
300 lines
8.4 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released
# March 31, 1998.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
# Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s):
# Jonathan Granrose (
# Jean-Jacques Enser (
# -
# traverse directories created by and merge multiple .xpt files into
# a single .xpt file to improve startup performance.
# load modules
use Cwd;
#use File::Basename;
#use File::Copy;
#use File::Find;
#use File::Path;
#use File::stat;
use Getopt::Long;
# initialize variables
$saved_cwd = cwd();
$component = ""; # current component being copied
$PD = ""; # file Path Delimiter ( /, \, or :)
$bindir = ""; # directory for xpt files ("bin" or "viewer")
$srcdir = ""; # root directory being copied from
$destdir = ""; # root directory being copied to
$os = ""; # os type (MSDOS, Unix)
$verbose = 0; # shorthand for --debug 1
$debug = 0; # controls amount of debug output
$help = 0; # flag: if set, print usage
# get command line options
$return = GetOptions( "source|s=s", \$srcdir,
"destination|d=s", \$destdir,
"os|o=s", \$os,
"help|h", \$help,
"debug=i", \$debug,
"verbose|v", \$verbose,
"<>", \&do_badargument
# set debug level
if ($verbose && !($debug)) {
$debug = 1;
} elsif ($debug != 0) {
$debug = abs ($debug);
($debug >= 2) && print "debug level: $debug\n";
# check usage
if (! $return)
die "Error: couldn't parse command line options. See \'$0 --help' for options.\nExiting...\n";
} else {
$xptdirs = (); # directories in the destination directory
$xptfiles = (); # list of xpt files found in current directory
$file = ""; # file from file list
$files = (); # file list for removing .xpt files
$cmdline = ""; # command line passed to system() call
$i = 0; # generic counter var
($debug >= 1) && print "\nLinking .xpt files...\n";
($debug >= 2) && print "do_xptlink():\n";
# get list of directories on which to run xptlink
opendir (DESTDIR, "$destdir") ||
die "Error: could not open directory $destdir. Exiting...\n";
@xptdirs = sort ( grep (!/^\./, readdir (DESTDIR) ) );
($debug >= 4) && print "xptdirs: @xptdirs\n";
closedir (DESTDIR);
foreach $component (@xptdirs) {
($debug >= 1) && print "[$component]\n";
chdir ("$destdir$PD$component");
if ( -d "$bindir$PD"."components" ) {
chdir ("$bindir$PD"."components") ;
( -f "$component".".xpt" ) &&
warn "Warning: file ".$component.".xpt already exists.\n";
( -f ":$component".".xpt" ) &&
warn "Warning: file ".$component.".xpt already exists.\n";
# create list of .xpt files in cwd
($debug >= 4) && print "opendir: $destdir$PD$component$PD$bindir$PD"."components\n";
opendir (COMPDIR, "$destdir$PD$component$PD$bindir$PD"."components") ||
die "Error: cannot open $destdir$PD$component$PD$bindir$PD"."components. Exiting...\n";
($debug >= 3) && print "Creating list of .xpt files...\n";
@files = sort ( grep (!/^\./, readdir (COMPDIR)));
foreach $file (@files) {
($debug >= 6) && print "$file\n";
if ( $file =~ /\.xpt$/ ) {
$xptfiles[$i] = $file;
($debug >= 8) && print "xptfiles:\t@xptfiles\n";
closedir (COMPDIR);
# merge .xpt files into one if we found any in the dir
if ( $#xptfiles >=1 ) {
if ( $os eq "MacOS" ) {
$cmdline = "'$srcdir$PD$bindir$PD"."xpt_link' $component".""." @xptfiles";
} else {
$cmdline = "$srcdir$PD$bindir$PD"."xpt_link $component".""." @xptfiles";
($debug >= 4) && print "$cmdline\n";
# remove old .xpt files in the component directory if xpt_link succeeded
if (( -f "$component"."" ) ||
(( -f "$PD$component"."" ) && ( $os eq "MacOS" ))) {
($debug >= 2) && print "Deleting individual xpt files.\n";
foreach $file (@xptfiles) {
($debug >= 4) && print "\t$file";
unlink ("$destdir$PD$component$PD$bindir$PD"."components"."$PD$file") ||
warn "Warning: couldn't unlink file $file.\n";
($debug >= 4) && print "\t\tdeleted\n";
($debug >= 4) && print "\n";
} else {
die "Error: xpt_link failed. Exiting...\n";
($debug >= 2) && print "Renaming $component"." as $component".".xpt.\n";
if ( $os eq "MacOS" ) {
rename (":$component"."", ":$component".".xpt") ||
warn "Warning: rename of $component"." as ".$component.".xpt failed.\n";
} else {
rename ("$component"."", "$component".".xpt") ||
warn "Warning: rename of $component"." as ".$component.".xpt failed.\n";
# reinitialize vars for next component
@xptfiles = ();
$i = 0;
($debug >= 1) && print "Linking .xpt files completed.\n";
chdir ($saved_cwd);
exit (0);
# Check that arguments to script are valid.
sub check_arguments
my ($exitval) = 0;
($debug >= 2) && print "check_arguments():\n";
# if --help print usage
if ($help) {
exit (1);
# make sure required variables are set:
# check source directory
if ( $srcdir eq "" ) {
print "Error: source directory (--source) not specified.\n";
$exitval += 8;
} elsif ((! -d $srcdir) || (! -r $srcdir)) {
print "Error: source directory \"$srcdir\" is not a directory or is unreadable.\n";
$exitval = 1;
# check directory
if ( $destdir eq "" ) {
print "Error: destination directory (--destdir) not specified.\n";
$exitval += 8;
} elsif ((! -d $destdir) || (! -w $destdir)) {
print "Error: destination directory \"$destdir\" is not a directory or is not writeable.\n";
$exitval += 2;
# check OS == {mac|unix|dos}
if ($os eq "") {
print "Error: OS type (--os) not specified.\n";
$exitval += 8;
} elsif ( $os =~ /mac/i ) {
$os = "MacOS";
$PD = ":";
$bindir = "viewer";
($debug >= 4) && print " OS: $os\n";
} elsif ( $os =~ /dos/i ) {
$os = "MSDOS";
$PD = "\\";
$bindir = "bin";
($debug >= 4) && print " OS: $os\n";
} elsif ( $os =~ /unix/i ) {
$os = "Unix"; # can be anything but MacOS, MSDOS, or VMS
$PD = "/";
$bindir = "bin";
($debug >= 4) && print " OS: Unix\n";
} else {
print "Error: OS type \"$os\" unknown.\n";
$exitval += 16;
if ($exitval) {
print "See \'$0 --help\' for more information.\n";
print "Exiting...\n";
exit ($exitval);
# This is called by GetOptions when there are extra command line arguments
# it doesn't understand.
sub do_badargument
warn "Warning: unknown command line option specified: @_.\n";
# display usage information
sub print_usage
($debug >= 2) && print "print_usage():\n";
print <<EOC
Traverse component directory specified and merge multiple existing
.xpt files into single new .xpt files for improved startup time.
-s, --source <directory>
Specifies the directory from which the component files were
copied. Typically, this will be the same directory used by
-d, --destination <directory>
Specifies the directory in which the component directories are
located. Typically, this will be the same directory used by
-o, --os [dos|unix]
Specifies which type of system this is. Used for setting path
delimiters correctly.
-h, --help
Prints this information.
--debug [1-10]
Controls verbosity of debugging output, 10 being most verbose.
1 : same as --verbose.
2 : includes function calls.
3 : includes source and destination for each copy.
-v, --verbose
Print component names and files copied/deleted.
$0 --os unix -source /builds/mozilla/dist --destination /h/lithium/install --os unix --verbose
Note: options can be specified by either a leading '--' or '-'.