2021-03-29 02:38:56 +00:00

866 lines
29 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
// This file defines these globals on the window object.
// Define them here so that ESLint can find them:
/* globals MozXULElement, MozHTMLElement, MozElements */
"use strict";
// This is loaded into chrome windows with the subscript loader. Wrap in
// a block to prevent accidentally leaking globals onto `window`.
(() => {
// Handle customElements.js being loaded as a script in addition to the subscriptLoader
// from MainProcessSingleton, to handle pages that can open both before and after
// MainProcessSingleton starts. See Bug 1501845.
if (window.MozXULElement) {
const MozElements = {};
window.MozElements = MozElements;
const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import(
const { AppConstants } = ChromeUtils.import(
const env = Cc[";1"].getService(
const instrumentClasses = env.get("MOZ_INSTRUMENT_CUSTOM_ELEMENTS");
const instrumentedClasses = instrumentClasses ? new Set() : null;
const instrumentedBaseClasses = instrumentClasses ? new WeakSet() : null;
// If requested, wrap the normal customElements.define to give us a chance
// to modify the class so we can instrument function calls in local development:
if (instrumentClasses) {
let define = window.customElements.define;
window.customElements.define = function(name, c, opts) {
return, name, c, opts);
() => {
{ once: true, capture: true }
MozElements.printInstrumentation = function(collapsed) {
let summaries = [];
let totalCalls = 0;
let totalTime = 0;
for (let c of instrumentedClasses) {
// Allow passing in something like MOZ_INSTRUMENT_CUSTOM_ELEMENTS=MozXULElement,Button to filter
let includeClass =
instrumentClasses == 1 ||
.some(n =>;
let summary = c.__instrumentation_summary;
if (includeClass && summary) {
totalCalls += summary.totalCalls;
totalTime += summary.totalTime;
if (summaries.length) {
let groupName = `Instrumentation data for custom elements in ${document.documentURI}`;
console[collapsed ? "groupCollapsed" : "group"](groupName);
`Total function calls ${totalCalls} and total time spent inside ${totalTime.toFixed(
for (let summary of summaries) {
console.log(`${} (# instances: ${summary.instances})`);
if (Object.keys( > 1) {
function instrumentCustomElementClass(c) {
// Climb up prototype chain to see if we inherit from a MozElement.
// Keep track of classes to instrument, for example:
// MozMenuCaption->MozMenuBase->BaseText->BaseControl->MozXULElement
let inheritsFromBase = instrumentedBaseClasses.has(c);
let classesToInstrument = [c];
let proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(c);
while (proto) {
if (instrumentedBaseClasses.has(proto)) {
inheritsFromBase = true;
proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto);
if (inheritsFromBase) {
for (let c of classesToInstrument.reverse()) {
function instrumentIndividualClass(c) {
if (instrumentedClasses.has(c)) {
let data = { instances: 0 };
function wrapFunction(name, fn) {
return function() {
if (!data[name]) {
data[name] = { time: 0, calls: 0 };
let n =;
let r = fn.apply(this, arguments);
data[name].time += - n;
return r;
function wrapPropertyDescriptor(obj, name) {
if (name == "constructor") {
let prop = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, name);
if (prop.get) {
prop.get = wrapFunction(`<get> ${name}`, prop.get);
if (prop.set) {
prop.set = wrapFunction(`<set> ${name}`, prop.set);
if (prop.writable && prop.value && prop.value.apply) {
prop.value = wrapFunction(name, prop.value);
Object.defineProperty(obj, name, prop);
// Handle static properties
for (let name of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(c)) {
wrapPropertyDescriptor(c, name);
// Handle instance properties
for (let name of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(c.prototype)) {
wrapPropertyDescriptor(c.prototype, name);
c.__instrumentation_data = data;
Object.defineProperty(c, "__instrumentation_summary", {
enumerable: false,
configurable: false,
get() {
if (data.instances == 0) {
return null;
let clonedData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data));
delete clonedData.instances;
let totalCalls = 0;
let totalTime = 0;
for (let d in clonedData) {
let { time, calls } = clonedData[d];
time = parseFloat(time.toFixed(2));
totalCalls += calls;
totalTime += time;
clonedData[d]["time (ms)"] = time;
delete clonedData[d].time;
clonedData[d].timePerCall = parseFloat((time / calls).toFixed(4));
let timePerCall = parseFloat((totalTime / totalCalls).toFixed(4));
totalTime = parseFloat(totalTime.toFixed(2));
// Add a spaced-out final row with summed up totals
clonedData["\ntotals"] = {
"time (ms)": `\n${totalTime}`,
calls: `\n${totalCalls}`,
timePerCall: `\n${timePerCall}`,
return {
instances: data.instances,
data: clonedData,
// The listener of DOMContentLoaded must be set on window, rather than
// document, because the window can go away before the event is fired.
// In that case, we don't want to initialize anything, otherwise we
// may be leaking things because they will never be destroyed after.
let gIsDOMContentLoaded = false;
const gElementsPendingConnection = new Set();
() => {
gIsDOMContentLoaded = true;
for (let element of gElementsPendingConnection) {
try {
if (element.isConnected) {
element.isRunningDelayedConnectedCallback = true;
} catch (ex) {
element.isRunningDelayedConnectedCallback = false;
{ once: true, capture: true }
const gXULDOMParser = new DOMParser();
MozElements.MozElementMixin = Base => {
let MozElementBase = class extends Base {
constructor() {
if (instrumentClasses) {
let proto = this.constructor;
while (proto && proto != Base) {
proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto);
* A declarative way to wire up attribute inheritance and automatically generate
* the `observedAttributes` getter. For example, if you returned:
* {
* ".foo": "bar,baz=bat"
* }
* Then the base class will automatically return ["bar", "bat"] from `observedAttributes`,
* and set up an `attributeChangedCallback` to pass those attributes down onto an element
* matching the ".foo" selector.
* See the `inheritAttribute` function for more details on the attribute string format.
* @return {Object<string selector, string attributes>}
static get inheritedAttributes() {
return null;
static get flippedInheritedAttributes() {
// Have to be careful here, if a subclass overrides inheritedAttributes
// and its parent class is instantiated first, then reading
// this._flippedInheritedAttributes on the child class will return the
// computed value from the parent. We store it separately on each class
// to ensure everything works correctly when inheritedAttributes is
// overridden.
if (!this.hasOwnProperty("_flippedInheritedAttributes")) {
let { inheritedAttributes } = this;
if (!inheritedAttributes) {
this._flippedInheritedAttributes = null;
} else {
this._flippedInheritedAttributes = {};
for (let selector in inheritedAttributes) {
let attrRules = inheritedAttributes[selector].split(",");
for (let attrRule of attrRules) {
let attrName = attrRule;
let attrNewName = attrRule;
let split = attrName.split("=");
if (split.length == 2) {
attrName = split[1];
attrNewName = split[0];
if (!this._flippedInheritedAttributes[attrName]) {
this._flippedInheritedAttributes[attrName] = [];
return this._flippedInheritedAttributes;
* Generate this array based on `inheritedAttributes`, if any. A class is free to override
* this if it needs to do something more complex or wants to opt out of this behavior.
static get observedAttributes() {
return Object.keys(this.flippedInheritedAttributes || {});
* Provide default lifecycle callback for attribute changes that will inherit attributes
* based on the static `inheritedAttributes` Object. This can be overridden by callers.
attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
if (oldValue === newValue || !this.initializedAttributeInheritance) {
let list = this.constructor.flippedInheritedAttributes[name];
if (list) {
this.inheritAttribute(list, name);
* After setting content, calling this will cache the elements from selectors in the
* static `inheritedAttributes` Object. It'll also do an initial call to `this.inheritAttributes()`,
* so in the simple case, this is the only function you need to call.
* This should be called any time the children that are inheriting attributes changes. For instance,
* it's common in a connectedCallback to do something like:
* this.textContent = "";
* this.append(MozXULElement.parseXULToFragment(`<label />`))
* this.initializeAttributeInheritance();
initializeAttributeInheritance() {
let { flippedInheritedAttributes } = this.constructor;
if (!flippedInheritedAttributes) {
// Clear out any existing cached elements:
this._inheritedElements = null;
this.initializedAttributeInheritance = true;
for (let attr in flippedInheritedAttributes) {
if (this.hasAttribute(attr)) {
this.inheritAttribute(flippedInheritedAttributes[attr], attr);
* Implements attribute value inheritance by child elements.
* @param {array} list
* An array of (to-element-selector, to-attr) pairs.
* @param {string} attr
* An attribute to propagate.
inheritAttribute(list, attr) {
if (!this._inheritedElements) {
this._inheritedElements = {};
let hasAttr = this.hasAttribute(attr);
let attrValue = this.getAttribute(attr);
for (let [selector, newAttr] of list) {
if (!(selector in this._inheritedElements)) {
] = this.getElementForAttrInheritance(selector);
let el = this._inheritedElements[selector];
if (el) {
if (newAttr == "text") {
el.textContent = hasAttr ? attrValue : "";
} else if (hasAttr) {
el.setAttribute(newAttr, attrValue);
} else {
* Used in setting up attribute inheritance. Takes a selector and returns
* an element for that selector from shadow DOM if there is a shadowRoot,
* or from the light DOM if not.
* Here's one problem this solves. ElementB extends ElementA which extends
* MozXULElement. ElementA has a shadowRoot. ElementB tries to inherit
* attributes in light DOM by calling `initializeAttributeInheritance`
* but that fails because it defaults to inheriting from the shadow DOM
* and not the light DOM. (See bug 1545824.)
* To solve this, ElementB can override `getElementForAttrInheritance` so
* it queries the light DOM for some selectors as needed. For example:
* class ElementA extends MozXULElement {
* static get inheritedAttributes() {
* return { ".one": "attr" };
* }
* }
* class ElementB extends customElements.get("elementa") {
* static get inheritedAttributes() {
* return Object.assign({}, super.inheritedAttributes(), {
* ".two": "attr",
* });
* }
* getElementForAttrInheritance(selector) {
* if (selector == ".two") {
* return this.querySelector(selector)
* } else {
* return super.getElementForAttrInheritance(selector);
* }
* }
* }
* @param {string} selector
* A selector used to query an element.
* @return {Element} The element found by the selector.
getElementForAttrInheritance(selector) {
let parent = this.shadowRoot || this;
return parent.querySelector(selector);
* Sometimes an element may not want to run connectedCallback logic during
* parse. This could be because we don't want to initialize the element before
* the element's contents have been fully parsed, or for performance reasons.
* If you'd like to opt-in to this, then add this to the beginning of your
* `connectedCallback` and `disconnectedCallback`:
* if (this.delayConnectedCallback()) { return }
* And this at the beginning of your `attributeChangedCallback`
* if (!this.isConnectedAndReady) { return; }
delayConnectedCallback() {
if (gIsDOMContentLoaded) {
return false;
return true;
get isConnectedAndReady() {
return gIsDOMContentLoaded && this.isConnected;
* Passes DOM events to the on_<event type> methods.
handleEvent(event) {
let methodName = "on_" + event.type;
if (methodName in this) {
} else {
throw new Error("Unrecognized event: " + event.type);
* Used by custom elements for caching fragments. We now would be
* caching once per class while also supporting subclasses.
* If available, returns the cached fragment.
* Otherwise, creates it.
* Example:
* class ElementA extends MozXULElement {
* static get markup() {
* return `<hbox class="example"`;
* }
* static get entities() {
* // Optional field for parseXULToFragment
* return `["chrome://global/locale/notification.dtd"]`;
* }
* connectedCallback() {
* this.appendChild(this.constructor.fragment);
* }
* }
* @return {importedNode} The imported node that has not been
* inserted into document tree.
static get fragment() {
if (!this.hasOwnProperty("_fragment")) {
let markup = this.markup;
if (markup) {
this._fragment = MozXULElement.parseXULToFragment(
} else {
throw new Error("Markup is null");
return document.importNode(this._fragment, true);
* Allows eager deterministic construction of XUL elements with XBL attached, by
* parsing an element tree and returning a DOM fragment to be inserted in the
* document before any of the inner elements is referenced by JavaScript.
* This process is required instead of calling the createElement method directly
* because bindings get attached when:
* 1. the node gets a layout frame constructed, or
* 2. the node gets its JavaScript reflector created, if it's in the document,
* whichever happens first. The createElement method would return a JavaScript
* reflector, but the element wouldn't be in the document, so the node wouldn't
* get XBL attached. After that point, even if the node is inserted into a
* document, it won't get XBL attached until either the frame is constructed or
* the reflector is garbage collected and the element is touched again.
* @param {string} str
* String with the XML representation of XUL elements.
* @param {string[]} [entities]
* An array of DTD URLs containing entity definitions.
* @return {DocumentFragment} `DocumentFragment` instance containing
* the corresponding element tree, including element nodes
* but excluding any text node.
static parseXULToFragment(str, entities = []) {
let doc = gXULDOMParser.parseFromSafeString(
? `<!DOCTYPE bindings [
${entities.reduce((preamble, url, index) => {
return (
preamble +
`<!ENTITY % _dtd-${index} SYSTEM "${url}">
}, "")}
: ""
<box xmlns=""
if (doc.documentElement.localName === "parsererror") {
throw new Error("not well-formed XML");
// The XUL/XBL parser is set to ignore all-whitespace nodes, whereas (X)HTML
// does not do this. Most XUL code assumes that the whitespace has been
// stripped out, so we simply remove all text nodes after using the parser.
let nodeIterator = doc.createNodeIterator(doc, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT);
let currentNode = nodeIterator.nextNode();
while (currentNode) {
// Remove whitespace-only nodes. Regex is taken from:
if (!/[^\t\n\r ]/.test(currentNode.textContent)) {
currentNode = nodeIterator.nextNode();
// We use a range here so that we don't access the inner DOM elements from
// JavaScript before they are imported and inserted into a document.
let range = doc.createRange();
return range.extractContents();
* Insert a localization link to an FTL file. This is used so that
* a Custom Element can wait to inject the link until it's connected,
* and so that consuming documents don't require the correct <link>
* present in the markup.
* @param path
* The path to the FTL file
static insertFTLIfNeeded(path) {
let container = document.head || document.querySelector("linkset");
if (!container) {
if (
document.documentElement.namespaceURI ===
) {
container = document.createXULElement("linkset");
} else if (document.documentURI == AppConstants.BROWSER_CHROME_URL) {
// Special case for browser.xhtml. Here `document.head` is null, so
// just insert the link at the end of the window.
container = document.documentElement;
} else {
throw new Error(
"Attempt to inject localization link before document.head is available"
for (let link of container.querySelectorAll("link")) {
if (link.getAttribute("href") == path) {
let link = document.createElementNS(
link.setAttribute("rel", "localization");
link.setAttribute("href", path);
* Indicate that a class defining a XUL element implements one or more
* XPCOM interfaces by adding a getCustomInterface implementation to it,
* as well as an implementation of QueryInterface.
* The supplied class should implement the properties and methods of
* all of the interfaces that are specified.
* @param cls
* The class that implements the interface.
* @param names
* Array of interface names.
static implementCustomInterface(cls, ifaces) {
if (cls.prototype.customInterfaces) {
cls.prototype.customInterfaces = ifaces;
cls.prototype.QueryInterface = ChromeUtils.generateQI(ifaces);
cls.prototype.getCustomInterfaceCallback = function getCustomInterfaceCallback(
) {
if (
cls.prototype.customInterfaces.some(iface =>
) {
return getInterfaceProxy(this);
return null;
// Rename the class so we can distinguish between MozXULElement and MozXULPopupElement, for example.
Object.defineProperty(MozElementBase, "name", { value: `Moz${}` });
if (instrumentedBaseClasses) {
return MozElementBase;
const MozXULElement = MozElements.MozElementMixin(XULElement);
const MozHTMLElement = MozElements.MozElementMixin(HTMLElement);
* Given an object, add a proxy that reflects interface implementations
* onto the object itself.
function getInterfaceProxy(obj) {
/* globals MozQueryInterface */
if (!obj._customInterfaceProxy) {
obj._customInterfaceProxy = new Proxy(obj, {
get(target, prop, receiver) {
let propOrMethod = target[prop];
if (typeof propOrMethod == "function") {
if (propOrMethod instanceof MozQueryInterface) {
return Reflect.get(target, prop, receiver);
return function(...args) {
return propOrMethod.apply(target, args);
return propOrMethod;
return obj._customInterfaceProxy;
MozElements.BaseControlMixin = Base => {
class BaseControl extends Base {
get disabled() {
return this.getAttribute("disabled") == "true";
set disabled(val) {
if (val) {
this.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
} else {
get tabIndex() {
return parseInt(this.getAttribute("tabindex")) || 0;
set tabIndex(val) {
if (val) {
this.setAttribute("tabindex", val);
} else {
MozXULElement.implementCustomInterface(BaseControl, [
return BaseControl;
MozElements.BaseControl = MozElements.BaseControlMixin(MozXULElement);
const BaseTextMixin = Base =>
class BaseText extends MozElements.BaseControlMixin(Base) {
set label(val) {
this.setAttribute("label", val);
get label() {
return this.getAttribute("label");
set crop(val) {
this.setAttribute("crop", val);
get crop() {
return this.getAttribute("crop");
set image(val) {
this.setAttribute("image", val);
get image() {
return this.getAttribute("image");
set command(val) {
this.setAttribute("command", val);
get command() {
return this.getAttribute("command");
set accessKey(val) {
// Always store on the control
this.setAttribute("accesskey", val);
// If there is a label, change the accesskey on the labelElement
// if it's also set there
if (this.labelElement) {
this.labelElement.accessKey = val;
get accessKey() {
return this.labelElement
? this.labelElement.accessKey
: this.getAttribute("accesskey");
MozElements.BaseTextMixin = BaseTextMixin;
MozElements.BaseText = BaseTextMixin(MozXULElement);
// Attach the base class to the window so other scripts can use it:
window.MozXULElement = MozXULElement;
window.MozHTMLElement = MozHTMLElement;
customElements.setElementCreationCallback("browser", () => {
// Skip loading any extra custom elements in the extension dummy document
// and GeckoView windows.
const loadExtraCustomElements = !(
document.documentURI == "chrome://extensions/content/dummy.xhtml" ||
document.documentURI == "chrome://geckoview/content/geckoview.xhtml"
if (loadExtraCustomElements) {
for (let script of [
]) {
Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(script, window);
for (let [tag, script] of [
["button-group", "chrome://global/content/elements/named-deck.js"],
["findbar", "chrome://global/content/elements/findbar.js"],
["menulist", "chrome://global/content/elements/menulist.js"],
["message-bar", "chrome://global/content/elements/message-bar.js"],
["named-deck", "chrome://global/content/elements/named-deck.js"],
["named-deck-button", "chrome://global/content/elements/named-deck.js"],
["search-textbox", "chrome://global/content/elements/search-textbox.js"],
["stringbundle", "chrome://global/content/elements/stringbundle.js"],
["editor", "chrome://global/content/elements/editor.js"],
]) {
customElements.setElementCreationCallback(tag, () => {
Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(script, window);