mirror of
synced 2025-01-07 11:56:51 +00:00
entry in the config file, to allow us to set people who always get CC'd on mail to the hook.
272 lines
7.8 KiB
Executable File
272 lines
7.8 KiB
Executable File
# -*- Mode: tcl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
# Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
# basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
# under the License.
# The Original Code is the Bonsai CVS tool.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
# Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are Copyright (C) 1998
# Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
source CGI.tcl
if {$treeopen} {
set openword Open
} else {
set openword Closed
puts "Content-type: text/html
Refresh: 300
<TITLE>($openword) Bonsai -- the art of effectively controlling trees</TITLE>
<IMG ALIGN=right SRC=bonsai.gif>
<H1>Bonsai -- Tree Control</H1>
<FORM name=treeform>
<SELECT name=treeid size=1 onchange='submit();'>
# <SELECT name=treeid size=1 onchange='window.location =\"toplevel.cgi?treeid=\" + treeform.treeid.value;'>
foreach t $treelist {
if {![info exists treeinfo($t,nobonsai)]} {
if {[cequal $t $treeid]} {
set c "SELECTED"
} else {
set c ""
puts "<OPTION VALUE=$t $c>$treeinfo($t,description)"
puts "</SELECT></H3></FORM>"
if {$readonly} {
puts "<h2><font color=red>Be aware that you are looking at an old hook!</font></h2>"
puts "<tt>[fmtclock [getclock] "%R"]</tt>: The tree is currently <B>"
if {$treeopen} {
puts "<FONT SIZE=+2>OPEN</FONT></B><BR>"
} else {
if {!$treeopen} {
puts "The tree has been closed since <tt>[MyFmtClock $closetimestamp]</tt>."
puts "<BR>"
puts "The last known good tree had a timestamp "
puts "of <tt>[fmtclock $lastgoodtimestamp "%D %T %Z"]</tt>.<br>"
puts "<hr><pre variable>$motd</pre><hr>"
puts "<br clear=all>"
# if {[info exists FORM(whitedelta)]} {
# set delta $FORM(whitedelta)
# } else {
# set delta [expr 24 * 60 * 60]
# }
# set fileok 0
# set filename [DataDir]/whitedelta-$delta
# if {[file exists $filename]} {
# if {[file mtime $filename] > [file mtime [DataDir]/whiteboard]} {
# set fileok 1
# }
# }
# if {!$fileok} {
# set tmp [DataDir]/tmpwhite.[id process]
# Lock
# set date [fmtclock [expr [getclock] - $delta] "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S LT %Y"]
# catch {exec co -q -d$date -p [DataDir]/whiteboard > $tmp 2> /dev/null}
# catch {chmod 0666 $tmp}
# exec ./changebar.tcl $tmp [DataDir]/whiteboard > $filename
# unlink $tmp
# catch {chmod 0666 $filename}
# Unlock
# }
#puts "<b><a href=editwhiteboard.cgi[BatchIdPart ?]>Free-for-all whiteboard:</a></b> (Changebars indicate changes within last [PrettyDelta $delta])<pre>[html_quote [read_file $filename]]</pre><hr>"
puts "<b><a href=editwhiteboard.cgi[BatchIdPart ?]>Free-for-all whiteboard:</a></b><pre>[html_quote $whiteboard]</pre><hr>"
foreach c $checkinlist {
upvar #0 $c info
set addr [EmailFromUsername $info(person)]
set username($addr) $info(person)
lappend people($addr) $c
if {!$info(treeopen)} {
lappend closedcheckin($addr) $c
proc GetInfoForPeople {peoplelist} {
global ldaperror fullname curcontact errvar ldapserver ldapport
set query "(| "
set isempty 1
foreach p $peoplelist {
append query "(mail=$p) "
set fullname($p) ""
set curcontact($p) ""
append query ")"
if {$ldaperror} {
if {[cequal $ldapserver ""]} {
if {[catch {set fid [open "|./data/ldapsearch -b \"dc=netscape,dc=com\" -h $ldapserver -p $ldapport -s sub -S mail \"$query\" mail cn nscpcurcontactinfo" r]} errvar]} {
set ldaperror 1
} else {
set doingcontactinfo 0
while {[gets $fid line] >= 0} {
if {$doingcontactinfo} {
if {[regexp -- {^ (.*)$} $line foo n]} {
append curcontact($curperson) $n
set doingcontactinfo 0
if {[regexp -- {^mail: (.*@.*)$} $line foo n]} {
set curperson $n
} elseif {[regexp -- {^cn: (.*)$} $line foo n]} {
set fullname($curperson) $n
} elseif {[regexp -- {^nscpcurcontactinfo: (.*)$} $line foo n]} {
set curcontact($curperson) $n
set doingcontactinfo 1
if {[catch {close $fid} errvar]} {
set ldaperror 1
set ldaperror 0
if {[info exists people]} {
puts "The following people are on \"the hook\", since they have made"
puts "checkins to the tree since it last opened: "
puts "<p>"
set peoplelist [lsort [array names people]]
set list $peoplelist
while {![lempty $list]} {
GetInfoForPeople [lrange $list 0 19]
set list [lrange $list 20 end]
if {$ldaperror} {
puts "<font color=red>Can't contact the directory server at $ldapserver:$ldapport -- $errvar</font>"
puts "<table border cellspacing=2>"
puts "<th colspan=2>Who</th><th>What</th>"
if {![cequal $ldapserver ""]} {
puts "<th>How to contact</th>"
foreach p $peoplelist {
if {[info exists closedcheckin($p)]} {
set extra " <font color=red>([llength $closedcheckin($p)] while tree closed!)</font>"
} else {
set extra ""
set uname $username($p)
set namepart $p
regsub {@.*$} $namepart {} namepart
puts "
<td><a href=\"http://phonebook/ds/dosearch/phonebook/uid=[url_quote "$namepart,ou=People,o= Netscape Communications Corp.,c=US"]\">
<td><a href=\"showcheckins.cgi?person=[url_quote $uname][BatchIdPart]\">[llength $people($p)]
[Pluralize change [llength $people($p)]]</a>$extra</td>"
puts "
puts "</table>"
puts "[llength $checkinlist] checkins."
set mailaddr [join $peoplelist ","]
append mailaddr "?subject=Build%20Problem"
if {[info exists treeinfo($treeid,cchookmail)]} {
append mailaddr "&cc=$treeinfo($treeid,cchookmail)"
puts "<p>"
puts "<a href=showcheckins.cgi[BatchIdPart ?]>Show all checkins.</a><br>"
puts "<a href=\"mailto:[set mailaddr]\">"
puts "Send mail to \"the hook\".</a><br>"
} else {
puts "Nobody seems to have made any changes since the tree opened."
set cvsqueryurl "cvsqueryform.cgi?cvsroot=$treeinfo($treeid,repository)&module=$treeinfo($treeid,module)"
if {[clength $treeinfo($treeid,branch)] > 0} {
append cvsqueryurl "&branch=$treeinfo($treeid,branch)"
puts "
<th>Useful links </th><th width=10%></th><th>Help and Documentation</th>
<td valign=top>
<a href=$cvsqueryurl><b>CVS Query Tool</b></a><br>
<a href=http://cvs-mirror.mozilla.org/webtools/tinderbox/showbuilds.cgi>Tinderbox continuous builds</a><br>
<a href=\"switchtree.cgi[BatchIdPart ?]\">Switch to look at a different tree or branch</a><br>
<a href=viewold.cgi[BatchIdPart ?]>Time warp -- view a different day's hook.</a><br>
<a href=countcheckins.cgi[BatchIdPart ?]>See some stupid statistics about recent checkins.</a><br>
<a href=admin.cgi[BatchIdPart ?]>Administration menu.</a><br>
</td><td valign=top>
<a href=http://www.mozilla.org/hacking/bonsai.html>Introduction to Bonsai.</a><br>
<a href=http://www.mozilla.org/docs/>Mozilla Documentation and Build Instructions</a>