
277 lines
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "AccessibleWrap.h"
#include "RemoteAccessible.h"
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import "MOXAccessibleBase.h"
@class mozRootAccessible;
* All mozAccessibles are either abstract objects (that correspond to XUL
* widgets, HTML frames, etc) or are attached to a certain view; for example
* a document view. When we hand an object off to an AT, we always want
* to give it the represented view, in the latter case.
namespace mozilla {
namespace a11y {
inline mozAccessible* GetNativeFromGeckoAccessible(
mozilla::a11y::Accessible* aAcc) {
if (!aAcc) {
return nil;
if (LocalAccessible* acc = aAcc->AsLocal()) {
mozAccessible* native = nil;
return native;
RemoteAccessible* proxy = aAcc->AsRemote();
return reinterpret_cast<mozAccessible*>(proxy->GetWrapper());
} // a11y
} // mozilla
@interface mozAccessible : MOXAccessibleBase {
* Reference to the accessible we were created with;
* either a proxy accessible or an accessible wrap.
mozilla::a11y::Accessible* mGeckoAccessible;
* The role of our gecko accessible.
mozilla::a11y::role mRole;
* A cache of a subset of our states.
uint64_t mCachedState;
nsStaticAtom* mARIARole;
bool mIsLiveRegion;
// inits with the given wrap or proxy accessible
- (id)initWithAccessible:(mozilla::a11y::Accessible*)aAcc;
// allows for gecko accessible access outside of the class
- (mozilla::a11y::Accessible*)geckoAccessible;
- (mozilla::a11y::Accessible*)geckoDocument;
// override
- (void)dealloc;
// should a child be disabled
- (BOOL)disableChild:(mozAccessible*)child;
// Given a gecko accessibility event type, post the relevant
// system accessibility notification.
// Note: when overriding or adding new events, make sure your events aren't
// filtered out in Platform::ProxyEvent or AccessibleWrap::HandleAccEvent!
- (void)handleAccessibleEvent:(uint32_t)eventType;
- (void)handleAccessibleTextChangeEvent:(NSString*)change
// internal method to retrieve a child at a given index.
- (id)childAt:(uint32_t)i;
// Get gecko accessible's state.
- (uint64_t)state;
// Get gecko accessible's state filtered through given mask.
- (uint64_t)stateWithMask:(uint64_t)mask;
// Notify of a state change, so the cache can be altered.
- (void)stateChanged:(uint64_t)state isEnabled:(BOOL)enabled;
// Invalidate cached state.
- (void)invalidateState;
// Get top level (tab) web area.
- (mozAccessible*)topWebArea;
// Handle a role change
- (void)handleRoleChanged:(mozilla::a11y::role)newRole;
// Get ARIA role
- (nsStaticAtom*)ARIARole;
// Get array of related mozAccessibles
- (NSArray<mozAccessible*>*)getRelationsByType:
#pragma mark - mozAccessible protocol / widget
// override
- (BOOL)hasRepresentedView;
// override
- (id)representedView;
// override
- (BOOL)isRoot;
#pragma mark - MOXAccessible protocol
// override
- (BOOL)moxBlockSelector:(SEL)selector;
// override
- (id)moxHitTest:(NSPoint)point;
// override
- (id)moxFocusedUIElement;
- (id<MOXTextMarkerSupport>)moxTextMarkerDelegate;
- (BOOL)moxIsLiveRegion;
// Attribute getters
// override
- (id<mozAccessible>)moxParent;
// override
- (NSArray*)moxChildren;
// override
- (NSValue*)moxSize;
// override
- (NSValue*)moxPosition;
// override
- (NSString*)moxRole;
// override
- (NSString*)moxSubrole;
// override
- (NSString*)moxRoleDescription;
// override
- (NSWindow*)moxWindow;
// override
- (id)moxValue;
// override
- (NSString*)moxTitle;
// override
- (NSString*)moxLabel;
// override
- (NSString*)moxHelp;
// override
- (NSNumber*)moxEnabled;
// override
- (NSNumber*)moxFocused;
// override
- (NSNumber*)moxSelected;
// override
- (NSNumber*)moxExpanded;
// override
- (NSValue*)moxFrame;
// override
- (NSString*)moxARIACurrent;
// override
- (NSNumber*)moxARIAAtomic;
// override
- (NSString*)moxARIALive;
// override
- (NSString*)moxARIARelevant;
// override
- (id)moxTitleUIElement;
// override
- (NSString*)moxDOMIdentifier;
// override
- (NSNumber*)moxRequired;
// override
- (NSNumber*)moxElementBusy;
// override
- (NSArray*)moxLinkedUIElements;
// override
- (NSArray*)moxARIAControls;
// override
- (id)moxEditableAncestor;
// override
- (id)moxHighestEditableAncestor;
// override
- (id)moxFocusableAncestor;
// override
- (NSString*)moxMozDebugDescription;
// override
- (NSArray*)moxUIElementsForSearchPredicate:(NSDictionary*)searchPredicate;
// override
- (NSNumber*)moxUIElementCountForSearchPredicate:(NSDictionary*)searchPredicate;
// override
- (void)moxSetFocused:(NSNumber*)focused;
// override
- (void)moxPerformScrollToVisible;
// override
- (void)moxPerformShowMenu;
// override
- (void)moxPerformPress;
// override
- (BOOL)moxIgnoreWithParent:(mozAccessible*)parent;
// override
- (BOOL)moxIgnoreChild:(mozAccessible*)child;
#pragma mark -
// makes ourselves "expired". after this point, we might be around if someone
// has retained us (e.g., a third-party), but we really contain no information.
// override
- (void)expire;
// override
- (BOOL)isExpired;