2b5002cb1b Fixes for:
94653  - can't right align text in outliner cell
95730  - White block displays/artifacts in the highlight area after Move/Drag mail to folder.
112238 - [RFE] Outliner widget should support line-through
116855 - Modify outliner builder syntax to match outliner content model
118093 - Make -moz-image-region work in the outliner
118113 - Too little space between pref category tree and pref page
118154 - Category now has a column picker
118647 - Memory leak of 52 bytes from 1 block allocated in nsOutlinerBodyFrame::CheckVerticalOverflow
118660 - left arrow no longer moves to parent category
119751 - Branches are open by default and then closed after launch.

- outermost <outlinerchildren> has "-moz-box-flex: 1" by default
  and it actaully replaced <outlinerbody>
- all event handlers moved on <outliner>
- content builder, outliner builder and content view use <outliner> as root
- nsIBoxObject has a new attribute "element"
- all CSS rules outlinerbody:foo replaced with outlinerchildren:foo
- drop feedback is now skinable

r=waterson for the changes in mozilla/content
r=sspitzer on the mailnews parts
r=blake on the bookmarks/history
r=bryner on the OutlinerBodyFrame and OutlinerContentView changes

2006-09-14 06:02:55 +00:00
2006-09-14 06:02:55 +00:00
2006-08-29 18:37:09 +00:00


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