gecko-dev/mailnews/base/resources/content/msgHdrViewOverlay.js 35680d08c4 Bug #44832 --> view all header mode polish fixes. Add indentation, fix problem
where there were no commas after email recipients. allow header values in the
all header view to wrap. eat any \r or \n characters before showing a header.
2000-08-26 02:50:40 +00:00

782 lines
28 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
* License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
* IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released
* March 31, 1998.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
* Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
* Rights Reserved.
/* This is where functions related to displaying the headers for a selected message in the
message pane live. */
// Warning: if you go to modify any of these JS routines please get a code review from either
// or It's critical that the code in here for displaying
// the message headers for a selected message remain as fast as possible. In particular,
// right now, we only introduce one reflow per message. i.e. if you click on a message in the thread
// pane, we batch up all the changes for displaying the header pane (to, cc, attachements button, etc.)
// and we make a single pass to display them. It's critical that we maintain this one reflow per message
// view in the message header pane.
var msgHeaderParserProgID = "component://netscape/messenger/headerparser";
var abAddressCollectorProgID = "component://netscape/addressbook/services/addressCollecter";
var msgPaneData;
var currentHeaderData = {};
// gGeneratedViewAllHeaderInfo --> we clear this every time we start to display a new message.
// the view all header popup will set it when we first generate a view of all the headers. this is
// just so it won't try to regenerate all the information every time the user clicks on the popup.
var gGeneratedViewAllHeaderInfo = false;
var gViewAllHeaders = false;
var gNumAddressesToShow = 3;
var gShowUserAgent = false;
// attachments array
var attachmentUrlArray = new Array();
var attachmentDisplayNameArray = new Array();
var attachmentMessageUriArray = new Array();
var msgHeaderParser = Components.classes[msgHeaderParserProgID].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIMsgHeaderParser);
var abAddressCollector = Components.classes[abAddressCollectorProgID].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIAbAddressCollecter);
function OnLoadMsgHeaderPane()
// build a document object for the header pane so we can cache fetches for elements
// in a local variable
// if you add more document elements with ids to msgHeaderPane.xul, you should add
// to this object...
msgPaneData = new Object;
// HACK...force our XBL bindings file to be load before we try to create our first xbl widget....
// otherwise we have problems.
if (msgPaneData)
// First group of headers
msgPaneData.SubjectBox = document.getElementById("SubjectBox");
msgPaneData.SubjectValue = document.getElementById("SubjectValue");
msgPaneData.FromBox = document.getElementById("FromBox");
msgPaneData.FromValue = document.getElementById("FromValue");
msgPaneData.ReplyToBox = document.getElementById("ReplyToBox");
msgPaneData.ReplyToValue = document.getElementById("ReplyToValue");
msgPaneData.DateBox = document.getElementById("DateBox");
msgPaneData.DateValue = document.getElementById("DateValue");
// Attachment related elements
msgPaneData.AttachmentPopup = document.getElementById("attachmentPopup");
msgPaneData.AttachmentButton = document.getElementById("attachmentButton");
// Second toolbar
msgPaneData.ToBox = document.getElementById("ToBox");
// ToValueShort is the div which shows a shortened number of addresses
// on the to line...ToValueLong is a div which shows all of the
// addresses on the to line. The same rule applies for ccValueShort/Long
msgPaneData.ToValueShort = document.getElementById("ToValueShort");
msgPaneData.ToValueLong = document.getElementById("ToValueLong");
msgPaneData.ToValueToggleIcon = document.getElementById("ToValueToggleIcon");
msgPaneData.CcBox = document.getElementById("CcBox");
msgPaneData.CcValueShort = document.getElementById("CcValueShort");
msgPaneData.CcValueLong = document.getElementById("CcValueLong");
msgPaneData.CcValueToggleIcon = document.getElementById("CcValueToggleIcon");
msgPaneData.NewsgroupBox = document.getElementById("NewsgroupBox");
msgPaneData.NewsgroupValue = document.getElementById("NewsgroupValue");
msgPaneData.FollowupToBox = document.getElementById("FollowupToBox");
msgPaneData.FollowupToValue = document.getElementById("FollowupToValue");
msgPaneData.UserAgentBox = document.getElementById("UserAgentBox");
msgPaneData.UserAgentToolbar = document.getElementById("headerPart3");
msgPaneData.UserAgentValue = document.getElementById("UserAgentValue");
msgPaneData.ViewAllHeadersToolbar = document.getElementById("viewAllHeadersToolbar");
msgPaneData.ViewAllHeadersBox = document.getElementById("viewAllHeadersBox");
// load any preferences that at are global with regards to
// displaying a message...
gNumAddressesToShow = pref.GetIntPref("mailnews.max_header_display_length");
gShowUserAgent = pref.GetBoolPref("mailnews.headers.showUserAgent");
// The messageHeaderSink is the class that gets notified of a message's headers as we display the message
// through our mime converter.
var messageHeaderSink = {
onStartHeaders: function()
// every time we start to redisplay a message, check the view all headers pref....
var showAllHeadersPref = pref.GetIntPref("mail.show_headers");
if (showAllHeadersPref == 2)
gViewAllHeaders = true;
gViewAllHeaders = false;
gGeneratedViewAllHeaderInfo = false;
onEndHeaders: function()
// WARNING: This is the ONLY routine inside of the message Header Sink that should
// trigger a reflow!
if (this.NotifyClearAddresses != undefined)
// (1) clear out the email fields for to, from, cc....
// be sure to re-hide the toggle button, we'll re-enable it later if we need it...
msgPaneData.ToValueToggleIcon.setAttribute('collapsed', 'true');
msgPaneData.CcValueToggleIcon.setAttribute('collapsed', 'true');
//hdrViewSetVisible(msgPaneData.ToValueToggleIcon, false);
//hdrViewSetVisible(msgPaneData.CcValueToggleIcon, false);
handleHeader: function(headerName, headerValue)
// WARNING: if you are modifying this function, make sure you do not do *ANY*
// dom manipulations which would trigger a reflow. This method gets called
// for every rfc822 header in the message being displayed. If you introduce a reflow
// you'll be introducing a reflow for every time we are told about a header. And msgs have
// a lot of headers. Don't do it =)....Move your code into OnEndHeaders which is only called
// once per message view.
// for consistancy sake, let's force all header names to be lower case so
// we don't have to worry about looking for: Cc and CC, etc.
lowerCaseHeaderName = headerName.toLowerCase();
var foo = new Object;
foo.headerValue = headerValue;
foo.headerName = headerName;
currentHeaderData[lowerCaseHeaderName] = foo;
if (lowerCaseHeaderName == "from")
var collectIncoming = pref.GetBoolPref("mail.collect_email_address_incoming");
if (collectIncoming && headerValue && abAddressCollector)
handleAttachment: function(contentType, url, displayName, uri, notDownloaded)
// be sure to escape the display name before we insert it into the
// method
var commandString = "OpenAttachURL('" + contentType + "', '" + url + "', '" + escape(displayName) + "', '" + uri + "')";
if (notDownloaded)
displayName += " " + Bundle.GetStringFromName("notDownloaded");
AddAttachmentToMenu(displayName, commandString);
var count = attachmentUrlArray.length;
// dump ("** attachment count**" + count + "\n");
if (count < 0) count = 0;
attachmentUrlArray[count] = url;
attachmentDisplayNameArray[count] = escape(displayName);
attachmentMessageUriArray[count] = uri;
onEndAllAttachments: function()
function AddNodeToAddressBook (emailAddressNode)
if (emailAddressNode)
var primaryEmail = emailAddressNode.getAttribute("emailAddress");
var displayName = emailAddressNode.getAttribute("displayName");
{primaryEmail:primaryEmail, displayName:displayName });
// SendMailToNode takes the email address title button, extracts
// the email address we stored in there and opens a compose window
// with that address
function SendMailToNode(emailAddressNode)
if (emailAddressNode)
var emailAddress = emailAddressNode.getAttribute("emailAddress");
if (emailAddress)
messenger.OpenURL("mailto:" + emailAddress );
function OpenAttachURL(contentType, url, displayName, messageUri)
var args = {dspname: displayName, opval: 0};
"openSaveAttachment", "chrome,modal", args);
if (args.opval == 1)
messenger.openAttachment(contentType, url, displayName, messageUri);
else if (args.opval == 2)
messenger.saveAttachment(url, displayName, messageUri);
function AddAttachmentToMenu(name, oncommand)
var popup = document.getElementById("attachmentPopup");
if (popup)
var item = document.createElement('menuitem');
if ( item )
item.setAttribute('value', name);
item.setAttribute('oncommand', oncommand);
var button = document.getElementById("attachmentButton");
if (button)
button.setAttribute("value", popup.childNodes.length);
var attachBox = document.getElementById("attachmentBox");
if (attachBox)
function SaveAllAttachments()
catch (ex)
dump ("** failed to save all attachments ** \n");
function AddSaveAllAttachmentsMenu()
var popup = document.getElementById("attachmentPopup");
if (popup && popup.childNodes.length > 1)
var separator = document.createElement('menuseparator');
var item = document.createElement('menuitem');
if (separator && item)
item.setAttribute('value', "Save All...");
item.setAttribute('oncommand', "SaveAllAttachments()");
function ClearAttachmentMenu()
var popup = document.getElementById("attachmentPopup");
if ( popup )
while ( popup.childNodes.length )
var attachBox = document.getElementById("attachmentBox");
if (attachBox)
attachBox.setAttribute("collapsed", "true");
// reset attachments name array
attachmentUrlArray.length = 0;
attachmentDisplayNameArray.length = 0;
attachmentMessageUriArray.length = 0;
// Assumes that all the child nodes of the parent div need removed..leaving
// an empty parent div...This is used to clear the To/From/cc lines where
// we had to insert email addresses one at a time into their parent divs...
function ClearEmailFieldWithButton(parentDiv)
if (parentDiv)
// the toggle button is the last child in the child nodes..
// we should never remove it...
while (parentDiv.childNodes.length > 1)
// Clear Email Field takes the passed in div and removes all the child nodes!
// if your div has a button in it (like To/cc use ClearEmailfieldWithButton
function ClearEmailField(parentDiv)
if (parentDiv)
while (parentDiv.childNodes.length > 0)
function OutputNewsgroups(boxNode, textNode, currentHeaderData, headerName)
if (currentHeaderData[headerName])
var headerValue = currentHeaderData[headerName].headerValue;
headerValue = headerValue.replace(/,/g,", ");
hdrViewSetNodeWithBox(boxNode, textNode, headerValue);
hdrViewSetNodeWithBox(boxNode, textNode, "");
// OutputEmailAddresses --> knows how to take a comma separated list of email addresses,
// extracts them one by one, linkifying each email address into a mailto url.
// Then we add the link'ified email address to the parentDiv passed in.
// defaultParentDiv --> the div to add the link-ified email addresses into.
// emailAddresses --> comma separated list of the addresses for this header field
// includeShortLongToggle --> true if you want to include the ability to toggle between short/long
// address views for this header field. If true, then pass in a another div which is the div the long
// view will be added too...
function OutputEmailAddresses(parentBox, defaultParentDiv, emailAddresses, includeShortLongToggle, optionalLongDiv, optionalToggleButton)
// if we don't have any addresses for this field, hide the parent box!
if ( !emailAddresses )
hdrViewSetVisible(parentBox, false);
if (msgHeaderParser)
var enumerator = msgHeaderParser.ParseHeadersWithEnumerator(emailAddresses);
enumerator = enumerator.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsISimpleEnumerator);
var numAddressesParsed = 0;
if (enumerator)
var emailAddress = {};
var name = {};
while (enumerator.hasMoreElements())
var headerResult = enumerator.getNext();
headerResult = enumerator.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIMsgHeaderParserResult);
// get the email and name fields
var addrValue = {};
var nameValue = {};
fullAddress = headerResult.getAddressAndName(addrValue, nameValue);
emailAddress = addrValue.value;
name = nameValue.value;
// if we want to include short/long toggle views and we have a long view, always add it.
// if we aren't including a short/long view OR if we are and we haven't parsed enough
// addresses to reach the cutoff valve yet then add it to the default (short) div.
if (includeShortLongToggle && optionalLongDiv)
InsertEmailAddressUnderEnclosingBox(parentBox, optionalLongDiv, true, emailAddress, fullAddress, name);
if (!includeShortLongToggle || (numAddressesParsed < gNumAddressesToShow))
InsertEmailAddressUnderEnclosingBox(parentBox, defaultParentDiv, includeShortLongToggle, emailAddress, fullAddress, name);
} // if enumerator
if (includeShortLongToggle && (numAddressesParsed > gNumAddressesToShow) && optionalToggleButton)
} // if msgheader parser
/* InsertEmailAddressUnderEnclosingBox --> right now all email addresses are borderless titled buttons
with formatting to make them look like html anchors. When you click on the button,
you are prompted with a popup asking you what you want to do with the email address
parentBox --> the enclosing box for all the email addresses for this header. This is needed
to control visibility of the header.
parentDiv --> the DIV the email addresses need to be inserted into.
includesToggleButton --> true if the parentDiv includes a toggle button we want contnet inserted BEFORE
false if the parentDiv does not contain a toggle button. This is required in order
to properly detect if we should be inserting addresses before this node....
function InsertEmailAddressUnderEnclosingBox(parentBox, parentDiv, includesToggleButton, emailAddress, fullAddress, displayName)
if ( parentBox )
var item = document.createElement("mail-emailaddress");
var itemInDocument;
if ( item && parentDiv)
if (parentDiv.childNodes.length)
var child = parentDiv.childNodes[parentDiv.childNodes.length - 1];
if (parentDiv.childNodes.length > 1 || (!includesToggleButton && parentDiv.childNodes.length >= 1) )
var textNode = document.createElement("text");
textNode.setAttribute("value", ", ");
textNode.setAttribute("class", "emailSeparator");
if (includesToggleButton)
parentDiv.insertBefore(textNode, child);
if (includesToggleButton)
itemInDocument = parentDiv.insertBefore(item, child);
itemInDocument = parentDiv.appendChild(item);
itemInDocument = parentDiv.appendChild(item);
itemInDocument.setAttribute("value", fullAddress);
itemInDocument.setTextAttribute("emailAddress", emailAddress);
itemInDocument.setTextAttribute("fullAddress", fullAddress);
itemInDocument.setTextAttribute("displayName", displayName);
if (this.AddExtraAddressProcessing != undefined)
AddExtraAddressProcessing(emailAddress, itemInDocument);
hdrViewSetVisible(parentBox, true);
function UpdateMessageHeaders()
if (gViewAllHeaders)
fillBoxWithAllHeaders(msgPaneData.ViewAllHeadersBox, false);
if (currentHeaderData["subject"])
hdrViewSetNodeWithBox(msgPaneData.SubjectBox, msgPaneData.SubjectValue, currentHeaderData["subject"].headerValue);
hdrViewSetNodeWithBox(msgPaneData.SubjectBox, msgPaneData.SubjectValue, "");
if (currentHeaderData["from"])
OutputEmailAddresses(msgPaneData.FromBox, msgPaneData.FromValue, currentHeaderData["from"].headerValue, false, "", "");
OutputEmailAddresses(msgPaneData.FromBox, msgPaneData.FromValue, "", false, "", "");
if (currentHeaderData["date"])
hdrViewSetNodeWithBox(msgPaneData.DateBox, msgPaneData.DateValue, currentHeaderData["date"].headerValue);
hdrViewSetNodeWithBox(msgPaneData.DateBox, msgPaneData.DateValue, "");
if (currentHeaderData["to"])
OutputEmailAddresses(msgPaneData.ToBox, msgPaneData.ToValueShort, currentHeaderData["to"].headerValue, true, msgPaneData.ToValueLong, msgPaneData.ToValueToggleIcon );
OutputEmailAddresses(msgPaneData.ToBox, msgPaneData.ToValueShort, "", true, msgPaneData.ToValueLong, msgPaneData.ToValueToggleIcon );
if (currentHeaderData["cc"])
OutputEmailAddresses(msgPaneData.CcBox, msgPaneData.CcValueShort, currentHeaderData["cc"].headerValue, true, msgPaneData.CcValueLong, msgPaneData.CcValueToggleIcon );
OutputEmailAddresses(msgPaneData.CcBox, msgPaneData.CcValueShort, "", true, msgPaneData.CcValueLong, msgPaneData.CcValueToggleIcon );
if (currentHeaderData["newsgroups"])
OutputNewsgroups(msgPaneData.NewsgroupBox, msgPaneData.NewsgroupValue, currentHeaderData, "newsgroups");
hdrViewSetNodeWithBox(msgPaneData.NewsgroupBox, msgPaneData.NewsgroupValue, "");
if (currentHeaderData["followup-to"])
OutputNewsgroups(msgPaneData.FollowupToBox, msgPaneData.FollowupToValue, currentHeaderData, "followup-to");
hdrViewSetNodeWithBox(msgPaneData.FollowupToBox, msgPaneData.NewsgroupValue, "");
if (gShowUserAgent)
if (currentHeaderData["user-agent"])
hdrViewSetNodeWithBox(msgPaneData.UserAgentBox, msgPaneData.UserAgentValue, currentHeaderData["user-agent"].headerValue);
if (msgPaneData.UserAgentToolbar)
hdrViewSetNodeWithBox(msgPaneData.UserAgentBox, msgPaneData.UserAgentValue, "");
if (msgPaneData.UserAgentToolbar)
msgPaneData.UserAgentToolbar.setAttribute("hidden", "true");
if (this.FinishEmailProcessing != undefined)
function ClearCurrentHeaders()
currentHeaderData = {};
function ShowMessageHeaderPane()
if (gViewAllHeaders)
msgPaneData.ViewAllHeadersToolbar.setAttribute("hidden", "true");
msgPaneData.ViewAllHeadersBox.setAttribute("collapsed", "true");
var node = document.getElementById("headerPart1");
if (node)
node = document.getElementById("headerPart2");
if (node)
node = document.getElementById("headerPart3");
if (node)
function HideMessageHeaderPane()
msgPaneData.ViewAllHeadersToolbar.setAttribute("hidden", "true");
msgPaneData.ViewAllHeadersBox.setAttribute("collapsed", "true");
var node = document.getElementById("headerPart1");
if (node)
node.setAttribute("hidden", "true");
node = document.getElementById("headerPart2");
if (node)
node.setAttribute("hidden", "true");
node = document.getElementById("headerPart3");
if (msgPaneData.UserAgentToolbar)
msgPaneData.UserAgentToolbar.setAttribute("hidden", "true");
// ToggleLongShortAddresses is used to toggle between showing
// all of the addresses on a given header line vs. only the first 'n'
// where 'n' is a user controlled preference. By toggling on the more/less
// images in the header window, we'll hide / show the appropriate div for that header.
function ToggleLongShortAddresses(shortDivID, longDivID)
var shortNode = document.getElementById(shortDivID);
var longNode = document.getElementById(longDivID);
var nodeToReset;
// test to see which if short is already hidden...
if (shortNode.getAttribute("collapsed") == "true")
hdrViewSetVisible(longNode, false);
hdrViewSetVisible(shortNode, true);
nodeToReset = shortNode;
hdrViewSetVisible(shortNode, false);
hdrViewSetVisible(longNode, true);
nodeToReset = longNode;
// HACK ALERT: this is required because of a bug in boxes when you add content
// to a box which is collapsed, when you then uncollapse that box, the content isn't
// displayed. So I'm forcing us to reset the value for each node...
var endPos = nodeToReset.childNodes.length;
var index = 0;
var tempValue;
while (index < endPos - 1)
tempValue = nodeToReset.childNodes[index].getAttribute("value");
nodeToReset.childNodes[index].setAttribute("value", "");
nodeToReset.childNodes[index].setAttribute("value", tempValue);
// given a box, iterate through all of the headers and add them to
// the enclosing box.
function fillBoxWithAllHeaders(containerBox, boxPartOfPopup)
// clear out the old popup date if there is any...
while ( containerBox.childNodes.length )
for (header in currentHeaderData)
var innerBox = document.createElement('box');
innerBox.setAttribute("class", "headerBox");
innerBox.setAttribute("orient", "horizontal");
if (boxPartOfPopup)
innerBox.setAttribute("autostretch", "never");
// for each header, create a header value and header name then assign those values...
var headerValueBox = document.createElement('hbox');
headerValueBox.setAttribute("class", "headerValueBox");
var newHeaderTitle = document.createElement('text');
newHeaderTitle.setAttribute("class", "headerdisplayname");
newHeaderTitle.setAttribute("value", currentHeaderData[header].headerName + ':');
var newHeaderValue = document.createElement('html');
// make sure we are properly resized...
// if (boxPartOfPopup)
// newHeaderValue.setAttribute("width", window.innerWidth*.65);
newHeaderValue.setAttribute("class", "headerValue");
if (!boxPartOfPopup)
newHeaderValue.setAttribute("flex", "1");
ProcessHeaderValue(innerBox, newHeaderValue, currentHeaderData[header], boxPartOfPopup);
// the on create handler for the view all headers popup...
function fillAllHeadersPopup(node)
// don't bother re-filling the popup if we've already done it for the
// currently displayed message....
if (gGeneratedViewAllHeaderInfo == true)
return true;
var containerBox = document.getElementById('allHeadersPopupContainer');
containerBox.setAttribute("class", "header-part1");
containerBox.setAttribute("align", "vertical");
containerBox.setAttribute("flex", "1");
fillBoxWithAllHeaders(containerBox, true);
gGeneratedViewAllHeaderInfo = true; // don't try to regenerate this information for the currently displayed message
return true;
// containingBox --> the box containing the header
// containerNode --> the div or box that we want to insert this specific header into
// header --> an entry from currentHeaderData contains .headerName and .headerValue
// boxPartOfPopup --> true if the box is part of a popup (certain functions are disabled in this scenario)
function ProcessHeaderValue(containingBox, containerNode, header, boxPartOfPopup)
// in the simplest case, we'll just create a text node for the header
// and append it to the container Node. for certain headers, we might want to do
// extra processing....
var headerName = header.headerName;
headerName = headerName.toLowerCase();
if (!boxPartOfPopup && (headerName == "cc" || headerName == "from" || headerName == "to"))
OutputEmailAddresses(containingBox, containerNode, header.headerValue, false, "", "")
var headerValue = header.headerValue;
headerValue = headerValue.replace(/\n|\r/g,"");
var textNode = document.createTextNode(headerValue);
if (headerName == "subject")
containerNode.setAttribute("class", "subjectvalue headerValue");
// The following are just small helper functions..
function hdrViewSetNodeWithButton(boxNode, buttonNode, text)
if (text)
buttonNode.setAttribute("value", text);
hdrViewSetVisible(boxNode, true);
hdrViewSetVisible(boxNode, false);
return false;
function hdrViewSetNodeWithBox(boxNode, textNode, text)
if ( text )
return hdrViewSetNode(boxNode, textNode, text );
hdrViewSetVisible(boxNode, false);
return false;
function hdrViewSetNode(boxNode, textNode, text)
textNode.childNodes[0].nodeValue = text;
var visible;
if ( text )
visible = true;
visible = false;
hdrViewSetVisible(boxNode, visible);
return visible;
function hdrViewSetVisible(boxNode, visible)
if ( visible )
boxNode.setAttribute("collapsed", "true");