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synced 2025-03-05 16:22:53 +00:00

In addition to update webrender/ and webrender_traits/, this updates the webrender_bindings dependency on euclid to euclid-0.14.4. It also updates some webrender_bindings code for this dependency update, and for the BlobImageRenderer API change in WR cset 36a9117. MozReview-Commit-ID: JlmTHrFdfUM --HG-- rename : third_party/rust/euclid/src/matrix2d.rs => third_party/rust/euclid-0.13.0/src/matrix2d.rs rename : third_party/rust/euclid/src/matrix4d.rs => third_party/rust/euclid-0.13.0/src/matrix4d.rs
Step 1: Install Rust if you don't have it already If you are doing gecko builds already, you should already have Rust as it is a build requirement. If not, you can install it using |mach bootstrap| (recommended) or from https://www.rust-lang.org/ Note: If installing manually, use the stable 64-bit release - on Windows make sure to use the MSVC ABI installer. Ensure that rustc and cargo are in your $PATH (adding $HOME/.cargo/bin/ should be sufficient) Step 2: Set up mozconfig Add the following line to your mozconfig: ac_add_options --enable-webrender The first time you do a build with this changes, you should also run |mach clobber| Step 3: Build using |mach build| When making changes: - Make the changes you want. - Run |mach build| or |mach build binaries| as desired. For a debug webrender build: Use a debug mozconfig (ac_add_options --enable-debug) You can also use an opt build but make webrender less optimized by putting opt-level=0 in the [profile.release] section of your toolkit/library/rust/Cargo.toml file See also https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/mozilla.dev.servo/MbeMcqqO1fs What if you have to pull in an update to webrender itself? 1) Update your graphics branch checkout to the latest code on the graphics branch 2) Check out and update the webrender repo to the version you want 3) Copy over the webrender and webrender_traits folders into gfx/. The best way to do this is to simply delete the gfx/webrender and gfx/webrender_traits folders and use |cp -R| to copy them in again from the webrender repo. Update the "latest commit" information at the bottom of this file with the version. 4) If you need to modify webrender_bindings/Cargo.toml to include or remove features, do so now. 4) Commit your changes to the graphics branch locally 5) Run |mach vendor rust| to update the rust dependencies in third_party/rust 6) Commit the vendored changes locally 7) Build and test. You may need to make changes in bindings.rs or on the C++ side depending on what changed in webrender. This can potentially be quite tricky if you don't fully understand the API changes on the webrender side. In this step, try to not use your new features yet, just get the build working with the minimal changes. 8) Commit the changes locally from step 7, and push everything to the graphics branch. 9) Now you have an update webrender with the new features you wanted, so you can write gecko code against them. Yes, this is somewhat painful. It used to be worse. :) Note that when webrender is built as part of gecko, it may end up using slightly different versions of its dependencies than when it is built standalone from the webrender repo. The reason is that the Cargo.lock files in m-c and in the WR repo may reference different versions of the dependencies. Both builds will be compatible in terms of semantic versioning, but may produce different results - for example the standalone webrender might use euclid 0.10.4 while the one in gecko uses euclid 0.10.3. Although both choices are "valid" per the semantic versioning rules in webrender's Cargo.toml, the 0.2.3 may provide a bugfix that is needed for correct behaviour in webrender. If this is the case, the technically "correct" fix is to change the upstream webrender Cargo.toml file to require the correct version. Alternnatively, you can update the Cargo.lock files in m-c to pull in the new version. The way to do this is as follows: - Go to toolkit/library/rust and run |cargo update -p <package> --precise <version>|. Repeat this for as many libraries as you need to update. Run the same commands in toolkit/library/gtest/rust and js/src (ignore any errors about unmatched packages). Commit all the changes locally. - Run |mach vendor rust|, which will update the corresponding libraries in third_party/rust to the versions you specified. The reason we don't do this by default is to work around bug 1336528. Specifically, there is another crate in m-c called mozjs_sys which is built separately but uses the same folder to store its rust dependencies. If one of the libraries that is required by both mozjs_sys and webrender is updated without updating the other project's Cargo.lock file, that results in build bustage. This means that any time you do this sort of manual update of packages, you need to make sure that mozjs_sys also has its Cargo.lock file updated if needed, hence the need to run the cargo update command in js/src as well. Hopefully this will be resolved soon. Latest Commit: 6752684fcc7402b0a5480e0b9f73152b2f9ed1e5