
694 lines
23 KiB

// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["RemoteAddonsParent"];
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Cu = Components.utils;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "BrowserUtils",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "NetUtil",
// Similar to Python. Returns dict[key] if it exists. Otherwise,
// sets dict[key] to default_ and returns default_.
function setDefault(dict, key, default_)
if (key in dict) {
return dict[key];
dict[key] = default_;
return default_;
// This code keeps track of a set of paths of the form [component_1,
// ..., component_n]. The components can be strings or booleans. The
// child is notified whenever a path is added or removed, and new
// children can request the current set of paths. The purpose is to
// keep track of all the observers and events that the child should
// monitor for the parent.
let NotificationTracker = {
// _paths is a multi-level dictionary. Let's add paths [A, B] and
// [A, C]. Then _paths will look like this:
// { 'A': { 'B': { '_count': 1 }, 'C': { '_count': 1 } } }
// Each component in a path will be a key in some dictionary. At the
// end, the _count property keeps track of how many instances of the
// given path are present in _paths.
_paths: {},
init: function() {
let ppmm = Cc[";1"]
ppmm.addMessageListener("Addons:GetNotifications", this);
add: function(path) {
let tracked = this._paths;
for (let component of path) {
tracked = setDefault(tracked, component, {});
let count = tracked._count || 0;
tracked._count = count;
let ppmm = Cc[";1"]
ppmm.broadcastAsyncMessage("Addons:AddNotification", path);
remove: function(path) {
let tracked = this._paths;
for (let component of path) {
tracked = setDefault(tracked, component, {});
let ppmm = Cc[";1"]
ppmm.broadcastAsyncMessage("Addons:RemoveNotification", path);
receiveMessage: function(msg) {
if ( == "Addons:GetNotifications") {
return this._paths;
// An interposition is an object with three properties: methods,
// getters, and setters. See multiprocessShims.js for an explanation
// of how these are used. The constructor here just allows one
// interposition to inherit members from another.
function Interposition(name, base)
{ = name;
if (base) {
this.methods = Object.create(base.methods);
this.getters = Object.create(base.getters);
this.setters = Object.create(base.setters);
} else {
this.methods = Object.create(null);
this.getters = Object.create(null);
this.setters = Object.create(null);
// This object is responsible for notifying the child when a new
// content policy is added or removed. It also runs all the registered
// add-on content policies when the child asks it to do so.
let ContentPolicyParent = {
init: function() {
let ppmm = Cc[";1"]
ppmm.addMessageListener("Addons:ContentPolicy:Run", this);
this._policies = [];
addContentPolicy: function(cid) {
removeContentPolicy: function(cid) {
let index = this._policies.lastIndexOf(cid);
if (index > -1) {
this._policies.splice(index, 1);
receiveMessage: function (aMessage) {
switch ( {
case "Addons:ContentPolicy:Run":
return this.shouldLoad(, aMessage.objects);
shouldLoad: function(aData, aObjects) {
for (let policyCID of this._policies) {
let policy = Cc[policyCID].getService(Ci.nsIContentPolicy);
try {
let result = policy.shouldLoad(aObjects.contentType,
if (result != Ci.nsIContentPolicy.ACCEPT && result != 0)
return result;
} catch (e) {
return Ci.nsIContentPolicy.ACCEPT;
// This interposition intercepts calls to add or remove new content
// policies and forwards these requests to ContentPolicyParent.
let CategoryManagerInterposition = new Interposition("CategoryManagerInterposition");
CategoryManagerInterposition.methods.addCategoryEntry =
function(addon, target, category, entry, value, persist, replace) {
if (category == "content-policy") {
target.addCategoryEntry(category, entry, value, persist, replace);
CategoryManagerInterposition.methods.deleteCategoryEntry =
function(addon, target, category, entry, persist) {
if (category == "content-policy") {
target.deleteCategoryEntry(category, entry, persist);
// This shim handles the case where an add-on registers an about:
// protocol handler in the parent and we want the child to be able to
// use it. This code is pretty specific to Adblock's usage.
let AboutProtocolParent = {
init: function() {
let ppmm = Cc[";1"]
ppmm.addMessageListener("Addons:AboutProtocol:GetURIFlags", this);
ppmm.addMessageListener("Addons:AboutProtocol:OpenChannel", this);
this._protocols = [];
registerFactory: function(class_, className, contractID, factory) {
this._protocols.push({contractID: contractID, factory: factory});
NotificationTracker.add(["about-protocol", contractID]);
unregisterFactory: function(class_, factory) {
for (let i = 0; i < this._protocols.length; i++) {
if (this._protocols[i].factory == factory) {
NotificationTracker.remove(["about-protocol", this._protocols[i].contractID]);
this._protocols.splice(i, 1);
receiveMessage: function (msg) {
switch ( {
case "Addons:AboutProtocol:GetURIFlags":
return this.getURIFlags(msg);
case "Addons:AboutProtocol:OpenChannel":
return this.openChannel(msg);
getURIFlags: function(msg) {
let uri = BrowserUtils.makeURI(;
let contractID =;
let module = Cc[contractID].getService(Ci.nsIAboutModule);
try {
return module.getURIFlags(uri);
} catch (e) {
// We immediately read all the data out of the channel here and
// return it to the child.
openChannel: function(msg) {
let uri = BrowserUtils.makeURI(;
let contractID =;
let module = Cc[contractID].getService(Ci.nsIAboutModule);
try {
let channel = module.newChannel(uri);
channel.notificationCallbacks = msg.objects.notificationCallbacks;
channel.loadGroup = {notificationCallbacks: msg.objects.loadGroupNotificationCallbacks};
let stream =;
let data = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(stream, stream.available(), {});
return {
data: data,
contentType: channel.contentType
} catch (e) {
let ComponentRegistrarInterposition = new Interposition("ComponentRegistrarInterposition");
ComponentRegistrarInterposition.methods.registerFactory =
function(addon, target, class_, className, contractID, factory) {
if (contractID.startsWith(";1?")) {
AboutProtocolParent.registerFactory(class_, className, contractID, factory);
target.registerFactory(class_, className, contractID, factory);
ComponentRegistrarInterposition.methods.unregisterFactory =
function(addon, target, class_, factory) {
AboutProtocolParent.tryUnregisterFactory(class_, factory);
target.unregisterFactory(class_, factory);
// This object manages add-on observers that might fire in the child
// process. Rather than managing the observers itself, it uses the
// parent's observer service. When an add-on listens on topic T,
// ObserverParent asks the child process to listen on T. It also adds
// an observer in the parent for the topic e10s-T. When the T observer
// fires in the child, the parent fires all the e10s-T observers,
// passing them CPOWs for the subject and data. We don't want to use T
// in the parent because there might be non-add-on T observers that
// won't expect to get notified in this case.
let ObserverParent = {
init: function() {
let ppmm = Cc[";1"]
ppmm.addMessageListener("Addons:Observer:Run", this);
addObserver: function(observer, topic, ownsWeak) {
Services.obs.addObserver(observer, "e10s-" + topic, ownsWeak);
NotificationTracker.add(["observer", topic]);
removeObserver: function(observer, topic) {
Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, "e10s-" + topic);
NotificationTracker.remove(["observer", topic]);
receiveMessage: function(msg) {
switch ( {
case "Addons:Observer:Run":
this.notify(msg.objects.subject, msg.objects.topic,;
notify: function(subject, topic, data) {
let e = Services.obs.enumerateObservers("e10s-" + topic);
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
let obs = e.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIObserver);
try {
obs.observe(subject, topic, data);
} catch (e) {
// We only forward observers for these topics.
let TOPIC_WHITELIST = ["content-document-global-created",
// This interposition listens for
// nsIObserverService.{add,remove}Observer.
let ObserverInterposition = new Interposition("ObserverInterposition");
ObserverInterposition.methods.addObserver =
function(addon, target, observer, topic, ownsWeak) {
if (TOPIC_WHITELIST.indexOf(topic) >= 0) {
ObserverParent.addObserver(observer, topic);
target.addObserver(observer, topic, ownsWeak);
ObserverInterposition.methods.removeObserver =
function(addon, target, observer, topic) {
if (TOPIC_WHITELIST.indexOf(topic) >= 0) {
ObserverParent.removeObserver(observer, topic);
target.removeObserver(observer, topic);
// This object is responsible for forwarding events from the child to
// the parent.
let EventTargetParent = {
init: function() {
// The _listeners map goes from targets (either <browser> elements
// or windows) to a dictionary from event types to listeners.
this._listeners = new WeakMap();
let mm = Cc[";1"].
mm.addMessageListener("Addons:Event:Run", this);
// If target is not on the path from a <browser> element to the
// window root, then we return null here to ignore the
// target. Otherwise, if the target is a browser-specific element
// (the <browser> or <tab> elements), then we return the
// <browser>. If it's some generic element, then we return the
// window itself.
redirectEventTarget: function(target) {
if (Cu.isCrossProcessWrapper(target)) {
return null;
if (target instanceof Ci.nsIDOMChromeWindow) {
return target;
const XUL_NS = "";
if (target instanceof Ci.nsIDOMXULElement) {
if (target.localName == "browser") {
return target;
} else if (target.localName == "tab") {
return target.linkedBrowser;
// Check if |target| is somewhere on the patch from the
// <tabbrowser> up to the root element.
let window = target.ownerDocument.defaultView;
if (target.contains(window.gBrowser)) {
return window;
return null;
// When a given event fires in the child, we fire it on the
// <browser> element and the window since those are the two possible
// results of redirectEventTarget.
getTargets: function(browser) {
let window = browser.ownerDocument.defaultView;
return [browser, window];
addEventListener: function(target, type, listener, useCapture, wantsUntrusted) {
let newTarget = this.redirectEventTarget(target);
if (!newTarget) {
useCapture = useCapture || false;
wantsUntrusted = wantsUntrusted || false;
NotificationTracker.add(["event", type, useCapture]);
let listeners = this._listeners.get(newTarget);
if (!listeners) {
listeners = {};
this._listeners.set(newTarget, listeners);
let forType = setDefault(listeners, type, []);
// If there's already an identical listener, don't do anything.
for (let i = 0; i < forType.length; i++) {
if (forType[i].listener === listener &&
forType[i].useCapture === useCapture &&
forType[i].wantsUntrusted === wantsUntrusted) {
forType.push({listener: listener, wantsUntrusted: wantsUntrusted, useCapture: useCapture});
removeEventListener: function(target, type, listener, useCapture) {
let newTarget = this.redirectEventTarget(target);
if (!newTarget) {
useCapture = useCapture || false;
let listeners = this._listeners.get(newTarget);
if (!listeners) {
let forType = setDefault(listeners, type, []);
for (let i = 0; i < forType.length; i++) {
if (forType[i].listener === listener && forType[i].useCapture === useCapture) {
forType.splice(i, 1);
NotificationTracker.remove(["event", type, useCapture]);
receiveMessage: function(msg) {
switch ( {
case "Addons:Event:Run":
this.dispatch(,,, msg.objects.event);
dispatch: function(browser, type, isTrusted, event) {
let targets = this.getTargets(browser);
for (let target of targets) {
let listeners = this._listeners.get(target);
if (!listeners) {
let forType = setDefault(listeners, type, []);
for (let {listener, wantsUntrusted} of forType) {
if (wantsUntrusted || isTrusted) {
try {
if ("handleEvent" in listener) {
} else {, event);
} catch (e) {
// This interposition redirects addEventListener and
// removeEventListener to EventTargetParent.
let EventTargetInterposition = new Interposition("EventTargetInterposition");
EventTargetInterposition.methods.addEventListener =
function(addon, target, type, listener, useCapture, wantsUntrusted) {
EventTargetParent.addEventListener(target, type, listener, useCapture, wantsUntrusted);
target.addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture, wantsUntrusted);
EventTargetInterposition.methods.removeEventListener =
function(addon, target, type, listener, useCapture) {
EventTargetParent.removeEventListener(target, type, listener, useCapture);
target.removeEventListener(type, listener, useCapture);
// This interposition intercepts accesses to |rootTreeItem| on a child
// process docshell. In the child, each docshell is its own
// root. However, add-ons expect the root to be the chrome docshell,
// so we make that happen here.
let ContentDocShellTreeItemInterposition = new Interposition("ContentDocShellTreeItemInterposition");
ContentDocShellTreeItemInterposition.getters.rootTreeItem =
function(addon, target) {
// The chrome global in the child.
let chromeGlobal = target.rootTreeItem
// Map it to a <browser> element and window.
let browser = RemoteAddonsParent.globalToBrowser.get(chromeGlobal);
if (!browser) {
// Somehow we have a CPOW from the child, but it hasn't sent us
// its global yet. That shouldn't happen, but return null just
// in case.
return null;
let chromeWin = browser.ownerDocument.defaultView;
// Return that window's docshell.
return chromeWin.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
// This object manages sandboxes created with content principals in
// the parent. We actually create these sandboxes in the child process
// so that the code loaded into them runs there. The resulting sandbox
// object is a CPOW. This is primarly useful for Greasemonkey.
let SandboxParent = {
componentsMap: new WeakMap(),
makeContentSandbox: function(principal, {
// The chrome global in the content process.
let chromeGlobal = principal
// Make a sandbox in the child.
let cu = chromeGlobal.Components.utils;
let sandbox = cu.Sandbox(principal,;
// We need to save the sandbox in the child so it won't get
// GCed. The child will drop this reference at the next
// navigation.
// The sandbox CPOW will be kept alive by whomever we return it
// to. Its lifetime is unrelated to that of the sandbox object in
// the child.
this.componentsMap.set(sandbox, cu);
return sandbox;
evalInSandbox: function(code, sandbox, {
let cu = this.componentsMap.get(sandbox);
return cu.evalInSandbox(code, sandbox,;
// This interposition redirects calls to Cu.Sandbox and
// Cu.evalInSandbox to SandboxParent if the principals are content
// principals.
let ComponentsUtilsInterposition = new Interposition("ComponentsUtilsInterposition");
ComponentsUtilsInterposition.methods.Sandbox =
function(addon, target, principal, {
if (principal &&
typeof(principal) == "object" &&
Cu.isCrossProcessWrapper(principal) &&
principal instanceof Ci.nsIDOMWindow) {
return SandboxParent.makeContentSandbox(principal,;
} else {
return Components.utils.Sandbox(principal,;
ComponentsUtilsInterposition.methods.evalInSandbox =
function(addon, target, code, sandbox, {
if (sandbox && Cu.isCrossProcessWrapper(sandbox)) {
return SandboxParent.evalInSandbox(code, sandbox,;
} else {
return Components.utils.evalInSandbox(code, sandbox,;
// This interposition handles cases where an add-on tries to import a
// chrome XUL node into a content document. It doesn't actually do the
// import, which we can't support. It just avoids throwing an
// exception.
let ContentDocumentInterposition = new Interposition("ContentDocumentInterposition");
ContentDocumentInterposition.methods.importNode =
function(addon, target, node, deep) {
if (!Cu.isCrossProcessWrapper(node)) {
// Trying to import a node from the parent process into the
// child process. We don't support this now. Video Download
// Helper does this in domhook-service.js to add a XUL
// popupmenu to content.
Cu.reportError("Calling contentDocument.importNode on a XUL node is not allowed.");
return node;
return target.importNode(node, deep);
// This interposition ensures that calling browser.docShell from an
// add-on returns a CPOW around the dochell.
let RemoteBrowserElementInterposition = new Interposition("RemoteBrowserElementInterposition",
RemoteBrowserElementInterposition.getters.docShell = function(addon, target) {
let remoteChromeGlobal = RemoteAddonsParent.browserToGlobal.get(target);
if (!remoteChromeGlobal) {
// We may not have any messages from this tab yet.
return null;
return remoteChromeGlobal.docShell;
RemoteBrowserElementInterposition.getters.contentWindow = function(addon, target) {
return target.contentWindowAsCPOW;
RemoteBrowserElementInterposition.getters.contentDocument = function(addon, target) {
return target.contentDocumentAsCPOW;
let ChromeWindowInterposition = new Interposition("ChromeWindowInterposition",
ChromeWindowInterposition.getters.content = function(addon, target) {
return target.gBrowser.selectedBrowser.contentWindowAsCPOW;
let RemoteAddonsParent = {
init: function() {
let mm = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIMessageListenerManager);
mm.addMessageListener("Addons:RegisterGlobal", this);
this.globalToBrowser = new WeakMap();
this.browserToGlobal = new WeakMap();
getInterfaceInterpositions: function() {
let result = {};
function register(intf, interp) {
result[intf.number] = interp;
register(Ci.nsICategoryManager, CategoryManagerInterposition);
register(Ci.nsIComponentRegistrar, ComponentRegistrarInterposition);
register(Ci.nsIObserverService, ObserverInterposition);
register(Ci.nsIXPCComponents_Utils, ComponentsUtilsInterposition);
return result;
getTaggedInterpositions: function() {
let result = {};
function register(tag, interp) {
result[tag] = interp;
register("EventTarget", EventTargetInterposition);
register("ContentDocShellTreeItem", ContentDocShellTreeItemInterposition);
register("ContentDocument", ContentDocumentInterposition);
register("RemoteBrowserElement", RemoteBrowserElementInterposition);
register("ChromeWindow", ChromeWindowInterposition);
return result;
receiveMessage: function(msg) {
switch ( {
case "Addons:RegisterGlobal":