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<title>Using Rhino</title>
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How are people using Rhino?</h1></center>
Here's a partial list of the ways people are using Rhino in their projects.
The initial list was collected by Netscape marketing, so Rhino is referred
to as Netscape Java-based JavaScript. We'd love to hear how you're using
Rhino--just mail&nbsp;<script>document.write(owner());</script>.
<p><a href="">Attachmate</a>
<br>"Netscape JavaScript 1.5 with Java implementation was a perfect solution
for developing our MacroRecorder because it made our development process
faster and better, and our customers get a more efficient, reliable, and
standards based product as a result," said Rob Clark, Director of Product
Development at Attachmate. Attachmate integrates Netscape's Java-based
JavaScript 1.5 Interpreter into its 100% Pure Java certified web-to-host
thin clients, called e-Vantage Viewers. The Netscape Java-based JavaScript
interpreter is used in a MacroRecorder feature that allows browser-based
users to efficiently navigate host applications on mainframe and midrange
<p><a href="">Aviva Solutions</a>
Aviva for Java is a mainframe connectivity product. To overcome the limitations of the arcane mainframe user interface, it is customary to provide scripting capabilities in such products, so that repetitive user actions can be automated. Aviva for Java is a Java applet. As such, its size, security and compatibility requirements are strict. Rhino has been found to be the perfect scripting engine: pure Java, works perfectly in an applet environment, regardless of the VM vendor or version, it is light and in the same time very powerful. JavaScript as the scripting language makes perfect sense in a browser environment.
<p><a href="">Bristow Hill Software</a>
<br>"We thought it would require lots of work to add scripting capability
to Bristow Hill Server Pages, but we were delighted to find that Netscape
JavaScript 1.5 with Java implementation fit right in with only a couple
of lines of initialization code and one line of code to export our standard
objects by name. Also, we were pleased to find we could take embedded scripting
and compile it down to Java classes which could be used directly for greater
speed in production. Netscape's JavaScript engine is rock solid and standards
compliant, and my only regret is that we didn't start using it sooner,"
said Don Anderson, President of Bristow Hill Software.
<p><a href="">Celware WebRecorder</a>
<br>WebRecorder allows developers and analysts to quickly and easily automate Web navigation and data extraction from Web pages. Users can model and parameterize navigations and extractions, then wrap them in business processes for execution from a client application. Scripting via Rhino allows users to create the business logic in these processes. It also allows their processes to integrate Web access with any other kind of system or data the Java platform can reach.
<p><a href="">Discovery Machine</a>
<br>Discovery Machine's Expertise Encoding and Execution Workshop (E3W) allows experts to easily and seamlessly encode their knowledge and processes into immediately usable, executable graphical software that can then be shared, modified, and leveraged. In this environment, knowledge engineers can work with subject-matter experts as well as software engineers to develop models of expertise. At all points in the process, experts can understand and modify the models, even when models are fully operational. We were easily able to embed Rhino and immediately extend our language with Rhino's high-quality JavaScript interpreter.
<p><a href="">HttpUnit</a>
<br>"Automated testing is a great way to ensure that code being maintained works. The Extreme Programming (XP) methodology relies heavily on it, and practitioners have available to them a range of testing frameworks, most of which work by making direct calls to the code being tested. But what if you want to test a web application? Or what if you simply want to use a web-site as part of a distributed application?
In either case, you need to be able to bypass the browser and access your site from a program. HttpUnit makes this easy. Written in Java, HttpUnit emulates the relevant portions of browser behavior, including form submission, JavaScript, basic http authentication, cookies and automatic page redirection, and allows Java test code to examine returned pages either as text, an XML DOM, or containers of forms, tables, and links. When combined with a framework such as JUnit, it is fairly easy to write tests that very quickly verify the functioning of a web site."
<p><a href="">HtmlUnit</a>
<br> HtmlUnit is a java unit testing framework for testing web based applications. </br>
<p><a href="">ICEsoft Technologies</a>
<br>ICEsoft Technologies adds JavaScript support to their browser products using Rhino.
<p><a href="">JS/CORBA Adapter</a>
<br>The JS/CORBA Adapter provides a mechanism for arbitrary Javascript objects to interact with each other transparently in a distributed Javascript system using CORBA.
<p><a href="">Lombardi Software</a>
<br>Lombardi Software's TeamWorks BPM platform uses Rhino for all
embedded scripting.
<p><a href="">Magoo Software</a>
<br>"We've just released version 1.5 of MagooClient, an XML messaging client, with Rhino inside. The availability of Rhino 1.6R1 with E4X marks a significant breakthrough in the way that people work with XML content. Instead of merely editing, users can add their own custom logic to perform calculations, implement validation rules that test relationships between elements and crucially, add callouts to external Web Services to populate XML documents. There have been several attempts at this type of rich XML client in the past but none offer the familiarity, simplicity and adherence to standards offered by Rhino/JavaScript/E4X." -- John McGuire, CTO Magoo Software.
<p><a href="">JShell</a>
<br>Rhino is used as the scripting language for the open source command
shell JShell written by Patrick Beard.
<p><a href="">RUnit Software</a>
<br>RUnit Software uses Rhino as part of
solutions for business-process automation, for example
when the automation involves communicating with a
<p><a href="">Seppia</a>
<br>"Seppia is a simple technology to build and deploy any Java application.
It gains from the synergy of Java and JavaScript and a minimum set of clear
rules to organize their interaction. Seppia allows developers to create
stand-alone applications from constituent parts.
Each part is a module: a unit of function integrating seamlessly JavaScript
files, jar files and other resources.
Seppia uses Mozilla Rhino to empower its JavaScript engine.
Seppia will challenge the way you think of Java-based component computing."
<p><a href="">Technology Deployment International</a>
<br>"Technology Deployment International selected the Java-based Netscape
JavaScript engine to incorporate into the workflow module of our eBusiness
Management System (eBMS) allowing our customers to integrate business logic
into any workstep of their application," said Dr. Kelvin Liu, VP eBMS Development,
Technology Deployment International. "It has been easy to embed, the support
we received from the engineering team has been outstanding, and the performance
of the JavaScript code is almost identical to the equivalent Java."
<p><a href="">XMoon</a>
<br>XMoon is a dynamic OO (Object Oriented) opensource extension released under LGPL License for Jakarta Struts, powerful and easy to use.
XMoon lets you develop business logic classes following a fully Java compatible scripting language allowing execution of Java code at runtime without any access to a compiler.
<p><a href="">XYPOINT</a>
<br>XYPOINT uses Rhino for automating test cases of their Java classes
used in their service <a href="">WebWirelessNow</a>.
Abraham Backus says that he's happy with Rhino because "I've always wanted
this kind of JavaScript support."
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