
799 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#if __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// Effect control interface
// The effect control interface is exposed by each effect engine implementation. It consists of
// a set of functions controlling the configuration, activation and process of the engine.
// The functions are grouped in a structure of type effect_interface_s:
// struct effect_interface_s {
// effect_process_t process;
// effect_command_t command;
// };
// effect_interface_t: Effect control interface handle.
// The effect_interface_t serves two purposes regarding the implementation of the effect engine:
// - 1 it is the address of a pointer to an effect_interface_s structure where the functions
// of the effect control API for a particular effect are located.
// - 2 it is the address of the context of a particular effect instance.
// A typical implementation in the effect library would define a structure as follows:
// struct effect_module_s {
// const struct effect_interface_s *itfe;
// effect_config_t config;
// effect_context_t context;
// }
// The implementation of EffectCreate() function would then allocate a structure of this
// type and return its address as effect_interface_t
typedef struct effect_interface_s **effect_interface_t;
// Effect API version 1.0
#define EFFECT_API_VERSION 0x0100 // Format 0xMMmm MM: Major version, mm: minor version
// Maximum length of character strings in structures defines by this API.
//--- Effect descriptor structure effect_descriptor_t
// Unique effect ID (can be generated from the following site:
// This format is used for both "type" and "uuid" fields of the effect descriptor structure.
// - When used for effect type and the engine is implementing and effect corresponding to a standard
// OpenSL ES interface, this ID must be the one defined in OpenSLES_IID.h for that interface.
// - When used as uuid, it should be a unique UUID for this particular implementation.
typedef struct effect_uuid_s {
uint32_t timeLow;
uint16_t timeMid;
uint16_t timeHiAndVersion;
uint16_t clockSeq;
uint8_t node[6];
} effect_uuid_t;
// NULL UUID definition (matches SL_IID_NULL_)
#define EFFECT_UUID_INITIALIZER { 0xec7178ec, 0xe5e1, 0x4432, 0xa3f4, \
{ 0x46, 0x57, 0xe6, 0x79, 0x52, 0x10 } }
static const effect_uuid_t EFFECT_UUID_NULL_ = EFFECT_UUID_INITIALIZER;
const effect_uuid_t * const EFFECT_UUID_NULL = &EFFECT_UUID_NULL_;
const char * const EFFECT_UUID_NULL_STR = "ec7178ec-e5e1-4432-a3f4-4657e6795210";
// The effect descriptor contains necessary information to facilitate the enumeration of the effect
// engines present in a library.
typedef struct effect_descriptor_s {
effect_uuid_t type; // UUID of to the OpenSL ES interface implemented by this effect
effect_uuid_t uuid; // UUID for this particular implementation
uint16_t apiVersion; // Version of the effect API implemented: matches EFFECT_API_VERSION
uint32_t flags; // effect engine capabilities/requirements flags (see below)
uint16_t cpuLoad; // CPU load indication (see below)
uint16_t memoryUsage; // Data Memory usage (see below)
char name[EFFECT_STRING_LEN_MAX]; // human readable effect name
char implementor[EFFECT_STRING_LEN_MAX]; // human readable effect implementor name
} effect_descriptor_t;
// CPU load and memory usage indication: each effect implementation must provide an indication of
// its CPU and memory usage for the audio effect framework to limit the number of effects
// instantiated at a given time on a given platform.
// The CPU load is expressed in 0.1 MIPS units as estimated on an ARM9E core (ARMv5TE) with 0 WS.
// The memory usage is expressed in KB and includes only dynamically allocated memory
// Definitions for flags field of effect descriptor.
// +---------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------------
// | description | bits | values
// +---------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------------
// | connection mode | 0..1 | 0 insert: after track process
// | | | 1 auxiliary: connect to track auxiliary
// | | | output and use send level
// | | | 2 replace: replaces track process function;
// | | | must implement SRC, volume and mono to stereo.
// | | | 3 reserved
// +---------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------------
// | insertion preference | 2..4 | 0 none
// | | | 1 first of the chain
// | | | 2 last of the chain
// | | | 3 exclusive (only effect in the insert chain)
// | | | 4..7 reserved
// +---------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------------
// | Volume management | 5..6 | 0 none
// | | | 1 implements volume control
// | | | 2 requires volume indication
// | | | 3 reserved
// +---------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------------
// | Device indication | 7..8 | 0 none
// | | | 1 requires device updates
// | | | 2..3 reserved
// +---------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------------
// | Sample input mode | 9..10 | 0 direct: process() function or EFFECT_CMD_CONFIGURE
// | | | command must specify a buffer descriptor
// | | | 1 provider: process() function uses the
// | | | bufferProvider indicated by the
// | | | EFFECT_CMD_CONFIGURE command to request input.
// | | | buffers.
// | | | 2 both: both input modes are supported
// | | | 3 reserved
// +---------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------------
// | Sample output mode | 11..12 | 0 direct: process() function or EFFECT_CMD_CONFIGURE
// | | | command must specify a buffer descriptor
// | | | 1 provider: process() function uses the
// | | | bufferProvider indicated by the
// | | | EFFECT_CMD_CONFIGURE command to request output
// | | | buffers.
// | | | 2 both: both output modes are supported
// | | | 3 reserved
// +---------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------------
// | Hardware acceleration | 13..15 | 0 No hardware acceleration
// | | | 1 non tunneled hw acceleration: the process() function
// | | | reads the samples, send them to HW accelerated
// | | | effect processor, reads back the processed samples
// | | | and returns them to the output buffer.
// | | | 2 tunneled hw acceleration: the process() function is
// | | | transparent. The effect interface is only used to
// | | | control the effect engine. This mode is relevant for
// | | | global effects actually applied by the audio
// | | | hardware on the output stream.
// +---------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------------
// | Audio Mode indication | 16..17 | 0 none
// | | | 1 requires audio mode updates
// | | | 2..3 reserved
// +---------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------------
// Insert mode
#define EFFECT_FLAG_TYPE_MASK 0x00000003
#define EFFECT_FLAG_TYPE_INSERT 0x00000000
#define EFFECT_FLAG_TYPE_REPLACE 0x00000002
// Insert preference
#define EFFECT_FLAG_INSERT_MASK 0x0000001C
#define EFFECT_FLAG_INSERT_ANY 0x00000000
#define EFFECT_FLAG_INSERT_FIRST 0x00000004
#define EFFECT_FLAG_INSERT_LAST 0x00000008
// Volume control
#define EFFECT_FLAG_VOLUME_MASK 0x00000060
#define EFFECT_FLAG_VOLUME_CTRL 0x00000020
#define EFFECT_FLAG_VOLUME_IND 0x00000040
#define EFFECT_FLAG_VOLUME_NONE 0x00000000
// Device indication
#define EFFECT_FLAG_DEVICE_MASK 0x00000180
#define EFFECT_FLAG_DEVICE_IND 0x00000080
#define EFFECT_FLAG_DEVICE_NONE 0x00000000
// Sample input modes
#define EFFECT_FLAG_INPUT_MASK 0x00000600
#define EFFECT_FLAG_INPUT_DIRECT 0x00000000
#define EFFECT_FLAG_INPUT_BOTH 0x00000400
// Sample output modes
#define EFFECT_FLAG_OUTPUT_MASK 0x00001800
#define EFFECT_FLAG_OUTPUT_DIRECT 0x00000000
#define EFFECT_FLAG_OUTPUT_BOTH 0x00001000
// Hardware acceleration mode
#define EFFECT_FLAG_HW_ACC_MASK 0x00006000
#define EFFECT_FLAG_HW_ACC_SIMPLE 0x00002000
#define EFFECT_FLAG_HW_ACC_TUNNEL 0x00004000
// Audio mode indication
#define EFFECT_FLAG_AUDIO_MODE_MASK 0x00018000
#define EFFECT_FLAG_AUDIO_MODE_IND 0x00008000
#define EFFECT_FLAG_AUDIO_MODE_NONE 0x00000000
// Forward definition of type audio_buffer_t
typedef struct audio_buffer_s audio_buffer_t;
// Function: process
// Description: Effect process function. Takes input samples as specified
// (count and location) in input buffer descriptor and output processed
// samples as specified in output buffer descriptor. If the buffer descriptor
// is not specified the function must use either the buffer or the
// buffer provider function installed by the EFFECT_CMD_CONFIGURE command.
// The effect framework will call the process() function after the EFFECT_CMD_ENABLE
// command is received and until the EFFECT_CMD_DISABLE is received. When the engine
// receives the EFFECT_CMD_DISABLE command it should turn off the effect gracefully
// and when done indicate that it is OK to stop calling the process() function by
// returning the -ENODATA status.
// NOTE: the process() function implementation should be "real-time safe" that is
// it should not perform blocking calls: malloc/free, sleep, read/write/open/close,
// pthread_cond_wait/pthread_mutex_lock...
// Input:
// effect_interface_t: handle to the effect interface this function
// is called on.
// inBuffer: buffer descriptor indicating where to read samples to process.
// If NULL, use the configuration passed by EFFECT_CMD_CONFIGURE command.
// inBuffer: buffer descriptor indicating where to write processed samples.
// If NULL, use the configuration passed by EFFECT_CMD_CONFIGURE command.
// Output:
// returned value: 0 successful operation
// -ENODATA the engine has finished the disable phase and the framework
// can stop calling process()
// -EINVAL invalid interface handle or
// invalid input/output buffer description
typedef int32_t (*effect_process_t)(effect_interface_t self,
audio_buffer_t *inBuffer,
audio_buffer_t *outBuffer);
// Function: command
// Description: Send a command and receive a response to/from effect engine.
// Input:
// effect_interface_t: handle to the effect interface this function
// is called on.
// cmdCode: command code: the command can be a standardized command defined in
// effect_command_e (see below) or a proprietary command.
// cmdSize: size of command in bytes
// pCmdData: pointer to command data
// pReplyData: pointer to reply data
// Input/Output:
// replySize: maximum size of reply data as input
// actual size of reply data as output
// Output:
// returned value: 0 successful operation
// -EINVAL invalid interface handle or
// invalid command/reply size or format according to command code
// The return code should be restricted to indicate problems related to the this
// API specification. Status related to the execution of a particular command should be
// indicated as part of the reply field.
// *pReplyData updated with command response
typedef int32_t (*effect_command_t)(effect_interface_t self,
uint32_t cmdCode,
uint32_t cmdSize,
void *pCmdData,
uint32_t *replySize,
void *pReplyData);
// Effect control interface definition
struct effect_interface_s {
effect_process_t process;
effect_command_t command;
//--- Standardized command codes for command() function
enum effect_command_e {
EFFECT_CMD_INIT, // initialize effect engine
EFFECT_CMD_CONFIGURE, // configure effect engine (see effect_config_t)
EFFECT_CMD_RESET, // reset effect engine
EFFECT_CMD_ENABLE, // enable effect process
EFFECT_CMD_DISABLE, // disable effect process
EFFECT_CMD_SET_PARAM, // set parameter immediately (see effect_param_t)
EFFECT_CMD_SET_PARAM_DEFERRED, // set parameter deferred
EFFECT_CMD_SET_PARAM_COMMIT, // commit previous set parameter deferred
EFFECT_CMD_GET_PARAM, // get parameter
EFFECT_CMD_SET_DEVICE, // set audio device (see audio_device_e)
EFFECT_CMD_SET_VOLUME, // set volume
EFFECT_CMD_SET_AUDIO_MODE, // set the audio mode (normal, ring, ...)
EFFECT_CMD_FIRST_PROPRIETARY = 0x10000 // first proprietary command code
// command: EFFECT_CMD_INIT
// description:
// Initialize effect engine: All configurations return to default
// command format:
// size: 0
// data: N/A
// reply format:
// size: sizeof(int)
// data: status
// description:
// Apply new audio parameters configurations for input and output buffers
// command format:
// size: sizeof(effect_config_t)
// data: effect_config_t
// reply format:
// size: sizeof(int)
// data: status
// command: EFFECT_CMD_RESET
// description:
// Reset the effect engine. Keep configuration but resets state and buffer content
// command format:
// size: 0
// data: N/A
// reply format:
// size: 0
// data: N/A
// description:
// Enable the process. Called by the framework before the first call to process()
// command format:
// size: 0
// data: N/A
// reply format:
// size: sizeof(int)
// data: status
// description:
// Disable the process. Called by the framework after the last call to process()
// command format:
// size: 0
// data: N/A
// reply format:
// size: sizeof(int)
// data: status
// description:
// Set a parameter and apply it immediately
// command format:
// size: sizeof(effect_param_t) + size of param and value
// data: effect_param_t + param + value. See effect_param_t definition below for value offset
// reply format:
// size: sizeof(int)
// data: status
// description:
// Set a parameter but apply it only when receiving EFFECT_CMD_SET_PARAM_COMMIT command
// command format:
// size: sizeof(effect_param_t) + size of param and value
// data: effect_param_t + param + value. See effect_param_t definition below for value offset
// reply format:
// size: 0
// data: N/A
// description:
// Apply all previously received EFFECT_CMD_SET_PARAM_DEFERRED commands
// command format:
// size: 0
// data: N/A
// reply format:
// size: sizeof(int)
// data: status
// description:
// Get a parameter value
// command format:
// size: sizeof(effect_param_t) + size of param
// data: effect_param_t + param
// reply format:
// size: sizeof(effect_param_t) + size of param and value
// data: effect_param_t + param + value. See effect_param_t definition below for value offset
// description:
// Set the rendering device the audio output path is connected to. See audio_device_e for device
// values.
// The effect implementation must set EFFECT_FLAG_DEVICE_IND flag in its descriptor to receive this
// command when the device changes
// command format:
// size: sizeof(uint32_t)
// data: audio_device_e
// reply format:
// size: 0
// data: N/A
// description:
// Set and get volume. Used by audio framework to delegate volume control to effect engine.
// The effect implementation must set EFFECT_FLAG_VOLUME_IND or EFFECT_FLAG_VOLUME_CTRL flag in
// its descriptor to receive this command before every call to process() function
// If EFFECT_FLAG_VOLUME_CTRL flag is set in the effect descriptor, the effect engine must return
// the volume that should be applied before the effect is processed. The overall volume (the volume
// actually applied by the effect engine multiplied by the returned value) should match the value
// indicated in the command.
// command format:
// size: n * sizeof(uint32_t)
// data: volume for each channel defined in effect_config_t for output buffer expressed in
// 8.24 fixed point format
// reply format:
// size: n * sizeof(uint32_t) / 0
// data: - if EFFECT_FLAG_VOLUME_CTRL is set in effect descriptor:
// volume for each channel defined in effect_config_t for output buffer expressed in
// 8.24 fixed point format
// - if EFFECT_FLAG_VOLUME_CTRL is not set in effect descriptor:
// N/A
// It is legal to receive a null pointer as pReplyData in which case the effect framework has
// delegated volume control to another effect
// description:
// Set the audio mode. The effect implementation must set EFFECT_FLAG_AUDIO_MODE_IND flag in its
// descriptor to receive this command when the audio mode changes.
// command format:
// size: sizeof(uint32_t)
// data: audio_mode_e
// reply format:
// size: 0
// data: N/A
// description:
// All proprietary effect commands must use command codes above this value. The size and format of
// command and response fields is free in this case
// Audio buffer descriptor used by process(), bufferProvider() functions and buffer_config_t
// structure. Multi-channel audio is always interleaved. The channel order is from LSB to MSB with
// regard to the channel mask definition in audio_channels_e e.g :
// Stereo: left, right
// 5 point 1: front left, front right, front center, low frequency, back left, back right
// The buffer size is expressed in frame count, a frame being composed of samples for all
// channels at a given time. Frame size for unspecified format (AUDIO_FORMAT_OTHER) is 8 bit by
// definition
struct audio_buffer_s {
size_t frameCount; // number of frames in buffer
union {
void* raw; // raw pointer to start of buffer
int32_t* s32; // pointer to signed 32 bit data at start of buffer
int16_t* s16; // pointer to signed 16 bit data at start of buffer
uint8_t* u8; // pointer to unsigned 8 bit data at start of buffer
// The buffer_provider_s structure contains functions that can be used
// by the effect engine process() function to query and release input
// or output audio buffer.
// The getBuffer() function is called to retrieve a buffer where data
// should read from or written to by process() function.
// The releaseBuffer() function MUST be called when the buffer retrieved
// with getBuffer() is not needed anymore.
// The process function should use the buffer provider mechanism to retrieve
// input or output buffer if the inBuffer or outBuffer passed as argument is NULL
// and the buffer configuration (buffer_config_t) given by the EFFECT_CMD_CONFIGURE
// command did not specify an audio buffer.
typedef int32_t (* buffer_function_t)(void *cookie, audio_buffer_t *buffer);
typedef struct buffer_provider_s {
buffer_function_t getBuffer; // retrieve next buffer
buffer_function_t releaseBuffer; // release used buffer
void *cookie; // for use by client of buffer provider functions
} buffer_provider_t;
// The buffer_config_s structure specifies the input or output audio format
// to be used by the effect engine. It is part of the effect_config_t
// structure that defines both input and output buffer configurations and is
// passed by the EFFECT_CMD_CONFIGURE command.
typedef struct buffer_config_s {
audio_buffer_t buffer; // buffer for use by process() function if not passed explicitly
uint32_t samplingRate; // sampling rate
uint32_t channels; // channel mask (see audio_channels_e)
buffer_provider_t bufferProvider; // buffer provider
uint8_t format; // Audio format (see audio_format_e)
uint8_t accessMode; // read/write or accumulate in buffer (effect_buffer_access_e)
uint16_t mask; // indicates which of the above fields is valid
} buffer_config_t;
// Sample format
enum audio_format_e {
SAMPLE_FORMAT_PCM_S15, // PCM signed 16 bits
SAMPLE_FORMAT_PCM_U8, // PCM unsigned 8 bits
SAMPLE_FORMAT_PCM_S7_24, // PCM signed 7.24 fixed point representation
SAMPLE_FORMAT_OTHER // other format (e.g. compressed)
// Channel mask
enum audio_channels_e {
CHANNEL_FRONT_LEFT = 0x1, // front left channel
CHANNEL_FRONT_RIGHT = 0x2, // front right channel
CHANNEL_FRONT_CENTER = 0x4, // front center channel
CHANNEL_LOW_FREQUENCY = 0x8, // low frequency channel
CHANNEL_BACK_LEFT = 0x10, // back left channel
CHANNEL_BACK_RIGHT = 0x20, // back right channel
CHANNEL_FRONT_LEFT_OF_CENTER = 0x40, // front left of center channel
CHANNEL_FRONT_RIGHT_OF_CENTER = 0x80, // front right of center channel
CHANNEL_BACK_CENTER = 0x100, // back center channel
// Render device
enum audio_device_e {
DEVICE_EARPIECE = 0x1, // earpiece
DEVICE_SPEAKER = 0x2, // speaker
DEVICE_WIRED_HEADSET = 0x4, // wired headset, with microphone
DEVICE_WIRED_HEADPHONE = 0x8, // wired headphone, without microphone
DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_SCO = 0x10, // generic bluetooth SCO
DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_SCO_HEADSET = 0x20, // bluetooth SCO headset
DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_SCO_CARKIT = 0x40, // bluetooth SCO car kit
DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_A2DP = 0x80, // generic bluetooth A2DP
DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_A2DP_HEADPHONES = 0x100, // bluetooth A2DP headphones
DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_A2DP_SPEAKER = 0x200, // bluetooth A2DP speakers
DEVICE_AUX_DIGITAL = 0x400, // digital output
DEVICE_EXTERNAL_SPEAKER = 0x800 // external speaker (stereo and High quality)
// Audio mode
enum audio_mode_e {
AUDIO_MODE_NORMAL, // device idle
AUDIO_MODE_RINGTONE, // device ringing
AUDIO_MODE_IN_CALL // audio call connected (VoIP or telephony)
// Values for "accessMode" field of buffer_config_t:
// overwrite, read only, accumulate (read/modify/write)
enum effect_buffer_access_e {
// Values for bit field "mask" in buffer_config_t. If a bit is set, the corresponding field
// in buffer_config_t must be taken into account when executing the EFFECT_CMD_CONFIGURE command
#define EFFECT_CONFIG_BUFFER 0x0001 // buffer field must be taken into account
#define EFFECT_CONFIG_SMP_RATE 0x0002 // samplingRate field must be taken into account
#define EFFECT_CONFIG_CHANNELS 0x0004 // channels field must be taken into account
#define EFFECT_CONFIG_FORMAT 0x0008 // format field must be taken into account
#define EFFECT_CONFIG_ACC_MODE 0x0010 // accessMode field must be taken into account
#define EFFECT_CONFIG_PROVIDER 0x0020 // bufferProvider field must be taken into account
// effect_config_s structure describes the format of the pCmdData argument of EFFECT_CMD_CONFIGURE
// command to configure audio parameters and buffers for effect engine input and output.
typedef struct effect_config_s {
buffer_config_t inputCfg;
buffer_config_t outputCfg;;
} effect_config_t;
// effect_param_s structure describes the format of the pCmdData argument of EFFECT_CMD_SET_PARAM
// command and pCmdData and pReplyData of EFFECT_CMD_GET_PARAM command.
// psize and vsize represent the actual size of parameter and value.
// NOTE: the start of value field inside the data field is always on a 32 bit boundary:
// +-----------+
// | status | sizeof(int)
// +-----------+
// | psize | sizeof(int)
// +-----------+
// | vsize | sizeof(int)
// +-----------+
// | | | |
// ~ parameter ~ > psize |
// | | | > ((psize - 1)/sizeof(int) + 1) * sizeof(int)
// +-----------+ |
// | padding | |
// +-----------+
// | | |
// ~ value ~ > vsize
// | | |
// +-----------+
typedef struct effect_param_s {
int32_t status; // Transaction status (unused for command, used for reply)
uint32_t psize; // Parameter size
uint32_t vsize; // Value size
char data[]; // Start of Parameter + Value data
} effect_param_t;
// Effect library interface
// An effect library is required to implement and expose the following functions
// to enable effect enumeration and instantiation. The name of these functions must be as
// specified here as the effect framework will get the function address with dlsym():
// - effect_QueryNumberEffects_t EffectQueryNumberEffects;
// - effect_QueryEffect_t EffectQueryEffect;
// - effect_CreateEffect_t EffectCreate;
// - effect_ReleaseEffect_t EffectRelease;
// Function: EffectQueryNumberEffects
// Description: Returns the number of different effects exposed by the
// library. Each effect must have a unique effect uuid (see
// effect_descriptor_t). This function together with EffectQueryEffect()
// is used to enumerate all effects present in the library.
// Input/Output:
// pNumEffects: address where the number of effects should be returned.
// Output:
// returned value: 0 successful operation.
// -ENODEV library failed to initialize
// -EINVAL invalid pNumEffects
// *pNumEffects: updated with number of effects in library
typedef int32_t (*effect_QueryNumberEffects_t)(uint32_t *pNumEffects);
// Function: EffectQueryEffect
// Description: Returns the descriptor of the effect engine which index is
// given as first argument.
// See effect_descriptor_t for details on effect descriptors.
// This function together with EffectQueryNumberEffects() is used to enumerate all
// effects present in the library. The enumeration sequence is:
// EffectQueryNumberEffects(&num_effects);
// for (i = 0; i < num_effects; i++)
// EffectQueryEffect(i,...);
// Input/Output:
// index: index of the effect
// pDescriptor: address where to return the effect descriptor.
// Output:
// returned value: 0 successful operation.
// -ENODEV library failed to initialize
// -EINVAL invalid pDescriptor or index
// -ENOSYS effect list has changed since last execution of
// EffectQueryNumberEffects()
// -ENOENT no more effect available
// *pDescriptor: updated with the effect descriptor.
typedef int32_t (*effect_QueryEffect_t)(uint32_t index,
effect_descriptor_t *pDescriptor);
// Function: EffectCreate
// Description: Creates an effect engine of the specified type and returns an
// effect control interface on this engine. The function will allocate the
// resources for an instance of the requested effect engine and return
// a handle on the effect control interface.
// Input:
// uuid: pointer to the effect uuid.
// sessionId: audio session to which this effect instance will be attached. All effects
// created with the same session ID are connected in series and process the same signal
// stream. Knowing that two effects are part of the same effect chain can help the
// library implement some kind of optimizations.
// ioId: identifies the output or input stream this effect is directed to at audio HAL.
// For future use especially with tunneled HW accelerated effects
// Input/Output:
// pInterface: address where to return the effect interface.
// Output:
// returned value: 0 successful operation.
// -ENODEV library failed to initialize
// -EINVAL invalid pEffectUuid or pInterface
// -ENOENT no effect with this uuid found
// *pInterface: updated with the effect interface handle.
typedef int32_t (*effect_CreateEffect_t)(effect_uuid_t *uuid,
int32_t sessionId,
int32_t ioId,
effect_interface_t *pInterface);
// Function: EffectRelease
// Description: Releases the effect engine whose handle is given as argument.
// All resources allocated to this particular instance of the effect are
// released.
// Input:
// interface: handle on the effect interface to be released.
// Output:
// returned value: 0 successful operation.
// -ENODEV library failed to initialize
// -EINVAL invalid interface handle
typedef int32_t (*effect_ReleaseEffect_t)(effect_interface_t interface);
#if __cplusplus
} // extern "C"