edburns%acm.org a8e9d5219a 1999-10-07 <Ed Burns <ed.burns@sun.com>>
* This change fixes
 	http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15793 which caused one
 	to have to copy the component.reg and components directory.  It
 	also causes webclient to do autoregistration.  It also adds a
 	debugging method to BrowserControlMozillaShim.java

	This changes makes webclient depend on having mozilla sources from
 	10/5/99 or later.

	Reviewed by Mark Lin <marklin@eng.sun.com>
	Approved by Ed Burns <edburns@acm.org>, module owner
1999-10-08 00:52:53 +00:00

Here lies the MozWebShell java wrapper to mozilla M8.

Authors: Kirk Baker <kbaker@eb.com>
         Ian Wilkinson <iw@ennoble.co>

Build hacking and packaging: Ed Burns <edburns@acm.org>

Unix port: Mark Lin <mark.lin@eng.sun.com>

Win32 Build Directions:

* built mozilla with source code from after 10/5/99

* JDK1.1.7 or greater

* built org.mozilla.util java classes (see NOTE_UTIL)

* Perl 5 perl.exe must be in your path

How To Build:

* Follow the directions in ..\README

* type "nmake /f makefile.win all" and hope for the best

How to Run:

* once the build has successfully completed, run this batch file:

  .\src\WIN32_D.OBJ\runem.bat <opt: YOUR_URL>

  Note that YOUR_URL is probably necessary since firewall support wasn't
  working in M8.


* clobber_all doesn't remove the .class files from dist\classes.  You
  have to do this manually.

* post to netscape.public.mozilla.java newsgroup

Unix Build Directions (currently only Linux, 
Solaris support is coming soon):

* built mozilla tree for some variant of Linux

* JDK1.2 with native threads support from http://www.blackdown.org 
(JDK1.1 doesn't seem to work)

* built org.mozilla.util java classes (see NOTE_UTIL)

How To Build:

* Follow the directions in ../util/README

* set JDKHOME to where your JDK install directory resides 
	-> setenv JDKHOME /usr/local/jdk1.2

* cd to 'classes' and type "make -f makefile.unix" and hope for the best
	-> cd classes; make -f Makefile.unix

* then cd to 'src' and type "make -f makefile.unix" and hope for the best
	-> cd src; make -f Makefile.unix

How to Run:

* once the build has successfully completed, run 'runem.unix' in your
'src' directory:
	-> cd src; ./runem.unix <YOUR_URL>

  Note that YOUR_URL is probably necessary since firewall support wasn't
  working in M8.

Problems? Email mark.lin@eng.sun.com or post to netscape.public.mozilla.java.

* this package depends on the org.mozilla.util classes, which can be
  found in the mozilla tree under mozilla\java\util.  They are a
  separate checkout and build.  Once you check out the org.mozilla.util
  classes, see the README in the mozilla\java\util\README.

General notes:

* Please update the ChangeLog (changelo) when you make changes.