Simon Martin b1a37d6095 servo: Merge #7449 - Issue #7393: Properly sniff mislabeled feeds (from simartin:issue_7393); r=metajack

This patch is an attempt to fix, where the code detecting mislabeled feeds (see had spurious space in the URLs we need to match.

Note that my testing (in particular rdf_rss_ko_2.xml) highlighted a flaw in "matches", that failed to check that there were more bytes in the string being checked than in the string we're checking against, which completely broke the whole step 5.2.7.

Thanks in advance for your review.


Source-Revision: 9f85370885c84ebb58cd7f4a72a6e78948f468dc
2015-09-01 11:22:52 -06:00

948 lines
32 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use std::borrow::ToOwned;
pub struct MIMEClassifier {
image_classifier: GroupedClassifier,
audio_video_classifer: GroupedClassifier,
scriptable_classifier: GroupedClassifier,
plaintext_classifier: GroupedClassifier,
archive_classifer: GroupedClassifier,
binary_or_plaintext: BinaryOrPlaintextClassifier,
feeds_classifier: FeedsClassifier
impl MIMEClassifier {
//Performs MIME Type Sniffing Algorithm (section 7)
pub fn classify(&self,
no_sniff: bool,
check_for_apache_bug: bool,
supplied_type: &Option<(String, String)>,
data: &[u8]) -> Option<(String, String)> {
match *supplied_type {
None => self.sniff_unknown_type(!no_sniff, data),
Some((ref media_type, ref media_subtype)) => {
match (&**media_type, &**media_subtype) {
("unknown", "unknown") |
("application", "unknown") |
("*", "*") => self.sniff_unknown_type(!no_sniff, data),
_ => {
if no_sniff {
} else if check_for_apache_bug {
} else if MIMEClassifier::is_xml(media_type, media_subtype) {
} else if MIMEClassifier::is_html(media_type, media_subtype) {
//Implied in section 7.3, but flow is not clear
} else {
match (&**media_type, &**media_subtype) {
("image", _) => self.image_classifier.classify(data),
("audio", _) | ("video", _) | ("application", "ogg") =>
_ => None
pub fn new() -> MIMEClassifier {
MIMEClassifier {
image_classifier: GroupedClassifier::image_classifer(),
audio_video_classifer: GroupedClassifier::audio_video_classifer(),
scriptable_classifier: GroupedClassifier::scriptable_classifier(),
plaintext_classifier: GroupedClassifier::plaintext_classifier(),
archive_classifer: GroupedClassifier::archive_classifier(),
binary_or_plaintext: BinaryOrPlaintextClassifier,
feeds_classifier: FeedsClassifier
//some sort of iterator over the classifiers might be better?
fn sniff_unknown_type(&self, sniff_scriptable: bool, data: &[u8]) ->
Option<(String, String)> {
if sniff_scriptable {
} else {
}.or_else(|| self.plaintext_classifier.classify(data))
.or_else(|| self.image_classifier.classify(data))
.or_else(|| self.audio_video_classifer.classify(data))
.or_else(|| self.archive_classifer.classify(data))
.or_else(|| self.binary_or_plaintext.classify(data))
fn sniff_text_or_data(&self, data: &[u8]) -> Option<(String, String)> {
fn is_xml(tp: &str, sub_tp: &str) -> bool {
sub_tp.ends_with("+xml") ||
match (tp, sub_tp) {
("application", "xml") | ("text", "xml") => true,
_ => false
fn is_html(tp: &str, sub_tp: &str) -> bool {
tp == "text" && sub_tp == "html"
pub fn as_string_option(tup: Option<(&'static str, &'static str)>) -> Option<(String, String)> {|(a, b)| (a.to_owned(), b.to_owned()))
//Interface used for composite types
trait MIMEChecker {
fn classify(&self, data: &[u8]) -> Option<(String, String)>;
trait Matches {
fn matches(&mut self, matches: &[u8]) -> bool;
impl <'a, T: Iterator<Item=&'a u8> + Clone> Matches for T {
// Matching function that works on an iterator.
// see if the next matches.len() bytes in data_iterator equal matches
// move iterator and return true or just return false
// Params
// self: an iterator
// matches: a vector of bytes to match
// Return
// true if the next n elements of self match n elements of matches
// false otherwise
// Side effects
// moves the iterator when match is found
fn matches(&mut self, matches: &[u8]) -> bool {
if self.clone().nth(matches.len()).is_none() {
// there are less than matches.len() elements in self
return false
let result = self.clone().zip(matches).all(|(s, m)| *s == *m);
if result {
struct ByteMatcher {
pattern: &'static [u8],
mask: &'static [u8],
leading_ignore: &'static [u8],
content_type: (&'static str, &'static str)
impl ByteMatcher {
fn matches(&self, data: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
if data.len() < self.pattern.len() {
} else if data == self.pattern {
} else {
data[ - self.pattern.len()].iter()
.position(|x| !self.leading_ignore.contains(x))
if data[start..].iter()
.all(|((&data, &pattern), &mask)| (data & mask) == (pattern & mask)) {
Some(start + self.pattern.len())
} else {
impl MIMEChecker for ByteMatcher {
fn classify(&self, data: &[u8]) -> Option<(String, String)> {
self.matches(data).map(|_| {
(self.content_type.0.to_owned(), self.content_type.1.to_owned())
struct TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
matcher: ByteMatcher
impl MIMEChecker for TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
fn classify(&self, data: &[u8]) -> Option<(String, String)> {
if j < data.len() && (data[j] == b' ' || data[j] == b'>') {
} else {
pub struct Mp4Matcher;
impl Mp4Matcher {
pub fn matches(&self, data: &[u8]) -> bool {
if data.len() < 12 {
return false;
let box_size = ((data[0] as u32) << 3 | (data[1] as u32) << 2 |
(data[2] as u32) << 1 | (data[3] as u32)) as usize;
if (data.len() < box_size) || (box_size % 4 != 0) {
return false;
let ftyp = [0x66, 0x74, 0x79, 0x70];
if !data[4..].starts_with(&ftyp) {
return false;
let mp4 = [0x6D, 0x70, 0x34];
data[8..].starts_with(&mp4) ||
data[16..box_size].chunks(4).any(|chunk| chunk.starts_with(&mp4))
impl MIMEChecker for Mp4Matcher {
fn classify(&self, data: &[u8]) -> Option<(String, String)> {
if self.matches(data) {
Some(("video".to_owned(), "mp4".to_owned()))
} else {
struct BinaryOrPlaintextClassifier;
impl BinaryOrPlaintextClassifier {
fn classify_impl(&self, data: &[u8]) -> (&'static str, &'static str) {
if data == &[0xFFu8, 0xFEu8] ||
data == &[0xFEu8, 0xFFu8] ||
data.starts_with(&[0xEFu8, 0xBBu8, 0xBFu8])
("text", "plain")
} else if data.iter().any(|&x| x <= 0x08u8 ||
x == 0x0Bu8 ||
(x >= 0x0Eu8 && x <= 0x1Au8) ||
(x >= 0x1Cu8 && x <= 0x1Fu8)) {
("application", "octet-stream")
} else {
("text", "plain")
impl MIMEChecker for BinaryOrPlaintextClassifier {
fn classify(&self, data: &[u8]) -> Option<(String, String)> {
struct GroupedClassifier {
byte_matchers: Vec<Box<MIMEChecker + Send + Sync>>,
impl GroupedClassifier {
fn image_classifer() -> GroupedClassifier {
GroupedClassifier {
byte_matchers: vec![
box ByteMatcher::image_x_icon(),
box ByteMatcher::image_x_icon_cursor(),
box ByteMatcher::image_bmp(),
box ByteMatcher::image_gif89a(),
box ByteMatcher::image_gif87a(),
box ByteMatcher::image_webp(),
box ByteMatcher::image_png(),
box ByteMatcher::image_jpeg(),
fn audio_video_classifer() -> GroupedClassifier {
GroupedClassifier {
byte_matchers: vec![
box ByteMatcher::video_webm(),
box ByteMatcher::audio_basic(),
box ByteMatcher::audio_aiff(),
box ByteMatcher::audio_mpeg(),
box ByteMatcher::application_ogg(),
box ByteMatcher::audio_midi(),
box ByteMatcher::video_avi(),
box ByteMatcher::audio_wave(),
box Mp4Matcher
fn scriptable_classifier() -> GroupedClassifier {
GroupedClassifier {
byte_matchers: vec![
box ByteMatcher::text_html_doctype(),
box ByteMatcher::text_html_page(),
box ByteMatcher::text_html_head(),
box ByteMatcher::text_html_script(),
box ByteMatcher::text_html_iframe(),
box ByteMatcher::text_html_h1(),
box ByteMatcher::text_html_div(),
box ByteMatcher::text_html_font(),
box ByteMatcher::text_html_table(),
box ByteMatcher::text_html_a(),
box ByteMatcher::text_html_style(),
box ByteMatcher::text_html_title(),
box ByteMatcher::text_html_b(),
box ByteMatcher::text_html_body(),
box ByteMatcher::text_html_br(),
box ByteMatcher::text_html_p(),
box ByteMatcher::text_html_comment(),
box ByteMatcher::text_xml(),
box ByteMatcher::application_pdf()
fn plaintext_classifier() -> GroupedClassifier {
GroupedClassifier {
byte_matchers: vec![
box ByteMatcher::text_plain_utf_8_bom(),
box ByteMatcher::text_plain_utf_16le_bom(),
box ByteMatcher::text_plain_utf_16be_bom(),
box ByteMatcher::application_postscript()
fn archive_classifier() -> GroupedClassifier {
GroupedClassifier {
byte_matchers: vec![
box ByteMatcher::application_x_gzip(),
box ByteMatcher::application_zip(),
box ByteMatcher::application_x_rar_compressed()
// TODO: Use this in font context classifier
fn font_classifier() -> GroupedClassifier {
GroupedClassifier {
byte_matchers: vec![
box ByteMatcher::application_font_woff(),
box ByteMatcher::true_type_collection(),
box ByteMatcher::open_type(),
box ByteMatcher::true_type(),
box ByteMatcher::application_vnd_ms_font_object(),
impl MIMEChecker for GroupedClassifier {
fn classify(&self, data: &[u8]) -> Option<(String, String)> {
.filter_map(|matcher| matcher.classify(data))
enum Match {
impl Match {
fn chain<F: FnOnce() -> Match>(self, f: F) -> Match {
if let Match::DidNotMatch = self {
return f();
fn eats_until<'a, T>(matcher: &mut T, start: &[u8], end: &[u8]) -> Match
where T: Iterator<Item=&'a u8> + Clone {
if !matcher.matches(start) {
} else if end.len() == 1 {
if matcher.any(|&x| x == end[0]) {
} else {
} else {
while !matcher.matches(end) {
if {
return Match::Start;
struct FeedsClassifier;
impl FeedsClassifier {
// Implements sniffing for mislabeled feeds (
fn classify_impl(&self, data: &[u8]) -> Option<(&'static str, &'static str)> {
// Step 4: can not be feed unless length is > 3
if data.len() < 3 {
return None;
let mut matcher = data.iter();
// eat the first three acceptable byte sequences if they are equal to UTF-8 BOM
let utf8_bom = &[0xEFu8, 0xBBu8, 0xBFu8];
// continuously search for next "<" until end of matcher
// TODO: need max_bytes to prevent inadvertently examining html document
// eg. an html page with a feed example
loop {
if matcher.find(|&x| *x == b'<').is_none() {
return None;
// Steps 5.2.1 to 5.2.4
match eats_until(&mut matcher, b"?", b"?>")
.chain(|| eats_until(&mut matcher, b"!--", b"-->"))
.chain(|| eats_until(&mut matcher, b"!", b">")) {
Match::StartAndEnd => continue,
Match::DidNotMatch => {},
Match::Start => return None
// Step 5.2.5
if matcher.matches(b"rss") {
return Some(("application", "rss+xml"));
// Step 5.2.6
if matcher.matches(b"feed") {
return Some(("application", "atom+xml"));
// Step 5.2.7
if matcher.matches(b"rdf:RDF") {
while {
match eats_until(&mut matcher,
.chain(|| eats_until(&mut matcher,
b"")) {
Match::StartAndEnd => return Some(("application", "rss+xml")),
Match::DidNotMatch => {},
Match::Start => return None
return None;
impl MIMEChecker for FeedsClassifier {
fn classify(&self, data: &[u8]) -> Option<(String, String)> {
//Contains hard coded byte matchers
//TODO: These should be configured and not hard coded
impl ByteMatcher {
//A Windows Icon signature
fn image_x_icon() -> ByteMatcher {
ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"\x00\x00\x01\x00",
mask: b"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
content_type: ("image", "x-icon"),
leading_ignore: &[]
//A Windows Cursor signature.
fn image_x_icon_cursor() -> ByteMatcher {
ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"\x00\x00\x02\x00",
mask: b"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
content_type: ("image", "x-icon"),
leading_ignore: &[]
//The string "BM", a BMP signature.
fn image_bmp() -> ByteMatcher {
ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"BM",
mask: b"\xFF\xFF",
content_type: ("image", "bmp"),
leading_ignore: &[]
//The string "GIF89a", a GIF signature.
fn image_gif89a() -> ByteMatcher {
ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"GIF89a",
mask: b"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
content_type: ("image", "gif"),
leading_ignore: &[]
//The string "GIF87a", a GIF signature.
fn image_gif87a() -> ByteMatcher {
ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"GIF87a",
mask: b"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
content_type: ("image", "gif"),
leading_ignore: &[]
//The string "RIFF" followed by four bytes followed by the string "WEBPVP".
fn image_webp() -> ByteMatcher {
ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"RIFF\x00\x00\x00\x00WEBPVP",
mask: b"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00,\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
content_type: ("image", "webp"),
leading_ignore: &[]
//An error-checking byte followed by the string "PNG" followed by CR LF SUB LF, the PNG
fn image_png() -> ByteMatcher {
ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"\x89PNG\r\n\x1A\n",
mask: b"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
content_type: ("image", "png"),
leading_ignore: &[]
// The JPEG Start of Image marker followed by the indicator byte of another marker.
fn image_jpeg() -> ByteMatcher {
ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"\xFF\xD8\xFF",
mask: b"\xFF\xFF\xFF",
content_type: ("image", "jpeg"),
leading_ignore: &[]
//The WebM signature. [TODO: Use more bytes?]
fn video_webm() -> ByteMatcher {
ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"\x1A\x45\xDF\xA3",
mask: b"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
content_type: ("video", "webm"),
leading_ignore: &[]
//The string ".snd", the basic audio signature.
fn audio_basic() -> ByteMatcher {
ByteMatcher {
pattern: b".snd",
mask: b"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
content_type: ("audio", "basic"),
leading_ignore: &[]
//The string "FORM" followed by four bytes followed by the string "AIFF", the AIFF signature.
fn audio_aiff() -> ByteMatcher {
ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"FORM\x00\x00\x00\x00AIFF",
mask: b"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
content_type: ("audio", "aiff"),
leading_ignore: &[]
//The string "ID3", the ID3v2-tagged MP3 signature.
fn audio_mpeg() -> ByteMatcher {
ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"ID3",
mask: b"\xFF\xFF\xFF",
content_type: ("audio", "mpeg"),
leading_ignore: &[]
//The string "OggS" followed by NUL, the Ogg container signature.
fn application_ogg() -> ByteMatcher {
ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"OggS",
mask: b"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
content_type: ("application", "ogg"),
leading_ignore: &[]
//The string "MThd" followed by four bytes representing the number 6 in 32 bits (big-endian),
//the MIDI signature.
fn audio_midi() -> ByteMatcher {
ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"MThd\x00\x00\x00\x06",
mask: b"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
content_type: ("audio", "midi"),
leading_ignore: &[]
//The string "RIFF" followed by four bytes followed by the string "AVI ", the AVI signature.
fn video_avi() -> ByteMatcher {
ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"RIFF\x00\x00\x00\x00AVI ",
mask: b"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
content_type: ("video", "avi"),
leading_ignore: &[]
// The string "RIFF" followed by four bytes followed by the string "WAVE", the WAVE signature.
fn audio_wave() -> ByteMatcher {
ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"RIFF\x00\x00\x00\x00WAVE",
mask: b"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
content_type: ("audio", "wave"),
leading_ignore: &[]
// doctype terminated with Tag terminating (TT) Byte
fn text_html_doctype() -> TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
matcher: ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"<!DOCTYPE HTML",
mask: b"\xFF\xFF\xDF\xDF\xDF\xDF\xDF\xDF\xDF\xFF\xDF\xDF\xDF\xDF",
content_type: ("text", "html"),
leading_ignore: b"\t\n\x0C\r "
// HTML terminated with Tag terminating (TT) Byte: 0x20 (SP)
fn text_html_page() -> TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
matcher: ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"<HTML",
mask: b"\xFF\xDF\xDF\xDF\xDF\xFF",
content_type: ("text", "html"),
leading_ignore: b"\t\n\x0C\r "
// head terminated with Tag Terminating (TT) Byte
fn text_html_head() -> TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
matcher: ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"<HEAD",
mask: b"\xFF\xDF\xDF\xDF\xDF",
content_type: ("text", "html"),
leading_ignore: b"\t\n\x0C\r "
// script terminated with Tag Terminating (TT) Byte
fn text_html_script() -> TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
matcher: ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"<SCRIPT",
mask: b"\xFF\xDF\xDF\xDF\xDF\xDF\xDF",
content_type: ("text", "html"),
leading_ignore: b"\t\n\x0C\r "
// iframe terminated with Tag Terminating (TT) Byte
fn text_html_iframe() -> TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
matcher: ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"<IFRAME",
mask: b"\xFF\xDF\xDF\xDF\xDF\xDF\xDF",
content_type: ("text", "html"),
leading_ignore: b"\t\n\x0C\r "
// h1 terminated with Tag Terminating (TT) Byte
fn text_html_h1() -> TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
matcher: ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"<H1",
mask: b"\xFF\xDF\xFF",
content_type: ("text", "html"),
leading_ignore: b"\t\n\x0C\r "
// div terminated with Tag Terminating (TT) Byte
fn text_html_div() -> TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
matcher: ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"<DIV",
mask: b"\xFF\xDF\xDF\xDF",
content_type: ("text", "html"),
leading_ignore: b"\t\n\x0C\r "
// font terminated with Tag Terminating (TT) Byte
fn text_html_font() -> TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
matcher: ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"<FONT",
mask: b"\xFF\xDF\xDF\xDF\xDF",
content_type: ("text", "html"),
leading_ignore: b"\t\n\x0C\r "
// table terminated with Tag Terminating (TT) Byte
fn text_html_table() -> TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
matcher: ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"<TABLE",
mask: b"\xFF\xDF\xDF\xDF\xDF\xDF",
content_type: ("text", "html"),
leading_ignore: b"\t\n\x0C\r "
// a terminated with Tag Terminating (TT) Byte
fn text_html_a() -> TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
matcher: ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"<A",
mask: b"\xFF\xDF",
content_type: ("text", "html"),
leading_ignore: b"\t\n\x0C\r "
// style terminated with Tag Terminating (TT) Byte
fn text_html_style() -> TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
matcher: ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"<STYLE",
mask: b"\xFF\xDF\xDF\xDF\xDF\xDF",
content_type: ("text", "html"),
leading_ignore: b"\t\n\x0C\r "
// title terminated with Tag Terminating (TT) Byte
fn text_html_title() -> TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
matcher: ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"<TITLE",
mask: b"\xFF\xDF\xDF\xDF\xDF\xDF",
content_type: ("text", "html"),
leading_ignore: b"\t\n\x0C\r "
// b terminated with Tag Terminating (TT) Byte
fn text_html_b() -> TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
matcher: ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"<B",
mask: b"\xFF\xDF",
content_type: ("text", "html"),
leading_ignore: b"\t\n\x0C\r "
// body terminated with Tag Terminating (TT) Byte
fn text_html_body() -> TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
matcher: ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"<BODY",
mask: b"\xFF\xDF\xDF\xDF\xDF",
content_type: ("text", "html"),
leading_ignore: b"\t\n\x0C\r "
// br terminated with Tag Terminating (TT) Byte
fn text_html_br() -> TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
matcher: ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"<BR",
mask: b"\xFF\xDF\xDF",
content_type: ("text", "html"),
leading_ignore: b"\t\n\x0C\r "
// p terminated with Tag Terminating (TT) Byte
fn text_html_p() -> TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
matcher: ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"<P",
mask: b"\xFF\xDF",
content_type: ("text", "html"),
leading_ignore: b"\t\n\x0C\r "
// comment terminated with Tag Terminating (TT) Byte
fn text_html_comment() -> TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
TagTerminatedByteMatcher {
matcher: ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"<!--",
mask: b"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
content_type: ("text", "html"),
leading_ignore: b"\t\n\x0C\r "
//The string "<?xml".
fn text_xml() -> ByteMatcher {
ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"<?xml",
mask: b"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
content_type: ("text", "xml"),
leading_ignore: b"\t\n\x0C\r "
//The string "%PDF-", the PDF signature.
fn application_pdf() -> ByteMatcher {
ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"%PDF",
mask: b"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
content_type: ("application", "pdf"),
leading_ignore: &[]
//34 bytes followed by the string "LP", the Embedded OpenType signature.
// TODO: Use this in font context classifier
fn application_vnd_ms_font_object() -> ByteMatcher {
ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\
mask: b"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\
content_type: ("application", ""),
leading_ignore: &[]
//4 bytes representing the version number 1.0, a TrueType signature.
// TODO: Use this in font context classifier
fn true_type() -> ByteMatcher {
ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"\x00\x01\x00\x00",
mask: b"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
content_type: ("(TrueType)", ""),
leading_ignore: &[]
//The string "OTTO", the OpenType signature.
// TODO: Use this in font context classifier
fn open_type() -> ByteMatcher {
ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"OTTO",
mask: b"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
content_type: ("(OpenType)", ""),
leading_ignore: &[]
// The string "ttcf", the TrueType Collection signature.
// TODO: Use this in font context classifier
fn true_type_collection() -> ByteMatcher {
ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"ttcf",
mask: b"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
content_type: ("(TrueType Collection)", ""),
leading_ignore: &[]
// The string "wOFF", the Web Open Font Format signature.
// TODO: Use this in font context classifier
fn application_font_woff() -> ByteMatcher {
ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"wOFF",
mask: b"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
content_type: ("application", "font-woff"),
leading_ignore: &[]
//The GZIP archive signature.
fn application_x_gzip() -> ByteMatcher {
ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"\x1F\x8B\x08",
mask: b"\xFF\xFF\xFF",
content_type: ("application", "x-gzip"),
leading_ignore: &[]
//The string "PK" followed by ETX EOT, the ZIP archive signature.
fn application_zip() -> ByteMatcher {
ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"PK\x03\x04",
mask: b"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
content_type: ("application", "zip"),
leading_ignore: &[]
//The string "Rar " followed by SUB BEL NUL, the RAR archive signature.
fn application_x_rar_compressed() -> ByteMatcher {
ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"Rar \x1A\x07\x00",
mask: b"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
content_type: ("application", "x-rar-compressed"),
leading_ignore: &[]
// The string "%!PS-Adobe-", the PostScript signature.
fn application_postscript() -> ByteMatcher {
ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"%!PS-Adobe-",
mask: b"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
content_type: ("application", "postscript"),
leading_ignore: &[]
fn text_plain_utf_16be_bom() -> ByteMatcher {
ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"\xFE\xFF\x00\x00",
mask: b"\xFF\xFF\x00\x00",
content_type: ("text", "plain"),
leading_ignore: &[]
fn text_plain_utf_16le_bom() -> ByteMatcher {
ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"\xFF\xFE\x00\x00",
mask: b"\xFF\xFF\x00\x00",
content_type: ("text", "plain"),
leading_ignore: &[]
fn text_plain_utf_8_bom() -> ByteMatcher {
ByteMatcher {
pattern: b"\xEF\xBB\xBF\x00",
mask: b"\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00",
content_type: ("text", "plain"),
leading_ignore: &[]