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synced 2025-02-04 04:58:00 +00:00
504 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
504 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl --
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
# Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
# basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
# under the License.
# The Original Code is the Bonsai CVS tool.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
# Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are Copyright (C) 1998
# Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
# cvslog.cgi -- cvslog with logs as popups and allowing html in comments.
# Created: Steve Lamm <slamm@netscape.com>, 31-Mar-98.
# Arguments (passed via GET or POST):
# file - path to file name (e.g. ns/cmd/xfe/Makefile)
# root - cvs root (e.g. /warp/webroot)
# rev - revision (default is the latest version)
# mark - highlight a revision
# author - filter based on author
require 'lloydcgi.pl';
require 'cvsblame.pl';
require 'utils.pl';
use SourceChecker;
# Some Globals
$| = 1;
print "Content-Type:text/html\n\n";
@src_roots = getRepositoryList();
# Handle the "file" argument
$filename = '';
$filename = $form{'file'} if defined($form{'file'});
if ($filename eq '')
($file_head, $file_tail) = $filename =~ m@(.*/)?(.+)@;
# Handle the "rev" argument
$opt_rev = $form{'rev'} if defined($form{'rev'} && $form{'rev'} ne 'HEAD');
$browse_revtag = 'HEAD';
$browse_revtag = $opt_rev if ($opt_rev =~ /[A-Za-z]/);
$revision = '';
# Handle the "root" argument
if (defined($root = $form{'root'}) && $root ne '') {
$root =~ s|/$||;
if (-d $root) {
unshift(@src_roots, $root);
} else {
print "Error: Root, $root, is not a directory.<BR><BR>\n";
print "</BODY></HTML>\n";
# Find the rcs file
foreach (@src_roots) {
$root = $_;
$rcs_filename = "$root/$filename,v";
goto found_file if -r $rcs_filename;
$rcs_filename = "$root/${file_head}Attic/$file_tail,v";
goto found_file if -r $rcs_filename;
# File not found
print "Rcs file, $filename, does not exist.<BR><BR>\n";
print "</BODY></HTML>\n";
($rcs_path) = $rcs_filename =~ m@$root/(.*)/.+?,v@;
# Parse the rcs file ($opt_rev is passed as a global)
$revision = &parse_cvs_file($rcs_filename);
$file_rev = $revision;
# Handle the "mark" argument
$mark_arg = '';
$mark_arg = $form{'mark'} if defined($form{'mark'});
foreach $rev (split(',',$mark_arg)) {
$mark{$rev} = 1;
# Handle the "author" argument
$author_arg = '';
$author_arg = $form{'author'} if defined($form{'author'});
foreach $author (split(',',$author_arg)) {
$use_author{$author} = 1;
# Handle the "sort" argument
$opt_sort = '';
$opt_sort = $form{'sort'};
# Start printing out the page
if ($ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} =~ /Win/) {
$font_tag = "<FONT FACE='Lucida Console' SIZE=-1>";
} else {
# We don't want your stinking Windows font
$font_tag = "<FONT>";
# Print link at top for directory browsing
$output = "<DIV ALIGN=LEFT>";
foreach $path (split('/',$rcs_path)) {
$link_path .= $path;
$output .= "<A HREF='rview.cgi?dir=$link_path";
$output .= "&cvsroot=$form{'root'}" if defined $form{'root'};
$output .= "&rev=$browse_revtag" unless $browse_revtag eq 'HEAD';
$output .= "' onmouseover='window.status=\"Browse $link_path\";"
." return true;'>$path</A>/ ";
$link_path .= '/';
$output .= "$file_tail (";
$output .= "$browse_revtag:" unless $browse_revtag eq 'HEAD';
$output .= $revision if $revision;
$output .= ")";
EmitHtmlHeader("CVS Log", $output);
# Create a table with header links to sort by column.
if ($opt_sort eq 'author') {
$table_header_tag .= "<TH ALIGN=LEFT><A HREF='cvslog.cgi?file=$filename&root=$root&rev=$browse_revtag&sort=revision&author=$author_arg'>Rev</A><TH ALIGN=LEFT>Author<TH ALIGN=LEFT><A HREF='cvslog.cgi?file=$filename&root=$root&rev=$browse_revtag&sort=date&author=$author_arg'>Date</A><TH><TH ALIGN=LEFT>Log";
} else {
$table_header_tag .= "<TH ALIGN=LEFT>Rev<TH ALIGN=LEFT><A HREF='cvslog.cgi?file=$filename&root=$root&rev=$browse_revtag&sort=author&author=$author_arg'>Author</A><TH ALIGN=LEFT>Date<TH><TH ALIGN=LEFT>Log";
$table_header_tag = &url_encode3($table_header_tag);
print "$font_tag$table_tag$table_header_tag";
# Print each line of the revision, preceded by its annotation.
if ($browse_revtag eq 'HEAD') {
$start_rev = $head_revision; # $head_revision is a global from cvsblame.pl
} else {
$start_rev = map_tag_to_revision($browse_revtag);
$row_count = 0;
$max_rev_length = length($start_rev);
$max_author_length = 8;
@revisions = ($start_rev, ancestor_revisions($start_rev));
@revisions = sort by_author @revisions if $opt_sort eq 'author';
#@revisions = sort by_author @revisions if $opt_sort eq 'date' && $rev eq 'all';
foreach $revision (@revisions)
$author = $revision_author{$revision};
next unless $author_arg eq '' || $use_author{$author};
$log = $revision_log{$revision};
$log =~ s/&/&/g;
$log =~ s/</</g;
$log =~ s/>/>/g;
eval ('$log =~ s@\d{4,6}@' . $BUGSYSTEMEXPR . '@g;');
$log =~ s/\n|\r|\r\n/<BR>/g;
if ($bgcolor eq '') {
#$bgcolor = ' BGCOLOR="#EEEEEE"';# My browser translates this to white.
$bgcolor = ' BGCOLOR="#E7E7E7"'; # Pick a grey that shows up on 8-bit.
} else {
$bgcolor = '';
$output = '';
if ($row_count > 20) {
$output .= "</TABLE>\n$table_tag";
$row_count = 0;
$output .= "<TR$bgcolor VALIGN=TOP><TD>"
."<A NAME=$revision>";
$anchor = "<A HREF=cvsview2.cgi";
if (defined($prev_revision{$revision})) {
$anchor .= "?diff_mode=context&whitespace_mode=show&file=$file_tail"
} else {
$anchor .= "?files=$file_tail"
$anchor .= "&branch=$browse_revtag" unless $browse_revtag eq 'HEAD';
$anchor = &url_encode3($anchor);
$output .= $anchor;
$output .= ">$revision</A>"
.' ' x ($max_rev_length - length($revision)).'</TD>';
$output .= "<TD>".$author
.' ' x ($max_author_length - length($author)).'</TD>';
$rev_time = $revision_ctime{$revision};
# $rev_time =~ s/(19\d\d) (.\d:\d\d)/$1<BR><FONT SIZE=-2>$2<\/FONT>/;
# jwz: print the date the way "ls" does.
# What ls does is actually: print "Mmm DD HH:MM" unless the file is
# more than six months old, or more than 1 hour in the future, in
# which case, print "Mmm DD YYYY".
# What the following does is: "Mmm DD HH:MM" unless the year is not
# the current year; else print "Mmm DD YYYY".
# If we had $rev_time as an actual time_t instead of as a string,
# it would be easy to do the "ls" thing (see the code I wrote for
# this in "lxr/source"). -jwz, 15-Jun-98.
my $current_time = time;
my @t = gmtime($current_time);
my ($csec, $cmin, $chour, $cmday, $cmon, $cyear) = @t;
$cyear += 1900;
$_ = $rev_time;
my ($rday, $rmon, $ryear, $rhour, $rmin) =
m/([0-9]+) ([A-Z][a-z]+) ([0-9][0-9]+) +([0-9]+):([0-9]+)/;
$rmon =~ s/^(...).*$/$1/;
if (!$rday) {
# parse error -- be annoying so somebody complains.
$rev_time = "<BLINK>\"$rev_time\"</BLINK>";
} elsif ($cyear ne $ryear) {
$rev_time = sprintf("%s %2d %04d", $rmon, $rday, $ryear);
} else {
$rev_time = sprintf("%s %2d %02d:%02d",
$rmon, $rday, $rhour, $rmin);
$rev_time = "<FONT SIZE=\"-1\">$rev_time</FONT>";
$output .= "<TD NOWRAP ALIGN=RIGHT>$rev_time</TD>";
$output .= "<TD> </TD><TD WIDTH=99%>$log</TD>";
$output .= "</TR>\n";
print $output;
print "</TABLE>";
## END of main script
sub by_revision {
local (@a_parts) = split(/\./,$a);
local (@b_parts) = split(/\./,$b);
while(1) {
local ($aa) = shift @a_parts;
local ($bb) = shift @b_parts;
return 1 if $aa eq '';
return -1 if $bb eq '';
return $bb <=> $aa if $aa ne $bb;
sub by_author {
local ($a_author) = $revision_author{$a};
local ($b_author) = $revision_author{$b};
return $a_author cmp $b_author if $a_author ne $b_author;
return by_revision;
sub revision_pad {
local ($revision) = @_;
return ' ' x ($max_rev_length - length($revision));
sub sprint_author {
local ($revision) = @_;
local ($author) = $revision_author{$revision};
sub print_top {
local ($title_text) = "for $file_tail (";
$title_text .= "$browse_revtag:" unless $browse_revtag eq 'HEAD';
$title_text .= $revision if $revision;
$title_text .= ")";
$title_text =~ s/\(\)//;
print <<__TOP__;
<TITLE>CVS Log $title_text</TITLE>
var event = new Object;
function who_menu(n,extra,d) {
if( parseInt(navigator.appVersion) < 4 ){
return true;
l = document.layers['popup'];
l.top = d.target.y - 6;
l.left = d.target.x - 6;
return false;
function file_menu(dir,file,prev_rev,rev,root,d) {
if( parseInt(navigator.appVersion) < 4 ){
return true;
l = document.layers['popup'];
/* d.target.text */
l.top = d.target.y - 6;
l.left = d.target.x - 6;
return false;
<layer name="popup" onMouseOut="this.visibility='hide';" left=0 top=0 bgcolor="#ffffff" visibility="hide">
} # print_top
sub print_usage {
local ($linenum_message) = '';
local ($new_linenum, $src_roots_list);
local ($title_text) = "Usage";
$src_roots_list = join('<BR>', @src_roots);
print <<__USAGE__;
<TITLE>CVS Log $title_text</TITLE>
<H2>CVS Log Usage</H2>
Add parameters to the query string to view a file.
<TD>Path to file name</TD>
<TD>CVS root</TD>
<TD>Filter out these authors</TD>
<TD>Jump to a revision</TD>
<A HREF="cvslog.cgi?file=ns/cmd/Makefile">
</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD><TD>
<A HREF="cvslog.cgi?file=ns/cmd/xfe/mozilla.c&rev=Dogbert4xEscalation_BRANCH">
</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD><TD>
<A HREF="cvslog.cgi?file=projects/bonsai/cvslog.cgi&root=/warp/webroot">
</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD><TD>
<A HREF="cvslog.cgi?file=ns/cmd/xfe/dialogs.c#1.19">
You may also begin a query with the <A HREF="cvsqueryform.cgi">CVS Query Form</A>.
} # sub print_usage
sub print_bottom {
print <<__BOTTOM__;
<HR WIDTH="100%">
<A HREF="cvslog.cgi">Page configuration and help</A>.
Mail feedback to <A HREF="mailto:slamm\@netscape.com?subject=About the cvslog script"><slamm\@netscape.com></A>.
} # print_bottom
sub print_useful_links {
my ($path) = @_;
my ($dir, $file) = $path =~ m@(.*/)?(.+)@;
$dir =~ s@/$@@;
my $diff_base = "cvsview2.cgi";
my $blame_base = "cvsblame.cgi";
# total kludge!! lxr omits the top-level "mozilla" directory...
my $lxr_path = $path;
if ($mozilla_lxr_kludge eq 'TRUE') {
$lxr_path =~ s@^ns/@@;
$lxr_path =~ s@^mozilla/@@;
my $lxr_link = "$lxr_base/$lxr_path";
my $diff_link = "$diff_base?command=DIRECTORY\&subdir=$dir\&files=$file";
my $blame_link = "$blame_base?root=$CVS_ROOT\&file=$path";
<TD VALIGN=TOP ALIGN=RIGHT><A HREF=\"$lxr_link\"><B>lxr:</B></A> </TD>
<TD>browse the source code as hypertext.</TD>
<TD VALIGN=TOP ALIGN=RIGHT><A HREF=\"$diff_link\"><B>diff:</B></A> </TD>
<TD>compare any two versions.</TD>
<TD VALIGN=TOP ALIGN=RIGHT><A HREF=\"$blame_link\"><B>blame:</B></A> </TD>
<TD>annotate the author of each line.</TD>