
114 lines
3.6 KiB

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
// Functions that are automatically loaded as frame scripts for
// timeline tests.
const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr } = Components;
let { Task } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm", {});
let { Promise } = Cu.import('resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm', {});
// Functions that look like mochitest functions but forward to the
// browser process.
this.ok = function(value, message) {
sendAsyncMessage("browser:test:ok", {
value: !!value,
message: message});
} = function(v1, v2, message) {
ok(v1 == v2, message);
} = function(message) {
sendAsyncMessage("browser:test:info", {message: message});
this.finish = function() {
/* Start a task that runs some timeline tests in the ordinary way.
* @param array tests
* The tests to run. This is an array where each element
* is of the form { desc, searchFor, setup, check }.
* desc is the test description, a string.
* searchFor is a string or a function
* If a string, then when a marker with this name is
* found, marker-reading is stopped.
* If a function, then the accumulated marker array is
* passed to it, and marker reading stops when it returns
* true.
* setup is a function that takes the docshell as an argument.
* It should start the test.
* check is a function that takes an array of markers
* as an argument and checks the results of the test.
this.timelineContentTest = function(tests) {
Task.spawn(function*() {
let docShell = content.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
info("Start recording");
docShell.recordProfileTimelineMarkers = true;
for (let {desc, searchFor, setup, check} of tests) {
info("Running test: " + desc);
info("Flushing the previous markers if any");
info("Running the test setup function");
let onMarkers = timelineWaitForMarkers(docShell, searchFor);
info("Waiting for new markers on the docShell");
let markers = yield onMarkers;
// Cycle collection markers are non-deterministic, and none of these tests
// expect them to show up.
markers = markers.filter(m =>"nsCycleCollector") === -1);
info("Running the test check function");
info("Stop recording");
docShell.recordProfileTimelineMarkers = false;
function timelineWaitForMarkers(docshell, searchFor) {
if (typeof(searchFor) == "string") {
let searchForString = searchFor;
let f = function (markers) {
return markers.some(m => == searchForString);
searchFor = f;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
let waitIterationCount = 0;
let maxWaitIterationCount = 10; // Wait for 2sec maximum
let markers = [];
setTimeout(function timeoutHandler() {
let newMarkers = docshell.popProfileTimelineMarkers();
markers = [...markers, ...newMarkers];
if (searchFor(markers) || waitIterationCount > maxWaitIterationCount) {
} else {
setTimeout(timeoutHandler, 200);
}, 200);