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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
// Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Google Inc.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the gfx/skia/LICENSE file.
#include "SkConvolver.h"
#include "mozilla/Vector.h"
#ifdef USE_SSE2
# include "mozilla/SSE.h"
#ifdef USE_NEON
# include "mozilla/arm.h"
namespace skia {
// Converts the argument to an 8-bit unsigned value by clamping to the range
// 0-255.
static inline unsigned char ClampTo8(int a) {
if (static_cast<unsigned>(a) < 256) {
return a; // Avoid the extra check in the common case.
if (a < 0) {
return 0;
return 255;
// Convolves horizontally along a single row. The row data is given in
// |srcData| and continues for the numValues() of the filter.
template <bool hasAlpha>
void ConvolveHorizontally(const unsigned char* srcData,
const SkConvolutionFilter1D& filter,
unsigned char* outRow) {
// Loop over each pixel on this row in the output image.
int numValues = filter.numValues();
for (int outX = 0; outX < numValues; outX++) {
// Get the filter that determines the current output pixel.
int filterOffset, filterLength;
const SkConvolutionFilter1D::ConvolutionFixed* filterValues =
filter.FilterForValue(outX, &filterOffset, &filterLength);
// Compute the first pixel in this row that the filter affects. It will
// touch |filterLength| pixels (4 bytes each) after this.
const unsigned char* rowToFilter = &srcData[filterOffset * 4];
// Apply the filter to the row to get the destination pixel in |accum|.
int accum[4] = {0};
for (int filterX = 0; filterX < filterLength; filterX++) {
SkConvolutionFilter1D::ConvolutionFixed curFilter = filterValues[filterX];
accum[0] += curFilter * rowToFilter[filterX * 4 + 0];
accum[1] += curFilter * rowToFilter[filterX * 4 + 1];
accum[2] += curFilter * rowToFilter[filterX * 4 + 2];
if (hasAlpha) {
accum[3] += curFilter * rowToFilter[filterX * 4 + 3];
// Bring this value back in range. All of the filter scaling factors
// are in fixed point with kShiftBits bits of fractional part.
accum[0] >>= SkConvolutionFilter1D::kShiftBits;
accum[1] >>= SkConvolutionFilter1D::kShiftBits;
accum[2] >>= SkConvolutionFilter1D::kShiftBits;
if (hasAlpha) {
accum[3] >>= SkConvolutionFilter1D::kShiftBits;
// Store the new pixel.
outRow[outX * 4 + 0] = ClampTo8(accum[0]);
outRow[outX * 4 + 1] = ClampTo8(accum[1]);
outRow[outX * 4 + 2] = ClampTo8(accum[2]);
if (hasAlpha) {
outRow[outX * 4 + 3] = ClampTo8(accum[3]);
// Does vertical convolution to produce one output row. The filter values and
// length are given in the first two parameters. These are applied to each
// of the rows pointed to in the |sourceDataRows| array, with each row
// being |pixelWidth| wide.
// The output must have room for |pixelWidth * 4| bytes.
template <bool hasAlpha>
void ConvolveVertically(
const SkConvolutionFilter1D::ConvolutionFixed* filterValues,
int filterLength, unsigned char* const* sourceDataRows, int pixelWidth,
unsigned char* outRow) {
// We go through each column in the output and do a vertical convolution,
// generating one output pixel each time.
for (int outX = 0; outX < pixelWidth; outX++) {
// Compute the number of bytes over in each row that the current column
// we're convolving starts at. The pixel will cover the next 4 bytes.
int byteOffset = outX * 4;
// Apply the filter to one column of pixels.
int accum[4] = {0};
for (int filterY = 0; filterY < filterLength; filterY++) {
SkConvolutionFilter1D::ConvolutionFixed curFilter = filterValues[filterY];
accum[0] += curFilter * sourceDataRows[filterY][byteOffset + 0];
accum[1] += curFilter * sourceDataRows[filterY][byteOffset + 1];
accum[2] += curFilter * sourceDataRows[filterY][byteOffset + 2];
if (hasAlpha) {
accum[3] += curFilter * sourceDataRows[filterY][byteOffset + 3];
// Bring this value back in range. All of the filter scaling factors
// are in fixed point with kShiftBits bits of precision.
accum[0] >>= SkConvolutionFilter1D::kShiftBits;
accum[1] >>= SkConvolutionFilter1D::kShiftBits;
accum[2] >>= SkConvolutionFilter1D::kShiftBits;
if (hasAlpha) {
accum[3] >>= SkConvolutionFilter1D::kShiftBits;
// Store the new pixel.
outRow[byteOffset + 0] = ClampTo8(accum[0]);
outRow[byteOffset + 1] = ClampTo8(accum[1]);
outRow[byteOffset + 2] = ClampTo8(accum[2]);
if (hasAlpha) {
unsigned char alpha = ClampTo8(accum[3]);
// Make sure the alpha channel doesn't come out smaller than any of the
// color channels. We use premultipled alpha channels, so this should
// never happen, but rounding errors will cause this from time to time.
// These "impossible" colors will cause overflows (and hence random pixel
// values) when the resulting bitmap is drawn to the screen.
// We only need to do this when generating the final output row (here).
int maxColorChannel =
std::max(outRow[byteOffset + 0],
std::max(outRow[byteOffset + 1], outRow[byteOffset + 2]));
if (alpha < maxColorChannel) {
outRow[byteOffset + 3] = maxColorChannel;
} else {
outRow[byteOffset + 3] = alpha;
} else {
// No alpha channel, the image is opaque.
outRow[byteOffset + 3] = 0xff;
#ifdef USE_SSE2
void convolve_vertically_avx2(const int16_t* filter, int filterLen,
uint8_t* const* srcRows, int width, uint8_t* out,
bool hasAlpha);
void convolve_horizontally_sse2(const unsigned char* srcData,
const SkConvolutionFilter1D& filter,
unsigned char* outRow, bool hasAlpha);
void convolve_vertically_sse2(const int16_t* filter, int filterLen,
uint8_t* const* srcRows, int width, uint8_t* out,
bool hasAlpha);
#elif defined(USE_NEON)
void convolve_horizontally_neon(const unsigned char* srcData,
const SkConvolutionFilter1D& filter,
unsigned char* outRow, bool hasAlpha);
void convolve_vertically_neon(const int16_t* filter, int filterLen,
uint8_t* const* srcRows, int width, uint8_t* out,
bool hasAlpha);
void convolve_horizontally(const unsigned char* srcData,
const SkConvolutionFilter1D& filter,
unsigned char* outRow, bool hasAlpha) {
#ifdef USE_SSE2
if (mozilla::supports_sse2()) {
convolve_horizontally_sse2(srcData, filter, outRow, hasAlpha);
#elif defined(USE_NEON)
if (mozilla::supports_neon()) {
convolve_horizontally_neon(srcData, filter, outRow, hasAlpha);
if (hasAlpha) {
ConvolveHorizontally<true>(srcData, filter, outRow);
} else {
ConvolveHorizontally<false>(srcData, filter, outRow);
void convolve_vertically(
const SkConvolutionFilter1D::ConvolutionFixed* filterValues,
int filterLength, unsigned char* const* sourceDataRows, int pixelWidth,
unsigned char* outRow, bool hasAlpha) {
#ifdef USE_SSE2
if (mozilla::supports_avx2()) {
convolve_vertically_avx2(filterValues, filterLength, sourceDataRows,
pixelWidth, outRow, hasAlpha);
if (mozilla::supports_sse2()) {
convolve_vertically_sse2(filterValues, filterLength, sourceDataRows,
pixelWidth, outRow, hasAlpha);
#elif defined(USE_NEON)
if (mozilla::supports_neon()) {
convolve_vertically_neon(filterValues, filterLength, sourceDataRows,
pixelWidth, outRow, hasAlpha);
if (hasAlpha) {
ConvolveVertically<true>(filterValues, filterLength, sourceDataRows,
pixelWidth, outRow);
} else {
ConvolveVertically<false>(filterValues, filterLength, sourceDataRows,
pixelWidth, outRow);
// Stores a list of rows in a circular buffer. The usage is you write into it
// by calling AdvanceRow. It will keep track of which row in the buffer it
// should use next, and the total number of rows added.
class CircularRowBuffer {
// The number of pixels in each row is given in |sourceRowPixelWidth|.
// The maximum number of rows needed in the buffer is |maxYFilterSize|
// (we only need to store enough rows for the biggest filter).
// We use the |firstInputRow| to compute the coordinates of all of the
// following rows returned by Advance().
CircularRowBuffer(int destRowPixelWidth, int maxYFilterSize,
int firstInputRow)
: fRowByteWidth(destRowPixelWidth * 4),
fNextRowCoordinate(firstInputRow) {
fBuffer.resize(fRowByteWidth * maxYFilterSize);
// Moves to the next row in the buffer, returning a pointer to the beginning
// of it.
unsigned char* advanceRow() {
unsigned char* row = &fBuffer[fNextRow * fRowByteWidth];
// Set the pointer to the next row to use, wrapping around if necessary.
if (fNextRow == fNumRows) {
fNextRow = 0;
return row;
// Returns a pointer to an "unrolled" array of rows. These rows will start
// at the y coordinate placed into |*firstRowIndex| and will continue in
// order for the maximum number of rows in this circular buffer.
// The |firstRowIndex_| may be negative. This means the circular buffer
// starts before the top of the image (it hasn't been filled yet).
unsigned char* const* GetRowAddresses(int* firstRowIndex) {
// Example for a 4-element circular buffer holding coords 6-9.
// Row 0 Coord 8
// Row 1 Coord 9
// Row 2 Coord 6 <- fNextRow = 2, fNextRowCoordinate = 10.
// Row 3 Coord 7
// The "next" row is also the first (lowest) coordinate. This computation
// may yield a negative value, but that's OK, the math will work out
// since the user of this buffer will compute the offset relative
// to the firstRowIndex and the negative rows will never be used.
*firstRowIndex = fNextRowCoordinate - fNumRows;
int curRow = fNextRow;
for (int i = 0; i < fNumRows; i++) {
fRowAddresses[i] = &fBuffer[curRow * fRowByteWidth];
// Advance to the next row, wrapping if necessary.
if (curRow == fNumRows) {
curRow = 0;
return &fRowAddresses[0];
// The buffer storing the rows. They are packed, each one fRowByteWidth.
std::vector<unsigned char> fBuffer;
// Number of bytes per row in the |buffer|.
int fRowByteWidth;
// The number of rows available in the buffer.
int fNumRows;
// The next row index we should write into. This wraps around as the
// circular buffer is used.
int fNextRow;
// The y coordinate of the |fNextRow|. This is incremented each time a
// new row is appended and does not wrap.
int fNextRowCoordinate;
// Buffer used by GetRowAddresses().
std::vector<unsigned char*> fRowAddresses;
SkConvolutionFilter1D::SkConvolutionFilter1D() : fMaxFilter(0) {}
SkConvolutionFilter1D::~SkConvolutionFilter1D() = default;
void SkConvolutionFilter1D::AddFilter(int filterOffset,
const ConvolutionFixed* filterValues,
int filterLength) {
// It is common for leading/trailing filter values to be zeros. In such
// cases it is beneficial to only store the central factors.
// For a scaling to 1/4th in each dimension using a Lanczos-2 filter on
// a 1080p image this optimization gives a ~10% speed improvement.
int filterSize = filterLength;
int firstNonZero = 0;
while (firstNonZero < filterLength && filterValues[firstNonZero] == 0) {
if (firstNonZero < filterLength) {
// Here we have at least one non-zero factor.
int lastNonZero = filterLength - 1;
while (lastNonZero >= 0 && filterValues[lastNonZero] == 0) {
filterOffset += firstNonZero;
filterLength = lastNonZero + 1 - firstNonZero;
MOZ_ASSERT(filterLength > 0);
fFilterValues.insert(fFilterValues.end(), &filterValues[firstNonZero],
&filterValues[lastNonZero + 1]);
} else {
// Here all the factors were zeroes.
filterLength = 0;
FilterInstance instance = {
// We pushed filterLength elements onto fFilterValues
int(fFilterValues.size()) - filterLength, filterOffset, filterLength,
fMaxFilter = std::max(fMaxFilter, filterLength);
bool SkConvolutionFilter1D::ComputeFilterValues(
const SkBitmapFilter& aBitmapFilter, int32_t aSrcSize, int32_t aDstSize) {
// When we're doing a magnification, the scale will be larger than one. This
// means the destination pixels are much smaller than the source pixels, and
// that the range covered by the filter won't necessarily cover any source
// pixel boundaries. Therefore, we use these clamped values (max of 1) for
// some computations.
float scale = float(aDstSize) / float(aSrcSize);
float clampedScale = std::min(1.0f, scale);
// This is how many source pixels from the center we need to count
// to support the filtering function.
float srcSupport = aBitmapFilter.width() / clampedScale;
float invScale = 1.0f / scale;
mozilla::Vector<float, 64> filterValues;
mozilla::Vector<ConvolutionFixed, 64> fixedFilterValues;
// Loop over all pixels in the output range. We will generate one set of
// filter values for each one. Those values will tell us how to blend the
// source pixels to compute the destination pixel.
// This value is computed based on how SkTDArray::resizeStorageToAtLeast works
// in order to ensure that it does not overflow or assert. That functions
// computes
// n+4 + (n+4)/4
// and we want to to fit in a 32 bit signed int. Equating that to 2^31-1 and
// solving n gives n = (2^31-6)*4/5 = 1717986913.6
const int32_t maxToPassToReserveAdditional = 1717986913;
int32_t filterValueCount = int32_t(ceilf(aDstSize * srcSupport * 2));
if (aDstSize > maxToPassToReserveAdditional || filterValueCount < 0 ||
filterValueCount > maxToPassToReserveAdditional) {
return false;
reserveAdditional(aDstSize, filterValueCount);
for (int32_t destI = 0; destI < aDstSize; destI++) {
// This is the pixel in the source directly under the pixel in the dest.
// Note that we base computations on the "center" of the pixels. To see
// why, observe that the destination pixel at coordinates (0, 0) in a 5.0x
// downscale should "cover" the pixels around the pixel with *its center*
// at coordinates (2.5, 2.5) in the source, not those around (0, 0).
// Hence we need to scale coordinates (0.5, 0.5), not (0, 0).
float srcPixel = (static_cast<float>(destI) + 0.5f) * invScale;
// Compute the (inclusive) range of source pixels the filter covers.
float srcBegin = std::max(0.0f, floorf(srcPixel - srcSupport));
float srcEnd = std::min(aSrcSize - 1.0f, ceilf(srcPixel + srcSupport));
// Compute the unnormalized filter value at each location of the source
// it covers.
// Sum of the filter values for normalizing.
// Distance from the center of the filter, this is the filter coordinate
// in source space. We also need to consider the center of the pixel
// when comparing distance against 'srcPixel'. In the 5x downscale
// example used above the distance from the center of the filter to
// the pixel with coordinates (2, 2) should be 0, because its center
// is at (2.5, 2.5).
int32_t filterCount = int32_t(srcEnd - srcBegin) + 1;
if (filterCount <= 0 || !filterValues.resize(filterCount) ||
!fixedFilterValues.resize(filterCount)) {
return false;
float destFilterDist = (srcBegin + 0.5f - srcPixel) * clampedScale;
float filterSum = 0.0f;
for (int32_t index = 0; index < filterCount; index++) {
float filterValue = aBitmapFilter.evaluate(destFilterDist);
filterValues[index] = filterValue;
filterSum += filterValue;
destFilterDist += clampedScale;
// The filter must be normalized so that we don't affect the brightness of
// the image. Convert to normalized fixed point.
ConvolutionFixed fixedSum = 0;
float invFilterSum = 1.0f / filterSum;
for (int32_t fixedI = 0; fixedI < filterCount; fixedI++) {
ConvolutionFixed curFixed = ToFixed(filterValues[fixedI] * invFilterSum);
fixedSum += curFixed;
fixedFilterValues[fixedI] = curFixed;
// The conversion to fixed point will leave some rounding errors, which
// we add back in to avoid affecting the brightness of the image. We
// arbitrarily add this to the center of the filter array (this won't always
// be the center of the filter function since it could get clipped on the
// edges, but it doesn't matter enough to worry about that case).
ConvolutionFixed leftovers = ToFixed(1) - fixedSum;
fixedFilterValues[filterCount / 2] += leftovers;
AddFilter(int32_t(srcBegin), fixedFilterValues.begin(), filterCount);
return maxFilter() > 0 && numValues() == aDstSize;
// Does a two-dimensional convolution on the given source image.
// It is assumed the source pixel offsets referenced in the input filters
// reference only valid pixels, so the source image size is not required. Each
// row of the source image starts |sourceByteRowStride| after the previous
// one (this allows you to have rows with some padding at the end).
// The result will be put into the given output buffer. The destination image
// size will be xfilter.numValues() * yfilter.numValues() pixels. It will be
// in rows of exactly xfilter.numValues() * 4 bytes.
// |sourceHasAlpha| is a hint that allows us to avoid doing computations on
// the alpha channel if the image is opaque. If you don't know, set this to
// true and it will work properly, but setting this to false will be a few
// percent faster if you know the image is opaque.
// The layout in memory is assumed to be 4-bytes per pixel in B-G-R-A order
// (this is ARGB when loaded into 32-bit words on a little-endian machine).
* Returns false if it was unable to perform the convolution/rescale. in which
* case the output buffer is assumed to be undefined.
bool BGRAConvolve2D(const unsigned char* sourceData, int sourceByteRowStride,
bool sourceHasAlpha, const SkConvolutionFilter1D& filterX,
const SkConvolutionFilter1D& filterY,
int outputByteRowStride, unsigned char* output) {
int maxYFilterSize = filterY.maxFilter();
// The next row in the input that we will generate a horizontally
// convolved row for. If the filter doesn't start at the beginning of the
// image (this is the case when we are only resizing a subset), then we
// don't want to generate any output rows before that. Compute the starting
// row for convolution as the first pixel for the first vertical filter.
int filterOffset = 0, filterLength = 0;
const SkConvolutionFilter1D::ConvolutionFixed* filterValues =
filterY.FilterForValue(0, &filterOffset, &filterLength);
int nextXRow = filterOffset;
// We loop over each row in the input doing a horizontal convolution. This
// will result in a horizontally convolved image. We write the results into
// a circular buffer of convolved rows and do vertical convolution as rows
// are available. This prevents us from having to store the entire
// intermediate image and helps cache coherency.
// We will need four extra rows to allow horizontal convolution could be done
// simultaneously. We also pad each row in row buffer to be aligned-up to
// 32 bytes.
// TODO(jiesun): We do not use aligned load from row buffer in vertical
// convolution pass yet. Somehow Windows does not like it.
int rowBufferWidth = (filterX.numValues() + 31) & ~0x1F;
int rowBufferHeight = maxYFilterSize;
// check for too-big allocation requests : crbug.com/528628
int64_t size = int64_t(rowBufferWidth) * int64_t(rowBufferHeight);
// need some limit, to avoid over-committing success from malloc, but then
// crashing when we try to actually use the memory.
// 100meg seems big enough to allow "normal" zoom factors and image sizes
// through while avoiding the crash seen by the bug (crbug.com/528628)
if (size > 100 * 1024 * 1024) {
// printf_stderr("BGRAConvolve2D: tmp allocation [%lld] too
// big\n", size);
return false;
CircularRowBuffer rowBuffer(rowBufferWidth, rowBufferHeight, filterOffset);
// Loop over every possible output row, processing just enough horizontal
// convolutions to run each subsequent vertical convolution.
MOZ_ASSERT(outputByteRowStride >= filterX.numValues() * 4);
int numOutputRows = filterY.numValues();
// We need to check which is the last line to convolve before we advance 4
// lines in one iteration.
int lastFilterOffset, lastFilterLength;
filterY.FilterForValue(numOutputRows - 1, &lastFilterOffset,
for (int outY = 0; outY < numOutputRows; outY++) {
filterValues = filterY.FilterForValue(outY, &filterOffset, &filterLength);
// Generate output rows until we have enough to run the current filter.
while (nextXRow < filterOffset + filterLength) {
&sourceData[(uint64_t)nextXRow * sourceByteRowStride], filterX,
rowBuffer.advanceRow(), sourceHasAlpha);
// Compute where in the output image this row of final data will go.
unsigned char* curOutputRow = &output[(uint64_t)outY * outputByteRowStride];
// Get the list of rows that the circular buffer has, in order.
int firstRowInCircularBuffer;
unsigned char* const* rowsToConvolve =
// Now compute the start of the subset of those rows that the filter needs.
unsigned char* const* firstRowForFilter =
&rowsToConvolve[filterOffset - firstRowInCircularBuffer];
convolve_vertically(filterValues, filterLength, firstRowForFilter,
filterX.numValues(), curOutputRow, sourceHasAlpha);
return true;
} // namespace skia