2014-09-08 16:23:12 -07:00

866 lines
33 KiB

# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import argparse
import logging
import mozpack.path
import os
import sys
import warnings
import which
from mozbuild.base import (
MachCommandConditions as conditions,
from mach.decorators import (
from mozlog import structured
The %s command requires the adb binary to be on your path.
If you have a B2G build, this can be found in
The %s command requires a non-debug gaia profile. Either pass in --profile,
or set the GAIA_PROFILE environment variable.
If you do not have a non-debug gaia profile, you can build one:
$ git clone
$ cd gaia
$ make
The profile should be generated in a directory called 'profile'.
The %s command requires a non-debug gaia profile. The specified profile,
%s, is a debug profile.
If you do not have a non-debug gaia profile, you can build one:
$ git clone
$ cd gaia
$ make
The profile should be generated in a directory called 'profile'.
The %s command requires an engineering build. It may be the case that
VARIANT=user or PRODUCTION=1 were set. Try re-building with VARIANT=eng:
$ VARIANT=eng ./
There should be an app called '' located in
# Maps test flavors to mochitest suite type.
'mochitest': 'plain',
'chrome': 'chrome',
'browser-chrome': 'browser',
'a11y': 'a11y',
'webapprt-chrome': 'webapprt-chrome',
class MochitestRunner(MozbuildObject):
"""Easily run mochitests.
This currently contains just the basics for running mochitests. We may want
to hook up result parsing, etc.
def get_webapp_runtime_path(self):
import mozinfo
appname = 'webapprt-stub' +'bin_suffix', '')
if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
appname = os.path.join(self.distdir, self.substs['MOZ_MACBUNDLE_NAME'],
'Contents', 'MacOS', appname)
appname = os.path.join(self.distdir, 'bin', appname)
return appname
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
MozbuildObject.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
# TODO Bug 794506 remove once mach integrates with virtualenv.
build_path = os.path.join(self.topobjdir, 'build')
if build_path not in sys.path:
self.tests_dir = os.path.join(self.topobjdir, '_tests')
self.mochitest_dir = os.path.join(self.tests_dir, 'testing', 'mochitest')
self.bin_dir = os.path.join(self.topobjdir, 'dist', 'bin')
def run_b2g_test(self, test_paths=None, b2g_home=None, xre_path=None,
total_chunks=None, this_chunk=None, no_window=None,
repeat=0, run_until_failure=False, **kwargs):
"""Runs a b2g mochitest.
test_paths is an enumerable of paths to tests. It can be a relative path
from the top source directory, an absolute filename, or a directory
containing test files.
# Need to call relpath before os.chdir() below.
test_path = ''
if test_paths:
if len(test_paths) > 1:
print('Warning: Only the first test path will be used.')
test_path = self._wrap_path_argument(test_paths[0]).relpath()
# TODO without os.chdir, chained imports fail below
# The imp module can spew warnings if the modules below have
# already been imported, ignore them.
with warnings.catch_warnings():
import imp
path = os.path.join(self.mochitest_dir, '')
with open(path, 'r') as fh:
imp.load_module('mochitest', fh, path,
('.py', 'r', imp.PY_SOURCE))
import mochitest
from mochitest_options import B2GOptions
parser = B2GOptions()
options = parser.parse_args([])[0]
if test_path:
test_root_file = mozpack.path.join(self.mochitest_dir, 'tests', test_path)
if not os.path.exists(test_root_file):
print('Specified test path does not exist: %s' % test_root_file)
return 1
options.testPath = test_path
for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
setattr(options, k, v)
options.noWindow = no_window
options.totalChunks = total_chunks
options.thisChunk = this_chunk
options.repeat = repeat
options.runUntilFailure = run_until_failure
options.symbolsPath = os.path.join(self.distdir, 'crashreporter-symbols')
options.consoleLevel = 'INFO'
if conditions.is_b2g_desktop(self):
options.desktop = True = self.get_binary_path()
if not'-bin'): = '%s-bin' %
if not os.path.isfile( =[:-len('-bin')]
return mochitest.run_desktop_mochitests(parser, options)
except which.WhichError:
# TODO Find adb automatically if it isn't on the path
print(ADB_NOT_FOUND % ('mochitest-remote', b2g_home))
return 1
options.b2gPath = b2g_home
options.logdir = self.mochitest_dir
options.httpdPath = self.mochitest_dir
options.xrePath = xre_path
return mochitest.run_remote_mochitests(parser, options)
def run_desktop_test(self, context, suite=None, test_paths=None, debugger=None,
debugger_args=None, slowscript=False, screenshot_on_fail = False, shuffle=False, keep_open=False,
rerun_failures=False, no_autorun=False, repeat=0, run_until_failure=False,
slow=False, chunk_by_dir=0, total_chunks=None, this_chunk=None, extraPrefs=[],
jsdebugger=False, debug_on_failure=False, start_at=None, end_at=None,
e10s=False, dmd=False, dump_output_directory=None,
dump_about_memory_after_test=False, dump_dmd_after_test=False,
install_extension=None, quiet=False, environment=[], app_override=None, bisectChunk=None, runByDir=False,
useTestMediaDevices=False, **kwargs):
"""Runs a mochitest.
test_paths are path to tests. They can be a relative path from the
top source directory, an absolute filename, or a directory containing
test files.
suite is the type of mochitest to run. It can be one of ('plain',
'chrome', 'browser', 'metro', 'a11y').
debugger is a program name or path to a binary (presumably a debugger)
to run the test in. e.g. 'gdb'
debugger_args are the arguments passed to the debugger.
slowscript is true if the user has requested the SIGSEGV mechanism of
invoking the slow script dialog.
shuffle is whether test order should be shuffled (defaults to false).
keep_open denotes whether to keep the browser open after tests
if rerun_failures and test_paths:
print('Cannot specify both --rerun-failures and a test path.')
return 1
# Make absolute paths relative before calling os.chdir() below.
if test_paths:
test_paths = [self._wrap_path_argument(p).relpath() if os.path.isabs(p) else p for p in test_paths]
failure_file_path = os.path.join(self.statedir, 'mochitest_failures.json')
if rerun_failures and not os.path.exists(failure_file_path):
print('No failure file present. Did you run mochitests before?')
return 1
# is ambiguous, so we load the file/module manually.
if 'mochitest' not in sys.modules:
import imp
path = os.path.join(self.mochitest_dir, '')
with open(path, 'r') as fh:
imp.load_module('mochitest', fh, path,
('.py', 'r', imp.PY_SOURCE))
import mochitest
from manifestparser import TestManifest
from mozbuild.testing import TestResolver
# This is required to make other components happy. Sad, isn't it?
# Automation installs its own stream handler to stdout. Since we want
# all logging to go through us, we just remove their handler.
remove_handlers = [l for l in logging.getLogger().handlers
if isinstance(l, logging.StreamHandler)]
for handler in remove_handlers:
opts = mochitest.MochitestOptions()
options, args = opts.parse_args([])
options.subsuite = ''
flavor = suite
# Need to set the suite options before verifyOptions below.
if suite == 'plain':
# Don't need additional options for plain.
flavor = 'mochitest'
elif suite == 'chrome': = True
elif suite == 'browser':
options.browserChrome = True
flavor = 'browser-chrome'
elif suite == 'devtools':
options.browserChrome = True
options.subsuite = 'devtools'
elif suite == 'metro':
options.immersiveMode = True
options.browserChrome = True
elif suite == 'a11y':
options.a11y = True
elif suite == 'webapprt-content':
options.webapprtContent = True = self.get_webapp_runtime_path()
elif suite == 'webapprt-chrome':
options.webapprtChrome = True = self.get_webapp_runtime_path()
raise Exception('None or unrecognized mochitest suite type.')
if dmd:
options.dmdPath = self.bin_dir
options.autorun = not no_autorun
options.closeWhenDone = not keep_open
options.slowscript = slowscript
options.screenshotOnFail = screenshot_on_fail
options.shuffle = shuffle
options.consoleLevel = 'INFO'
options.repeat = repeat
options.runUntilFailure = run_until_failure
options.runSlower = slow
options.testingModulesDir = os.path.join(self.tests_dir, 'modules')
options.extraProfileFiles.append(os.path.join(self.distdir, 'plugins'))
options.symbolsPath = os.path.join(self.distdir, 'crashreporter-symbols')
options.chunkByDir = chunk_by_dir
options.totalChunks = total_chunks
options.thisChunk = this_chunk
options.jsdebugger = jsdebugger
options.debugOnFailure = debug_on_failure
options.startAt = start_at
options.endAt = end_at
options.e10s = e10s
options.dumpAboutMemoryAfterTest = dump_about_memory_after_test
options.dumpDMDAfterTest = dump_dmd_after_test
options.dumpOutputDirectory = dump_output_directory
options.quiet = quiet
options.environment = environment
options.extraPrefs = extraPrefs
options.bisectChunk = bisectChunk
options.runByDir = runByDir
options.useTestMediaDevices = useTestMediaDevices
options.failureFile = failure_file_path
if install_extension != None:
options.extensionsToInstall = [os.path.join(self.topsrcdir,install_extension)]
for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
setattr(options, k, v)
if test_paths:
resolver = self._spawn(TestResolver)
tests = list(resolver.resolve_tests(paths=test_paths, flavor=flavor))
if not tests:
print('No tests could be found in the path specified. Please '
'specify a path that is a test file or is a directory '
'containing tests.')
return 1
manifest = TestManifest()
if len(tests) == 1:
options.closeWhenDone = False
options.manifestFile = manifest
if rerun_failures:
options.testManifest = failure_file_path
if debugger:
options.debugger = debugger
if debugger_args:
if options.debugger == None:
print("--debugger-args passed, but no debugger specified.")
return 1
options.debuggerArgs = debugger_args
if app_override:
if app_override == "dist": = self.get_binary_path(where='staged-package')
elif app_override: = app_override
if options.gmp_path is None:
# Need to fix the location of gmp_fake which might not be shipped in the binary
bin_path = self.get_binary_path()
options.gmp_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(bin_path), 'gmp-fake', '1.0')
logger_options = {key: value for key, value in vars(options).iteritems() if key.startswith('log')}
runner = mochitest.Mochitest(logger_options)
options = opts.verifyOptions(options, runner)
if options is None:
raise Exception('mochitest option validator failed.')
# We need this to enable colorization of output.
result = runner.runTests(options)
if runner.message_logger.errors:
result = 1
runner.message_logger.logger.warning("The following tests failed:")
for error in runner.message_logger.errors:
return result
def MochitestCommand(func):
"""Decorator that adds shared command arguments to mochitest commands."""
# This employs light Python magic. Keep in mind a decorator is just a
# function that takes a function, does something with it, then returns a
# (modified) function. Here, we chain decorators onto the passed in
# function.
debugger = CommandArgument('--debugger', '-d', metavar='DEBUGGER',
help='Debugger binary to run test in. Program name or path.')
func = debugger(func)
debugger_args = CommandArgument('--debugger-args',
metavar='DEBUGGER_ARGS', help='Arguments to pass to the debugger.')
func = debugger_args(func)
# Bug 933807 introduced JS_DISABLE_SLOW_SCRIPT_SIGNALS to avoid clever
# segfaults induced by the slow-script-detecting logic for Ion/Odin JITted
# code. If we don't pass this, the user will need to periodically type
# "continue" to (safely) resume execution. There are ways to implement
# automatic resuming; see the bug.
slowscript = CommandArgument('--slowscript', action='store_true',
help='Do not set the JS_DISABLE_SLOW_SCRIPT_SIGNALS env variable; when not set, recoverable but misleading SIGSEGV instances may occur in Ion/Odin JIT code')
func = slowscript(func)
screenshot_on_fail = CommandArgument('--screenshot-on-fail', action='store_true',
help='Take screenshots on all test failures. Set $MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR to a directory for storing the screenshots.')
func = screenshot_on_fail(func)
shuffle = CommandArgument('--shuffle', action='store_true',
help='Shuffle execution order.')
func = shuffle(func)
keep_open = CommandArgument('--keep-open', action='store_true',
help='Keep the browser open after tests complete.')
func = keep_open(func)
rerun = CommandArgument('--rerun-failures', action='store_true',
help='Run only the tests that failed during the last test run.')
func = rerun(func)
autorun = CommandArgument('--no-autorun', action='store_true',
help='Do not starting running tests automatically.')
func = autorun(func)
repeat = CommandArgument('--repeat', type=int, default=0,
help='Repeat the test the given number of times.')
func = repeat(func)
runUntilFailure = CommandArgument("--run-until-failure", action='store_true',
help='Run tests repeatedly and stops on the first time a test fails. ' \
'Default cap is 30 runs, which can be overwritten ' \
'with the --repeat parameter.')
func = runUntilFailure(func)
slow = CommandArgument('--slow', action='store_true',
help='Delay execution between tests.')
func = slow(func)
end_at = CommandArgument('--end-at', type=str,
help='Stop running the test sequence at this test.')
func = end_at(func)
start_at = CommandArgument('--start-at', type=str,
help='Start running the test sequence at this test.')
func = start_at(func)
chunk_dir = CommandArgument('--chunk-by-dir', type=int,
help='Group tests together in chunks by this many top directories.')
func = chunk_dir(func)
chunk_total = CommandArgument('--total-chunks', type=int,
help='Total number of chunks to split tests into.')
func = chunk_total(func)
this_chunk = CommandArgument('--this-chunk', type=int,
help='If running tests by chunks, the number of the chunk to run.')
func = this_chunk(func)
debug_on_failure = CommandArgument('--debug-on-failure', action='store_true',
help='Breaks execution and enters the JS debugger on a test failure. ' \
'Should be used together with --jsdebugger.')
func = debug_on_failure(func)
setpref = CommandArgument('--setpref', default=[], action='append',
metavar='PREF=VALUE', dest='extraPrefs',
help='defines an extra user preference')
func = setpref(func)
jsdebugger = CommandArgument('--jsdebugger', action='store_true',
help='Start the browser JS debugger before running the test. Implies --no-autorun.')
func = jsdebugger(func)
this_chunk = CommandArgument('--e10s', action='store_true',
help='Run tests with electrolysis preferences and test filtering enabled.')
func = this_chunk(func)
dmd = CommandArgument('--dmd', action='store_true',
help='Run tests with DMD active.')
func = dmd(func)
dumpAboutMemory = CommandArgument('--dump-about-memory-after-test', action='store_true',
help='Dump an about:memory log after every test.')
func = dumpAboutMemory(func)
dumpDMD = CommandArgument('--dump-dmd-after-test', action='store_true',
help='Dump a DMD log after every test.')
func = dumpDMD(func)
dumpOutputDirectory = CommandArgument('--dump-output-directory', action='store',
help='Specifies the directory in which to place dumped memory reports.')
func = dumpOutputDirectory(func)
path = CommandArgument('test_paths', default=None, nargs='*',
help='Test to run. Can be specified as a single file, a ' \
'directory, or omitted. If omitted, the entire test suite is ' \
func = path(func)
install_extension = CommandArgument('--install-extension',
help='Install given extension before running selected tests. ' \
'Parameter is a path to xpi file.')
func = install_extension(func)
quiet = CommandArgument('--quiet', default=False, action='store_true',
help='Do not print test log lines unless a failure occurs.')
func = quiet(func)
setenv = CommandArgument('--setenv', default=[], action='append',
metavar='NAME=VALUE', dest='environment',
help="Sets the given variable in the application's environment")
func = setenv(func)
runbydir = CommandArgument('--run-by-dir', default=False,
help='Run each directory in a single browser instance with a fresh profile.')
func = runbydir(func)
bisect_chunk = CommandArgument('--bisect-chunk', type=str,
help='Specify the failing test name to find the previous tests that may be causing the failure.')
func = bisect_chunk(func)
test_media = CommandArgument('--use-test-media-devices', default=False,
help='Use test media device drivers for media testing.')
func = test_media(func)
app_override = CommandArgument('--app-override', default=None, action='store',
help="Override the default binary used to run tests with the path you provide, e.g. " \
" --app-override /usr/bin/firefox . " \
"If you have run ./mach package beforehand, you can specify 'dist' to " \
"run tests against the distribution bundle's binary.");
func = app_override(func)
return func
def B2GCommand(func):
"""Decorator that adds shared command arguments to b2g mochitest commands."""
busybox = CommandArgument('--busybox', default=None,
help='Path to busybox binary to install on device')
func = busybox(func)
logdir = CommandArgument('--logdir', default=None,
help='directory to store log files')
func = logdir(func)
profile = CommandArgument('--profile', default=None,
help='for desktop testing, the path to the \
gaia profile to use')
func = profile(func)
geckopath = CommandArgument('--gecko-path', default=None,
help='the path to a gecko distribution that should \
be installed on the emulator prior to test')
func = geckopath(func)
nowindow = CommandArgument('--no-window', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Pass --no-window to the emulator')
func = nowindow(func)
sdcard = CommandArgument('--sdcard', default="10MB",
help='Define size of sdcard: 1MB, 50MB...etc')
func = sdcard(func)
marionette = CommandArgument('--marionette', default=None,
help='host:port to use when connecting to Marionette')
func = marionette(func)
chunk_total = CommandArgument('--total-chunks', type=int,
help='Total number of chunks to split tests into.')
func = chunk_total(func)
this_chunk = CommandArgument('--this-chunk', type=int,
help='If running tests by chunks, the number of the chunk to run.')
func = this_chunk(func)
path = CommandArgument('test_paths', default=None, nargs='*',
help='Test to run. Can be specified as a single file, a ' \
'directory, or omitted. If omitted, the entire test suite is ' \
func = path(func)
repeat = CommandArgument('--repeat', type=int, default=0,
help='Repeat the test the given number of times.')
func = repeat(func)
runUntilFailure = CommandArgument("--run-until-failure", action='store_true',
help='Run tests repeatedly and stops on the first time a test fails. ' \
'Default cap is 30 runs, which can be overwritten ' \
'with the --repeat parameter.')
func = runUntilFailure(func)
return func
_st_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
class MachCommands(MachCommandBase):
@Command('mochitest-plain', category='testing',
description='Run a plain mochitest (integration test, plain web page).',
def run_mochitest_plain(self, test_paths, **kwargs):
return self.run_mochitest(test_paths, 'plain', **kwargs)
@Command('mochitest-chrome', category='testing',
description='Run a chrome mochitest (integration test with some XUL).',
def run_mochitest_chrome(self, test_paths, **kwargs):
return self.run_mochitest(test_paths, 'chrome', **kwargs)
@Command('mochitest-browser', category='testing',
description='Run a mochitest with browser chrome (integration test with a standard browser).',
def run_mochitest_browser(self, test_paths, **kwargs):
return self.run_mochitest(test_paths, 'browser', **kwargs)
@Command('mochitest-devtools', category='testing',
description='Run a devtools mochitest with browser chrome (integration test with a standard browser with the devtools frame).',
def run_mochitest_devtools(self, test_paths, **kwargs):
return self.run_mochitest(test_paths, 'devtools', **kwargs)
@Command('mochitest-metro', category='testing',
description='Run a mochitest with metro browser chrome (tests for Windows touch interface).',
def run_mochitest_metro(self, test_paths, **kwargs):
return self.run_mochitest(test_paths, 'metro', **kwargs)
@Command('mochitest-a11y', category='testing',
description='Run an a11y mochitest (accessibility tests).',
def run_mochitest_a11y(self, test_paths, **kwargs):
return self.run_mochitest(test_paths, 'a11y', **kwargs)
@Command('webapprt-test-chrome', category='testing',
description='Run a webapprt chrome mochitest (Web App Runtime with the browser chrome).',
def run_mochitest_webapprt_chrome(self, test_paths, **kwargs):
return self.run_mochitest(test_paths, 'webapprt-chrome', **kwargs)
@Command('webapprt-test-content', category='testing',
description='Run a webapprt content mochitest (Content rendering of the Web App Runtime).',
def run_mochitest_webapprt_content(self, test_paths, **kwargs):
return self.run_mochitest(test_paths, 'webapprt-content', **kwargs)
@Command('mochitest', category='testing',
description='Run any flavor of mochitest (integration test).',
@CommandArgument('-f', '--flavor', choices=FLAVORS.keys(),
help='Only run tests of this flavor.')
def run_mochitest_general(self, test_paths, flavor=None, test_objects=None,
from mozbuild.testing import TestResolver
if test_objects:
tests = test_objects
resolver = self._spawn(TestResolver)
tests = list(resolver.resolve_tests(paths=test_paths,
# Our current approach is to group the tests by suite and then perform
# an invocation for each suite. Ideally, this would be done
# automatically inside of core mochitest code. But it wasn't designed
# to do that.
# This does mean our output is less than ideal. When running tests from
# multiple suites, we see redundant summary lines. Hopefully once we
# have better machine readable output coming from mochitest land we can
# aggregate that here and improve the output formatting.
suites = {}
for test in tests:
# Filter out non-mochitests.
if test['flavor'] not in FLAVORS:
if flavor and test['flavor'] != flavor:
suite = FLAVORS[test['flavor']]
suites.setdefault(suite, []).append(test)
mochitest = self._spawn(MochitestRunner)
overall = None
for suite, tests in sorted(suites.items()):
result = mochitest.run_desktop_test(self._mach_context,
test_paths=[test['file_relpath'] for test in tests], suite=suite,
if result:
overall = result
return overall
def _preruntest(self):
from mozbuild.controller.building import BuildDriver
driver = self._spawn(BuildDriver)
def run_mochitest(self, test_paths, flavor, **kwargs):
mochitest = self._spawn(MochitestRunner)
return mochitest.run_desktop_test(self._mach_context,
test_paths=test_paths, suite=flavor, **kwargs)
# TODO For now b2g commands will only work with the emulator,
# they should be modified to work with all devices.
def is_emulator(cls):
"""Emulator needs to be configured."""
return cls.device_name.startswith('emulator')
except AttributeError:
return False
class B2GCommands(MachCommandBase):
"""So far these are only mochitest plain. They are
implemented separately because their command lines
are completely different.
def __init__(self, context):
MachCommandBase.__init__(self, context)
for attr in ('b2g_home', 'xre_path', 'device_name', 'get_build_var'):
setattr(self, attr, getattr(context, attr, None))
@Command('mochitest-remote', category='testing',
description='Run a remote mochitest (integration test for fennec/android).',
conditions=[conditions.is_b2g, is_emulator])
def run_mochitest_remote(self, test_paths, **kwargs):
if self.get_build_var:
host_webapps_dir = os.path.join(self.get_build_var('TARGET_OUT_DATA'),
'local', 'webapps')
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(host_webapps_dir,
print(ENG_BUILD_REQUIRED % ('mochitest-remote', host_webapps_dir))
return 1
from mozbuild.controller.building import BuildDriver
if self.device_name.startswith('emulator'):
emulator = 'arm'
if 'x86' in self.device_name:
emulator = 'x86'
kwargs['emulator'] = emulator
driver = self._spawn(BuildDriver)
mochitest = self._spawn(MochitestRunner)
return mochitest.run_b2g_test(b2g_home=self.b2g_home,
xre_path=self.xre_path, test_paths=test_paths, **kwargs)
@Command('mochitest-b2g-desktop', category='testing',
description='Run a b2g desktop mochitest (same as mochitest-plain but for b2g desktop).')
def run_mochitest_b2g_desktop(self, test_paths, **kwargs):
kwargs['profile'] = kwargs.get('profile') or os.environ.get('GAIA_PROFILE')
if not kwargs['profile'] or not os.path.isdir(kwargs['profile']):
print(GAIA_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND % 'mochitest-b2g-desktop')
return 1
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(kwargs['profile'], 'extensions',
print(GAIA_PROFILE_IS_DEBUG % ('mochitest-b2g-desktop',
return 1
from mozbuild.controller.building import BuildDriver
driver = self._spawn(BuildDriver)
mochitest = self._spawn(MochitestRunner)
return mochitest.run_b2g_test(test_paths=test_paths, **kwargs)
class AndroidCommands(MachCommandBase):
@Command('robocop', category='testing',
description='Run a Robocop test.')
@CommandArgument('test_path', default=None, nargs='?',
help='Test to run. Can be specified as a Robocop test name (like "testLoad"), ' \
'or omitted. If omitted, the entire test suite is executed.')
def run_robocop(self, test_path):
self.tests_dir = os.path.join(self.topobjdir, '_tests')
self.mochitest_dir = os.path.join(self.tests_dir, 'testing', 'mochitest')
import imp
path = os.path.join(self.mochitest_dir, '')
with open(path, 'r') as fh:
imp.load_module('runtestsremote', fh, path,
('.py', 'r', imp.PY_SOURCE))
import runtestsremote
args = [
'--xre-path=' + os.environ.get('MOZ_HOST_BIN'),
'--app=' + self.substs['ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME'],
'--robocop-apk=' + os.path.join(self.topobjdir, 'build', 'mobile', 'robocop', 'robocop-debug.apk'),
'--robocop-ini=' + os.path.join(self.topobjdir, 'build', 'mobile', 'robocop', 'robocop.ini'),
if test_path:
args.append('--test-path=%s' % test_path)