gecko-dev/layout/printing/nsPrintEngine.h 855fd85355 This patch is a bit different, instead of having the DocShell figure out whether it or one of its children are printing or PP, it gets told whether it is, and it caches that value.
This was done so navigation is as fast as possible, meaning it doesn't have to figure it out each time.
The patch:
1) Adds a method to the nsIContentViewerContainer to tell it whether we are printing or in PP.
2) Fix up the DV and PrintEngine, the DV SetIsXXXX didn't need to set any
values in the PrintEngine, but now instead makes calls and sets the values in DocShells
3) Cleaned up and add a macro to nsIDocumentViewerPrint
Bug 171161 r=dcone sr=rpotts
2002-10-08 13:17:56 +00:00

358 lines
15 KiB

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#ifndef nsPrintEngine_h___
#define nsPrintEngine_h___
#include "nsPrintObject.h"
#include "nsPrintData.h"
// Interfaces
#include "nsIDeviceContext.h"
#include "nsIDocument.h"
#include "nsIDOMWindow.h"
#include "nsIDOMWindowInternal.h"
#include "nsIObserver.h"
#include "nsIPrintProgress.h"
#include "nsIPrintProgressParams.h"
#include "nsIPrintOptions.h"
#include "nsIPrintSettings.h"
#include "nsIWebProgressListener.h"
#include "nsISelectionListener.h"
// Other Includes
#include "nsPrintPreviewListener.h"
#include "nsIDocShellTreeNode.h"
// Classes
class nsIPageSequenceFrame;
class nsPagePrintTimer;
// Special Interfaces
#include "nsIWebBrowserPrint.h"
#include "nsIDocumentViewer.h"
#include "nsIDocumentViewerPrint.h"
#include "nsIDebugObject.h"
// nsPrintEngine Class
// mPreparingForPrint - indicates that we have started Printing but
// have not gone to the timer to start printing the pages. It gets turned
// off right before we go to the timer.
// mDocWasToBeDestroyed - Gets set when "someone" tries to unload the document
// while we were prparing to Print. This typically happens if a user starts
// to print while a page is still loading. If they start printing and pause
// at the print dialog and then the page comes in, we then abort printing
// because the document is no longer stable.
class nsPrintEngine : public nsIWebBrowserPrint, public nsIObserver {
// nsISupports interface...
// nsIWebBrowserPrint
// nsIObserver
// This enum tells indicates what the default should be for the title
// if the title from the document is null
enum eDocTitleDefault {
virtual ~nsPrintEngine();
void Destroy();
void DestroyPrintingData();
nsresult Initialize(nsIDocumentViewer* aDocViewer,
nsIDocumentViewerPrint* aDocViewerPrint,
nsISupports* aContainer,
nsIDocument* aDocument,
nsIDeviceContext* aDevContext,
nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsIWidget* aWindow,
nsIWidget* aParentWidget,
FILE* aDebugFile);
nsresult GetSeqFrameAndCountPages(nsIFrame*& aSeqFrame, PRInt32& aCount);
PRBool IsOldPrintPreviewPres() { return mOldPrtPreview != nsnull; }
// The following three methods are used for printing...
nsresult DocumentReadyForPrinting();
nsresult GetSelectionDocument(nsIDeviceContextSpec * aDevSpec,
nsIDocument ** aNewDoc);
nsresult SetupToPrintContent(nsIDeviceContext* aDContext,
nsIDOMWindowInternal* aCurrentFocusedDOMWin);
nsresult EnablePOsForPrinting();
nsPrintObject* FindSmallestSTF();
PRBool PrintDocContent(nsPrintObject* aPO, nsresult& aStatus);
nsresult DoPrint(nsPrintObject * aPO, PRBool aDoSyncPrinting,
PRBool& aDonePrinting);
void SetPrintAsIs(nsPrintObject* aPO, PRBool aAsIs = PR_TRUE);
enum ePrintFlags {eSetPrintFlag = 1U, eSetHiddenFlag = 2U };
void SetPrintPO(nsPrintObject* aPO, PRBool aPrint, PRBool aIsHidden = PR_FALSE, PRUint32 aFlags = eSetPrintFlag);
void TurnScriptingOn(PRBool aDoTurnOn);
PRBool CheckDocumentForPPCaching();
void InstallPrintPreviewListener();
// nsIDocumentViewerPrint Printing Methods
PRBool PrintPage(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsIPrintSettings* aPrintSettings,
nsPrintObject* aPOect, PRBool& aInRange);
PRBool DonePrintingPages(nsPrintObject* aPO, nsresult aResult);
void BuildDocTree(nsIDocShellTreeNode * aParentNode,
nsVoidArray * aDocList,
nsPrintObject * aPO);
nsresult ReflowDocList(nsPrintObject * aPO, PRBool aSetPixelScale,
PRBool aDoCalcShrink);
void SetClipRect(nsPrintObject* aPO,
const nsRect& aClipRect,
nscoord aOffsetX,
nscoord aOffsetY,
PRBool aDoingSetClip);
nsresult ReflowPrintObject(nsPrintObject * aPO, PRBool aDoCalcShrink);
nsresult CalcPageFrameLocation(nsIPresShell * aPresShell,
nsPrintObject* aPO);
nsPrintObject * FindPrintObjectByWS(nsPrintObject* aPO, nsIWebShell * aWebShell);
void MapContentForPO(nsPrintObject* aRootObject,
nsIPresShell* aPresShell,
nsIContent* aContent);
void MapContentToWebShells(nsPrintObject* aRootPO, nsPrintObject* aPO);
void CheckForChildFrameSets(nsPrintObject* aPO);
nsresult MapSubDocFrameLocations(nsPrintObject* aPO);
void CalcNumPrintableDocsAndPages(PRInt32& aNumDocs, PRInt32& aNumPages);
void DoProgressForAsIsFrames();
void DoProgressForSeparateFrames();
void ShowPrintProgress(PRBool aIsForPrinting, PRBool& aDoNotify);
nsresult CleanupOnFailure(nsresult aResult, PRBool aIsPrinting);
nsresult FinishPrintPreview();
static void CloseProgressDialog(nsIWebProgressListener* aWebProgressListener);
void SetDocAndURLIntoProgress(nsPrintObject* aPO,
nsIPrintProgressParams* aParams);
void ElipseLongString(PRUnichar *& aStr, const PRUint32 aLen, PRBool aDoFront);
nsresult CheckForPrinters(nsIPrintOptions* aPrintOptions,
nsIPrintSettings* aPrintSettings,
PRUint32 aErrorCode,
PRBool aIsPrinting);
void CleanupDocTitleArray(PRUnichar**& aArray, PRInt32& aCount);
void CheckForHiddenFrameSetFrames();
PRBool IsThereARangeSelection(nsIDOMWindowInternal * aDOMWin);
// Timer Methods
nsresult StartPagePrintTimer(nsIPresContext * aPresContext,
nsIPrintSettings* aPrintSettings,
nsPrintObject* aPO,
PRUint32 aDelay);
// Static Methods
PRBool IsWindowsInOurSubTree(nsIDOMWindowInternal * aDOMWindow);
PRBool IsParentAFrameSet(nsIWebShell * aParent);
PRBool IsThereAnIFrameSelected(nsIWebShell* aWebShell,
nsIDOMWindowInternal * aDOMWin,
PRPackedBool& aIsParentFrameSet);
nsPrintObject* FindPrintObjectByDOMWin(nsPrintObject* aParentObject,
nsIDOMWindowInternal * aDOMWin);
// get the DOMWindow for a given WebShell
nsIDOMWindowInternal * GetDOMWinForWebShell(nsIWebShell* aWebShell);
// get the currently infocus frame for the document viewer
nsIDOMWindowInternal * FindFocusedDOMWindowInternal();
void GetWebShellTitleAndURL(nsIWebShell* aWebShell, nsIDocument* aDoc,
PRUnichar** aTitle, PRUnichar** aURLStr);
static void GetDisplayTitleAndURL(nsPrintObject* aPO,
nsIPrintSettings* aPrintSettings,
const PRUnichar* aBrandName,
PRUnichar** aTitle,
PRUnichar** aURLStr,
eDocTitleDefault aDefType = eDocTitleDefNone);
static void ShowPrintErrorDialog(nsresult printerror,
PRBool aIsPrinting = PR_TRUE);
PRBool CheckBeforeDestroy();
nsresult Cancelled();
nsresult ShowDocList(PRBool aShow);
void GetNewPresentation(nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell>& aShell,
nsCOMPtr<nsIPresContext>& aPC,
nsCOMPtr<nsIViewManager>& aVM,
nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget>& aW);
// CachedPresentationObj is used to cache the presentation
// so we can bring it back later
PRBool HasCachedPres() { return mIsCachingPresentation && mCachedPresObj; }
PRBool IsCachingPres() { return mIsCachingPresentation; }
void SetCacheOldPres(PRBool aDoCache) { mIsCachingPresentation = aDoCache; }
void CachePresentation(nsIPresShell* aShell, nsIPresContext* aPC, nsIViewManager* aVM, nsIWidget* aW);
void GetCachedPresentation(nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell>& aShell,
nsCOMPtr<nsIPresContext>& aPC,
nsCOMPtr<nsIViewManager>& aVM,
nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget>& aW);
static nsIPresShell* GetPresShellFor(nsIDocShell* aDocShell);
void SetDialogParent(nsIDOMWindowInternal* aDOMWin) { mDialogParentWin = aDOMWin; }
// These calls also update the DocViewer
void SetIsPrinting(PRBool aIsPrinting);
PRBool GetIsPrinting() { return mIsDoingPrinting; }
void SetIsPrintPreview(PRBool aIsPrintPreview);
PRBool GetIsPrintPreview() { return mIsDoingPrintPreview; }
void SetIsCreatingPrintPreview(PRBool aIsCreatingPrintPreview) { mIsCreatingPrintPreview = aIsCreatingPrintPreview; }
PRBool GetIsCreatingPrintPreview() { return mIsCreatingPrintPreview; }
static nsresult TestRuntimeErrorCondition(PRInt16 aRuntimeID,
nsresult aCurrentErrorCode,
nsresult aNewErrorCode);
static PRBool IsDoingRuntimeTesting();
static void InitializeTestRuntimeError();
static PRBool mIsDoingRuntimeTesting;
static nsCOMPtr<nsIDebugObject> mLayoutDebugObj; // always de-referenced with the destructor
void FirePrintCompletionEvent();
nsresult ShowDocListInternal(nsPrintObject* aPO, PRBool aShow);
nsresult GetSeqFrameAndCountPagesInternal(nsPrintObject* aPO,
nsIFrame*& aSeqFrame,
PRInt32& aCount);
static nsresult GetPageRangeForSelection(nsIPresShell * aPresShell,
nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsIRenderingContext& aRC,
nsISelection* aSelection,
nsIPageSequenceFrame* aPageSeqFrame,
nsIFrame** aStartFrame,
PRInt32& aStartPageNum,
nsRect& aStartRect,
nsIFrame** aEndFrame,
PRInt32& aEndPageNum,
nsRect& aEndRect);
static nsIFrame * FindFrameByType(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsIFrame * aParentFrame,
nsIAtom * aType,
nsRect& aRect,
nsRect& aChildRect);
// Static memeber variables
PRBool mIsCreatingPrintPreview;
PRBool mIsDoingPrinting;
nsIDocumentViewerPrint* mDocViewerPrint; // [WEAK] it owns me!
nsIDocumentViewer* mDocViewer; // [WEAK] it owns me!
nsISupports* mContainer; // [WEAK] it owns me!
nsIDeviceContext* mDeviceContext; // not ref counted
nsIPresContext* mPresContext; // not ref counted
nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> mWindow;
nsPrintData* mPrt;
nsPagePrintTimer* mPagePrintTimer;
nsIPageSequenceFrame* mPageSeqFrame;
// Print Preview
PRBool mIsDoingPrintPreview; // per DocumentViewer
nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> mParentWidget;
nsPrintData* mPrtPreview;
nsPrintData* mOldPrtPreview;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> mDocument;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindowInternal> mDialogParentWin;
PRBool mIsCachingPresentation;
CachedPresentationObj* mCachedPresObj;
FILE* mDebugFile;
nsPrintEngine& operator=(const nsPrintEngine& aOther); // not implemented
#define INIT_RUNTIME_ERROR_CHECKING() nsPrintEngine::InitializeTestRuntimeError();
#define CHECK_RUNTIME_ERROR_CONDITION(_name, _currerr, _newerr) \
if (nsPrintEngine::IsDoingRuntimeTesting()) { \
_currerr = nsPrintEngine::TestRuntimeErrorCondition(_name, _currerr, _newerr); \
#define CHECK_RUNTIME_ERROR_CONDITION(_name, _currerr, _newerr)
#endif /* nsPrintEngine_h___ */