Mike Hommey 223417d648 Bug 1212773 - Extend jar maker syntax for jar file location. r=gps
Indicating a jar currently looks like the following in a jar manifest:

The `path/to` doesn't contain the implicit "chrome/" directory. This, in
turn, doesn't allow much flexibility to use the jar maker for what is not
necessarily under chrome/.

To use the jar maker to fill some chrome manifest for the default theme
extension, we currently use a hackish path to get to the right location,
and rely on the chrome.manifest file in the parent directory never to be
picked by the package manifest, which is a quite horrible way to do this,
but worked well enough for that specific use case.

With the need to handle system addons at the build system level, it
becomes necessary to come up with something less hackish.

What this change introduces is an additional syntax for the jar manifest,
in the following form:
  [base/path] sub/path/to/name.jar:

Using this syntax, there is no implicit 'chrome' path. The `base/path` is
relative to the current DIST_SUBDIR, and the `sub/path` is relative to that
`base/path`. The distinction can be useful for build system backends.

The assumption that the "root" chrome.manifest is in the parent directory
of the implicit "chrome" directory dies, and the `base/path` is where the
root chrome.manifest is placed.
2015-10-20 07:36:51 +09:00

This directory contains common Python code.

The basic rule is that if Python code is cross-module (that's "module" in the
Mozilla meaning - as in "module ownership") and is MPL-compatible, it should
go here.

What should not go here:

* Python that is not MPL-compatible (see other-licenses/)
* Python that has good reason to remain close to its "owning" (Mozilla)
  module (e.g. it is only being consumed from there).

Historical information can be found at

## pyyaml | pystache

Used in taskcluster related mach commands to update download from github
and remove .git and tests.

Then run tests in taskcluster/tests/