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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at
* http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
* Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL
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* The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape
* Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1997 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights
* Reserved.
// CMailFolderButtonPopup.cp
#pragma mark INCLUDE FILES
#include "CMailFolderButtonPopup.h"
#include "StSetBroadcasting.h"
#include "MailNewsgroupWindow_Defines.h"
#include "CDrawingState.h"
#include "CMessageFolder.h"
#pragma mark -
Call UpdateMailFolderMixins() to initialize the menu.
void CMailFolderButtonPopup::FinishCreateSelf(void) {
Instead of broadcasting the actual value, broadcast the new folder string.
void CMailFolderButtonPopup::BroadcastValueMessage(void) {
if ( mValueMessage != msg_Nothing )
BroadcastMessage(mValueMessage, MGetSelectedFolder().GetFolderInfo());
When the user selects a new item, we don't really want to change the currently
selected item in the menu, just broadcast the item that the user selected and
reset the currently selected item.
Boolean CMailFolderButtonPopup::TrackHotSpot(Int16 inHotSpot, Point inPoint, Int16 inModifiers) {
// Store the current value
Int32 oldValue = mValue;
OSErr thrownErr = noErr;
Boolean result;
Try_ {
result = CPatternButtonPopup::TrackHotSpot(inHotSpot, inPoint, inModifiers);
Catch_(inErr) {
thrownErr = inErr;
// Reset the old value
StSetBroadcasting setBroadcasting(this, false); // Don't broadcast anything here
return result;
Get a handle to the Mac menu associated with this object.
MenuHandle CMailFolderButtonPopup::MGetSystemMenuHandle(void)
MenuHandle menuH = nil;
if (GetMenu())
menuH = GetMenu()->GetMacMenuH();
return menuH;
Refresh the menu display.
void CMailFolderButtonPopup::MRefreshMenu(void) {
// Nothing, no user menu displayed unless clicked
#pragma mark -
CMailFolderPatternTextPopup::CMailFolderPatternTextPopup(LStream *inStream)
: CPatternButtonPopupText(inStream)
mUseFolderIcons = eUseFolderIcons;
// This is for the relocation menu, so add newsgroups.
CMailFolderMixin::mDesiredFolderFlags =
(FolderChoices)(int(mDesiredFolderFlags) | int(eWantNews));
Call UpdateMailFolderMixins() to initialize the menu.
void CMailFolderPatternTextPopup::FinishCreateSelf(void)
Instead of broadcasting the actual value, broadcast the new folder string.
void CMailFolderPatternTextPopup::BroadcastValueMessage(void) {
if ( mValueMessage != msg_Nothing ) {
BroadcastMessage(mValueMessage, MGetSelectedFolder().GetFolderInfo());
Unlike CMailFolderButtonPopup, when the user selects a new item, we DO really want
to change the currently selected item in the menu, not just broadcast the item that
the user selected and reset the currently selected item.
Boolean CMailFolderPatternTextPopup::TrackHotSpot(Int16 inHotSpot, Point inPoint, Int16 inModifiers)
return Inherited::TrackHotSpot(inHotSpot, inPoint, inModifiers);
void CMailFolderPatternTextPopup::HandlePopupMenuSelect( Point inPopupLoc,
Int16 inCurrentItem,
Int16 &outMenuID,
Int16 &outMenuItem)
Int16 saveFont = ::LMGetSysFontFam();
Int16 saveSize = ::LMGetSysFontSize();
StMercutioMDEFTextState theMercutioMDEFTextState;
Inherited::HandlePopupMenuSelect(inPopupLoc, inCurrentItem, outMenuID, outMenuItem);
// Restore the system font
Get a handle to the Mac menu associated with this object.
MenuHandle CMailFolderPatternTextPopup::MGetSystemMenuHandle(void) {
if ( GetMenu() )
return GetMenu()->GetMacMenuH();
return NULL;
Refresh the menu display.
void CMailFolderPatternTextPopup::MRefreshMenu(void) {
// Nothing, no user menu displayed unless clicked
#pragma mark -
CMailFolderGAPopup::CMailFolderGAPopup(LStream *inStream)
: LGAPopup(inStream)
mUseFolderIcons = eUseFolderIcons;
// This is for the relocation menu, so add newsgroups.
CMailFolderMixin::mDesiredFolderFlags =
(FolderChoices)(int(mDesiredFolderFlags) | int(eWantNews));
Call UpdateMailFolderMixins() to initialize the menu.
void CMailFolderGAPopup::FinishCreateSelf(void)
Instead of broadcasting the actual value, broadcast the new folder string.
void CMailFolderGAPopup::BroadcastValueMessage(void) {
if ( mValueMessage != msg_Nothing ) {
BroadcastMessage(mValueMessage, MGetSelectedFolder().GetFolderInfo());
Unlike CMailFolderButtonPopup, when the user selects a new item, we DO really want
to change the currently selected item in the menu, not just broadcast the item that
the user selected and reset the currently selected item.
Boolean CMailFolderGAPopup::TrackHotSpot(Int16 inHotSpot, Point inPoint, Int16 inModifiers)
return LGAPopup::TrackHotSpot(inHotSpot, inPoint, inModifiers);
void CMailFolderGAPopup::HandlePopupMenuSelect( Point inPopupLoc,
Int16 inCurrentItem,
Int16 &outMenuID,
Int16 &outMenuItem)
Int16 saveFont = ::LMGetSysFontFam();
Int16 saveSize = ::LMGetSysFontSize();
StMercutioMDEFTextState theMercutioMDEFTextState;
LGAPopup::HandlePopupMenuSelect(inPopupLoc, inCurrentItem, outMenuID, outMenuItem);
// Restore the system font
Get a handle to the Mac menu associated with this object.
MenuHandle CMailFolderGAPopup::MGetSystemMenuHandle(void) {
return GetMacMenuH();
Refresh the menu display.
void CMailFolderGAPopup::MRefreshMenu(void) {
// Nothing, no user menu displayed unless clicked
#pragma mark -
CFolderScopeGAPopup::CFolderScopeGAPopup(LStream* inStream)
: CMailFolderGAPopup(inStream)
// This is for the scope menu in the message search window.
mUseFolderIcons = eUseFolderIcons;
CMailFolderMixin::mDesiredFolderFlags =
(FolderChoices)(int(mDesiredFolderFlags) | int(eWantNews) | int(eWantHosts));
#pragma mark -
// Class static members
CMailFolderSubmenu *CMailFolderSubmenu::sMoveMessageMenu = nil;
CMailFolderSubmenu *CMailFolderSubmenu::sCopyMessageMenu = nil;
// Helper functions
static void CreateMailFolderSubmenu(Int16 inMENUid, CMailFolderSubmenu **outMenu) {
if ( *outMenu == nil ) {
Try_ {
*outMenu = new CMailFolderSubmenu(inMENUid);
if ( *outMenu ) {
Catch_(inErr) {
if ( *outMenu ) {
delete *outMenu;
*outMenu = nil;
static void InstallMailFolderSubmenu(CommandT inCommand, CMailFolderSubmenu *inMenu) {
if ( inMenu && !inMenu->IsInstalled() ) {
ResIDT menuID;
MenuHandle menuHandle;
Int16 menuItem;
LMenuBar::GetCurrentMenuBar()->FindMenuItem(inCommand, menuID,
menuHandle, menuItem);
if ( menuHandle != nil ) {
LMenuBar::GetCurrentMenuBar()->InstallMenu(inMenu, hierMenu);
// Install the submenu (hierarchical menu)
::SetItemCmd(menuHandle, menuItem, hMenuCmd);
::SetItemMark(menuHandle, menuItem, inMenu->GetMenuID());
static void RemoveMailFolderSubmenu(CMailFolderSubmenu *inMenu) {
if ( inMenu && inMenu->IsInstalled() ) {
Install the mail folder submenus (file, copy) into the current menu bar. If the
menu bar already contains the submenus, do nothing. This method should be called
when a window using the menus becomes active.
This method can be called at any time.
void CMailFolderSubmenu::InstallMailFolderSubmenus(void) {
// Create and initialize the menus if they don't exist yet
// Install the menus
InstallMailFolderSubmenu(cmd_MoveMailMessages, sMoveMessageMenu);
InstallMailFolderSubmenu(cmd_CopyMailMessages, sCopyMessageMenu);
Remove the mail folder submenus (file, copy) from the current menu bar. If the
menu bar doesn't contain the submenus, do nothing. This method should be called
when a window using the menus becomes inactive or a new menu bar is installed.
This method can be called at any time.
void CMailFolderSubmenu::RemoveMailFolderSubmenus(void) {
// Remove the menus
void CMailFolderSubmenu::SetSelectedFolder(const MSG_FolderInfo* inInfo)
// Set the currently selected folder item in the hierarchical menus. If inInfo is nil
// or empty, all items are unselected.
// This method can be called at any time.
// Create and initialize the menus if they don't exist yet
if ( sMoveMessageMenu != nil )
if ( sCopyMessageMenu != nil )
Boolean CMailFolderSubmenu::IsMailFolderCommand(CommandT *ioMenuCommand, const char** outName)
// Determine if the specified synthetic menu command passed to ObeyCommand() is from
// a mail folder menu. If it is, reassign ioMenuCommand to represent the actual mail
// folder command ID and set outName to the name of the selected mail folder and return
// true. Otherwise, return false and do nothing. outName can be nil, in which case no
// name is assigned.
// This method can be called at any time.
ResIDT menuID;
Int16 menuItem;
if ( LCommander::IsSyntheticCommand(*ioMenuCommand, menuID, menuItem) )
if ( menuID == menuID_MoveMessage )
if ( sMoveMessageMenu != nil )
*ioMenuCommand = cmd_MoveMailMessages;
if ( outName != nil )
*outName = sMoveMessageMenu->MGetFolderName(menuItem);
return true;
else if ( menuID == menuID_CopyMessage )
if ( sCopyMessageMenu != nil )
*ioMenuCommand = cmd_CopyMailMessages;
if ( outName != nil )
*outName = sCopyMessageMenu->MGetFolderName(menuItem);
return true;
return false;
Create the hierarchical menus if they don't already exist.
This method can be called at any time.
void CMailFolderSubmenu::CreateMenus(void) {
// Create and initialize the menus if they don't exist yet
CreateMailFolderSubmenu(CMailFolderSubmenu::menuID_MoveMessage, &sMoveMessageMenu);
CreateMailFolderSubmenu(CMailFolderSubmenu::menuID_CopyMessage, &sCopyMessageMenu);
#pragma mark -
CFolderMoveGAPopup::CFolderMoveGAPopup(LStream *inStream) :
CMailFolderGAPopup( inStream )
// reset the default menu item to the original value
CFolderMoveGAPopup::TrackHotSpot(Int16 inHotSpot, Point inPoint, Int16 inModifiers)
Int32 oldValue = GetValue();
bool result = false;
result = LGAPopup::TrackHotSpot(inHotSpot, inPoint, inModifiers);
if (oldValue != GetValue())
BroadcastMessage(mValueMessage, MGetSelectedFolder().GetFolderInfo());
// we want to prevent a broadcast because we have already
// sent one out when we set the value of the control
StSetBroadcasting broacast(this, false);
return result;