1998-06-16 21:43:24 +00:00

349 lines
9.3 KiB
Executable File

# -*- Mode: tcl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
# Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
# basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
# under the License.
# The Original Code is the Bonsai CVS tool.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
# Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are Copyright (C) 1998
# Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
source CGI.tcl
# Stupid hack to make an empty array:
set peoplearray(zzz) 1
unset peoplearray(zzz)
set versioninfo ""
proc BreakBig {str} {
set result {}
while {[clength $str] > 20} {
set head [crange $str 0 19]
set w [string last "/" $head]
if {$w < 0} {
set w 19
append result "[crange $str 0 $w]<br>"
incr w
set str [crange $str $w end]
append result $str
set tweak [info exists FORM(tweak)]
set delta_size 1 ;#[info exists FORM(delta_size)]
puts "Content-type: text/html"
if {[info exists FORM(sort)]} {
puts "Set-Cookie: SORT=$FORM(sort)"
} elseif {[info exists COOKIE(SORT)]} {
set FORM(sort) $COOKIE(SORT)
} else {
set FORM(sort) date
puts "
if {[info exists FORM(person)]} {
puts "<TITLE>Checkins for $FORM(person)</TITLE>"
puts "<H1>Checkins for $FORM(person)</H1>"
set list {}
foreach i $checkinlist {
upvar #0 $i info
if {[cequal $info(person) $FORM(person)]} {
lappend list $i
} elseif {[info exists FORM(mindate)] || [info exists FORM(maxdate)]} {
set str "Checkins"
set min 0
set max [expr 1<<30]
if {[info exists FORM(mindate)]} {
set min $FORM(mindate)
append str " since [fmtclock $min "%m/%d %H:%M"]"
if {[info exists FORM(maxdate)]} {
append str " and"
if {[info exists FORM(maxdate)]} {
set max $FORM(maxdate)
append str " before [fmtclock $max "%m/%d %H:%M"]"
puts "<TITLE>$str</TITLE>"
puts "<H1>$str</H1>"
set list {}
foreach i $checkinlist {
upvar #0 $i info
if {$info(date) >= $min && $info(date) <= $max} {
lappend list $i
} else {
puts "<TITLE>All checkins</TITLE>"
puts "<H1>All Checkins</H1>"
set list $checkinlist
if {$readonly} {
puts "<h2><font color=red>Be aware that you are looking at an old hook!</font></h2>"
puts "(Current sort is by <tt>$FORM(sort)</tt>; click on a column header
to sort by that column.)"
# Oh, boy, is this ever gross. Dynamically write some code to be the sort
# comparison routine, so that we know that the sort code will run fast.
set fields [split $FORM(sort) ","]
set w [lsearch $fields "date"]
if {$w >= 0} {
set fields [lrange $fields 0 [expr $w - 1]]
set body {
upvar #0 $n1 a $n2 b
foreach i $fields {
append body "set delta \[string compare \$a($i) \$b($i)\]"
append body "\n"
append body {if {$delta != 0} {return $delta}}
append body "\n"
append body {return [expr $b(date) - $a(date)]}
eval [list proc Compare {n1 n2} $body]
set total_added 0
set total_removed 0
# Calculate delta information
if {$delta_size} {
foreach i $list {
upvar #0 $i info
set info(added) 0
set info(removed) 0
# Loop through the checkins, grab the filename and stickyflags
if {[info exists info(fullinfo)]} {
foreach fu $info(fullinfo) {
set fn [lindex $fu 0]
set sticky [lindex $fu 4]
# if the file is binary, don't show the delta information
if { ![string match {*.gif} $fn]
&& ![string match {*.bmp} $fn]
&& ![string match {-kb} $sticky]} {
scan [lindex $fu 2] {%d} file_added
scan [lindex $fu 3] {%d} file_removed
if {[info exists file_added] && [info exists file_removed]} {
incr info(added) $file_added
incr info(removed) $file_removed
set info(lines_changed) [format "%7d" [expr 1000000 - ($info(added) - $info(removed))]]
incr total_added $info(added)
incr total_removed $info(removed)
set list [lsort -command Compare $list]
regsub -all {[&?]sort=[^&]*} $buffer {} otherparams
proc NewSort {key} {
global otherparams FORM
set list [split $FORM(sort) ","]
set w [lsearch $list $key]
if {$w >= 0} {
set list [lreplace $list $w $w]
set list [linsert $list 0 $key]
return "[set otherparams]&sort=[join $list ,]"
if {$tweak} {
puts "<FORM method=get action=\"dotweak.cgi\">"
puts "
<TABLE border cellspacing=2>
if {$tweak} {
puts "<TH></TH>"
puts "
<TH><A HREF=\"showcheckins.cgi?[set otherparams]&sort=date\">When</A>
<TH><A HREF=\"showcheckins.cgi?[NewSort treeopen]\">Tree state</A>
<TH><A HREF=\"showcheckins.cgi?[NewSort person]\">Who</A>
<TH><A HREF=\"showcheckins.cgi?[NewSort dir]\">Directory</A>
<TH><A HREF=\"showcheckins.cgi?[NewSort files]\">Files</A>"
if {$delta_size} {
puts "<TH><A HREF=\"showcheckins.cgi?[NewSort lines_changed]\"><tt>+/-</tt></A>"
puts "
<TH WIDTH=100%>Description
set count 0
set maxcount 100
set branchpart {}
if {![cequal $treeinfo($treeid,branch) {}]} {
set branchpart "&branch=$treeinfo($treeid,branch)"
foreach i $list {
upvar #0 $i info
incr count
if {$count >= $maxcount} {
set count 0
# Don't make tables too big, or toy computers will break.
puts "</TABLE><TABLE border cellspacing=2>"
puts "<TR>"
if {$tweak} {
puts "<TD><a href=editcheckin.cgi?id=$i[BatchIdPart]>"
puts "[fmtclock $info(date) "<font size=-2>%m/%d %H:%M</font>"]</a></TD>"
puts "<TD>"
if {$info(treeopen)} {
puts "open"
} else {
puts "CLOSED"
if {[info exists info(notes)]} {
if {![cequal $info(notes) ""]} {
puts "<br>$info(notes)"
puts "</TD>"
set peoplearray($info(person)) 1
puts "<TD><a href=\"profile.cgi?person=$info(person)[BatchIdPart]\">$info(person)</a></TD>"
puts "<TD><a href=\"http://w3/cgi/cvsview2.cgi?subdir=$info(dir)&files=[join $info(files) +]&command=DIRECTORY$branchpart\">[BreakBig $info(dir)]</a></TD>"
puts "<TD>"
foreach f $info(files) {
puts "<a href=\"http://w3/cgi/cvsview2.cgi?subdir=$info(dir)&files=$f&command=DIRECTORY$branchpart\">$f</a>"
puts "</TD>"
if {$delta_size} {
puts "<TD>"
if {$info(removed) < 0} {
set str_removed $info(removed)
} else {
set str_removed "-0"
puts "<tt>+$info(added)<br>$str_removed"
puts "</TD>"
if {[info exists info(fullinfo)]} {
foreach f $info(fullinfo) {
lassign $f file version
append versioninfo "$info(person)|$info(dir)|$file|$version,"
puts "<TD WIDTH=100%>$info(log)</TD>"
puts "</TR>"
puts "</TABLE>"
if {$delta_size} {
set deltastr " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Lines changed <tt>($total_added/$total_removed)</tt>."
} else {
set deltastr ""
puts "[llength $list] checkins listed. $deltastr"
if {$tweak} {
puts "
Check the checkins you wish to affect. Then select one of the below options.
And type the magic word. Then click on submit.
<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=command VALUE=nuke>Delete these checkins.<BR>
<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=command VALUE=setopen>Set the tree state on these checkins to be <B>Open</B>.<BR>
<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=command VALUE=setclose>Set the tree state on these checkins to be <B>Closed</B>.<BR>
<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=command VALUE=movetree>Move these checkins over to this tree:
<SELECT NAME=desttree SIZE=1>"
proc IsSelected {value} {
global treeid
if {[cequal $value $treeid]} {
return "SELECTED"
} else {
return ""
foreach i $treelist {
puts "<OPTION [IsSelected $i] VALUE=$i>$treeinfo($i,description)"
puts "</SELECT><P>
<B>Password:</B><INPUT NAME=password TYPE=password></td>
} else {
puts "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
puts "<a href=showcheckins.cgi?$buffer&tweak=1>Tweak some of these checkins.</a>"
puts "<br><br>"
puts "<FORM action='multidiff.cgi' method=post>"
puts "<INPUT TYPE='HIDDEN' name='allchanges' value = '$versioninfo'>"
puts "<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE='Show me ALL the Diffs'>"
puts "</FORM>"
if {[info exists FORM(ltabbhack)]} {
puts "<!-- StupidLloydHack [join [lsort [array names peoplearray]] {,}] -->"
puts "<!-- LloydHack2 $versioninfo -->"