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/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is Bookmarks Sync.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Mozilla.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2007
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Dan Mills <thunder@mozilla.com>
* Myk Melez <myk@mozilla.org>
* Anant Narayanan <anant@kix.in>
* Philipp von Weitershausen <philipp@weitershausen.de>
* Richard Newman <rnewman@mozilla.com>
* Marina Samuel <msamuel@mozilla.com>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
// 'Weave' continues to be exported for backwards compatibility.
const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["Service", "Weave"];
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cr = Components.results;
const Cu = Components.utils;
// How long before refreshing the cluster
const CLUSTER_BACKOFF = 5 * 60 * 1000; // 5 minutes
// How long a key to generate from an old passphrase.
const PBKDF2_KEY_BYTES = 16;
const CRYPTO_COLLECTION = "crypto";
const KEYS_WBO = "keys";
const LOG_DATE_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S";
* Service singleton
* Main entry point into Weave's sync framework
function WeaveSvc() {
this._notify = Utils.notify("weave:service:");
WeaveSvc.prototype = {
_lock: Utils.lock,
_locked: false,
_loggedIn: false,
_identity: Weave.Identity,
userBaseURL: null,
infoURL: null,
storageURL: null,
metaURL: null,
cryptoKeyURL: null,
get serverURL() Svc.Prefs.get("serverURL"),
set serverURL(value) {
// Only do work if it's actually changing
if (value == this.serverURL)
// A new server most likely uses a different cluster, so clear that
Svc.Prefs.set("serverURL", value);
get clusterURL() Svc.Prefs.get("clusterURL", ""),
set clusterURL(value) {
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", value);
get miscAPI() {
// Append to the serverURL if it's a relative fragment
let misc = Svc.Prefs.get("miscURL");
if (misc.indexOf(":") == -1)
misc = this.serverURL + misc;
return misc + MISC_API_VERSION + "/";
get userAPI() {
// Append to the serverURL if it's a relative fragment
let user = Svc.Prefs.get("userURL");
if (user.indexOf(":") == -1)
user = this.serverURL + user;
return user + USER_API_VERSION + "/";
get pwResetURL() {
return this.serverURL + "weave-password-reset";
get updatedURL() {
get syncID() {
// Generate a random syncID id we don't have one
let syncID = Svc.Prefs.get("client.syncID", "");
return syncID == "" ? this.syncID = Utils.makeGUID() : syncID;
set syncID(value) {
Svc.Prefs.set("client.syncID", value);
get isLoggedIn() { return this._loggedIn; },
get locked() { return this._locked; },
lock: function Svc_lock() {
if (this._locked)
return false;
this._locked = true;
return true;
unlock: function Svc_unlock() {
this._locked = false;
// A specialized variant of Utils.catch.
// This provides a more informative error message when we're already syncing:
// see Bug 616568.
_catch: function _catch(func) {
function lockExceptions(ex) {
if (Utils.isLockException(ex)) {
// This only happens if we're syncing already.
this._log.info("Cannot start sync: already syncing?");
return Utils.catch.call(this, func, lockExceptions);
_updateCachedURLs: function _updateCachedURLs() {
// Nothing to cache yet if we don't have the building blocks
if (this.clusterURL == "" || this._identity.username == "")
let storageAPI = this.clusterURL + SYNC_API_VERSION + "/";
this.userBaseURL = storageAPI + this._identity.username + "/";
this._log.debug("Caching URLs under storage user base: " + this.userBaseURL);
// Generate and cache various URLs under the storage API for this user
this.infoURL = this.userBaseURL + "info/collections";
this.storageURL = this.userBaseURL + "storage/";
this.metaURL = this.storageURL + "meta/global";
this.cryptoKeysURL = this.storageURL + CRYPTO_COLLECTION + "/" + KEYS_WBO;
_checkCrypto: function WeaveSvc__checkCrypto() {
let ok = false;
try {
let iv = Svc.Crypto.generateRandomIV();
if (iv.length == 24)
ok = true;
} catch (e) {
this._log.debug("Crypto check failed: " + e);
return ok;
* Here is a disgusting yet reasonable way of handling HMAC errors deep in
* the guts of Sync. The astute reader will note that this is a hacky way of
* implementing something like continuable conditions.
* A handler function is glued to each engine. If the engine discovers an
* HMAC failure, we fetch keys from the server and update our keys, just as
* we would on startup.
* If our key collection changed, we signal to the engine (via our return
* value) that it should retry decryption.
* If our key collection did not change, it means that we already had the
* correct keys... and thus a different client has the wrong ones. Reupload
* the bundle that we fetched, which will bump the modified time on the
* server and (we hope) prompt a broken client to fix itself.
* We keep track of the time at which we last applied this reasoning, because
* thrashing doesn't solve anything. We keep a reasonable interval between
* these remedial actions.
lastHMACEvent: 0,
* Returns whether to try again.
handleHMACEvent: function handleHMACEvent() {
let now = Date.now();
// Leave a sizable delay between HMAC recovery attempts. This gives us
// time for another client to fix themselves if we touch the record.
if ((now - this.lastHMACEvent) < HMAC_EVENT_INTERVAL)
return false;
this._log.info("Bad HMAC event detected. Attempting recovery " +
"or signaling to other clients.");
// Set the last handled time so that we don't act again.
this.lastHMACEvent = now;
// Fetch keys.
let cryptoKeys = new CryptoWrapper(CRYPTO_COLLECTION, KEYS_WBO);
try {
let cryptoResp = cryptoKeys.fetch(this.cryptoKeysURL).response;
// Save out the ciphertext for when we reupload. If there's a bug in
// CollectionKeys, this will prevent us from uploading junk.
let cipherText = cryptoKeys.ciphertext;
if (!cryptoResp.success) {
this._log.warn("Failed to download keys.");
return false;
let keysChanged = this.handleFetchedKeys(this._identity.syncKeyBundle,
cryptoKeys, true);
if (keysChanged) {
// Did they change? If so, carry on.
this._log.info("Suggesting retry.");
return true; // Try again.
// If not, reupload them and continue the current sync.
cryptoKeys.ciphertext = cipherText;
cryptoKeys.cleartext = null;
let uploadResp = cryptoKeys.upload(this.cryptoKeysURL);
if (uploadResp.success)
this._log.info("Successfully re-uploaded keys. Continuing sync.");
this._log.warn("Got error response re-uploading keys. " +
"Continuing sync; let's try again later.");
return false; // Don't try again: same keys.
} catch (ex) {
this._log.warn("Got exception \"" + ex + "\" fetching and handling " +
"crypto keys. Will try again later.");
return false;
handleFetchedKeys: function handleFetchedKeys(syncKey, cryptoKeys, skipReset) {
// Don't want to wipe if we're just starting up!
// This is largely relevant because we don't persist
// CollectionKeys yet: Bug 610913.
let wasBlank = CollectionKeys.isClear;
let keysChanged = CollectionKeys.updateContents(syncKey, cryptoKeys);
if (keysChanged && !wasBlank) {
this._log.debug("Keys changed: " + JSON.stringify(keysChanged));
if (!skipReset) {
this._log.info("Resetting client to reflect key change.");
if (keysChanged.length) {
// Collection keys only. Reset individual engines.
else {
// Default key changed: wipe it all.
this._log.info("Downloaded new keys, client reset. Proceeding.");
return true;
return false;
* Prepare to initialize the rest of Weave after waiting a little bit
onStartup: function onStartup() {
this._log = Log4Moz.repository.getLogger("Sync.Service");
this._log.level =
this._log.info("Loading Weave " + WEAVE_VERSION);
this.enabled = true;
let ua = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/protocol;1?name=http"].
if (!this._checkCrypto()) {
this.enabled = false;
this._log.info("Could not load the Weave crypto component. Disabling " +
"Weave, since it will not work correctly.");
Svc.Obs.add("weave:service:setup-complete", this);
Svc.Prefs.observe("engine.", this);
if (!this.enabled) {
this._log.info("Firefox Sync disabled.");
let status = this._checkSetup();
if (status != STATUS_DISABLED && status != CLIENT_NOT_CONFIGURED) {
// Send an event now that Weave service is ready. We don't do this
// synchronously so that observers can import this module before
// registering an observer.
Utils.nextTick(function() {
Status.ready = true;
_checkSetup: function _checkSetup() {
if (!this.enabled) {
return Status.service = STATUS_DISABLED;
return Status.checkSetup();
_migratePrefs: function _migratePrefs() {
// Migrate old debugLog prefs.
let logLevel = Svc.Prefs.get("log.appender.debugLog");
if (logLevel) {
Svc.Prefs.set("log.appender.file.level", logLevel);
if (Svc.Prefs.get("log.appender.debugLog.enabled")) {
Svc.Prefs.set("log.appender.file.logOnSuccess", true);
// Migrate old extensions.weave.* prefs if we haven't already tried.
if (Svc.Prefs.get("migrated", false))
// Grab the list of old pref names
let oldPrefBranch = "extensions.weave.";
let oldPrefNames = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].
getChildList("", {});
// Map each old pref to the current pref branch
let oldPref = new Preferences(oldPrefBranch);
for each (let pref in oldPrefNames)
Svc.Prefs.set(pref, oldPref.get(pref));
// Remove all the old prefs and remember that we've migrated
Svc.Prefs.set("migrated", true);
* Register the built-in engines for certain applications
_registerEngines: function WeaveSvc__registerEngines() {
let engines = [];
// Applications can provide this preference (comma-separated list)
// to specify which engines should be registered on startup.
let pref = Svc.Prefs.get("registerEngines");
if (pref) {
engines = pref.split(",");
// Grab the actual engines and register them
Engines.register(engines.map(function(name) Weave[name + "Engine"]));
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIObserver,
// nsIObserver
observe: function WeaveSvc__observe(subject, topic, data) {
switch (topic) {
case "weave:service:setup-complete":
let status = this._checkSetup();
case "nsPref:changed":
if (this._ignorePrefObserver)
let engine = data.slice((PREFS_BRANCH + "engine.").length);
_handleEngineStatusChanged: function handleEngineDisabled(engine) {
this._log.trace("Status for " + engine + " engine changed.");
if (Svc.Prefs.get("engineStatusChanged." + engine, false)) {
// The enabled status being changed back to what it was before.
Svc.Prefs.reset("engineStatusChanged." + engine);
} else {
// Remember that the engine status changed locally until the next sync.
Svc.Prefs.set("engineStatusChanged." + engine, true);
// gets cluster from central LDAP server and returns it, or null on error
_findCluster: function _findCluster() {
this._log.debug("Finding cluster for user " + this._identity.username);
let fail;
let res = new Resource(this.userAPI + this._identity.username + "/node/weave");
try {
let node = res.get();
switch (node.status) {
case 400:
fail = "Find cluster denied: " + ErrorHandler.errorStr(node);
case 404:
this._log.debug("Using serverURL as data cluster (multi-cluster support disabled)");
return this.serverURL;
case 0:
case 200:
if (node == "null") {
node = null;
this._log.trace("_findCluster successfully returning " + node);
return node;
fail = "Unexpected response code: " + node.status;
} catch (e) {
this._log.debug("Network error on findCluster");
fail = e;
throw fail;
// gets cluster from central LDAP server and sets this.clusterURL
_setCluster: function _setCluster() {
// Make sure we didn't get some unexpected response for the cluster
let cluster = this._findCluster();
this._log.debug("Cluster value = " + cluster);
if (cluster == null)
return false;
// Don't update stuff if we already have the right cluster
if (cluster == this.clusterURL)
return false;
this._log.debug("Setting cluster to " + cluster);
this.clusterURL = cluster;
Svc.Prefs.set("lastClusterUpdate", Date.now().toString());
return true;
// Update cluster if required.
// Returns false if the update was not required.
_updateCluster: function _updateCluster() {
this._log.info("Updating cluster.");
let cTime = Date.now();
let lastUp = parseFloat(Svc.Prefs.get("lastClusterUpdate"));
if (!lastUp || ((cTime - lastUp) >= CLUSTER_BACKOFF)) {
return this._setCluster();
return false;
* Perform the info fetch as part of a login or key fetch.
_fetchInfo: function _fetchInfo(url) {
let infoURL = url || this.infoURL;
this._log.trace("In _fetchInfo: " + infoURL);
let info;
try {
info = new Resource(infoURL).get();
} catch (ex) {
throw ex;
if (!info.success) {
throw "aborting sync, failed to get collections";
return info;
verifyAndFetchSymmetricKeys: function verifyAndFetchSymmetricKeys(infoResponse) {
this._log.debug("Fetching and verifying -- or generating -- symmetric keys.");
// Don't allow empty/missing passphrase.
// Furthermore, we assume that our sync key is already upgraded,
// and fail if that assumption is invalidated.
let syncKeyBundle = this._identity.syncKeyBundle;
if (!syncKeyBundle) {
this._log.error("No sync key: cannot fetch symmetric keys.");
Status.sync = CREDENTIALS_CHANGED; // For want of a better option.
return false;
// Not sure this validation is necessary now.
if (!Utils.isPassphrase(this._identity.syncKey)) {
this._log.warn("Sync key input is invalid: cannot fetch symmetric keys.");
return false;
try {
if (!infoResponse)
infoResponse = this._fetchInfo(); // Will throw an exception on failure.
// This only applies when the server is already at version 4.
if (infoResponse.status != 200) {
this._log.warn("info/collections returned non-200 response. Failing key fetch.");
return false;
let infoCollections = infoResponse.obj;
this._log.info("Testing info/collections: " + JSON.stringify(infoCollections));
if (CollectionKeys.updateNeeded(infoCollections)) {
this._log.info("CollectionKeys reports that a key update is needed.");
// Don't always set to CREDENTIALS_CHANGED -- we will probably take care of this.
// Fetch storage/crypto/keys.
let cryptoKeys;
if (infoCollections && (CRYPTO_COLLECTION in infoCollections)) {
try {
cryptoKeys = new CryptoWrapper(CRYPTO_COLLECTION, KEYS_WBO);
let cryptoResp = cryptoKeys.fetch(this.cryptoKeysURL).response;
if (cryptoResp.success) {
let keysChanged = this.handleFetchedKeys(syncKeyBundle, cryptoKeys);
return true;
else if (cryptoResp.status == 404) {
// On failure, ask CollectionKeys to generate new keys and upload them.
// Fall through to the behavior below.
this._log.warn("Got 404 for crypto/keys, but 'crypto' in info/collections. Regenerating.");
cryptoKeys = null;
else {
// Some other problem.
this._log.warn("Got status " + cryptoResp.status + " fetching crypto keys.");
return false;
catch (ex) {
this._log.warn("Got exception \"" + ex + "\" fetching cryptoKeys.");
// TODO: Um, what exceptions might we get here? Should we re-throw any?
// One kind of exception: HMAC failure.
if (Utils.isHMACMismatch(ex)) {
else {
// In the absence of further disambiguation or more precise
// failure constants, just report failure.
Status.login = LOGIN_FAILED;
return false;
else {
this._log.info("... 'crypto' is not a reported collection. Generating new keys.");
if (!cryptoKeys) {
this._log.info("No keys! Generating new ones.");
// Better make some and upload them, and wipe the server to ensure
// consistency. This is all achieved via _freshStart.
// If _freshStart fails to clear the server or upload keys, it will
// throw.
return true;
// Last-ditch case.
return false;
else {
// No update needed: we're good!
return true;
} catch (ex) {
// This means no keys are present, or there's a network error.
this._log.debug("Failed to fetch and verify keys: "
+ Utils.exceptionStr(ex));
return false;
verifyLogin: function verifyLogin()
this._notify("verify-login", "", function() {
if (!this._identity.username) {
this._log.warn("No username in verifyLogin.");
return false;
// Unlock master password, or return.
// Attaching auth credentials to a request requires access to
// passwords, which means that Resource.get can throw MP-related
// exceptions!
// Try to fetch the passphrase first, while we still have control.
try {
} catch (ex) {
this._log.debug("Fetching passphrase threw " + ex +
"; assuming master password locked.");
return false;
try {
// Make sure we have a cluster to verify against.
// This is a little weird, if we don't get a node we pretend
// to succeed, since that probably means we just don't have storage.
if (this.clusterURL == "" && !this._setCluster()) {
Status.sync = NO_SYNC_NODE_FOUND;
return true;
// Fetch collection info on every startup.
let test = new Resource(this.infoURL).get();
switch (test.status) {
case 200:
// The user is authenticated.
// We have no way of verifying the passphrase right now,
// so wait until remoteSetup to do so.
// Just make the most trivial checks.
if (!this._identity.syncKey) {
this._log.warn("No passphrase in verifyLogin.");
return false;
// Go ahead and do remote setup, so that we can determine
// conclusively that our passphrase is correct.
if (this._remoteSetup()) {
// Username/password verified.
Status.login = LOGIN_SUCCEEDED;
return true;
this._log.warn("Remote setup failed.");
// Remote setup must have failed.
return false;
case 401:
this._log.warn("401: login failed.");
// Fall through to the 404 case.
case 404:
// Check that we're verifying with the correct cluster
if (this._setCluster())
return this.verifyLogin();
// We must have the right cluster, but the server doesn't expect us
return false;
// Server didn't respond with something that we expected
return false;
catch (ex) {
// Must have failed on some network issue
this._log.debug("verifyLogin failed: " + Utils.exceptionStr(ex));
return false;
function WeaveSvc_generateNewSymmetricKeys() {
this._log.info("Generating new keys WBO...");
let wbo = CollectionKeys.generateNewKeysWBO();
this._log.info("Encrypting new key bundle.");
let uploadRes = wbo.upload(this.cryptoKeysURL);
if (uploadRes.status != 200) {
this._log.warn("Got status " + uploadRes.status + " uploading new keys. What to do? Throw!");
throw new Error("Unable to upload symmetric keys.");
this._log.info("Got status " + uploadRes.status + " uploading keys.");
let serverModified = uploadRes.obj; // Modified timestamp according to server.
this._log.debug("Server reports crypto modified: " + serverModified);
// Now verify that info/collections shows them!
this._log.debug("Verifying server collection records.");
let info = this._fetchInfo();
this._log.debug("info/collections is: " + info);
if (info.status != 200) {
this._log.warn("Non-200 info/collections response. Aborting.");
throw new Error("Unable to upload symmetric keys.");
info = info.obj;
if (!(CRYPTO_COLLECTION in info)) {
this._log.error("Consistency failure: info/collections excludes " +
"crypto after successful upload.");
throw new Error("Symmetric key upload failed.");
// Can't check against local modified: clock drift.
if (info[CRYPTO_COLLECTION] < serverModified) {
this._log.error("Consistency failure: info/collections crypto entry " +
"is stale after successful upload.");
throw new Error("Symmetric key upload failed.");
// Doesn't matter if the timestamp is ahead.
// Download and install them.
let cryptoKeys = new CryptoWrapper(CRYPTO_COLLECTION, KEYS_WBO);
let cryptoResp = cryptoKeys.fetch(this.cryptoKeysURL).response;
if (cryptoResp.status != 200) {
this._log.warn("Failed to download keys.");
throw new Error("Symmetric key download failed.");
let keysChanged = this.handleFetchedKeys(this._identity.syncKeyBundle,
cryptoKeys, true);
if (keysChanged) {
this._log.info("Downloaded keys differed, as expected.");
changePassword: function WeaveSvc_changePassword(newpass)
this._notify("changepwd", "", function() {
let url = this.userAPI + this._identity.username + "/password";
try {
let resp = new Resource(url).post(Utils.encodeUTF8(newpass));
if (resp.status != 200) {
this._log.debug("Password change failed: " + resp);
return false;
catch(ex) {
// Must have failed on some network issue
this._log.debug("changePassword failed: " + Utils.exceptionStr(ex));
return false;
// Save the new password for requests and login manager.
this._identity.basicPassword = newpass;
return true;
changePassphrase: function WeaveSvc_changePassphrase(newphrase)
this._catch(this._notify("changepph", "", function() {
/* Wipe. */
/* Set this so UI is updated on next run. */
this._identity.syncKey = newphrase;
/* We need to re-encrypt everything, so reset. */
/* Login and sync. This also generates new keys. */
return true;
startOver: function startOver() {
this._log.trace("Invoking Service.startOver.");
// We want let UI consumers of the following notification know as soon as
// possible, so let's fake for the CLIENT_NOT_CONFIGURED status for now
// by emptying the passphrase (we still need the password).
this._identity.syncKey = null;
// Deletion doesn't make sense if we aren't set up yet!
if (this.clusterURL != "") {
// Clear client-specific data from the server, including disabled engines.
for each (let engine in [Clients].concat(Engines.getAll())) {
try {
} catch(ex) {
this._log.warn("Deleting client data for " + engine.name + " failed:"
+ Utils.exceptionStr(ex));
} else {
this._log.debug("Skipping client data removal: no cluster URL.");
// Reset all engines and clear keys.
// Reset Weave prefs.
this._ignorePrefObserver = true;
this._ignorePrefObserver = false;
Svc.Prefs.set("lastversion", WEAVE_VERSION);
persistLogin: function persistLogin() {
try {
} catch (ex) {
this._log.info("Unable to persist credentials: " + ex);
login: function login(username, password, passphrase)
this._catch(this._lock("service.js: login",
this._notify("login", "", function() {
this._loggedIn = false;
if (Services.io.offline) {
throw "Application is offline, login should not be called";
let initialStatus = this._checkSetup();
if (username) {
this._identity.username = username;
if (password) {
this._identity.basicPassword = password;
if (passphrase) {
this._identity.syncKey = passphrase;
if (this._checkSetup() == CLIENT_NOT_CONFIGURED) {
throw "Aborting login, client not configured.";
// Calling login() with parameters when the client was
// previously not configured means setup was completed.
if (initialStatus == CLIENT_NOT_CONFIGURED
&& (username || password || passphrase)) {
this._log.info("Logging in user " + this._identity.username);
if (!this.verifyLogin()) {
// verifyLogin sets the failure states here.
throw "Login failed: " + Status.login;
this._loggedIn = true;
return true;
logout: function logout() {
// No need to do anything if we're already logged out.
if (!this._loggedIn)
this._log.info("Logging out");
this._loggedIn = false;
checkAccount: function checkAccount(account) {
let username = this._identity.usernameFromAccount(account);
let url = this.userAPI + username;
let res = new Resource(url);
let data = "";
try {
data = res.get();
if (data.status == 200) {
if (data == "0")
return "available";
else if (data == "1")
return "notAvailable";
catch(ex) {}
// Convert to the error string, or default to generic on exception.
return ErrorHandler.errorStr(data);
createAccount: function createAccount(email, password,
captchaChallenge, captchaResponse) {
let username = this._identity.usernameFromAccount(email);
let payload = JSON.stringify({
"password": Utils.encodeUTF8(password),
"email": email,
"captcha-challenge": captchaChallenge,
"captcha-response": captchaResponse
let url = this.userAPI + username;
let res = new Resource(url);
// Hint to server to allow scripted user creation or otherwise
// ignore captcha.
if (Svc.Prefs.isSet("admin-secret"))
res.setHeader("X-Weave-Secret", Svc.Prefs.get("admin-secret", ""));
let error = "generic-server-error";
try {
let register = res.put(payload);
if (register.success) {
this._log.info("Account created: " + register);
return null;
// Must have failed, so figure out the reason
if (register.status == 400)
error = ErrorHandler.errorStr(register);
catch(ex) {
this._log.warn("Failed to create account: " + ex);
return error;
// Stuff we need to do after login, before we can really do
// anything (e.g. key setup).
_remoteSetup: function WeaveSvc__remoteSetup(infoResponse) {
let reset = false;
this._log.debug("Fetching global metadata record");
let meta = Records.get(this.metaURL);
// Checking modified time of the meta record.
if (infoResponse &&
(infoResponse.obj.meta != this.metaModified) &&
(!meta || !meta.isNew)) {
// Delete the cached meta record...
this._log.debug("Clearing cached meta record. metaModified is " +
JSON.stringify(this.metaModified) + ", setting to " +
// ... fetch the current record from the server, and COPY THE FLAGS.
let newMeta = Records.get(this.metaURL);
if (!Records.response.success || !newMeta) {
this._log.debug("No meta/global record on the server. Creating one.");
newMeta = new WBORecord("meta", "global");
newMeta.payload.syncID = this.syncID;
newMeta.payload.storageVersion = STORAGE_VERSION;
newMeta.isNew = true;
Records.set(this.metaURL, newMeta);
if (!newMeta.upload(this.metaURL).success) {
this._log.warn("Unable to upload new meta/global. Failing remote setup.");
return false;
} else {
// If newMeta, then it stands to reason that meta != null.
newMeta.isNew = meta.isNew;
newMeta.changed = meta.changed;
// Switch in the new meta object and record the new time.
meta = newMeta;
this.metaModified = infoResponse.obj.meta;
let remoteVersion = (meta && meta.payload.storageVersion)?
meta.payload.storageVersion : "";
this._log.debug(["Weave Version:", WEAVE_VERSION, "Local Storage:",
STORAGE_VERSION, "Remote Storage:", remoteVersion].join(" "));
// Check for cases that require a fresh start. When comparing remoteVersion,
// we need to convert it to a number as older clients used it as a string.
if (!meta || !meta.payload.storageVersion || !meta.payload.syncID ||
STORAGE_VERSION > parseFloat(remoteVersion)) {
this._log.info("One of: no meta, no meta storageVersion, or no meta syncID. Fresh start needed.");
// abort the server wipe if the GET status was anything other than 404 or 200
let status = Records.response.status;
if (status != 200 && status != 404) {
this._log.warn("Unknown error while downloading metadata record. " +
"Aborting sync.");
return false;
if (!meta)
this._log.info("No metadata record, server wipe needed");
if (meta && !meta.payload.syncID)
this._log.warn("No sync id, server wipe needed");
reset = true;
this._log.info("Wiping server data");
if (status == 404)
this._log.info("Metadata record not found, server was wiped to ensure " +
else // 200
this._log.info("Wiped server; incompatible metadata: " + remoteVersion);
return true;
else if (remoteVersion > STORAGE_VERSION) {
Status.sync = VERSION_OUT_OF_DATE;
this._log.warn("Upgrade required to access newer storage version.");
return false;
else if (meta.payload.syncID != this.syncID) {
this._log.info("Sync IDs differ. Local is " + this.syncID + ", remote is " + meta.payload.syncID);
this.syncID = meta.payload.syncID;
this._log.debug("Clear cached values and take syncId: " + this.syncID);
if (!this.upgradeSyncKey(meta.payload.syncID)) {
this._log.warn("Failed to upgrade sync key. Failing remote setup.");
return false;
if (!this.verifyAndFetchSymmetricKeys(infoResponse)) {
this._log.warn("Failed to fetch symmetric keys. Failing remote setup.");
return false;
// bug 545725 - re-verify creds and fail sanely
if (!this.verifyLogin()) {
this._log.info("Credentials have changed, aborting sync and forcing re-login.");
return false;
return true;
else {
if (!this.upgradeSyncKey(meta.payload.syncID)) {
this._log.warn("Failed to upgrade sync key. Failing remote setup.");
return false;
if (!this.verifyAndFetchSymmetricKeys(infoResponse)) {
this._log.warn("Failed to fetch symmetric keys. Failing remote setup.");
return false;
return true;
* Return whether we should attempt login at the start of a sync.
* Note that this function has strong ties to _checkSync: callers
* of this function should typically use _checkSync to verify that
* any necessary login took place.
_shouldLogin: function _shouldLogin() {
return this.enabled &&
!Services.io.offline &&
* Determine if a sync should run.
* @param ignore [optional]
* array of reasons to ignore when checking
* @return Reason for not syncing; not-truthy if sync should run
_checkSync: function WeaveSvc__checkSync(ignore) {
let reason = "";
if (!this.enabled)
reason = kSyncWeaveDisabled;
else if (Services.io.offline)
reason = kSyncNetworkOffline;
else if (Status.minimumNextSync > Date.now())
reason = kSyncBackoffNotMet;
else if ((Status.login == MASTER_PASSWORD_LOCKED) &&
reason = kSyncMasterPasswordLocked;
else if (Svc.Prefs.get("firstSync") == "notReady")
reason = kFirstSyncChoiceNotMade;
if (ignore && ignore.indexOf(reason) != -1)
return "";
return reason;
sync: function sync() {
let dateStr = new Date().toLocaleFormat(LOG_DATE_FORMAT);
this._log.debug("User-Agent: " + SyncStorageRequest.prototype.userAgent);
this._log.info("Starting sync at " + dateStr);
this._catch(function () {
// Make sure we're logged in.
if (this._shouldLogin()) {
this._log.debug("In sync: should login.");
if (!this.login()) {
this._log.debug("Not syncing: login returned false.");
else {
this._log.trace("In sync: no need to login.");
return this._lockedSync.apply(this, arguments);
* Sync up engines with the server.
_lockedSync: function _lockedSync()
this._lock("service.js: sync",
this._notify("sync", "", function() {
this._log.info("In sync().");
let syncStartTime = Date.now();
// Make sure we should sync or record why we shouldn't
let reason = this._checkSync();
if (reason) {
if (reason == kSyncNetworkOffline) {
// this is a purposeful abort rather than a failure, so don't set
// any status bits
reason = "Can't sync: " + reason;
throw reason;
// if we don't have a node, get one. if that fails, retry in 10 minutes
if (this.clusterURL == "" && !this._setCluster()) {
Status.sync = NO_SYNC_NODE_FOUND;
// Ping the server with a special info request once a day.
let infoURL = this.infoURL;
let now = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000);
let lastPing = Svc.Prefs.get("lastPing", 0);
if (now - lastPing > 86400) { // 60 * 60 * 24
infoURL += "?v=" + WEAVE_VERSION;
Svc.Prefs.set("lastPing", now);
// Figure out what the last modified time is for each collection
let info = this._fetchInfo(infoURL);
// Convert the response to an object and read out the modified times
for each (let engine in [Clients].concat(Engines.getAll()))
engine.lastModified = info.obj[engine.name] || 0;
if (!(this._remoteSetup(info)))
throw "aborting sync, remote setup failed";
// Make sure we have an up-to-date list of clients before sending commands
this._log.debug("Refreshing client list.");
if (!this._syncEngine(Clients)) {
// Clients is an engine like any other; it can fail with a 401,
// and we can elect to abort the sync.
this._log.warn("Client engine sync failed. Aborting.");
// Wipe data in the desired direction if necessary
switch (Svc.Prefs.get("firstSync")) {
case "resetClient":
this.resetClient(Engines.getEnabled().map(function(e) e.name));
case "wipeClient":
this.wipeClient(Engines.getEnabled().map(function(e) e.name));
case "wipeRemote":
this.wipeRemote(Engines.getEnabled().map(function(e) e.name));
if (Clients.localCommands) {
try {
if (!(Clients.processIncomingCommands())) {
throw "aborting sync, process commands said so";
// Repeat remoteSetup in-case the commands forced us to reset
if (!(this._remoteSetup(info)))
throw "aborting sync, remote setup failed after processing commands";
finally {
// Always immediately attempt to push back the local client (now
// without commands).
// Note that we don't abort here; if there's a 401 because we've
// been reassigned, we'll handle it around another engine.
// Update engines because it might change what we sync.
try {
} catch (ex) {
this._log.debug("Updating enabled engines failed: " +
throw ex;
try {
for each (let engine in Engines.getEnabled()) {
// If there's any problems with syncing the engine, report the failure
if (!(this._syncEngine(engine)) || Status.enforceBackoff) {
this._log.info("Aborting sync");
// If _syncEngine fails for a 401, we might not have a cluster URL here.
// If that's the case, break out of this immediately, rather than
// throwing an exception when trying to fetch metaURL.
if (!this.clusterURL) {
this._log.debug("Aborting sync, no cluster URL: " +
"not uploading new meta/global.");
// Upload meta/global if any engines changed anything
let meta = Records.get(this.metaURL);
if (meta.isNew || meta.changed) {
new Resource(this.metaURL).put(meta);
delete meta.isNew;
delete meta.changed;
// If there were no sync engine failures
if (Status.service != SYNC_FAILED_PARTIAL) {
Svc.Prefs.set("lastSync", new Date().toString());
Status.sync = SYNC_SUCCEEDED;
} finally {
let syncTime = ((Date.now() - syncStartTime) / 1000).toFixed(2);
let dateStr = new Date().toLocaleFormat(LOG_DATE_FORMAT);
this._log.info("Sync completed at " + dateStr
+ " after " + syncTime + " secs.");
_updateEnabledEngines: function _updateEnabledEngines() {
this._log.info("Updating enabled engines: " + SyncScheduler.numClients + " clients.");
let meta = Records.get(this.metaURL);
if (meta.isNew || !meta.payload.engines)
// If we're the only client, and no engines are marked as enabled,
// thumb our noses at the server data: it can't be right.
// Belt-and-suspenders approach to Bug 615926.
if ((SyncScheduler.numClients <= 1) &&
([e for (e in meta.payload.engines) if (e != "clients")].length == 0)) {
this._log.info("One client and no enabled engines: not touching local engine status.");
this._ignorePrefObserver = true;
let enabled = [eng.name for each (eng in Engines.getEnabled())];
for (let engineName in meta.payload.engines) {
if (engineName == "clients") {
// Clients is special.
let index = enabled.indexOf(engineName);
if (index != -1) {
// The engine is enabled locally. Nothing to do.
enabled.splice(index, 1);
let engine = Engines.get(engineName);
if (!engine) {
// The engine doesn't exist locally. Nothing to do.
if (Svc.Prefs.get("engineStatusChanged." + engine.prefName, false)) {
// The engine was disabled locally. Wipe server data and
// disable it everywhere.
this._log.trace("Wiping data for " + engineName + " engine.");
delete meta.payload.engines[engineName];
meta.changed = true;
} else {
// The engine was enabled remotely. Enable it locally.
this._log.trace(engineName + " engine was enabled remotely.");
engine.enabled = true;
// Any remaining engines were either enabled locally or disabled remotely.
for each (let engineName in enabled) {
let engine = Engines.get(engineName);
if (Svc.Prefs.get("engineStatusChanged." + engine.prefName, false)) {
this._log.trace("The " + engineName + " engine was enabled locally.");
} else {
this._log.trace("The " + engineName + " engine was disabled remotely.");
engine.enabled = false;
this._ignorePrefObserver = false;
// Returns true if sync should proceed.
// false / no return value means sync should be aborted.
_syncEngine: function WeaveSvc__syncEngine(engine) {
try {
catch(e) {
if (e.status == 401) {
// Maybe a 401, cluster update perhaps needed?
// We rely on ErrorHandler observing the sync failure notification to
// schedule another sync and clear node assignment values.
// Here we simply want to muffle the exception and return an
// appropriate value.
return false;
return true;
* If we have a passphrase, rather than a 25-alphadigit sync key,
* use the provided sync ID to bootstrap it using PBKDF2.
* Store the new 'passphrase' back into the identity manager.
* We can check this as often as we want, because once it's done the
* check will no longer succeed. It only matters that it happens after
* we decide to bump the server storage version.
upgradeSyncKey: function upgradeSyncKey(syncID) {
let p = this._identity.syncKey;
if (!p) {
return false;
// Check whether it's already a key that we generated.
if (Utils.isPassphrase(p)) {
this._log.info("Sync key is up-to-date: no need to upgrade.");
return true;
// Otherwise, let's upgrade it.
// N.B., we persist the sync key without testing it first...
let s = btoa(syncID); // It's what WeaveCrypto expects. *sigh*
let k = Utils.derivePresentableKeyFromPassphrase(p, s, PBKDF2_KEY_BYTES); // Base 32.
if (!k) {
this._log.error("No key resulted from derivePresentableKeyFromPassphrase. Failing upgrade.");
return false;
this._log.info("Upgrading sync key...");
this._identity.syncKey = k;
this._log.info("Saving upgraded sync key...");
this._log.info("Done saving.");
return true;
_freshStart: function WeaveSvc__freshStart() {
this._log.info("Fresh start. Resetting client and considering key upgrade.");
// Wipe the server.
let wipeTimestamp = this.wipeServer();
// Upload a new meta/global record.
let meta = new WBORecord("meta", "global");
meta.payload.syncID = this.syncID;
meta.payload.storageVersion = STORAGE_VERSION;
meta.isNew = true;
this._log.debug("New metadata record: " + JSON.stringify(meta.payload));
let res = new Resource(this.metaURL);
// It would be good to set the X-If-Unmodified-Since header to `timestamp`
// for this PUT to ensure at least some level of transactionality.
// Unfortunately, the servers don't support it after a wipe right now
// (bug 693893), so we're going to defer this until bug 692700.
let resp = res.put(meta);
if (!resp.success) {
// If we got into a race condition, we'll abort the sync this way, too.
// That's fine. We'll just wait till the next sync. The client that we're
// racing is probably busy uploading stuff right now anyway.
throw resp;
Records.set(this.metaURL, meta);
// Wipe everything we know about except meta because we just uploaded it
let collections = [Clients].concat(Engines.getAll()).map(function(engine) {
return engine.name;
// Generate, upload, and download new keys. Do this last so we don't wipe
// them...
* Wipe user data from the server.
* @param collections [optional]
* Array of collections to wipe. If not given, all collections are
* wiped by issuing a DELETE request for `storageURL`.
* @return the server's timestamp of the (last) DELETE.
wipeServer: function wipeServer(collections)
this._notify("wipe-server", "", function() {
let response;
if (!collections) {
// Strip the trailing slash.
let res = new Resource(this.storageURL.slice(0, -1));
res.setHeader("X-Confirm-Delete", "1");
try {
response = res.delete();
} catch (ex) {
this._log.debug("Failed to wipe server: " + Utils.exceptionStr(ex));
throw ex;
if (response.status != 200 && response.status != 404) {
this._log.debug("Aborting wipeServer. Server responded with " +
response.status + " response for " + this.storageURL);
throw response;
return response.headers["x-weave-timestamp"];
let timestamp;
for each (let name in collections) {
let url = this.storageURL + name;
try {
response = new Resource(url).delete();
} catch (ex) {
this._log.debug("Failed to wipe '" + name + "' collection: " +
throw ex;
if (response.status != 200 && response.status != 404) {
this._log.debug("Aborting wipeServer. Server responded with " +
response.status + " response for " + url);
throw response;
if ("x-weave-timestamp" in response.headers) {
timestamp = response.headers["x-weave-timestamp"];
return timestamp;
* Wipe all local user data.
* @param engines [optional]
* Array of engine names to wipe. If not given, all engines are used.
wipeClient: function WeaveSvc_wipeClient(engines)
this._notify("wipe-client", "", function() {
// If we don't have any engines, reset the service and wipe all engines
if (!engines) {
// Clear out any service data
engines = [Clients].concat(Engines.getAll());
// Convert the array of names into engines
engines = Engines.get(engines);
// Fully wipe each engine if it's able to decrypt data
for each (let engine in engines)
if (engine.canDecrypt())
// Save the password/passphrase just in-case they aren't restored by sync
* Wipe all remote user data by wiping the server then telling each remote
* client to wipe itself.
* @param engines [optional]
* Array of engine names to wipe. If not given, all engines are used.
wipeRemote: function wipeRemote(engines) {
try {
// Make sure stuff gets uploaded.
// Clear out any server data.
// Only wipe the engines provided.
if (engines) {
engines.forEach(function(e) Clients.sendCommand("wipeEngine", [e]), this);
// Tell the remote machines to wipe themselves.
else {
Clients.sendCommand("wipeAll", []);
// Make sure the changed clients get updated.
} catch (ex) {
throw ex;
* Reset local service information like logs, sync times, caches.
resetService: function WeaveSvc_resetService()
this._catch(this._notify("reset-service", "", function() {
this._log.info("Service reset.");
// Pretend we've never synced to the server and drop cached data
this.syncID = "";
* Reset the client by getting rid of any local server data and client data.
* @param engines [optional]
* Array of engine names to reset. If not given, all engines are used.
resetClient: function WeaveSvc_resetClient(engines)
this._catch(this._notify("reset-client", "", function() {
// If we don't have any engines, reset everything including the service
if (!engines) {
// Clear out any service data
engines = [Clients].concat(Engines.getAll());
// Convert the array of names into engines
engines = Engines.get(engines);
// Have each engine drop any temporary meta data
for each (let engine in engines)
* Fetch storage info from the server.
* @param type
* String specifying what info to fetch from the server. Must be one
* of the INFO_* values. See Sync Storage Server API spec for details.
* @param callback
* Callback function with signature (error, data) where `data' is
* the return value from the server already parsed as JSON.
* @return RESTRequest instance representing the request, allowing callers
* to cancel the request.
getStorageInfo: function getStorageInfo(type, callback) {
if (STORAGE_INFO_TYPES.indexOf(type) == -1) {
throw "Invalid value for 'type': " + type;
let info_type = "info/" + type;
this._log.trace("Retrieving '" + info_type + "'...");
let url = this.userBaseURL + info_type;
return new SyncStorageRequest(url).get(function onComplete(error) {
// Note: 'this' is the request.
if (error) {
this._log.debug("Failed to retrieve '" + info_type + "': " +
return callback(error);
if (this.response.status != 200) {
this._log.debug("Failed to retrieve '" + info_type +
"': server responded with HTTP" +
return callback(this.response);
let result;
try {
result = JSON.parse(this.response.body);
} catch (ex) {
this._log.debug("Server returned invalid JSON for '" + info_type +
"': " + this.response.body);
return callback(ex);
this._log.trace("Successfully retrieved '" + info_type + "'.");
return callback(null, result);
// Load Weave on the first time this file is loaded
let Service = new WeaveSvc();