";
this._countMouseUpEvent("click-bookmarks-bar", result, aEvent.button);
_PlacesToolbarItemsMouseUp(aEvent) {
let target = aEvent.originalTarget;
// If this isn't a bookmark-item, we don't care about it.
if (!target.classList.contains("bookmark-item")) {
let result = target.hasAttribute("container") ? "container" : "item";
this._countMouseUpEvent("click-bookmarks-bar", result, aEvent.button);
_menubarMouseUp(aEvent) {
let target = aEvent.originalTarget;
let tag = target.localName;
let result = (tag == "menu" || tag == "menuitem") ? tag : "other";
this._countMouseUpEvent("click-menubar", result, aEvent.button);
_bookmarksMenuButtonMouseUp(aEvent) {
let bookmarksWidget = CustomizableUI.getWidget("bookmarks-menu-button");
if (bookmarksWidget.areaType == CustomizableUI.TYPE_MENU_PANEL) {
// In the menu panel, only the star is visible, and that opens up the
// bookmarks subview.
this._countMouseUpEvent("click-bookmarks-menu-button", "in-panel",
} else {
let clickedItem = aEvent.originalTarget;
// Did we click on the star, or the dropmarker? The star
// has an anonid of "button". If we don't find that, we'll
// assume we clicked on the dropmarker.
let action = "menu";
if (clickedItem.getAttribute("anonid") == "button") {
// We clicked on the star - now we just need to record
// whether or not we're adding a bookmark or editing an
// existing one.
let bookmarksMenuNode =
action = bookmarksMenuNode.hasAttribute("starred") ? "edit" : "add";
this._countMouseUpEvent("click-bookmarks-menu-button", action,
_checkForBuiltinItem(aEvent) {
let item = aEvent.originalTarget;
// We don't want to count clicks on the private browsing
// button for privacy reasons. See bug 1176391.
if (item.id == "privatebrowsing-button") {
// We special-case the bookmarks-menu-button, since we want to
// monitor more than just clicks on it.
if (item.id == "bookmarks-menu-button" ||
getIDBasedOnFirstIDedAncestor(item) == "bookmarks-menu-button") {
// Perhaps we're seeing one of the default toolbar items
// being clicked.
if (ALL_BUILTIN_ITEMS.includes(item.id)) {
// Base case - we clicked directly on one of our built-in items,
// and we can go ahead and register that click.
this._countMouseUpEvent("click-builtin-item", item.id, aEvent.button);
// If not, we need to check if the item's anonid is in our list
// of built-in items to check.
if (ALL_BUILTIN_ITEMS.includes(item.getAttribute("anonid"))) {
this._countMouseUpEvent("click-builtin-item", item.getAttribute("anonid"), aEvent.button);
// If not, we need to check if one of the ancestors of the clicked
// item is in our list of built-in items to check.
let candidate = getIDBasedOnFirstIDedAncestor(item);
if (ALL_BUILTIN_ITEMS.includes(candidate)) {
this._countMouseUpEvent("click-builtin-item", candidate, aEvent.button);
_getWindowMeasurements(aWindow, searchResult) {
let document = aWindow.document;
let result = {};
// Determine if the window is in the maximized, normal or
// fullscreen state.
result.sizemode = document.documentElement.getAttribute("sizemode");
// Determine if the Bookmarks bar is currently visible
let bookmarksBar = document.getElementById("PersonalToolbar");
result.bookmarksBarEnabled = bookmarksBar && !bookmarksBar.collapsed;
// Determine if the menubar is currently visible. On OS X, the menubar
// is never shown, despite not having the collapsed attribute set.
let menuBar = document.getElementById("toolbar-menubar");
result.menuBarEnabled =
menuBar && Services.appinfo.OS != "Darwin"
&& menuBar.getAttribute("autohide") != "true";
// Determine if the titlebar is currently visible.
result.titleBarEnabled = !Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.drawInTitlebar");
// Examine all customizable areas and see what default items
// are present and missing.
let defaultKept = [];
let defaultMoved = [];
let nondefaultAdded = [];
for (let areaID of CustomizableUI.areas) {
let items = CustomizableUI.getWidgetIdsInArea(areaID);
for (let item of items) {
// Is this a default item?
if (DEFAULT_ITEMS.includes(item)) {
// Ok, it's a default item - but is it in its default
// toolbar? We use Array.isArray instead of checking for
// toolbarID in DEFAULT_AREA_PLACEMENTS because an add-on might
// be clever and give itself the id of "toString" or something.
if (Array.isArray(DEFAULT_AREA_PLACEMENTS[areaID]) &&
DEFAULT_AREA_PLACEMENTS[areaID].includes(item)) {
// The item is in its default toolbar
} else {
} else if (PALETTE_ITEMS.includes(item)) {
// It's a palette item that's been moved into a toolbar
// else, it's provided by an add-on, and we won't record it.
// Now go through the items in the palette to see what default
// items are in there.
let paletteItems =
let defaultRemoved = [];
for (let item of paletteItems) {
if (DEFAULT_ITEMS.includes(item.id)) {
result.defaultKept = defaultKept;
result.defaultMoved = defaultMoved;
result.nondefaultAdded = nondefaultAdded;
result.defaultRemoved = defaultRemoved;
// Next, determine how many add-on provided toolbars exist.
let addonToolbars = 0;
let toolbars = document.querySelectorAll("toolbar[customizable=true]");
for (let toolbar of toolbars) {
if (!DEFAULT_AREAS.includes(toolbar.id)) {
result.addonToolbars = addonToolbars;
// Find out how many open tabs we have in each window
let winEnumerator = Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
let visibleTabs = [];
let hiddenTabs = [];
while (winEnumerator.hasMoreElements()) {
let someWin = winEnumerator.getNext();
if (someWin.gBrowser) {
let visibleTabsNum = someWin.gBrowser.visibleTabs.length;
hiddenTabs.push(someWin.gBrowser.tabs.length - visibleTabsNum);
result.visibleTabs = visibleTabs;
result.hiddenTabs = hiddenTabs;
if (Components.isSuccessCode(searchResult)) {
result.currentSearchEngine = Services.search.currentEngine.name;
return result;
getToolbarMeasures() {
let result = this._firstWindowMeasurements || {};
result.countableEvents = this._countableEvents;
result.durations = this._durations;
return result;
getSyncState() {
let result = {};
for (let sub of ["desktop", "mobile"]) {
let count = Services.prefs.getIntPref("services.sync.clients.devices." + sub, 0);
result[sub] = count;
return result;
countCustomizationEvent(aEventType) {
this._countEvent(["customize", aEventType]);
countSearchEvent(source, query, selection) {
this._countEvent(["search", source]);
if ((/^[a-zA-Z]+:[^\/\\]/).test(query)) {
this._countEvent(["search", "urlbar-keyword"]);
if (selection) {
this._countEvent(["search", "selection", source, selection.index, selection.kind]);
countOneoffSearchEvent(id, type, where) {
this._countEvent(["search-oneoff", id, type, where]);
countSearchSettingsEvent(source) {
this._countEvent(["click-builtin-item", source, "search-settings"]);
countPanicEvent(timeId) {
this._countEvent(["forget-button", timeId]);
countTabMutingEvent(action, reason) {
this._countEvent(["tab-audio-control", action, reason || "no reason given"]);
countSyncedTabEvent(what, where) {
// "what" will be, eg, "open"
// "where" will be "toolbarbutton-subview" or "sidebar"
this._countEvent(["synced-tabs", what, where]);
countSidebarEvent(sidebarID, action) {
// sidebarID is the ID of the sidebar (duh!)
// action will be "hide" or "show"
this._countEvent(["sidebar", sidebarID, action]);
_logAwesomeBarSearchResult(url) {
let spec = Services.search.parseSubmissionURL(url);
if (spec.engine) {
let matchedEngine = "default";
if (spec.engine.name !== Services.search.currentEngine.name) {
matchedEngine = "other";
this.countSearchEvent("autocomplete-" + matchedEngine);
_durations: {
customization: [],
onCustomizeStart(aWindow) {
this._countEvent(["customize", "start"]);
let durationMap = WINDOW_DURATION_MAP.get(aWindow);
if (!durationMap) {
durationMap = {};
WINDOW_DURATION_MAP.set(aWindow, durationMap);
durationMap.customization = {
start: aWindow.performance.now(),
bucket: this._bucket,
onCustomizeEnd(aWindow) {
let durationMap = WINDOW_DURATION_MAP.get(aWindow);
if (durationMap && "customization" in durationMap) {
let duration = aWindow.performance.now() - durationMap.customization.start;
bucket: durationMap.customization.bucket,
delete durationMap.customization;
_contextMenuItemWhitelist: new Set([
"close-without-interaction", // for closing the menu without clicking it.
"custom-page-item", // The ID we use for page-provided items
"unknown", // The bucket for stuff with no id.
// Everything we know of so far (which will exclude add-on items):
"navigation", "back", "forward", "reload", "stop", "bookmarkpage",
"spell-no-suggestions", "spell-add-to-dictionary",
"spell-undo-add-to-dictionary", "openlinkincurrent", "openlinkintab",
// "openlinkprivate" intentionally omitted for privacy reasons. See bug 1176391.
"bookmarklink", "savelink",
"marklinkMenu", "copyemail", "copylink", "media-play", "media-pause",
"media-mute", "media-unmute", "media-playbackrate",
"media-playbackrate-050x", "media-playbackrate-100x",
"media-playbackrate-125x", "media-playbackrate-150x", "media-playbackrate-200x",
"media-showcontrols", "media-hidecontrols",
"video-fullscreen", "leave-dom-fullscreen",
"reloadimage", "viewimage", "viewvideo", "copyimage-contents", "copyimage",
"copyvideourl", "copyaudiourl", "saveimage", "sendimage",
"setDesktopBackground", "viewimageinfo", "viewimagedesc", "savevideo",
"saveaudio", "video-saveimage", "sendvideo", "sendaudio",
"ctp-play", "ctp-hide", "savepage", "pocket", "markpageMenu",
"viewbgimage", "undo", "cut", "copy", "paste", "delete", "selectall",
"keywordfield", "searchselect", "frame", "showonlythisframe",
"openframeintab", "openframe", "reloadframe", "bookmarkframe", "saveframe",
"printframe", "viewframesource", "viewframeinfo",
"viewpartialsource-selection", "viewpartialsource-mathml",
"viewsource", "viewinfo", "spell-check-enabled",
"spell-add-dictionaries-main", "spell-dictionaries",
"spell-dictionaries-menu", "spell-add-dictionaries",
"bidi-text-direction-toggle", "bidi-page-direction-toggle", "inspect",
"inspect-a11y", "media-eme-learn-more"
_contextMenuInteractions: {},
registerContextMenuInteraction(keys, itemID) {
if (itemID) {
if (itemID == "openlinkprivate") {
// Don't record anything, not even an other-item count
// if the user chose to open in a private window. See
// bug 1176391.
if (!this._contextMenuItemWhitelist.has(itemID)) {
itemID = "other-item";
this._countEvent(keys, this._contextMenuInteractions);
getContextMenuInfo() {
return this._contextMenuInteractions;
_bucketTimer: null,
* Default bucket name, when no other bucket is active.
* Bucket prefix, for named buckets.
* Standard separator to use between different parts of a bucket name, such
* as primary name and the time step string.
get currentBucket() {
return this._bucket;
* Sets a named bucket for all countable events and select durections to be
* put into.
* @param aName Name of bucket, or null for default bucket name (__DEFAULT__)
setBucket(aName) {
if (this._bucketTimer) {
this._bucketTimer = null;
if (aName)
this._bucket = BUCKET_PREFIX + aName;
this._bucket = BUCKET_DEFAULT;
* Sets a bucket that expires at the rate of a given series of time steps.
* Once the bucket expires, the current bucket will automatically revert to
* the default bucket. While the bucket is expiring, it's name is postfixed
* by '|' followed by a short string representation of the time step it's
* currently in.
* If any other bucket (expiring or normal) is set while an expiring bucket is
* still expiring, the old expiring bucket stops expiring and the new bucket
* immediately takes over.
* @param aName Name of bucket.
* @param aTimeSteps An array of times in milliseconds to count up to before
* reverting back to the default bucket. The array of times
* is expected to be pre-sorted in ascending order.
* For example, given a bucket name of 'bucket', the times:
* [60000, 300000, 600000]
* will result in the following buckets:
* * bucket|1m - for the first 1 minute
* * bucket|5m - for the following 4 minutes
* (until 5 minutes after the start)
* * bucket|10m - for the following 5 minutes
* (until 10 minutes after the start)
* * __DEFAULT__ - until a new bucket is set
* @param aTimeOffset Time offset, in milliseconds, from which to start
* counting. For example, if the first time step is 1000ms,
* and the time offset is 300ms, then the next time step
* will become active after 700ms. This affects all
* following time steps also, meaning they will also all be
* timed as though they started expiring 300ms before
* setExpiringBucket was called.
setExpiringBucket(aName, aTimeSteps, aTimeOffset = 0) {
if (aTimeSteps.length === 0) {
if (this._bucketTimer) {
this._bucketTimer = null;
// Make a copy of the time steps array, so we can safely modify it without
// modifying the original array that external code has passed to us.
let steps = [...aTimeSteps];
let msec = steps.shift();
let postfix = this._toTimeStr(msec);
this.setBucket(aName + BUCKET_SEPARATOR + postfix);
this._bucketTimer = Timer.setTimeout(() => {
this._bucketTimer = null;
this.setExpiringBucket(aName, steps, aTimeOffset + msec);
}, msec - aTimeOffset);
* Formats a time interval, in milliseconds, to a minimal non-localized string
* representation. Format is: 'h' for hours, 'm' for minutes, 's' for seconds,
* 'ms' for milliseconds.
* Examples:
* 65 => 65ms
* 1000 => 1s
* 60000 => 1m
* 61000 => 1m01s
* @param aTimeMS Time in milliseconds
* @return Minimal string representation.
_toTimeStr(aTimeMS) {
let timeStr = "";
function reduce(aUnitLength, aSymbol) {
if (aTimeMS >= aUnitLength) {
let units = Math.floor(aTimeMS / aUnitLength);
aTimeMS = aTimeMS - (units * aUnitLength);
timeStr += units + aSymbol;
reduce(MS_HOUR, "h");
reduce(MS_MINUTE, "m");
reduce(MS_SECOND, "s");
reduce(1, "ms");
return timeStr;
* Returns the id of the first ancestor of aNode that has an id. If aNode
* has no parent, or no ancestor has an id, returns null.
* @param aNode the node to find the first ID'd ancestor of
function getIDBasedOnFirstIDedAncestor(aNode) {
while (!aNode.id) {
aNode = aNode.parentNode;
if (!aNode) {
return null;
return aNode.id;