gecko-dev/webtools/mozbot/ 57e468fbbe Makes mozbot only mark joins as joined on a successful attempt. b=112049, r=kerz.
Implements getHelpLine and getModules API functions and updates documentation to match. b=130532, r=imajes.

Adds a notice() method to the mozbot API. Updates the documentation to reflect this. (Also updates the version and corrects a typo in the docs.) b=72960, r=timeless.

Fixes the problem whereby if a module doesn't load, it's not removed from the @modulenames list, which causes problems for modules that walk the @modulenames list to get each module in turn. b=133148, r=kerz.

The Log event for the Told event doesn't have the prefix text that made the event a Told event in the first place. This adds a field 'fulldata' to the event hash which will let loggers log the whole thing. Also updates documentation. b=133509, r=kerz.

Log events were not generated for events generated by the bot. This removes redundant checks to prevent that from happening (redundant since the server never sent us the messages in the first place) and then adds code to synthesise the relevant Log events. Updates the documentation to match. b=16226, r=kerz.

The Initialise handler was needlessly within the scope of an undef'd $/. This scopes the cause of this problem. b=131483, p=Robin Berjon, r=kerz, a=hixie.

Makes ctcpSend() send messages to the target, not the originator. This makes it work like say(). b=133140, r=caillion.

Adds a way to make the auth command not give confirmation feedback (quiet auth). b=134342, r=caillon.
2002-04-01 03:46:06 +00:00

2730 lines
96 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# _ _
# m o z i l l a |.| o r g | |
# _ __ ___ ___ ___| |__ ___ | |_
# | '_ ` _ \ / _ \_ / '_ \ / _ \| __|
# | | | | | | (_) / /| |_) | (_) | |_
# |_| |_| |_|\___/___|_.__/ \___/ \__|
# ====================================
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
# Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Harrison Page <>
# Terry Weissman <>
# Risto Kotalampi <>
# Josh Soref <>
# Ian Hickson <>
# 1998-10-14
# "irc bot for the gang on #mozilla"
# 2000-07-04
# "irc bot engine for anyone" :-)
# hack on me! required reading:
# Net::IRC web page:
# (free software)
# or get it from CPAN @
# RFC 1459 (Internet Relay Chat Protocol):
# Please file bugs in Bugzilla, under the 'Webtools' product,
# component 'Mozbot'.
# XXX Something that checks modules that failed to compile and then
# reloads them when possible
# XXX an HTML entity convertor for things that speak web page contents
# XXX UModeChange
# XXX minor checks
# XXX throttle nick changing and away setting (from module API)
# XXX compile self before run
# XXX parse mode (+o, etc)
# XXX customise gender
# XXX optimisations
# XXX maybe should catch hangup signal and go to background?
# XXX protect the bot from DOS attacks causing server overload
# XXX protect the server from an overflowing log (add log size limitter
# or rotation)
# Initialisation #
# -- #mozwebtools was here --
# <Hixie> syntax error at line 48, near "; }"
# <Hixie> Execution of aborted due to compilation errors.
# <Hixie> DOH!
# <endico> hee hee. nice smily in the error message
# catch nasty occurances
$SIG{'INT'} = sub { &killed('INT'); };
$SIG{'KILL'} = sub { &killed('KILL'); };
$SIG{'TERM'} = sub { &killed('TERM'); };
$SIG{'CHLD'} = sub { wait(); };
# this allows us to exit() without shutting down (by exec($0)ing)
BEGIN { exit() if ((defined($ARGV[0])) and ($ARGV[0] eq '--abort')); }
# pragmas
use strict;
use diagnostics;
# chroot if requested
my $CHROOT = 0;
if ((defined($ARGV[0])) and ($ARGV[0] eq '--chroot')) {
# chroot
chroot('.') or die "chroot failed: $!\nAborted";
# setuid
# This is hardcoded to use user ids and group ids 60001.
# You'll want to change this on your system.
$> = 60001; # setuid nobody
$) = 60001; # setgid nobody
use lib '/lib';
$CHROOT = 1;
} elsif ((defined($ARGV[0])) and ($ARGV[0] eq '--assume-chrooted')) {
use lib '/lib';
$CHROOT = 1;
} else {
use lib 'lib';
# important modules
use Net::IRC 0.7; # 0.7 is not backwards compatible with 0.63 for CTCP responses
use IO::SecurePipe; # internal based on IO::Pipe
use IO::Select;
use Carp qw(cluck confess);
use Configuration; # internal
use Mails; # internal
# Note: Net::SMTP is also used, see the sendmail function in Mails.
# force flushing
# internal 'constants'
my $USERNAME = "pid-$$";
# variables that should only be changed if you know what you are doing
my $LOGGING = 1; # set to '0' to disable logging
my $LOGFILEDIR; # set this to override the logging output directory
if ($LOGGING) {
# set up the log directory
unless (defined($LOGFILEDIR)) {
if ($CHROOT) {
$LOGFILEDIR = '/log';
} else {
# setpwent doesn't work on Windows, we should wrap this in some OS test
setpwent; # reset the search settings for the getpwuid call below
$LOGFILEDIR = (getpwuid($<))[7].'/log';
"$LOGFILEDIR/$0" =~ /^(.*)$/os; # untaints the evil $0.
$LOGFILEPREFIX = $1; # for some reason, $0 is considered tainted here, but not in other cases...
mkdir($LOGFILEDIR, 0700); # if this fails for a bad reason, we'll find out during the next line
# begin session log...
&debug('mozbot starting up');
&debug('compilation took '.&days($^T).'.');
if ($CHROOT) {
&debug('mozbot chroot()ed successfully');
# secure the environment
# XXX could automatically remove the current directory here but I am
# more comfortable with people knowing it is not allowed -- see the
# README file.
if ($ENV{'PATH'} =~ /^(?:.*:)?\.?(?::.*)?$/os) {
die 'SECURITY RISK. You cannot have \'.\' in the path. See the README. Aborted';
$ENV{'PATH'} =~ /^(.*)$/os;
$ENV{'PATH'} = $1; # we have to assume their path is otherwise safe, they called us!
delete (@ENV{'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'});
# read the configuration file
my $cfgfile = shift || "$0.cfg";
$cfgfile =~ /^(.*)$/os;
$cfgfile = $1; # untaint it -- we trust this, it comes from the admin.
&debug("reading configuration from '$cfgfile'...");
# - setup variables
# note: owner is only used by the Mails module
my ($server, $port, $localAddr, @nicks, @channels, %channelKeys, $owner, @ignoredUsers);
my $nick = 0;
my $sleepdelay = 60;
my $connectTimeout = 120;
my $delaytime = 1.3;
my $variablepattern = '[-_:a-zA-Z0-9]+';
my %users = ('admin' => &newPassword('password')); # default password for admin
my %userFlags = ('admin' => 3); # bitmask; 0x1 = admin, 0x2 = delete user a soon as other admin authenticates
my $helpline = 'see'; # used in IRC name and in help
my @modulenames = ('General');
# - which variables can be saved.
[\$server, 'server'],
[\$port, 'port'],
[\$localAddr, 'localAddr'],
[\@nicks, 'nicks'],
[\$nick, 'currentnick'], # pointer into @nicks
[\@channels, 'channels'],
[\%channelKeys, 'channelKeys'],
[\@ignoredUsers, 'ignoredUsers'],
[\@modulenames, 'modules'],
[\$owner, 'owner'],
[\$sleepdelay, 'sleep'],
[\$connectTimeout, 'connectTimeout'],
[\$delaytime, 'throttleTime'],
[\%users, 'users'], # usernames => &newPassword(passwords)
[\%userFlags, 'userFlags'], # usernames => bits
[\$variablepattern, 'variablepattern'],
[\$helpline, 'helpline'],
[\$Mails::smtphost, 'smtphost'],
# - read file
&Configuration::Get($cfgfile, &configStructure()); # empty gets entire structure
# - check variables are ok
# note. Ensure only works on an interactive terminal (-t).
# It will abort otherwise.
{ my $changed; # scope this variable
$changed = &Configuration::Ensure([
['Connect to which server?', \$server],
['To which port should I connect?', \$port],
['What channels should I join?', \@channels],
['What is the e-mail address of my owner?', \$owner],
['What is your SMTP host?', \$Mails::smtphost],
# - check we have some nicks
until (@nicks) {
$changed = &Configuration::Ensure([['What nicks should I use? (I need at least one.)', \@nicks]]) || $changed;
# the original 'mozbot 2.0' development codename (and thus nick) was oopsbot.
# - check current nick pointer is valid
# (we assume that no sillyness has happened with $[ as,
# according to man perlvar, "Its use is highly discouraged".)
$nick = 0 if (($nick > $#nicks) or ($nick < 0));
# - check channel names are all lowercase
foreach (@channels) { $_ = lc; }
# save configuration straight away, to make sure it is possible and to save
# any initial settings on the first run, if anything changed.
if ($changed) {
&debug("saving configuration to '$cfgfile'...");
&Configuration::Save($cfgfile, &configStructure());
} # close the scope for the $changed variable
# ensure Mails is ready
&debug("setting up Mails module...");
$Mails::debug = \&debug;
$Mails::owner = \$owner;
# setup the IRC variables
&debug("setting up IRC variables...");
my $uptime;
my $irc = new Net::IRC or confess("Could not create a new Net::IRC object. Aborting");
# connect
&debug("attempting initial connection...");
&connect(); # hmm.
# setup the modules array
my @modules; # we initialize it lower down (at the bottom in fact)
my $lastadmin; # nick of last admin to be seen
my %authenticatedUsers; # hash of user@hostname=>users who have authenticated
# Net::IRC handler subroutines #
# setup connection
sub connect {
$uptime = time();
&debug("connecting to $server:$port...");
my ($bot, $mailed);
until ($bot = $irc->newconn(
Server => $server,
Port => $port,
Nick => $nicks[$nick],
Ircname => "[mozbot] $helpline",
Username => $USERNAME,
LocalAddr => $localAddr,
)) {
&debug("Could not connect. Are you sure '$server:$port' is a valid host?");
if (defined($localAddr)) {
&debug("Is '$localAddr' the correct address of the interface to use?");
} else {
&debug("Try editing '$cfgfile' to set 'localAddr' to the address of the interface to use.");
$mailed = &Mails::ServerDown($server, $port, $localAddr, $nicks[$nick], "[mozbot] $helpline", $nicks[0]) unless $mailed;
&Configuration::Get($cfgfile, &configStructure(\$server, \$port, \@nicks, \$nick, \$owner, \$sleepdelay));
&debug("connecting to $server:$port...");
&debug("connected! woohoo!");
# add the handlers
&debug("adding IRC handlers");
# $bot->debug(1); # this can help when debugging API stuff
&debug(" + informational ");
$bot->add_global_handler([ # Informational messages -- print these to the console
372, # RPL_MOTD
], \&on_startup);
$bot->add_global_handler([ # Informational messages -- print these to the console
'snotice', # server notices
409, # noorigin
405, # toomanychannels XXX should do something about this!
404, # cannot sent to channel
403, # no such channel
401, # no such server
402, # no such nick
407, # too many targets
], \&on_notice);
&debug(" + end of startup ");
$bot->add_global_handler([ # should only be one command here - when to join channels
422, # nomotd
], \&on_connect);
&debug(" + nick management ");
$bot->add_global_handler([ # when to change nick name
436, # nick collision
], \&on_nick_taken);
&debug(" + connection management ");
$bot->add_global_handler([ # when to give up and go home
'disconnect', 'kill', # bad connection, booted offline
], \&on_disconnected);
$bot->add_handler('destroy', \&on_destroy); # when object is GCed.
&debug(" + channel handlers");
$bot->add_handler('msg', \&on_private); # /msg bot hello
$bot->add_handler('public', \&on_public); # hello
$bot->add_handler('join', \&on_join); # when someone else joins
$bot->add_handler('part', \&on_part); # when someone else leaves
$bot->add_handler('topic', \&on_topic); # when topic changes in a channel
$bot->add_handler('notopic', \&on_topic); # when topic in a channel is cleared
$bot->add_handler('invite', \&on_invite); # when someone invites us
$bot->add_handler('quit', \&on_quit); # when someone quits IRC
$bot->add_handler('nick', \&on_nick); # when someone changes nick
$bot->add_handler('kick', \&on_kick); # when someone (or us) is kicked
$bot->add_handler('mode', \&on_mode); # when modes change
$bot->add_handler('umode', \&on_umode); # when modes of user change (by IRCop or ourselves)
# XXX could add handler for 474, # ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN
&debug(" + whois messages");
$bot->add_handler([ # ones we handle to get our hostmask
311, # whoisuser
], \&on_whois);
$bot->add_handler([ # ones we handle just by outputting to the console
312, # whoisserver
313, # whoisoperator
314, # whowasuser
315, # endofwho
316, # whoischanop
317, # whoisidle
318, # endofwhois
319, # whoischannels
], \&on_notice);
$bot->add_handler([ # names (currently just ignored)
353, # RPL_NAMREPLY "<channel> :[[@|+]<nick> [[@|+]<nick> [...]]]"
], \&on_notice);
$bot->add_handler([ # end of names (we use this to establish that we have entered a channel)
366, # RPL_ENDOFNAMES "<channel> :End of /NAMES list"
], \&on_join_channel);
&debug(" + CTCP handlers");
$bot->add_handler('cping', \&on_cping); # client to client ping
$bot->add_handler('crping', \&on_cpong); # client to client ping (response)
$bot->add_handler('cversion', \&on_version); # version info of
$bot->add_handler('csource', \&on_source); # where is's source
$bot->add_handler('caction', \&on_me); # when someone says /me
$bot->add_handler('cgender', \&on_gender); # guess
&debug("handlers added");
$bot->schedule($connectTimeout, \&on_check_connect);
# and done.
&Mails::ServerUp($server) if $mailed;
# called when the client receives a startup-related message
sub on_startup {
my ($self, $event) = @_;
my (@args) = $event->args;
&debug(join(' ', @args));
# called when the client receives a server notice
sub on_notice {
my ($self, $event) = @_;
&debug($event->type.': '.join(' ', $event->args));
# called when the client receives whois data
sub on_whois {
my ($self, $event) = @_;
&debug('collecting whois information: '.join('|', $event->args));
# XXX could cache this information and then autoop people from
# the bot's host, or whatever
my ($nickHadProblem, $nickProblemEscalated, $nickOriginal) = (0, 0, 0);
sub on_nick_taken {
my ($self, $event, $nickSlept) = @_, 0;
return unless $self->connected();
if ($nickSlept) {
&debug("waited for a bit -- reading $cfgfile then searching for a nick...");
&Configuration::Get($cfgfile, &configStructure(\@nicks, \$nick));
$nick = 0 if ($nick > $#nicks) or ($nick < 0); # sanitise
$nickOriginal = $nick;
} else {
if (!$nickHadProblem) {
&debug("preferred nick ($nicks[$nick]) in use, searching for another...");
$nickOriginal = $nick;
} # else we are currently looping
$nick = 0 if $nick > $#nicks;
if ($nick == $nickOriginal) {
# looped!
local $" = ", ";
&debug("could not find an unused nick");
&debug("nicks tried: @nicks");
if (-t) {
print "Please suggest a nick (blank to abort): ";
my $new = <>;
if ($new) {
@nicks = (@nicks[0..$nickOriginal], $new, @nicks[$nickOriginal+1..$#nicks]);
&debug("saving nicks: @nicks");
&Configuration::Save($cfgfile, &configStructure(\@nicks));
} else {
&debug("Could not find an unused nick");
} else {
&debug("edit $cfgfile to add more nicks *hint* *hint*");
$nickProblemEscalated = Mails::NickShortage($cfgfile, $self->server, $self->port,
$self->username, $self->ircname, @nicks) unless $nickProblemEscalated;
&debug("going to wait $sleepdelay seconds so as not to overload ourselves.");
$self->schedule($sleepdelay, \&on_nick_taken, $event, 1); # try again, this time don't mail if it goes wrong
return; # otherwise we no longer respond to pings.
&debug("now going to try nick $nicks[$nick]");
# called when we connect.
sub on_connect {
my $self = shift;
if (defined($self->{'__mozbot__shutdown'})) { # HACK HACK HACK
&debug('Uh oh. I connected anyway, even though I thought I had timed out.');
&debug('I\'m going to increase the timeout time by 20%.');
$connectTimeout = $connectTimeout * 1.2;
&Configuration::Save($cfgfile, &configStructure(\$connectTimeout));
$self->quit('having trouble connecting, brb...');
&debug("using nick '$nicks[$nick]'");
if ($nickHadProblem) {
# Remember which nick we are using
&Configuration::Save($cfgfile, &configStructure(\$nick));
Mails::NickOk($nicks[$nick]) if $nickProblemEscalated;
# -- #mozwebtools was here --
# *** oopsbot (oopsbot@ has joined channel #mozwebtools
# *** Mode change [+o oopsbot] on channel #mozwebtools by timeless
# <timeless> wow an oopsbot!
# *** Signoff: oopsbot (oopsbot@ has left IRC [Leaving]
# <timeless> um
# <timeless> not very stable.
# now load all modules
my @modulesToLoad = @modulenames;
@modules = (BotModules::Admin->create('Admin', '')); # admin commands
@modulenames = ('Admin');
foreach (@modulesToLoad) {
next if $_ eq 'Admin'; # Admin is static and is installed manually above
my $result = LoadModule($_);
if (ref($result)) {
&debug("loaded $_");
} else {
&debug("failed to load $_", $result);
# mass-configure the modules
&debug("loading module configurations...");
{ my %struct; # scope this variable
foreach my $module (@modules) { %struct = (%struct, %{$module->configStructure()}); }
&Configuration::Get($cfgfile, \%struct);
} # close the scope for the %struct variable
# tell the modules they have joined IRC
foreach my $module (@modules) { $module->JoinedIRC({'bot'=>$self}); }
# join the channels
&debug('going to join: '.join(',', @channels));
foreach my $channel (@channels) {
if (defined($channelKeys{$channel})) {
$self->join($channel, $channelKeys{$channel});
} else {
@channels = ();
# try to get our hostname
# tell the modules to set up the scheduled commands
&debug('setting up scheduler...');
foreach my $module (@modules) { $module->Schedule({'bot'=>$self}); }
# enable the drainmsgqueue
# signal that we are connected (see next two functions)
$self->{'__mozbot__active'} = 1; # HACK HACK HACK
# all done!
&debug('initialisation took '.&days($uptime).'.');
$uptime = time();
sub on_check_connect {
my $self = shift;
return if (defined($self->{'__mozbot__shutdown'}) or defined($self->{'__mozbot__active'})); # HACK HACK HACK
$self->{'__mozbot__shutdown'} = 1; # HACK HACK HACK
&debug("connection timed out -- trying again");
foreach (@modules) { $_->unload(); }
@modules = ();
$self->quit('connection timed out -- trying to reconnect');
# if something nasty happens
sub on_disconnected {
my $self = shift;
return if defined($self->{'__mozbot__shutdown'}); # HACK HACK HACK
$self->{'__mozbot__shutdown'} = 1; # HACK HACK HACK
&debug("eek! disconnected from network");
foreach (@modules) { $_->unload(); }
@modules = ();
# on_join_channel: called when we join a channel
sub on_join_channel: {
my ($self, $event) = @_;
my ($nick, $channel) = $event->args;
push(@channels, $channel);
&Configuration::Save($cfgfile, &configStructure(\@channels));
&debug("joined $channel, about to autojoin modules...");
foreach (@modules) {
$_->JoinedChannel({'bot' => $self, 'channel' => $channel, 'target' => $channel, 'nick' => $nick}, $channel);
# if something nasty happens
sub on_destroy {
&debug("Connection: garbage collected");
# on_public: messages received on channels
sub on_public {
my ($self, $event) = @_;
my $data = join(' ', $event->args);
my $nick = quotemeta($self->nick);
if ($data =~ /^(\s*$nick(?:[\s,:;.!?]+|\s*:-\s*|\s*--+\s*|\s*-+>?\s+))(.+)$/is) {
if ($2) {
$event->{'__mozbot__fulldata'} = $data;
&do($self, $event, 'Told', 'Baffled');
} else {
&do($self, $event, 'Heard');
} else {
&do($self, $event, 'Heard');
sub on_private {
my ($self, $event) = @_;
my $data = join(' ', $event->args);
my $nick = quotemeta($self->nick);
if (($data =~ /^($nick(?:[-\s,:;.!?]|\s*-+>?\s+))(.+)$/is) and ($2)) {
# we do this so that you can say 'mozbot do this' in both channels
# and /query screens alike (otherwise, in /query screens you would
# have to remember to omit the bot name).
&do($self, $event, 'Told', 'Baffled');
# on_me: /me actions (CTCP actually)
sub on_me {
my ($self, $event) = @_;
my @data = $event->args;
my $data = join(' ', @data);
my $nick = quotemeta($self->nick);
if ($data =~ /(?:^|[\s":<([])$nick(?:[])>.,?!\s'&":]|$)/is) {
&do($self, $event, 'Felt');
} else {
&do($self, $event, 'Saw');
# on_topic: for when someone changes the topic
# also for when the server notifies us of the topic
# we have to parse it carefully.
sub on_topic {
my ($self, $event) = @_;
if ($event->userhost eq '@') {
# server notification
# need to parse data
my (undef, $channel, $topic) = $event->args;
&do(@_, 'SpottedTopicChange');
# on_kick: parse the kick event
sub on_kick {
my ($self, $event) = @_;
my ($channel, $from) = $event->args; # from is already set anyway
my $who = $event->to;
foreach (@$who) {
if ($_ eq $self->nick) {
&do(@_, 'Kicked');
} else {
&do(@_, 'SpottedKick');
# Gives lag results for outgoing PINGs.
sub on_cpong {
my ($self, $event) = @_;
&debug('completed CTCP PING with '.$event->nick.': '.days($event->args->[0]));
# XXX should be able to use this then... see also Greeting module
# in standard distribution
# -- #mozbot was here --
# <timeless> $conn->add_handler('gender',\&on_ctcp_gender);
# <timeless> sub on_ctcp_gender{
# <timeless> my (undef, $event)=@_;
# <timeless> my $nick=$event->nick;
# <Hixie> # timeless this suspense is killing me!
# <timeless> $bot->ctcp_reply($nick, 'neuter');
# <timeless> }
# on_gender: What gender are we?
sub on_gender {
my ($self, $event) = @_;
my $nick = $event->nick;
$self->ctcp_reply($nick, 'neuter');
} # well, close enough...
# simple handler for when users do various things and stuff
sub on_join { &do(@_, 'SpottedJoin'); }
sub on_part { &do(@_, 'SpottedPart'); }
sub on_quit { &do(@_, 'SpottedQuit'); }
sub on_invite { &do(@_, 'Invited'); }
sub on_nick { &do(@_, 'SpottedNickChange'); }
sub on_mode { &do(@_, 'ModeChange'); } # XXX need to parse modes # XXX on key change, change %channelKeys hash
sub on_umode { &do(@_, 'UModeChange'); }
sub on_version { &do(@_, 'CTCPVersion'); }
sub on_source { &do(@_, 'CTCPSource'); }
sub on_cping { &do(@_, 'CTCPPing'); }
sub toToChannel {
my $self = shift;
my $channel;
foreach (@_) {
if (/^[#&+\$]/os) {
if (defined($channel)) {
return '';
} else {
$channel = $_;
} elsif ($_ eq $self->nick) {
return '';
return lc($channel); # if message was sent to one person only, this is it
sub do {
my $self = shift @_;
my $event = shift @_;
my $to = $event->to;
my $channel = &toToChannel($self, @$to);
my $e = {
'bot' => $self,
'_event' => $event, # internal internal internal do not use... ;-)
'channel' => $channel,
'from' => $event->nick,
'target' => $channel || $event->nick,
'user' => $event->userhost,
'data' => join(' ', $event->args),
'fulldata' => defined($event->{'__mozbot__fulldata'}) ? $event->{'__mozbot__fulldata'} : join(' ', $event->args),
'to' => $to,
'subtype' => $event->type,
'firsttype' => $_[0],
'nick' => $self->nick(),
# level (set below)
# type (set below)
# updated admin field if person is an admin
if ($authenticatedUsers{$event->userhost}) {
if (($userFlags{$authenticatedUsers{$event->userhost}} & 1) == 1) {
$lastadmin = $event->nick;
$e->{'userName'} = $authenticatedUsers{$event->userhost};
$e->{'userFlags'} = $userFlags{$authenticatedUsers{$event->userhost}};
} else {
$e->{'userName'} = 0;
unless (scalar(grep $e->{'user'} =~ /^\Q$_\E$/g, @ignoredUsers)) {
my $continue;
do {
my $type = shift @_;
my $level = 0;
my @modulesInNextLoop = @modules;
$continue = 1;
$e->{'type'} = $type;
&debug("$type: $channel <".$event->nick.'> '.join(' ', $event->args));
do {
$e->{'level'} = $level;
my @modulesInThisLoop = @modulesInNextLoop;
@modulesInNextLoop = ();
foreach my $module (@modulesInThisLoop) {
my $currentResponse;
eval {
$currentResponse = $module->do($self, $event, $type, $e);
if ($@) {
# $@ contains the error
&debug("ERROR IN MODULE $module->{'_name'}!!!", $@);
} elsif (!defined($currentResponse)) {
&debug("ERROR IN MODULE $module->{'_name'}: invalid response code to event '$type'.");
} else {
if ($currentResponse > $level) {
push(@modulesInNextLoop, $module);
$continue = ($continue and $currentResponse);
} while (@modulesInNextLoop);
} while ($continue and scalar(@_));
} else {
&debug("Ignored: $channel <".$event->nick.'> '.join(' ', $event->args));
sub doLog {
my $e = shift;
foreach my $module (@modules) {
eval {
if ($@) {
# $@ contains the error
&debug("ERROR!!!", $@);
# internal utilities #
my @msgqueue;
my $timeLastSetAway = 0; # the time since the away flag was last set, so that we don't set it repeatedly.
# Use this routine, always, instead of the standard "privmsg" routine. This
# one makes sure we don't send more than one message every two seconds or so,
# which will make servers not whine about us flooding the channel.
# messages aren't the only type of flood :-( away is included
sub sendmsg {
my ($self, $who, $msg, $do) = (@_, 'msg');
unless ((defined($do) and defined($msg) and defined($who) and ($who ne '')) and
((($do eq 'msg') and (not ref($msg))) or
(($do eq 'me') and (not ref($msg))) or
(($do eq 'notice') and (not ref($msg))) or
(($do eq 'ctcpSend') and (ref($msg) eq 'ARRAY') and (@$msg >= 2)) or
(($do eq 'ctcpReply') and (not ref($msg))))) {
cluck('Wrong arguments passed to sendmsg() - ignored');
} else {
$self->schedule($delaytime / 2, \&drainmsgqueue) unless @msgqueue;
if ($do eq 'msg' or $do eq 'me' or $do eq 'notice') {
foreach (splitMessageAcrossLines($msg)) {
push(@msgqueue, [$who, $_, $do]);
} else {
push(@msgqueue, [$who, $msg, $do]);
# send any pending messages
sub drainmsgqueue {
my $self = shift;
return unless $self->connected;
my $qln = @msgqueue;
if (@msgqueue > 0) {
my ($who, $msg, $do) = getnextmsg();
my $type;
if ($do eq 'msg') {
&debug("->$who: $msg"); # XXX this makes logfiles large quickly...
$self->privmsg($who, $msg); # it seems 'who' can be an arrayref and it works
$type = 'Heard';
} elsif ($do eq 'me') {
&debug("->$who * $msg"); # XXX
$self->me($who, $msg);
$type = 'Saw';
} elsif ($do eq 'notice') {
&debug("=notice=>$who: $msg");
$self->notice($who, $msg);
# $type = 'XXX';
} elsif ($do eq 'ctcpSend') {
{ local $" = ' '; &debug("->$who CTCP PRIVMSG @$msg"); }
my $type = shift @$msg; # @$msg contains (type, args)
$self->ctcp($type, $who, @$msg);
# $type = 'XXX';
} elsif ($do eq 'ctcpReply') {
{ local $" = ' '; &debug("->$who CTCP NOTICE $msg"); }
$self->ctcp_reply($who, $msg);
# $type = 'XXX';
} else {
&debug("Unknown action '$do' intended for '$who' (content: '$msg') ignored.");
if (defined($type)) {
'bot' => $self,
'_event' => undef,
'channel' => &toToChannel($self, $who),
'from' => $self->nick,
'target' => $who,
'user' => undef, # XXX
'data' => $msg,
'fulldata' => $msg,
'to' => $who,
'subtype' => undef,
'firsttype' => $type,
'nick' => $self->nick,
'level' => 0,
'type' => $type,
if (@msgqueue > 0) {
if ((@msgqueue % 10 == 0) and (time() - $timeLastSetAway > 5 * $delaytime)) {
&bot_longprocess($self, "Long send queue. There were $qln, and I just sent one to $who.");
$timeLastSetAway = time();
$self->schedule($delaytime * 4, # because previous one counts as message, plus you want to delay an extra bit regularly
} else {
$self->schedule($delaytime, \&drainmsgqueue);
} else {
&bot_back($self); # clear away state
# wrap long lines at spaces and hard returns (\n)
# this is for IRC, not for the console -- long can be up to 255
sub splitMessageAcrossLines {
my ($str) = @_;
my @output;
# $str could be several lines split with \n, so split it first:
foreach my $line (split(/\n/, $str)) {
while (length($line) > $MAXPROTOCOLLENGTH) {
# position is zero-based index
my $pos = rindex($line, ' ', $MAXPROTOCOLLENGTH - 1);
if ($pos < 0) {
push(@output, substr($line, 0, $pos));
$line = substr($line, $pos);
$line =~ s/^\s+//gos;
push(@output, $line) if length($line);
return @output;
# equivalent of shift or pop, but for the middle of the array.
# used by getnextmsg() below to pull the messages out of the
# msgqueue stack and shove them at the end.
sub yank {
my ($index, $list) = @_;
my $result = @{$list}[$index];
@{$list} = (@{$list}[0..$index-1], @{$list}[$index+1..$#{$list}]);
return $result;
# looks at the msgqueue stack and decides which message to send next.
sub getnextmsg {
my ($who, $msg, $do) = @{shift(@msgqueue)};
my @newmsgqueue;
my $index = 0;
while ($index < @msgqueue) {
if ($msgqueue[$index]->[0] eq $who) {
push(@newmsgqueue, &yank($index, \@msgqueue));
} else {
push(@msgqueue, @newmsgqueue);
return ($who, $msg, $do);
my $markedaway = 0;
# mark bot as being away
sub bot_longprocess {
my $self = shift;
&debug('[away: '.join(' ',@_).']');
$self->away(join(' ',@_));
$markedaway = @_;
# mark bot as not being away anymore
sub bot_back {
my $self = shift;
$self->away('') if $markedaway;
$markedaway = 0;
# internal routines for IO::Select handling
sub bot_select {
my ($pipe) = @_;
# enable slurp mode for this function (see man perlvar for $/ documentation)
local $/;
undef $/;
my $data = <$pipe>;
&debug("child ${$pipe}->{'BotModules_PID'} completed ${$pipe}->{'BotModules_ChildType'}".
(${$pipe}->{'BotModules_Module'}->{'_shutdown'} ?
' (nevermind, module has shutdown)': ''));
waitpid(${$pipe}->{'BotModules_PID'}, 0);
&debug("child ${$pipe}->{'BotModules_PID'} exited.");
return if ${$pipe}->{'BotModules_Module'}->{'_shutdown'}; # see unload()
eval {
if ($@) {
# $@ contains the error
&debug("ERROR!!!", $@);
# internal routines for console output, stuff
# print debugging info
sub debug {
my $line;
foreach (@_) {
$line = $_; # can't chomp $_ since it is a hardref to the arguments...
chomp $line; # ...and they are probably a constant string!
if (-t) {
print &logdate() . " ($$) $line";
if ($LOGGING) {
# XXX this file grows without bounds!!!
if (open(LOG, ">>$LOGFILEPREFIX.$$.log")) {
print LOG &logdate() . " $line\n";
print "\n";
} else {
print " [not logged, $!]\n";
# logdate: return nice looking date and time stamp
sub logdate {
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = gmtime(shift or time);
return sprintf("%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d UTC",
$year + 1900, $mon + 1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
# days: how long ago was that?
sub days {
my $then = shift;
# maths
my $seconds = time - $then;
my $minutes = int ($seconds / 60);
my $hours = int ($minutes / 60);
my $days = int ($hours / 24);
# english
if ($seconds < 60) {
return sprintf("%d second%s", $seconds, $seconds == 1 ? "" : "s");
} elsif ($minutes < 60) {
return sprintf("%d minute%s", $minutes, $minutes == 1 ? "" : "s");
} elsif ($hours < 24) {
return sprintf("%d hour%s", $hours, $hours == 1 ? "" : "s");
} else {
return sprintf("%d day%s", $days, $days == 1 ? "" : "s");
# signal handler
sub killed {
my($sig) = @_;
&debug("received signal $sig. shutting down...");
&debug('This is evil. You should /msg me a shutdown command instead.');
exit(1); # sane exit, including shutting down any modules
# internal routines for configuration
my %configStructure; # hash of cfg file keys and associated variable refs
# ok. In strict 'refs' mode, you cannot use strings as refs. Fair enough.
# However, hash keys are _always_ strings. Using a ref as a hash key turns
# it into a string. So we have to keep a virgin copy of the ref around.
# So the structure of the %configStructure hash is:
# "ref" => [ cfgName, ref ]
# Ok?
sub registerConfigVariables {
my (@variables) = @_;
foreach (@variables) {
$configStructure{$$_[0]} = [$$_[1], $$_[0]];
} # are you confused yet?
sub configStructure {
my (@variables) = @_;
my %struct;
@variables = keys %configStructure unless @variables;
foreach (@variables) {
confess("Function configStructure was passed something that is either not a ref or has not yet neem registered, so aborted") unless defined($configStructure{$_});
$struct{$configStructure{$_}[0]} = $configStructure{$_}[1];
return \%struct;
# internal routines for handling the modules
sub getModule {
my ($name) = @_;
foreach my $module (@modules) { # XXX this is not cached as a hash as performance is not a priority here
return $module if $name eq $module->{'_name'};
return undef;
sub LoadModule {
my ($name) = @_;
# sanitize the name
$name =~ s/[^-a-zA-Z0-9]/-/gos;
# check the module is not already loaded
foreach (@modules) {
if ($_->{'_name'} eq $name) {
return "Failed [0]: Module already loaded. Don't forget to enable it in the various channels (vars $name channels '+#channelname').";
# read the module in from a file
my $filename = "./BotModules/$"; # bm = bot module
my $result = open(my $file, "< $filename");
if ($result) {
my $code = do {
local $/ = undef; # enable "slurp" mode
<$file>; # whole file now here
if ($code) {
# if ($code =~ /package\s+\QBotModules::$name\E\s*;/gos) { XXX doesn't work reliably?? XXX
# eval the file
$code =~ /^(.*)$/os;
$code = $1; # completely defeat the tainting mechanism.
# $code = "# FILE: $filename\n".$code; # "# file 1 '$filename' \n" would be good without
{ no warnings; # as per the warning, but doesn't work??? XXX
eval($code); }
if ($@) {
# $@ contains the error
return "Failed [4]: $@";
} else {
# if ok, then create a module
my $newmodule;
\$newmodule = BotModules::$name->create('$name', '$filename');
if ($@) {
# $@ contains the error
return "Failed [5]: $@";
} else {
# if ok, then add it to the @modules list
push(@modules, $newmodule);
push(@modulenames, $newmodule->{'_name'});
&Configuration::Save($cfgfile, &::configStructure(\@modulenames));
# Done!!!
return $newmodule;
# } else {
# return "Failed [3]: Could not find valid module definition line.";
# }
} else {
# $! contains the error
if ($!) {
return "Failed [2]: $!";
} else {
return "Failed [2]: Module file is empty.";
} else {
# $! contains the error
return "Failed [1]: $!";
sub UnloadModule {
my ($name) = @_;
# remove the reference from @modules
my @newmodules;
my @newmodulenames;
foreach (@modules) {
if ($name eq $_->{'_name'}) {
if ($_->{'_static'}) {
return 'Cannot unload this module, it is built in.';
} else {
push(@newmodules, $_);
push(@newmodulenames, $_->{'_name'});
if (@modules == @newmodules) {
return 'Module not loaded. Are you sure you have the right name?';
} else {
@modules = @newmodules;
@modulenames = @newmodulenames;
&Configuration::Save($cfgfile, &::configStructure(\@modulenames));
# password management functions
sub getSalt {
# straight from man perlfunc
return join('', ('.', '/', 0..9, 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z')[rand 64, rand 64]);
sub newPassword {
my($text) = @_;
return crypt($text, &getSalt());
sub checkPassword {
my($text, $password) = @_;
return (crypt($text, $password) eq $password);
# Base Module #
# And now, for my next trick, the base module (duh).
package BotModules;
1; # nothing to see here...
# create - create a new BotModules object.
# Do not call this yourself. We call it. Ok?
# Do not override this either, unless you know what
# you are doing (I don't, and I wrote it...). If you
# want to add variables to $self, use Initialise.
# The paramter is the name of the module.
sub create {
my $class = shift;
my ($name, $filename) = @_;
my $self = {
'_name' => $name,
'_shutdown' => 0, # see unload()
'_static' => 0, # set to 1 to prevent module being unloaded
'_variables' => {},
'_config' => {},
'_filename' => $filename,
'_filemodificationtime' => undef,
bless($self, $class);
return $self;
my $self = shift;
$self->debug('garbage collected');
# called by &::UnloadModule().
# this removes any pointers to the module.
# for example, it stops the scheduler from installing new timers,
# so that the bot [eventually] severs its connection with the module.
sub unload {
my $self = shift;
$self->{'_shutdown'} = 1; # see doScheduled and bot_select
# configStructure - return the hash needed for Configuration module
sub configStructure {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'_config'};
# do - called to do anything (duh) (no, do, not duh) (oh, ok, sorry)
sub do {
my $self = shift;
my ($bot, $event, $type, $e) = @_;
# first, we check that the user is not banned from using this module. If he
# is, then re give up straight away.
return 1 if ($self->IsBanned($e));
# next we check that the module is actually enabled in this channel, and
# if it is not we quit straight away as well.
return 1 unless ($e->{'channel'} eq '') or ($self->InChannel($e));
# Ok, dispatch the event.
if ($type eq 'Told') {
return $self->Told($e, $e->{'data'});
} elsif ($type eq 'Heard') {
return $self->Heard($e, $e->{'data'});
} elsif ($type eq 'Baffled') {
return $self->Baffled($e, $e->{'data'});
} elsif ($type eq 'Felt') {
return $self->Felt($e, $e->{'data'});
} elsif ($type eq 'Saw') {
return $self->Saw($e, $e->{'data'});
} elsif ($type eq 'Invited') {
return $self->Invited($e, $e->{'data'});
} elsif ($type eq 'Kicked') {
return $self->Kicked($e, $e->{'channel'});
} elsif ($type eq 'ModeChange') {
return $self->ModeChange($e, $e->{'channel'}, $e->{'data'}, $e->{'from'});
} elsif ($type eq 'Authed') {
return $self->Authed($e, $e->{'from'});
} elsif ($type eq 'SpottedNickChange') {
return $self->SpottedNickChange($e, $e->{'from'}, $e->{'data'});
} elsif ($type eq 'SpottedTopicChange') {
return $self->SpottedTopicChange($e, $e->{'channel'}, $e->{'data'});
} elsif ($type eq 'SpottedJoin') {
return $self->SpottedJoin($e, $e->{'channel'}, $e->{'from'});
} elsif ($type eq 'SpottedPart') {
return $self->SpottedPart($e, $e->{'channel'}, $e->{'from'});
} elsif ($type eq 'SpottedKick') {
return $self->SpottedKick($e, $e->{'channel'}, $e->{'data'});
} elsif ($type eq 'SpottedQuit') {
return $self->SpottedQuit($e, $e->{'from'}, $e->{'data'});
} elsif ($type eq 'CTCPPing') {
return $self->CTCPPing($e, $e->{'from'}, $e->{'data'});
} elsif ($type eq 'CTCPVersion') {
return $self->CTCPVersion($e, $e->{'from'}, $e->{'data'});
} elsif ($type eq 'CTCPSource') {
return $self->CTCPSource($e, $e->{'from'}, $e->{'data'});
# XXX have not implemented mode parsing yet
} elsif ($type eq 'GotOpped') {
return $self->GotOpped($e, $e->{'channel'}, $e->{'from'});
} elsif ($type eq 'GotDeopped') {
return $self->GotDeopped($e, $e->{'channel'}, $e->{'from'});
} elsif ($type eq 'SpottedOpping') {
return $self->SpottedOpping($e, $e->{'channel'}, $e->{'from'});
} elsif ($type eq 'SpottedDeopping') {
return $self->SpottedDeopping($e, $e->{'channel'}, $e->{'from'});
} else {
$self->debug("Unknown action type '$type'. Ignored.");
# XXX UModeChange (not implemented yet)
return 1; # could not do it
# MODULE API - use these from the your routines.
# prints output to the console
sub debug {
my $self = shift;
foreach my $line (@_) {
&::debug('Module '.$self->{'_name'}.': '.$line);
# saveConfig - call this when you change a configuration option. It resaves the config file.
sub saveConfig {
my $self = shift;
&Configuration::Save($cfgfile, $self->configStructure());
# registerVariables - Registers a variable with the config system and the var setting system
# parameters: (
# [ 'name', persistent ? 1:0, editable ? 1:0, $value ],
# use undef instead of 0 or 1 to leave as is
# use undef (or don't mention) the $value to not set the value
# )
sub registerVariables {
my $self = shift;
my (@variables) = @_;
foreach (@variables) {
$self->{$$_[0]} = $$_[3] if defined($$_[3]);
if (defined($$_[1])) {
if ($$_[1]) {
$self->{'_config'}->{$self->{'_name'}.'::'.$$_[0]} = \$self->{$$_[0]};
} else {
$self->{'_variables'}->{$$_[0]} = $$_[2] if defined($$_[2]);
# internal implementation of the scheduler
sub doScheduled {
my $bot = shift;
my ($self, $event, $time, $times, @data) = @_;
return if ($self->{'_shutdown'}); # see unload()
# $self->debug("scheduled event occured; $times left @ $time second interval");
eval {
$self->Scheduled($event, @data);
$self->schedule($event, $time, --$times, @data);
if ($@) {
# $@ contains the error
&::debug("ERROR!!!", $@);
# schedule - Sets a timer to call Scheduled later
# for events that should be setup at startup, call this from Schedule().
sub schedule {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $time, $times, @data) = @_;
return if ($times == 0 or $self->{'_shutdown'}); # see unload()
$times = -1 if ($times < 0); # pass a negative number to have a recurring timer
my $delay = $time;
if (ref($time)) {
if (ref($time) eq 'SCALAR') {
$delay = $$time;
} else {
return; # XXX maybe be useful?
# if ($delay < 1) {
# $self->debug("Vetoed aggressive scheduling; forcing to 1 second minimum");
# $delay = 1;
# }
$event->{'bot'}->schedule($delay, \&doScheduled, $self, $event, $time, $times, @data);
# spawnChild - spawns a child process and adds it to the list of file handles to monitor
# eventually the bot calls ChildCompleted() with the output of the chlid process.
sub spawnChild {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $command, $arguments, $type, $data) = @_;
# uses IO::SecurePipe and fork and exec
# secure, predictable, no dependencies on external code
# uses fork explicitly (and once implicitly)
my $pipe = IO::SecurePipe->new();
if (defined($pipe)) {
my $child = fork();
if (defined($child)) {
if ($child) {
# we are the parent process
${$pipe}->{'BotModules_Module'} = $self;
${$pipe}->{'BotModules_Event'} = $event;
${$pipe}->{'BotModules_ChildType'} = $type;
${$pipe}->{'BotModules_Data'} = $data;
${$pipe}->{'BotModules_Command'} = $command;
${$pipe}->{'BotModules_Arguments'} = $arguments;
${$pipe}->{'BotModules_PID'} = $child;
$irc->addfh($pipe, \&::bot_select);
local $" = ' ';
$self->debug("spawned $child ($command @$arguments)");
return 0;
} else {
eval {
# we are the child process
# call $command and buffer the output
$pipe->writer(); # get writing end of pipe, ready to output the result
my $output;
if (ref($command) eq 'CODE') {
$output = &$command(@$arguments);
} else {
# it would be nice if some of this was on a timeout...
my $result = IO::SecurePipe->new(); # create a new pipe for $command
# call $command (implicit fork(), which may of course fail)
$result->reader($command, @$arguments);
local $/; # to not affect the rest of the program (what little there is)
$/ = \(2*1024*1024); # slurp up to two megabytes
$output = <$result>; # blocks until child process has finished
close($result); # reap child
print $pipe $output if ($output); # output the lot in one go back to parent
if ($@) {
# $@ contains the error
$self->debug('failed to spawn child', $@);
# -- #mozwebtools was here --
# <dawn> when is that stupid bot going to get checked in?
# <timeless> after it stops fork bombing
# <dawn> which one? yours or hixies?
# <timeless> his, mine doesn't fork
# <timeless> see topic
# <dawn> are there plans to fix it?
# <timeless> yes. but he isn't sure exactly what went wrong
# <timeless> i think it's basically they fork for wget
# <dawn> why don't you help him?
# <timeless> i don't understand forking
# <dawn> that didn't stop hixie
# <timeless> not to mention the fact that his forking doesn't
# work on windows
# <dawn> you have other machines. techbot1 runs on windows?
# <timeless> yeah it runs on windows
# <dawn> oh
# <dawn> get a real os, man
# The bug causing the 'fork bombing' was that I only
# did the following if $@ was true or if the call to
# 'reader' succeeded -- so if some other error occured
# that didn't trip the $@ test but still crashed out
# of the eval, then the script would quite happily
# continue, and when it eventually died (e.g. because
# of a bad connection), it would respawn multiple
# times (as many times as it had failed to fork) and
# it would succeed in reconnecting as many times as
# had been configured nicks...
eval {
exec { $0 } ($0, '--abort'); # do not call shutdown handlers
# the previous line works because exec() bypasses
# the perl object garbarge collection and simply
# deallocates all the memory in one go. This means
# the shutdown handlers (DESTROY and so on) are
# never called for this fork. This is good,
# because otherwise we would disconnect from IRC
# at this point!
$self->debug("failed to shutdown cleanly!!! $@");
exit(1); # exit in case exec($0) failed
} else {
$self->debug("failed to fork: $!");
} else {
$self->debug("failed to open pipe: $!");
return 1;
# getURI - Downloads a file and then calls GotURI
sub getURI {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $uri, @data) = @_;
$self->spawnChild($event, 'wget', ['--quiet', '--passive', '--user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; mozbot)"', '--output-document=-', $uri], 'URI', [$uri, @data]);
# returns a reference to a module -- DO NOT STORE THIS REFERENCE!!!
sub getModule {
my $self = shift;
return &::getModule(@_);
# returns the value of $helpline
sub getHelpLine {
return $helpline;
# returns a sorted list of module names
sub getModules {
return sort(@modulenames);
# returns a filename with path suitable to use for logging
sub getLogFilename {
my $self = shift;
my($name) = @_;
return "$LOGFILEDIR/$name";
# tellAdmin - may try to talk to an admin.
# NO GUARANTEES! This will PROBABLY NOT reach anyone!
sub tellAdmin {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $data) = @_;
if ($lastadmin) {
$self->debug("Trying to tell admin '$lastadmin' this: $data");
&::sendmsg($event->{'bot'}, $lastadmin, $data);
} else {
$self->debug("Wanted to tell an admin '$data', but I've never seen one.");
# ctcpSend - Sends a CTCP message to someone
sub ctcpSend {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $type, $data) = @_;
&::sendmsg($event->{'bot'}, $event->{'target'}, [$type, $data], 'ctcpSend');
# ctcpReply - Sends a CTCP reply to someone
sub ctcpReply {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $type, $data) = @_;
unless (defined($type)) {
cluck('No type passed to ctcpReply - ignored');
if (defined($data)) {
&::sendmsg($event->{'bot'}, $event->{'from'}, "$type $data", 'ctcpReply');
} else {
&::sendmsg($event->{'bot'}, $event->{'from'}, $type, 'ctcpReply');
# notice - Sends a notice to a channel or person
sub notice {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $data) = @_;
&::sendmsg($event->{'bot'}, $event->{'target'}, $data, 'notice');
# say - Sends a message to the channel
sub say {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $data) = @_;
$data =~ s/^\Q$event->{'target'}\E: //gs;
&::sendmsg($event->{'bot'}, $event->{'target'}, $data);
# announce - Sends a message to every channel
sub announce {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $data) = @_;
foreach (@{$self->{'channels'}}) {
&::sendmsg($event->{'bot'}, $_, $data);
# directSay - Sends a message to the person who spoke
sub directSay {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $data) = @_;
&::sendmsg($event->{'bot'}, $event->{'from'}, $data);
# channelSay - Sends a message to the channel the message came from, IFF it came from a channel.
sub channelSay {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $data) = @_;
&::sendmsg($event->{'bot'}, $event->{'channel'}, $data) if $event->{'channel'};
# -- #mozilla was here --
# <richb> timeless: it's focal review time, and they are working out
# where to allocate the money.
# <richb> timeless: needless to say i have a vested interest in this.
# <leaf> there's money in this?
# <timeless> richb yes; leaf always
# <leaf> how come nobody told me?
# <timeless> because leaf doesn't need money
# <timeless> for leaf it grows on trees
# <leaf> *wince*
# emote - Sends an emote to the channel
sub emote {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $data) = @_;
&::sendmsg($event->{'bot'}, $event->{'target'}, $data, 'me');
# directEmote - Sends an emote to the person who spoke
sub directEmote {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $data) = @_;
&::sendmsg($event->{'bot'}, $event->{'from'}, $data, 'me');
# sayOrEmote - calls say() or emote() depending on whether the string starts with /me or not.
sub sayOrEmote {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $data) = @_;
if ($data =~ /^\/me\s+/osi) {
$data =~ s/^\/me\s+//gosi;
$self->emote($event, $data);
} else {
$self->say($event, $data);
# directSayOrEmote - as sayOrEmote() but calls the direct versions instead
sub directSayOrEmote {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $data) = @_;
if ($data =~ /^\/me\s+/osi) {
$data =~ s/^\/me\s+//gosi;
$self->directEmote($event, $data);
} else {
$self->directSay($event, $data);
# isAdmin - Returns true if the person is an admin
sub isAdmin {
my $self = shift;
my ($event) = @_;
return (($event->{'userName'}) and (($event->{'userFlags'} & 1) == 1));
# setAway - Set the bot's 'away' flag. A blank message will mark the bot as back.
# Note: If you need this you are doing something wrong!!!
sub setAway {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $message) = @_;
# setNick - Set the bot's nick.
# Note: Best not to use this too much, especially not based on user input,
# as it is not throttled. XXX
sub setNick {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $value) = @_;
# Find nick's index.
my $newnick = 0;
$newnick++ while (($newnick < @nicks) and ($value ne $nicks[$newnick]));
# If nick isn't there, add it.
if ($newnick >= @nicks) {
push(@nicks, $value);
# set variable
$nick = $newnick;
# save
&Configuration::Save($cfgfile, &::configStructure(\$nick, \@nicks));
sub mode {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $channel, $mode, $arg) = @_;
$event->{'bot'}->mode($channel, $mode, $arg);
sub invite {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $who, $channel) = @_;
$event->{'bot'}->invite($who, $channel);
# pretty printer for turning lists of varying length strings into
# lists of roughly equal length strings without losing any data
sub prettyPrint {
my $self = shift;
my ($preferredLineLength, $prefix, $indent, $divider, @input) = @_;
# sort numerically descending by length
@input = sort {length($b) <=> length($a)} @input;
# if we have a prefix defined, it goes first (duh)
unshift(@input, $prefix) if defined($prefix);
my @output;
my $index;
while (@input) {
push(@output, $indent . shift(@input));
$index = 0;
while (($index <= $#input) and
((length($output[$#output]) + length($input[$#input])) < $preferredLineLength)) {
# does this one fit?
if ((length($output[$#output]) + length($input[$index])) < $preferredLineLength) {
if (defined($prefix)) {
# don't stick the divider between the prefix and the first item
} else {
$output[$#output] .= $divider;
$output[$#output] .= splice(@input, $index, 1);
} else {
return @output;
# wordWrap routines which takes a list and wraps it. A less pretty version
# of prettyPrinter, but it keeps the order.
sub wordWrap {
my $self = shift;
my ($preferredLineLength, $prefix, $indent, $divider, @input) = @_;
unshift(@input, $prefix) if defined($prefix);
my @output;
while (@input) {
push(@output, $indent . shift(@input));
while (($#input >= 0) and
((length($output[$#output]) + length($input[0])) < $preferredLineLength)) {
$output[$#output] .= $divider . shift(@input);
return @output;
sub unescapeXML {
my $self = shift;
my ($string) = @_;
$string =~ s/&apos;/'/gos;
$string =~ s/&quot;/"/gos;
$string =~ s/&lt;/</gos;
$string =~ s/&gt;/>/gos;
$string =~ s/&amp;/&/gos;
return $string;
sub days {
my $self = shift;
my ($then) = @_;
return &::days($then);
# return the argument if it is a valid regular expression,
# otherwise quotes the argument and returns that.
sub sanitizeRegexp {
my $self = shift;
my ($regexp) = @_;
if (defined($regexp)) {
eval {
'' =~ /$regexp/;
$self->debug("regexp |$regexp| returned error |$@|, quoting...") if $@;
return $@ ? quotemeta($regexp) : $regexp;
} else {
$self->debug("blank regexp, returning wildcard regexp //...");
return '';
# MODULE INTERFACE (override these)
# Initialise - Called when the module is loaded
sub Initialise {
my $self = shift;
# Schedule - Called after bot is set up, to set up any scheduled tasks
# use $self->schedule($event, $delay, $times, $data)
# where $times is 1 for a single event, -1 for recurring events,
# and a +ve number for an event that occurs that many times.
sub Schedule {
my $self = shift;
my ($event) = @_;
# JoinedIRC - Called before joining any channels (but after module is setup)
# this does not get called for dynamically loaded modules
sub JoinedIRC {
my $self = shift;
my ($event) = @_;
sub JoinedChannel {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $channel) = @_;
if ($self->{'autojoin'}) {
push(@{$self->{'channels'}}, $channel) unless ((scalar(grep $_ eq $channel, @{$self->{'channels'}})) or
(scalar(grep $_ eq $channel, @{$self->{'channelsBlocked'}})));
sub PartedChannel {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $channel) = @_;
if ($self->{'autojoin'}) {
my %channels = map { $_ => 1 } @{$self->{'channels'}};
if ($channels{$channel}) {
@{$self->{'channels'}} = keys %channels;
sub InChannel {
my $self = shift;
my ($event) = @_;
return scalar(grep $_ eq $event->{'channel'}, @{$self->{'channels'}});
# XXX could be optimised - cache the list into a hash.
sub IsBanned {
my $self = shift;
my ($event) = @_;
return 0 if scalar(grep { $_ = $self->sanitizeRegexp($_); $event->{'user'} =~ /^$_$/ } @{$self->{'allowusers'}});
return scalar(grep { $_ = $self->sanitizeRegexp($_); $event->{'user'} =~ /^$_$/ } @{$self->{'denyusers'}});
# Baffled - Called for messages prefixed by the bot's nick which we don't understand
sub Baffled {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $message) = @_;
return 1;
# Told - Called for messages prefixed by the bot's nick
sub Told {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $message) = @_;
return 1;
# Heard - Called for all messages
sub Heard {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $message) = @_;
return 1;
# Felt - Called for all emotes containing bot's nick
sub Felt {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $message) = @_;
return 1;
# -- #mozilla was here --
# * bryner tries to imagine the need for NS_TWIPS_TO_MILES
#<Ben_Goodger> bryner: yeah, that isn't even a metric unit. should
# <bryner> there's that too
#<Ben_Goodger> oh
#<Ben_Goodger> really?
# <bryner> yep
#<Ben_Goodger> o_O
# <bryner> for when we use mozilla for surveying and such
# <pinkerton> lol
# BTW. They aren't kidding. See:
# Saw - Called for all emotes
sub Saw {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $message) = @_;
return 1;
# Invited - Called when bot is invited into another channel
sub Invited {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $channel) = @_;
return 1;
# Kicked - Called when bot is kicked out of a channel
sub Kicked {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $channel) = @_;
return 1;
# ModeChange - Called when channel or bot has a mode flag changed
sub ModeChange {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $what, $change, $who) = @_;
return 1;
# GotOpped - Called when bot is opped
sub GotOpped {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $channel, $who) = @_;
return 1;
# GotDeopped - Called when bot is deopped
sub GotDeopped {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $channel, $who) = @_;
return 1;
# SpottedNickChange - Called when someone changes their nick
# Remember that you cannot use directSay here, since $event
# has the details of the old nick. And 'say' is useless
# since the channel is the old userhost string... XXX
sub SpottedNickChange {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $from, $to) = @_;
return 1;
# Authed - Called when someone authenticates with us.
# Remember that you cannot use say here, since this
# cannot actually be done in a channel...
sub Authed {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $who) = @_;
return 1;
# SpottedTopicChange - Called when someone thinks someone else said something funny
sub SpottedTopicChange {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $channel, $new) = @_;
return 1;
# SpottedJoin - Called when someone joins a channel
sub SpottedJoin {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $channel, $who) = @_;
return 1;
# SpottedPart - Called when someone leaves a channel
sub SpottedPart {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $channel, $who) = @_;
return 1;
# SpottedKick - Called when someone leaves a channel forcibly
sub SpottedKick {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $channel, $who) = @_;
return 1;
# SpottedQuit - Called when someone leaves a server
# can't use say or directSay: no channel involved, and
# user has quit (obviously). XXX
sub SpottedQuit {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $who, $why) = @_;
return 1;
# CTCPPing - Called when we receive a CTCP Ping.
sub CTCPPing {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $who, $what) = @_;
return 1;
# CTCPVersion - Called when we receive a CTCP Version.
sub CTCPVersion {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $who, $what) = @_;
return 1;
# CTCPSource - Called when we receive a CTCP Source.
sub CTCPSource {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $who, $what) = @_;
return 1;
# SpottedOpping - Called when someone is opped
sub SpottedOpping {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $channel, $who) = @_;
return 1;
# SpottedDeopping - Called when someone is... deopped, maybe?
sub SpottedDeopping {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $channel, $who) = @_;
return 1;
# Scheduled - Called when a scheduled timer triggers
sub Scheduled {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, @data) = @_;
if (ref($data[0]) eq 'CODE') {
&{$data[0]}($event, @data);
} else {
$self->debug('Unhandled scheduled event... :-/');
# ChildCompleted - Called when a child process has quit
sub ChildCompleted {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $type, $output, @data) = @_;
if ($type eq 'URI') {
my $uri = shift(@data);
$self->GotURI($event, $uri, $output, @data);
# GotURI - Called when a requested URI has been downloaded
sub GotURI {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $uri, $contents, @data) = @_;
# Help - Called to fully explain the module (return hash of command/description pairs)
# the string given for the '' key should be a module description
sub Help {
my $self = shift;
my ($event) = @_;
return {};
# RegisterConfig - Called when initialised, should call registerVariables
sub RegisterConfig {
my $self = shift;
# [ name, save?, settable?, value ]
['channels', 1, 1, []],
['channelsBlocked', 1, 1, []], # the channels in which this module will not autojoin regardless
['autojoin', 1, 1, 1],
['allowusers', 1, 1, []],
['denyusers', 1, 1, []],
# Set - called to set a variable to a particular value.
sub Set {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $variable, $value) = @_;
if ($self->{'_variables'}->{$variable}) {
if ((not defined($self->{$variable})) or (not ref($self->{$variable}))) {
$self->{$variable} = $value;
} elsif (ref($self->{$variable}) eq 'SCALAR') {
${$self->{$variable}} = $value;
} elsif (ref($self->{$variable}) eq 'ARRAY') {
if ($value =~ /^([-+])(.*)$/so) {
if ($1 eq '+') {
push(@{$self->{$variable}}, $2);
} else {
# We don't want to change the reference!!!
# Other variables might be pointing to there,
# it is *those* vars that affect the app.
my @oldvalue = @{$self->{$variable}};
@{$self->{$variable}} = ();
foreach (@oldvalue) {
push(@{$self->{$variable}}, $_) unless ($2 eq $_);
# XXX no feedback if nothing is done
} else {
return 3; # not the right format dude!
} elsif (ref($self->{$variable}) eq 'HASH') {
if ($value =~ /^\+(.)(.*)\1(.*)$/so) {
$self->{$variable}->{$2} = $3;
return -2 if $1 =~ /[a-zA-Z]/so;
} elsif ($value =~ /^\-(.*)$/so) {
# XXX no feedback if nothing is done
} else {
return 4; # not the right format dude!
} else {
return 1; # please to not be trying to set coderefs or arrayrefs or hashrefs or ...
} else {
return 2; # please to not be trying to set variables I not understand!
return 0;
# Get - called to get a particular variable
sub Get {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $variable) = @_;
return $self->{$variable};
# Log - Called for every event
sub Log {
my $self = shift;
my ($event) = @_;
# Admin Module #
package BotModules::Admin;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(BotModules);
# Initialise - Called when the module is loaded
sub Initialise {
my $self = shift;
$self->{'_fileModifiedTimes'} = {};
$self->{'_static'} = 1;
# RegisterConfig - Called when initialised, should call registerVariables
sub RegisterConfig {
my $self = shift;
# [ name, save?, settable?, value ]
['allowInviting', 1, 1, 1], # by default, anyone can invite a bot into their channel
['allowChannelAdmin', 1, 1, 0], # by default, one cannot admin from a channel
['sourceCodeCheckDelay', 1, 1, 20], # by default, wait 20 seconds between source code checks
['files', 1, 1, [$0, 'lib/', 'lib/', 'lib/IO/']], # files to check for source code changes
['channels', 0, 0, undef], # remove the 'channels' internal variable...
['autojoin', 0, 0, 0], # remove the 'autojoin' internal variable...
['errorMessagesMaxLines', 1, 1, 5], # by default, only have 5 lines in error messages, trim middle if more
# now add in all the global variables...
foreach (keys %configStructure) {
$self->registerVariables([$configStructure{$_}[0], 0, 1, $configStructure{$_}[1]]) if (ref($configStructure{$_}[1]) =~ /^(?:SCALAR|ARRAY|HASH)$/go);
# saveConfig - make sure we also save the main config variables...
sub saveConfig {
my $self = shift;
&Configuration::Save($cfgfile, &::configStructure());
# Set - called to set a variable to a particular value.
sub Set {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $variable, $value) = @_;
# First let's special case some magic variables...
if ($variable eq 'currentnick') {
$self->setNick($event, $value);
return -1;
} else {
return $self->SUPER::Set($event, $variable, $value);
# Get - called to get a particular variable.
sub Get {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $variable) = @_;
# First let's special case some magic variables...
if ($variable eq 'currentnick') {
return $event->{'bot'}->nick(); # at this point, $event->{'nick'} would work too
} elsif ($variable eq 'users') {
my @users = sort keys %users;
return \@users;
} else {
# else, check for known global variables...
my $configStructure = &::configStructure();
if (defined($configStructure->{$variable})) {
return $configStructure->{$variable};
} else {
return $self->SUPER::Get($event, $variable);
# Schedule - called when bot connects to a server, to install any schedulers
# use $self->schedule($event, $delay, $times, $data)
# where $times is 1 for a single event, -1 for recurring events,
# and a +ve number for an event that occurs that many times.
sub Schedule {
my $self = shift;
my ($event) = @_;
$self->schedule($event, \$self->{'sourceCodeCheckDelay'}, -1, {'action'=>'source'});
sub InChannel {
my $self = shift;
my ($event) = @_;
return $self->{'allowChannelAdmin'};
sub Help {
my $self = shift;
my ($event) = @_;
my $result = {
'auth' => 'Authenticate yourself. Append the word \'quiet\' after your password if you don\'t want confirmation. Syntax: auth <username> <password> [quiet]',
'password' => 'Change your password: password <oldpassword> <newpassword> <newpassword>',
'newuser' => 'Registers a new username and password (with no privileges). Syntax: newuser <username> <newpassword> <newpassword>',
if ($self->isAdmin($event)) {
$result->{''} = 'The administration module is used to perform tasks that fundamentally affect the bot.';
$result->{'shutdown'} = 'Shuts the bot down completely.';
$result->{'shutup'} = 'Clears the output queue (you actually have to say \'shutup please\' or nothing will happen).';
$result->{'restart'} = 'Shuts the bot down completely then restarts it, so that any source changes take effect.';
$result->{'cycle'} = 'Makes the bot disconnect from the server then try to reconnect.';
$result->{'vars'} = 'Manage variables: vars [<module> [<variable> [\'<value>\']]], say \'vars\' for more details.';
$result->{'join'} = 'Makes the bot attempt to join a channel. The same effect can be achieved using /invite. Syntax: join <channel>';
$result->{'part'} = 'Makes the bot leave a channel. The same effect can be achieved using /kick. Syntax: part <channel>';
$result->{'load'} = 'Loads a module from disk, if it is not already loaded: load <module>';
$result->{'unload'} = 'Unloads a module from memory: load <module>';
$result->{'reload'} = 'Unloads and then loads a module: reload <module>';
$result->{'bless'} = 'Sets the \'admin\' flag on a registered user. Syntax: bless <user>';
$result->{'unbless'} = 'Resets the \'admin\' flag on a registered user. Syntax: unbless <user>';
return $result;
# Told - Called for messages prefixed by the bot's nick
sub Told {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $message) = @_;
if ($message =~ /^\s*auth\s+($variablepattern)\s+($variablepattern)(\s+quiet)?\s*$/osi) {
if (not $event->{'channel'}) {
if (defined($users{$1})) {
if (&::checkPassword($2, $users{$1})) {
$authenticatedUsers{$event->{'user'}} = $1;
if (not defined($3)) {
$self->directSay($event, "Hi $1!");
&::do($event->{'bot'}, $event->{'_event'}, 'Authed'); # hack hack hack
} else {
$self->directSay($event, "No...");
} else {
$self->directSay($event, "You have not been added as a user yet. Try the \'newuser\' command (see \'help newuser\' for details).");
} elsif ($message =~ /^\s*password\s+($variablepattern)\s+($variablepattern)\s+\2\s*$/osi) {
if (not $event->{'channel'}) {
if ($authenticatedUsers{$event->{'user'}}) {
if (&::checkPassword($1, $users{$authenticatedUsers{$event->{'user'}}})) {
$users{$authenticatedUsers{$event->{'user'}}} = &::newPassword($2);
$self->say($event, 'Password changed. Please reauthenticate.');
} else {
$self->say($event, 'That is not your current password. Please reauthenticate.');
} elsif ($message =~ /^\s*new\s*user\s+($variablepattern)\s+($variablepattern)\s+\2\s*$/osi) {
if (not $event->{'channel'}) {
if (defined($users{$1})) {
$self->say($event, 'That user already exists in my list, you can\'t add them again!');
} elsif ($1) {
$users{$1} = &::newPassword($2);
$userFlags{$1} = 0;
$self->directSay($event, "New user '$1' added with password '$2' and no rights.");
} else {
$self->say($event, 'That is not a valid user name.');
} elsif ($self->isAdmin($event)) {
if ($message =~ /^\s*(?:shutdown,?\s+please)\s*[?!.]*\s*$/osi) {
$self->say($event, 'But of course. Have a nice day!');
$event->{'bot'}->quit('I was told to shutdown by '.$event->{'from'}.'. :-(');
exit(0); # prevents any other events happening...
} elsif ($message =~ /^\s*shutdown/osi) {
$self->say($event, 'If you really want me to shutdown, use the magic word.');
$self->schedule($event, 7, 1, 'i.e., please.');
} elsif ($message =~ /^\s*(?:restart,?\s+please)\s*[?!.]*\s*$/osi) {
$self->Restart($event, "I was told to restart by $event->{'from'} -- brb");
} elsif ($message =~ /^\s*restart/osi) {
$self->say($event, 'If you really want me to restart, use the magic word.');
$self->schedule($event, 7, 1, 'i.e., please.');
} elsif ($message =~ /^\s*(?:shutup,?\s+please)\s*[?!.]*\s*$/osi) {
my $lost = @msgqueue;
@msgqueue = ();
if ($lost) {
$self->say($event, "Ok, threw away $lost messages.");
} else {
$self->say($event, 'But I wasn\'t saying anything!');
} elsif ($message =~ /^\s*cycle(?:\s+please)?\s*[?!.]*\s*$/osi) {
$event->{'bot'}->quit('I was told to cycle by '.$event->{'from'}.'. BRB!');
&Configuration::Get($cfgfile, &::configStructure());
} elsif ($message =~ /^\s*join\s+([&#+][^\s]+)(?:\s+please)?\s*[?!.]*\s*$/osi) {
$self->Invited($event, $1);
} elsif ($message =~ /^\s*part\s+([&#+][^\s]+)(?:\s+please)?\s*[?!.]*\s*$/osi) {
$self->Kicked($event, $1);
} elsif ($message =~ /^\s*bless\s+('?)($variablepattern)\1\s*$/osi) {
if (defined($users{$2})) {
$userFlags{$2} = $userFlags{$2} || 1;
$self->say($event, "Ok, $2 is now an admin.");
} else {
$self->say($event, 'I don\'t know that user. Try the \'newuser\' command (see \'help newuser\' for details).');
} elsif ($message =~ /^\s*unbless\s+('?)($variablepattern)\1\s*$/osi) {
if (defined($users{$2})) {
$userFlags{$2} = $userFlags{$2} &~ 1;
$self->say($event, "Ok, $2 is now a mundane luser.");
} else {
$self->say($event, 'I don\'t know that user. Check your spelling!');
} elsif ($message =~ /^\s*load\s+('?)($variablepattern)\1\s*$/osi) {
$self->LoadModule($event, $2, 1);
} elsif ($message =~ /^\s*reload\s+('?)($variablepattern)\1\s*$/osi) {
$self->ReloadModule($event, $2, 1);
} elsif ($message =~ /^\s*unload\s+('?)($variablepattern)\1\s*$/osi) {
$self->UnloadModule($event, $2, 1);
} elsif ($message =~ /^\s*vars(?:\s+($variablepattern)(?:\s+($variablepattern)(?:\s+'(.*)')?)?|(.*))?\s*$/osi) {
$self->Vars($event, $1, $2, $3, $4);
} else {
return $self->SUPER::Told(@_);
} else {
return $self->SUPER::Told(@_);
return 0; # if made it here then we did it!
sub Scheduled {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $type) = @_;
if ((ref($type) eq 'HASH') and ($type->{'action'} eq 'source')) {
} elsif (ref($type)) {
} else {
$self->directSay($event, $type);
# remove any (other) temporary administrators when an admin authenticates
sub Authed {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $who) = @_;
if ($self->isAdmin($event)) {
foreach (keys %userFlags) {
if ((($userFlags{$_} & 2) == 2) and ($authenticatedUsers{$event->{'user'}} ne $_)) {
# if they authenticated, remove the entry to prevent dangling links
foreach my $user (keys %authenticatedUsers) {
if ($authenticatedUsers{$user} eq $_) {
$self->directSay($event, "Temporary administrator '$_' removed from user list.");
return $self->SUPER::Authed(@_); # this should not stop anything else happening
# SpottedQuit - Called when someone leaves a server
sub SpottedQuit {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $who, $why) = @_;
# XXX this doesn't deal with a user who has authenticated twice.
return $self->SUPER::SpottedQuit(@_);
sub CheckSource {
my $self = shift;
my ($event) = @_;
foreach my $file (@{$self->{'files'}}) {
my $lastModifiedTime = $self->{'_fileModifiedTimes'}->{$file};
my ($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks)
= stat($file);
$self->{'_fileModifiedTimes'}->{$file} = $mtime;
if (defined($lastModifiedTime) and ($mtime > $lastModifiedTime)) {
$self->debug("Noticed that source code of $file had changed");
# compile new bot using perl -cwT XXX
if (1) { # XXX replace 1 with "did compile succeed" test
$self->Restart($event, 'someone seems to have changed my source code. brb, unless I get a compile error!');
} else {
# tellAdmin that it did not compile XXX
# debug that it did not compile
my @updatedModules;
foreach my $module (@modules) {
if ($module->{'_filename'}) {
my $lastModifiedTime = $module->{'_fileModificationTime'};
my ($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks)
= stat($module->{'_filename'});
$module->{'_fileModificationTime'} = $mtime;
if (defined($lastModifiedTime) and ($mtime > $lastModifiedTime)) {
push(@updatedModules, $module->{'_name'});
foreach my $module (@updatedModules) {
$self->ReloadModule($event, $module, 0);
sub Restart {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $reason) = @_;
# Note that `exec' will not call our `END' blocks, nor will it
# call any `DESTROY' methods in our objects. So we fork a child to
# do that first.
my $parent = $$;
my $child = fork();
if (defined($child)) {
if ($child) {
# we are the parent process who is
# about to exec($0), so wait for
# child to shutdown.
$self->debug("spawned $child to handle shutdown...");
waitpid($child, 0);
} else {
# we are the child process who is
# in charge of shutting down cleanly.
$self->debug("initiating shutdown for parent process $parent...");
} else {
$self->debug("failed to fork: $!");
$self->debug("About to defer to a new $0 process...");
# we have done our best to shutdown, so go for it!
eval {
if ($CHROOT) {
exec { $0 } ($0, '--assume-chrooted', $cfgfile);
} else {
exec { $0 } ($0, $cfgfile);
# I am told (by some nice people in #perl on Efnet) that our
# memory is all cleared up for us. So don't worry that even
# though we don't call DESTROY in _this_ instance, we leave
# memory behind.
$self->debug("That failed!!! Bailing out to prevent all hell from breaking loose! $@ :-|");
exit(1); # we never get here unless exec fails
# handles the 'vars' command
sub Vars {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $modulename, $variable, $value, $nonsense) = @_;
if (defined($modulename)) {
my $module = $self->getModule($modulename);
if (defined($module)) {
if (defined($variable)) {
if (defined($value)) {
my $result = $module->Set($event, $variable, $value);
if ((not defined($result)) or ($result == 0)) {
$self->say($event, "Variable '$variable' in module '$modulename' has changed.");
} elsif ($result == 1) {
$self->say($event, "Variable '$variable' is of type ".ref($module->{$variable}).' and I do not know how to set that kind of variable!');
} elsif ($result == 2) { # we don't know that variable!
if ($module->{$variable}) { # well we do, but only to read
$self->say($event, "Variable '$variable' in module '$modulename' is read-only, sorry.");
} else { # not known
$self->say($event, "Module '$modulename' does not have a variable '$variable' as far as I can tell.");
} elsif ($result == 3) {
$self->say($event, "Variable '$variable' is a list. To add to a list, please use the '+' symbol before the value (vars <module> <variable> '+<value>'). To remove from a list, use the '-' symbol (vars <module> <variable> '-<value>').");
} elsif ($result == 4) {
$self->say($event, "Variable '$variable' is a hash. To add to a hash, please use the '+' symbol before the '|key|value' pair (vars <module> <variable> '+|<key>|<value>'). The separator symbol ('|' in this example) could be anything. To remove from a list, use the '-' symbol (vars <module> <variable> '-<key>').");
} elsif ($result == -1) {
# already reported success
} elsif ($result == -2) {
$self->say($event, "Variable '$variable' in module '$modulename' has changed, but may not be what you expect since it appears to me that you used a letter to delimit the sections. I hope that is what you meant to do...");
} elsif ($result > 0) { # negative = success
$self->say($event, "Variable '$variable' in module '$modulename' could not be set for some reason unknown to me.");
} else { # else give variable's current value
$value = $module->Get($event, $variable);
if (defined($value)) {
my $type = ref($value);
if ($type eq 'SCALAR') {
$self->say($event, "Variable '$variable' in module '$modulename' is set to: '$$value'");
} elsif ($type eq 'ARRAY') {
# XXX need a 'maximum number of items' feature to prevent flooding ourselves to pieces (or is shutup please enough?)
if (@$value) {
local $" = '\', \'';
$self->say($event, "Variable '$variable' in module '$modulename' is a list with the following values: '@$value'");
} else {
$self->say($event, "Variable '$variable' in module '$modulename' is an empty list.");
} elsif ($type eq 'HASH') {
# XXX need a 'maximum number of items' feature to prevent flooding ourselves to pieces (or is shutup please enough?)
$self->say($event, "Variable '$variable' in module '$modulename' is a hash with the following values:");
foreach (sort keys %$value) {
$self->say($event, " '$_' => '".($value->{$_}).'\' ');
$self->say($event, "End of dump of variable '$variable'.");
} else {
$self->say($event, "Variable '$variable' in module '$modulename' is set to: '$value'");
} else { # we don't know that variable
if ($module->{'_variables'}->{$variable}) { # well we do, but only to write
$self->say($event, "Variable '$variable' in module '$modulename' is write-only, sorry.");
} else { # not known
$self->say($event, "Module '$modulename' does not have a variable '$variable' as far as I can tell.");
} else { # else list variables
my @variables;
# then enumerate its variables
foreach my $variable (sort keys %{$module->{'_variables'}}) {
push(@variables, $variable) if $module->{'_variables'}->{$variable};
# then list 'em
if (@variables) {
local $" = '\', \'';
$self->say($event, "Module '$modulename' has the following published variables: '@variables'");
} else {
$self->say($event, "Module '$modulename' has no settable variables.");
} else { # complain no module
$self->say($event, "I didn't recognise that module name ('$modulename'). Try just 'vars' on its own for help.");
} elsif ($nonsense) {
$self->say($event, 'I didn\'t quite understand that. Try just \'vars\' on its own for help.');
$self->say($event, 'If you are trying to set a variable, don\'t forget the quotes around the value!');
} else { # else give help
$self->say($event, 'The \'vars\' command gives you an interface to the module variables in the bot.');
$self->say($event, 'To list the variables in a module: vars <module>');
$self->say($event, 'To get the value of a variable: vars <module> <variable>');
$self->say($event, 'To set the value of a variable: vars <module> <variable> \'<value>\'');
$self->say($event, 'Note the quotes around the value. They are required. If the value contains quotes itself, that is fine.');
# This is also called when we are messaged a 'join' command
sub Invited {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $channelName) = @_;
# $channelName is the name as requested and as should be /joined.
# This is important so that case is kept in the list of channels
# on the server should the bot join first.
my $channel = lc($channelName);
if (grep $_ eq $channel, @channels) {
$self->directSay($event, "I think I'm already *in* channel $channel! If this is not the case please make me part and then rejoin.");
} else {
if ($self->isAdmin($event) || $self->{'allowInviting'}) {
$self->debug("Joining $channel, since I was invited.");
if (defined($channelKeys{$channel})) {
$event->{'bot'}->join($channel, $channelKeys{$channel});
} else {
} else {
$self->debug($event->{'from'}." asked me to join $channel, but I refused.");
$self->directSay($event, "Please contact one of my administrators if you want me to join $channel.");
$self->tellAdmin($event, "Excuse me, but ".$event->{'from'}." asked me to join $channel. I thought you should know.");
return $self->SUPER::Invited($event, $channel);
# This is also called when we are /msg'ed a 'part' command
sub Kicked {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $channel) = @_;
$channel = lc($channel);
my %channels = map { $_ => 1 } @channels;
if ($channels{$channel}) {
$self->debug("kicked from $channel by ".$event->{'from'});
$event->{'bot'}->part($channel, 'I was told to leave by '.$event->{'from'}.'. :-(');
@channels = keys %channels;
&Configuration::Save($cfgfile, &::configStructure(\@channels));
$self->debug('about to autopart modules...');
foreach (@modules) {
$_->PartedChannel($event, $channel);
} else {
$self->directSay($event, "I'm not *in* channel $channel!");
return $self->SUPER::Kicked($event, $channel);
sub LoadModule {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $name, $requested) = @_;
my $newmodule = &::LoadModule($name);
if (ref($newmodule)) {
# configure module
$newmodule->{'channels'} = [@channels];
&Configuration::Get($cfgfile, $newmodule->configStructure());
$self->debug("Successfully loaded module '$name'.");
if ($requested) {
$self->say($event, "Loaded module '$name'.");
} else {
if ($requested) { # it failed, $newmodule contains error message
my @errors = split(/[\n\r]/gos, $newmodule);
if (scalar(@errors) > $self->{'errorMessagesMaxLines'}) {
# remove lines from the middle if the log is too long
@errors = (@errors[$self->{'errorMessagesMaxLines'} / 2)-1], '...', @errors[-(int($self->{'errorMessagesMaxLines'} / 2))..-1]);
local $" = "\n";
$self->say($event, "@errors");
sub UnloadModule {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $name, $requested) = @_;
my $result = &::UnloadModule($name);
if (defined($result)) { # failed
if ($requested) {
$self->say($event, $result);
} else {
} else {
if ($requested) {
$self->say($event, "Unloaded module '$name'.");
} else {
$self->debug("Successfully unloaded module '$name'.");
sub ReloadModule {
my $self = shift;
# XXX there used to be a memory leak around this code. It seems to be fixed
# now. However if your bot process suddenly balloons to 90M+, here would be a good
# place to start looking. Of course if that happens and you never reloaded modules
# then it is also a good time to remove this comment... ;-)
# Startup (aka main) #
package main;
# -- #mozilla was here --
# <zero> is the bug with zilla hanging on startup on every
# platform fixed in today's nightlies?
# <leaf> no
# <alecf> heh
# <leaf> NEVER
# <leaf> we're shipping with it.
# <andreww> helps hide our other bugs
# Do this at the very end, so we can intersperse "my" initializations outside
# of routines above and be assured that they will run.
&debug('starting up command loop...');
END { &debug('perl is shutting down...'); }
# -- #mozilla was here --
# <alecf> Maybe I'll file a bug about netcenter and that will
# get some attention
# <alecf> "Browser won't render because it
# won't start up"
# <andreww> alecf how about "cant view banner ads - wont start up"
# <alecf> even better
# <pinkerton> all bugs are dependent on this one!
# *** Disconnected from