Emilio Cobos Álvarez 2a5ee3bf93 servo: Merge #19016 - style: Fix detection of animations to avoid style flushing in getComputedStyle (from emilio:animation-avoid-flush-not-quite); r=hiro
This fixes multiple things:

 * EffectCompositor was using the light tree instead of the flat tree.

 * When we insert an element inside the document, we may not style it right away
   (we mark it for lazy frame construction with the NODE_NEEDS_FRAME). Since we
   trigger animations and transitions from the traversal, we can't skip flushing
   if we call getComputedStyle on any of those.

Bug: 1406750
Reviewed-by: hiro
MozReview-Commit-ID: DpAhmLH3uJ2
Source-Repo: https://github.com/servo/servo
Source-Revision: 6035b75d399fbc9a8037743bb5199f3e1475333a

extra : subtree_source : https%3A//hg.mozilla.org/projects/converted-servo-linear
extra : subtree_revision : 27a734decabf029a00a5e735e477f3e7b9c5e46d
2017-10-25 10:28:18 -05:00

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