mirror of
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/* -*- mode: js; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["ContextMenu"];
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(this, {
E10SUtils: "resource://gre/modules/E10SUtils.jsm",
BrowserUtils: "resource://gre/modules/BrowserUtils.jsm",
findCssSelector: "resource://gre/modules/css-selector.js",
SpellCheckHelper: "resource://gre/modules/InlineSpellChecker.jsm",
LoginManagerContent: "resource://gre/modules/LoginManagerContent.jsm",
WebNavigationFrames: "resource://gre/modules/WebNavigationFrames.jsm",
PrivateBrowsingUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PrivateBrowsingUtils.jsm",
InlineSpellCheckerContent: "resource://gre/modules/InlineSpellCheckerContent.jsm",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "PageMenuChild", () => {
let tmp = {};
ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/PageMenu.jsm", tmp);
return new tmp.PageMenuChild();
const messageListeners = {
"ContextMenu:BookmarkFrame": function(aMessage) {
let frame = this.getTarget(aMessage).ownerDocument;
{ title: frame.title });
"ContextMenu:Canvas:ToBlobURL": function(aMessage) {
this.getTarget(aMessage).toBlob((blob) => {
let blobURL = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
this.global.sendAsyncMessage("ContextMenu:Canvas:ToBlobURL:Result", { blobURL });
"ContextMenu:DoCustomCommand": function(aMessage) {
() => PageMenuChild.executeMenu(aMessage.data.generatedItemId)
"ContextMenu:Hiding": function() {
this.context = null;
this.target = null;
"ContextMenu:MediaCommand": function(aMessage) {
this.content, aMessage.data.handlingUserInput, () => {
let media = this.getTarget(aMessage, "element");
switch (aMessage.data.command) {
case "play":
case "pause":
case "loop":
media.loop = !media.loop;
case "mute":
media.muted = true;
case "unmute":
media.muted = false;
case "playbackRate":
media.playbackRate = aMessage.data.data;
case "hidecontrols":
case "showcontrols":
media.setAttribute("controls", "true");
case "fullscreen":
if (this.content.document.fullscreenEnabled) {
"ContextMenu:ReloadFrame": function(aMessage) {
let forceReload = aMessage.objects && aMessage.objects.forceReload;
"ContextMenu:ReloadImage": function(aMessage) {
let image = this.getTarget(aMessage);
if (image instanceof Ci.nsIImageLoadingContent) {
"ContextMenu:SearchFieldBookmarkData": function(aMessage) {
let node = this.getTarget(aMessage);
let charset = node.ownerDocument.characterSet;
let formBaseURI = Services.io.newURI(node.form.baseURI, charset);
let formURI = Services.io.newURI(node.form.getAttribute("action"),
charset, formBaseURI);
let spec = formURI.spec;
let isURLEncoded = (node.form.method.toUpperCase() == "POST" &&
(node.form.enctype == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ||
node.form.enctype == ""));
let title = node.ownerDocument.title;
let formData = [];
function escapeNameValuePair(aName, aValue, aIsFormUrlEncoded) {
if (aIsFormUrlEncoded) {
return escape(aName + "=" + aValue);
return escape(aName) + "=" + escape(aValue);
for (let el of node.form.elements) {
if (!el.type) // happens with fieldsets
if (el == node) {
formData.push((isURLEncoded) ? escapeNameValuePair(el.name, "%s", true) :
// Don't escape "%s", just append
escapeNameValuePair(el.name, "", false) + "%s");
let type = el.type.toLowerCase();
if (((el instanceof this.content.HTMLInputElement && el.mozIsTextField(true)) ||
type == "hidden" || type == "textarea") ||
((type == "checkbox" || type == "radio") && el.checked)) {
formData.push(escapeNameValuePair(el.name, el.value, isURLEncoded));
} else if (el instanceof this.content.HTMLSelectElement && el.selectedIndex >= 0) {
for (let j = 0; j < el.options.length; j++) {
if (el.options[j].selected)
formData.push(escapeNameValuePair(el.name, el.options[j].value,
let postData;
if (isURLEncoded) {
postData = formData.join("&");
} else {
let separator = spec.includes("?") ? "&" : "?";
spec += separator + formData.join("&");
{ spec, title, postData, charset });
"ContextMenu:SaveVideoFrameAsImage": function(aMessage) {
let video = this.getTarget(aMessage);
let canvas = this.content.document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml",
canvas.width = video.videoWidth;
canvas.height = video.videoHeight;
let ctxDraw = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctxDraw.drawImage(video, 0, 0);
this.global.sendAsyncMessage("ContextMenu:SaveVideoFrameAsImage:Result", {
dataURL: canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg", ""),
"ContextMenu:SetAsDesktopBackground": function(aMessage) {
let target = this.getTarget(aMessage);
// Paranoia: check disableSetDesktopBackground again, in case the
// image changed since the context menu was initiated.
let disable = this._disableSetDesktopBackground(target);
if (!disable) {
try {
let canvas = this.content.document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = target.naturalWidth;
canvas.height = target.naturalHeight;
let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.drawImage(target, 0, 0);
let dataUrl = canvas.toDataURL();
let url = (new URL(target.ownerDocument.location.href)).pathname;
let imageName = url.substr(url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
{ dataUrl, imageName });
} catch (e) {
disable = true;
if (disable) {
{ disable });
class ContextMenu {
constructor(global) {
this.target = null;
this.context = null;
this.global = global;
this.content = global.content;
Object.keys(messageListeners).forEach(key =>
global.addMessageListener(key, messageListeners[key].bind(this))
* Returns the event target of the context menu, using a locally stored
* reference if possible. If not, and aMessage.objects is defined,
* aMessage.objects[aKey] is returned. Otherwise null.
* @param {Object} aMessage Message with a objects property
* @param {String} aKey Key for the target on aMessage.objects
* @return {Object} Context menu target
getTarget(aMessage, aKey = "target") {
return this.target || (aMessage.objects && aMessage.objects[aKey]);
_isXULTextLinkLabel(aNode) {
const XUL_NS = "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul";
return aNode.namespaceURI == XUL_NS &&
aNode.tagName == "label" &&
aNode.classList.contains("text-link") &&
// Generate fully qualified URL for clicked-on link.
_getLinkURL() {
let href = this.context.link.href;
if (href) {
// Handle SVG links:
if (typeof href == "object" && href.animVal) {
return this._makeURLAbsolute(this.context.link.baseURI, href.animVal);
return href;
href = this.context.link.getAttribute("href") ||
this.context.link.getAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "href");
if (!href || !href.match(/\S/)) {
// Without this we try to save as the current doc,
// for example, HTML case also throws if empty
throw "Empty href";
return this._makeURLAbsolute(this.context.link.baseURI, href);
_getLinkURI() {
try {
return Services.io.newURI(this.context.linkURL);
} catch (ex) {
// e.g. empty URL string
return null;
// Get text of link.
_getLinkText() {
let text = this._gatherTextUnder(this.context.link);
if (!text || !text.match(/\S/)) {
text = this.context.link.getAttribute("title");
if (!text || !text.match(/\S/)) {
text = this.context.link.getAttribute("alt");
if (!text || !text.match(/\S/)) {
text = this.context.linkURL;
return text;
_getLinkProtocol() {
if (this.context.linkURI) {
return this.context.linkURI.scheme; // can be |undefined|
return null;
// Returns true if clicked-on link targets a resource that can be saved.
_isLinkSaveable(aLink) {
// We don't do the Right Thing for news/snews yet, so turn them off
// until we do.
return this.context.linkProtocol && !(
this.context.linkProtocol == "mailto" ||
this.context.linkProtocol == "javascript" ||
this.context.linkProtocol == "news" ||
this.context.linkProtocol == "snews");
// Gather all descendent text under given document node.
_gatherTextUnder(root) {
let text = "";
let node = root.firstChild;
let depth = 1;
while (node && depth > 0) {
// See if this node is text.
if (node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE) {
// Add this text to our collection.
text += " " + node.data;
} else if (node instanceof this.content.HTMLImageElement) {
// If it has an "alt" attribute, add that.
let altText = node.getAttribute( "alt" );
if ( altText && altText != "" ) {
text += " " + altText;
// Find next node to test.
// First, see if this node has children.
if (node.hasChildNodes()) {
// Go to first child.
node = node.firstChild;
} else {
// No children, try next sibling (or parent next sibling).
while (depth > 0 && !node.nextSibling) {
node = node.parentNode;
if (node.nextSibling) {
node = node.nextSibling;
// Strip leading and tailing whitespace.
text = text.trim();
// Compress remaining whitespace.
text = text.replace(/\s+/g, " ");
return text;
// Returns a "url"-type computed style attribute value, with the url() stripped.
_getComputedURL(aElem, aProp) {
let urls = aElem.ownerGlobal.getComputedStyle(aElem).getCSSImageURLs(aProp);
if (!urls.length) {
return null;
if (urls.length != 1) {
throw "found multiple URLs";
return urls[0];
_makeURLAbsolute(aBase, aUrl) {
return Services.io.newURI(aUrl, null, Services.io.newURI(aBase)).spec;
_isProprietaryDRM() {
return this.context.target.isEncrypted && this.context.target.mediaKeys &&
this.context.target.mediaKeys.keySystem != "org.w3.clearkey";
_isMediaURLReusable(aURL) {
if (aURL.startsWith("blob:")) {
return URL.isValidURL(aURL);
return true;
_isTargetATextBox(node) {
if (node instanceof this.content.HTMLInputElement) {
return node.mozIsTextField(false);
return (node instanceof this.content.HTMLTextAreaElement);
_isSpellCheckEnabled(aNode) {
// We can always force-enable spellchecking on textboxes
if (this._isTargetATextBox(aNode)) {
return true;
// We can never spell check something which is not content editable
let editable = aNode.isContentEditable;
if (!editable && aNode.ownerDocument) {
editable = aNode.ownerDocument.designMode == "on";
if (!editable) {
return false;
// Otherwise make sure that nothing in the parent chain disables spellchecking
return aNode.spellcheck;
_disableSetDesktopBackground(aTarget) {
// Disable the Set as Desktop Background menu item if we're still trying
// to load the image or the load failed.
if (!(aTarget instanceof Ci.nsIImageLoadingContent)) {
return true;
if (("complete" in aTarget) && !aTarget.complete) {
return true;
if (aTarget.currentURI.schemeIs("javascript")) {
return true;
let request = aTarget.getRequest(Ci.nsIImageLoadingContent.CURRENT_REQUEST);
if (!request) {
return true;
return false;
* Retrieve the array of CSS selectors corresponding to the provided node.
* The selectors are ordered starting with the root document and ending with the deepest
* nested frame. Additional items are used if the node is inside a frame, each
* representing the CSS selector for finding the frame element in its parent document.
* This format is expected by DevTools in order to handle the Inspect Node context menu
* item.
* @param {aNode}
* The node for which the CSS selectors should be computed
* @return {Array}
* An array of CSS selectors to find the target node. Several selectors can be
* needed if the element is nested in frames and not directly in the root
* document. The selectors are ordered starting with the root document and
* ending with the deepest nested frame.
_getNodeSelectors(aNode) {
let selectors = [];
while (aNode) {
aNode = aNode.ownerGlobal.frameElement;
return selectors;
handleEvent(aEvent) {
let defaultPrevented = aEvent.defaultPrevented;
if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("dom.event.contextmenu.enabled")) {
let plugin = null;
try {
plugin = aEvent.composedTarget.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent);
} catch (e) {}
if (plugin && plugin.displayedType == Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.TYPE_PLUGIN) {
// Don't open a context menu for plugins.
defaultPrevented = false;
if (defaultPrevented) {
let doc = aEvent.composedTarget.ownerDocument;
let {
mozDocumentURIIfNotForErrorPages: docLocation,
characterSet: charSet,
} = doc;
docLocation = docLocation && docLocation.spec;
let frameOuterWindowID = WebNavigationFrames.getFrameId(doc.defaultView);
let loginFillInfo = LoginManagerContent.getFieldContext(aEvent.composedTarget);
// The same-origin check will be done in nsContextMenu.openLinkInTab.
let parentAllowsMixedContent = !!this.global.docShell.mixedContentChannel;
// Get referrer attribute from clicked link and parse it
let referrerAttrValue =
if (referrerAttrValue !== Ci.nsIHttpChannel.REFERRER_POLICY_UNSET) {
referrerPolicy = referrerAttrValue;
let disableSetDesktopBg = null;
// Media related cache info parent needs for saving
let contentType = null;
let contentDisposition = null;
if (aEvent.composedTarget.nodeType == aEvent.composedTarget.ELEMENT_NODE &&
aEvent.composedTarget instanceof Ci.nsIImageLoadingContent &&
aEvent.composedTarget.currentURI) {
disableSetDesktopBg = this._disableSetDesktopBackground(aEvent.composedTarget);
try {
let imageCache = Cc["@mozilla.org/image/tools;1"].getService(Ci.imgITools)
// The image cache's notion of where this image is located is
// the currentURI of the image loading content.
let props = imageCache.findEntryProperties(aEvent.composedTarget.currentURI, doc);
try {
contentType = props.get("type", Ci.nsISupportsCString).data;
} catch (e) {}
try {
contentDisposition = props.get("content-disposition", Ci.nsISupportsCString).data;
} catch (e) {}
} catch (e) {}
let selectionInfo = BrowserUtils.getSelectionDetails(this.content);
let loadContext = this.global.docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoadContext);
let userContextId = loadContext.originAttributes.userContextId;
let popupNodeSelectors = this._getNodeSelectors(aEvent.composedTarget);
let context = this.context;
this.target = context.target;
let spellInfo = null;
let editFlags = null;
let principal = null;
let customMenuItems = null;
let targetAsCPOW = context.target;
if (targetAsCPOW) {
let isRemote = Services.appinfo.processType == Services.appinfo.PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT;
if (isRemote) {
editFlags = SpellCheckHelper.isEditable(aEvent.composedTarget, this.content);
if (editFlags & SpellCheckHelper.SPELLCHECKABLE) {
spellInfo = InlineSpellCheckerContent.initContextMenu(aEvent, editFlags, this.global);
// Set the event target first as the copy image command needs it to
// determine what was context-clicked on. Then, update the state of the
// commands on the context menu.
customMenuItems = PageMenuChild.build(aEvent.composedTarget);
principal = doc.nodePrincipal;
let data = {
if (isRemote) {
this.global.sendAsyncMessage("contextmenu", data, {
} else {
let browser = this.global.docShell.chromeEventHandler;
let mainWin = browser.ownerGlobal;
data.documentURIObject = doc.documentURIObject;
data.disableSetDesktopBackground = data.disableSetDesktopBg;
delete data.disableSetDesktopBg;
data.context.targetAsCPOW = targetAsCPOW;
* Some things are not serializable, so we either have to only send
* their needed data or regenerate them in nsContextMenu.js
* - target and target.ownerDocument
* - link
* - linkURI
_cleanContext(aEvent) {
const context = this.context;
const cleanTarget = Object.create(null);
cleanTarget.ownerDocument = {
// used for nsContextMenu.initLeaveDOMFullScreenItems and
// nsContextMenu.initMediaPlayerItems
fullscreen: context.target.ownerDocument.fullscreen,
// used for nsContextMenu.initMiscItems
contentType: context.target.ownerDocument.contentType,
// used for nsContextMenu.saveLink
isPrivate: PrivateBrowsingUtils.isContentWindowPrivate(context.target.ownerGlobal),
// used for nsContextMenu.initMediaPlayerItems
Object.assign(cleanTarget, {
ended: context.target.ended,
muted: context.target.muted,
paused: context.target.paused,
controls: context.target.controls,
duration: context.target.duration,
const onMedia = context.onVideo || context.onAudio;
if (onMedia) {
Object.assign(cleanTarget, {
loop: context.target.loop,
error: context.target.error,
networkState: context.target.networkState,
playbackRate: context.target.playbackRate,
if (context.onVideo) {
Object.assign(cleanTarget, {
readyState: context.target.readyState,
context.target = cleanTarget;
if (context.link) {
context.link = { href: context.linkURL };
delete context.linkURI;
_setContext(aEvent) {
this.context = Object.create(null);
const context = this.context;
context.screenX = aEvent.screenX;
context.screenY = aEvent.screenY;
context.mozInputSource = aEvent.mozInputSource;
const node = aEvent.composedTarget;
const XUL_NS = "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul";
context.shouldDisplay = true;
if (node.nodeType == node.DOCUMENT_NODE ||
// Don't display for XUL element unless <label class="text-link">
(node.namespaceURI == XUL_NS && !this._isXULTextLinkLabel(node))) {
context.shouldDisplay = false;
// Initialize context to be sent to nsContextMenu
// Keep this consistent with the similar code in nsContextMenu's setContext
context.bgImageURL = "";
context.imageDescURL = "";
context.imageInfo = null;
context.mediaURL = "";
context.webExtBrowserType = "";
context.canSpellCheck = false;
context.hasBGImage = false;
context.hasMultipleBGImages = false;
context.isDesignMode = false;
context.inFrame = false;
context.inSrcdocFrame = false;
context.inSyntheticDoc = false;
context.inTabBrowser = true;
context.inWebExtBrowser = false;
context.link = null;
context.linkDownload = "";
context.linkHasNoReferrer = false;
context.linkProtocol = "";
context.linkTextStr = "";
context.linkURL = "";
context.linkURI = null;
context.onAudio = false;
context.onCanvas = false;
context.onCompletedImage = false;
context.onCTPPlugin = false;
context.onDRMMedia = false;
context.onEditable = false;
context.onImage = false;
context.onKeywordField = false;
context.onLink = false;
context.onLoadedImage = false;
context.onMailtoLink = false;
context.onMathML = false;
context.onMozExtLink = false;
context.onNumeric = false;
context.onPassword = false;
context.onSaveableLink = false;
context.onSpellcheckable = false;
context.onTextInput = false;
context.onVideo = false;
// Remember the node and its owner document that was clicked
// This may be modifed before sending to nsContextMenu
context.target = node;
context.principal = context.target.ownerDocument.nodePrincipal;
context.frameOuterWindowID = WebNavigationFrames.getFrameId(context.target.ownerGlobal);
// Check if we are in a synthetic document (stand alone image, video, etc.).
context.inSyntheticDoc = context.target.ownerDocument.mozSyntheticDocument;
context.shouldInitInlineSpellCheckerUINoChildren = false;
context.shouldInitInlineSpellCheckerUIWithChildren = false;
let editFlags = SpellCheckHelper.isEditable(context.target, this.content);
* Sets up the parts of the context menu for when when nodes have no children.
* @param {Integer} editFlags The edit flags for the node. See SpellCheckHelper
* for the details.
_setContextForNodesNoChildren(editFlags) {
const context = this.context;
if (context.target.nodeType == context.target.TEXT_NODE) {
// For text nodes, look at the parent node to determine the spellcheck attribute.
context.canSpellCheck = context.target.parentNode &&
// We only deal with TEXT_NODE and ELEMENT_NODE in this function, so return
// early if we don't have one.
if (context.target.nodeType != context.target.ELEMENT_NODE) {
// See if the user clicked on an image. This check mirrors
// nsDocumentViewer::GetInImage. Make sure to update both if this is
// changed.
if (context.target instanceof Ci.nsIImageLoadingContent &&
context.target.currentRequestFinalURI) {
context.onImage = true;
context.imageInfo = {
currentSrc: context.target.currentSrc,
width: context.target.width,
height: context.target.height,
imageText: context.target.title || context.target.alt
const request = context.target.getRequest(Ci.nsIImageLoadingContent.CURRENT_REQUEST);
if (request && (request.imageStatus & request.STATUS_SIZE_AVAILABLE)) {
context.onLoadedImage = true;
if (request &&
(request.imageStatus & request.STATUS_LOAD_COMPLETE) &&
!(request.imageStatus & request.STATUS_ERROR)) {
context.onCompletedImage = true;
// The actual URL the image was loaded from (after redirects) is the
// currentRequestFinalURI. We should use that as the URL for purposes of
// deciding on the filename.
context.mediaURL = context.target.currentRequestFinalURI.spec;
const descURL = context.target.getAttribute("longdesc");
if (descURL) {
context.imageDescURL = this._makeURLAbsolute(context.target.ownerDocument.body.baseURI,
} else if (context.target instanceof this.content.HTMLCanvasElement) {
context.onCanvas = true;
} else if (context.target instanceof this.content.HTMLVideoElement) {
const mediaURL = context.target.currentSrc || context.target.src;
if (this._isMediaURLReusable(mediaURL)) {
context.mediaURL = mediaURL;
if (this._isProprietaryDRM()) {
context.onDRMMedia = true;
// Firefox always creates a HTMLVideoElement when loading an ogg file
// directly. If the media is actually audio, be smarter and provide a
// context menu with audio operations.
if (context.target.readyState >= context.target.HAVE_METADATA &&
(context.target.videoWidth == 0 || context.target.videoHeight == 0)) {
context.onAudio = true;
} else {
context.onVideo = true;
} else if (context.target instanceof this.content.HTMLAudioElement) {
context.onAudio = true;
const mediaURL = context.target.currentSrc || context.target.src;
if (this._isMediaURLReusable(mediaURL)) {
context.mediaURL = mediaURL;
if (this._isProprietaryDRM()) {
context.onDRMMedia = true;
} else if (editFlags & (SpellCheckHelper.INPUT | SpellCheckHelper.TEXTAREA)) {
context.onTextInput = (editFlags & SpellCheckHelper.TEXTINPUT) !== 0;
context.onNumeric = (editFlags & SpellCheckHelper.NUMERIC) !== 0;
context.onEditable = (editFlags & SpellCheckHelper.EDITABLE) !== 0;
context.onPassword = (editFlags & SpellCheckHelper.PASSWORD) !== 0;
context.onSpellcheckable = (editFlags & SpellCheckHelper.SPELLCHECKABLE) !== 0;
// This is guaranteed to be an input or textarea because of the condition above,
// so the no-children flag is always correct. We deal with contenteditable elsewhere.
if (context.onSpellcheckable) {
context.shouldInitInlineSpellCheckerUINoChildren = true;
context.onKeywordField = (editFlags & SpellCheckHelper.KEYWORD);
} else if (context.target instanceof this.content.HTMLHtmlElement) {
const bodyElt = context.target.ownerDocument.body;
if (bodyElt) {
let computedURL;
try {
computedURL = this._getComputedURL(bodyElt, "background-image");
context.hasMultipleBGImages = false;
} catch (e) {
context.hasMultipleBGImages = true;
if (computedURL) {
context.hasBGImage = true;
context.bgImageURL = this._makeURLAbsolute(bodyElt.baseURI,
} else if ((context.target instanceof this.content.HTMLEmbedElement ||
context.target instanceof this.content.HTMLObjectElement) &&
context.target.displayedType == this.content.HTMLObjectElement.TYPE_NULL &&
context.target.pluginFallbackType == this.content.HTMLObjectElement.PLUGIN_CLICK_TO_PLAY) {
context.onCTPPlugin = true;
context.canSpellCheck = this._isSpellCheckEnabled(context.target);
* Sets up the parts of the context menu for when when nodes have children.
* @param {Integer} editFlags The edit flags for the node. See SpellCheckHelper
* for the details.
_setContextForNodesWithChildren(editFlags) {
const context = this.context;
// Second, bubble out, looking for items of interest that can have childen.
// Always pick the innermost link, background image, etc.
let elem = context.target;
while (elem) {
if (elem.nodeType == elem.ELEMENT_NODE) {
// Link?
const XLINK_NS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink";
if (!context.onLink &&
// Be consistent with what hrefAndLinkNodeForClickEvent
// does in browser.js
(this._isXULTextLinkLabel(elem) ||
(elem instanceof this.content.HTMLAnchorElement && elem.href) ||
(elem instanceof this.content.SVGAElement &&
(elem.href || elem.hasAttributeNS(XLINK_NS, "href"))) ||
(elem instanceof this.content.HTMLAreaElement && elem.href) ||
elem instanceof this.content.HTMLLinkElement ||
elem.getAttributeNS(XLINK_NS, "type") == "simple")) {
// Target is a link or a descendant of a link.
context.onLink = true;
// Remember corresponding element.
context.link = elem;
context.linkURL = this._getLinkURL();
context.linkURI = this._getLinkURI();
context.linkTextStr = this._getLinkText();
context.linkProtocol = this._getLinkProtocol();
context.onMailtoLink = (context.linkProtocol == "mailto");
context.onMozExtLink = (context.linkProtocol == "moz-extension");
context.onSaveableLink = this._isLinkSaveable(context.link);
context.linkHasNoReferrer = BrowserUtils.linkHasNoReferrer(elem);
try {
if (elem.download) {
// Ignore download attribute on cross-origin links
context.principal.checkMayLoad(context.linkURI, false, true);
context.linkDownload = elem.download;
} catch (ex) {}
// Background image? Don't bother if we've already found a
// background image further down the hierarchy. Otherwise,
// we look for the computed background-image style.
if (!context.hasBGImage &&
!context.hasMultipleBGImages) {
let bgImgUrl = null;
try {
bgImgUrl = this._getComputedURL(elem, "background-image");
context.hasMultipleBGImages = false;
} catch (e) {
context.hasMultipleBGImages = true;
if (bgImgUrl) {
context.hasBGImage = true;
context.bgImageURL = this._makeURLAbsolute(elem.baseURI,
elem = elem.parentNode;
// See if the user clicked on MathML
const MathML_NS = "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML";
if ((context.target.nodeType == context.target.TEXT_NODE &&
context.target.parentNode.namespaceURI == MathML_NS) ||
(context.target.namespaceURI == MathML_NS)) {
context.onMathML = true;
// See if the user clicked in a frame.
const docDefaultView = context.target.ownerGlobal;
if (docDefaultView != docDefaultView.top) {
context.inFrame = true;
if (context.target.ownerDocument.isSrcdocDocument) {
context.inSrcdocFrame = true;
// if the document is editable, show context menu like in text inputs
if (!context.onEditable) {
if (editFlags & SpellCheckHelper.CONTENTEDITABLE) {
// If this.onEditable is false but editFlags is CONTENTEDITABLE, then
// the document itself must be editable.
context.onTextInput = true;
context.onKeywordField = false;
context.onImage = false;
context.onLoadedImage = false;
context.onCompletedImage = false;
context.onMathML = false;
context.inFrame = false;
context.inSrcdocFrame = false;
context.hasBGImage = false;
context.isDesignMode = true;
context.onEditable = true;
context.onSpellcheckable = true;
context.shouldInitInlineSpellCheckerUIWithChildren = true;