
468 lines
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<!doctype html>
<title>Testing Selection Events</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
<div id="normal">
<span id="inner">A bunch of text in a span inside of a div which should be selected</span>
<div id="ce">
This is a random block of text
<input type="text" id="input" value="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" width="200"> <br>
<textarea id="textarea" width="200">XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX</textarea>
// Call the testing methods from the parent window
var is =;
var ok = parent.ok;
// spin() spins the event loop for two cycles, giving time for
// selectionchange events to be fired, and handled by our listeners.
function spin() {
return new Promise(function(a) {
parent.SimpleTest.executeSoon(function() {
// The main test
parent.add_task(async function() {
await spin();
var selectstart = 0;
var selectionchange = 0;
var inputSelectionchange = 0;
var textareaSelectionchange = 0;
var cancel = false;
var selectstartTarget = null;
async function UpdateSelectEventsOntextControlsPref(aEnabled) {
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({'set': [['dom.select_events.textcontrols.enabled', aEnabled]]});
await UpdateSelectEventsOntextControlsPref(false);
document.addEventListener('selectstart', function(aEvent) {
console.log("originaltarget", aEvent.originalTarget, "new", selectstartTarget);
is(aEvent.originalTarget, selectstartTarget,
"The original target of selectstart");
selectstartTarget = null;
if (cancel) {
document.addEventListener('selectionchange', function(aEvent) {
is(aEvent.originalTarget, document,
"The original target of selectionchange should be the document");
function elt(aId) { return document.getElementById(aId); }
function reset() {
selectstart = 0;
selectionchange = 0;
inputSelectionchange = 0;
textareaSelectionchange = 0;
cancel = false;
elt("input").addEventListener('selectionchange', function(aEvent) {
is (aEvent.originalTarget, elt("input"),
"The original target of selectionchange should be the input");
elt("textarea").addEventListener('selectionchange', function(aEvent) {
is (aEvent.originalTarget, elt("textarea"),
"The original target of selectionchange should be the textarea");
async function mouseAction(aElement, aOffset, aType,
aSelStart, aSelChng, aISelChng, aTSelChng,
if (aType == "click") { // You can simulate a click event by sending undefined
aType = undefined;
if (!aYOffset) {
aYOffset = 10;
synthesizeMouse(aElement, aOffset, aYOffset, { type: aType });
await spin();
is(selectstart, aSelStart,
"SelStart Mouse Action (" + aOffset + " - " + aType + ")");
is(selectionchange, aSelChng,
"SelChng Mouse Action (" + aOffset + " - " + aType + ")");
is(inputSelectionchange, aISelChng || 0,
"ISelChng Mouse Action (" + aOffset + " - " + aType + ")");
is(textareaSelectionchange, aTSelChng || 0,
"TSelChng Mouse Action (" + aOffset + " - " + aType + ")");
async function keyAction(aKey, aShift, aAccel,
aSelStart, aSelChng, aISelChng, aTSelChng)
synthesizeKey(aKey, { shiftKey: aShift, accelKey: aAccel });
await spin();
is(selectstart, aSelStart,
"SelStart Key Action (" + aKey + " - " + aShift + " - " + aAccel + ")");
is(selectionchange, aSelChng,
"SelChng Key Action (" + aKey + " - " + aShift + " - " + aAccel + ")");
is(inputSelectionchange, aISelChng || 0,
"ISelChng Key Action (" + aKey + " - " + aShift + " - " + aAccel + ")");
is(textareaSelectionchange, aTSelChng || 0,
"TSelChng Key Action (" + aKey + " - " + aShift + " - " + aAccel + ")");
async function contentEditableAction(aElement, aContentEditable,
aSelStart, aSelChng,
aISelChng, aTSelChng)
aContentEditable ? "true" : "false");
await spin();
is(selectstart, aSelStart,
"SelStart ContentEditable Action");
is(selectionchange, aSelChng,
"SelStart ContentEditable Action");
is(inputSelectionchange, aISelChng || 0,
"SelStart ContentEditable Action");
is(textareaSelectionchange, aTSelChng || 0,
"SelStart ContentEditable Action");
var selection = document.getSelection();
function isCollapsed() {
is(selection.isCollapsed, true, "Selection is collapsed");
function isNotCollapsed() {
is(selection.isCollapsed, false, "Selection is not collapsed");
// Make sure setting the element to contentEditable doesn't cause any selectionchange events
await contentEditableAction(elt("ce"), true, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// Make sure setting the element to not be contentEditable doesn't cause any selectionchange events
await contentEditableAction(elt("ce"), false, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// Now make the div contentEditable and proceed with the test
await contentEditableAction(elt("ce"), true, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// Focus the contenteditable text
await mouseAction(elt("ce"), 100, "click", 0, 1);
// Move the selection to the right, this should only fire selectstart once
selectstartTarget = elt("ce").firstChild;
await keyAction("VK_RIGHT", true, false, 1, 1);
await keyAction("VK_RIGHT", true, false, 0, 1);
// Move it back so that the selection is empty again
await keyAction("VK_LEFT", true, false, 0, 1);
await keyAction("VK_LEFT", true, false, 0, 1);
// Going from empty to non-empty should fire selectstart again
selectstartTarget = elt("ce").firstChild;
await keyAction("VK_LEFT", true, false, 1, 1);
async function mouseMoves(aElement, aTarget) {
// Select a region
await mouseAction(aElement, 50, "mousedown", 0, 1);
selectstartTarget = aTarget;
await mouseAction(aElement, 100, "mousemove", 1, 1);
// Moving it more shouldn't trigger a start (move back to empty)
await mouseAction(aElement, 75, "mousemove", 0, 1);
await mouseAction(aElement, 50, "mousemove", 0, 1);
// Wiggling the mouse a little such that it doesn't select any
// characters shouldn't trigger a selection
await mouseAction(aElement, 50, "mousemove", 0, 0, 0, 0, 11);
// Moving the mouse again from an empty selection should trigger a
// selectstart
selectstartTarget = aTarget;
await mouseAction(aElement, 25, "mousemove", 1, 1);
// Releasing the mouse shouldn't do anything
await mouseAction(aElement, 25, "mouseup", 0, 0);
// And neither should moving your mouse around when the mouse
// button isn't pressed
await mouseAction(aElement, 50, "mousemove", 0, 0);
// Clicking in an random location should move the selection, but not perform a
// selectstart
await mouseAction(aElement, 50, "click", 0, 1);
// Clicking there again should do nothing
await mouseAction(aElement, 50, "click", 0, 0);
// Selecting a region, and canceling the selectstart should mean that the
// selection remains collapsed
await mouseAction(aElement, 75, "mousedown", 0, 1);
cancel = true;
selectstartTarget = aTarget;
await mouseAction(aElement, 100, "mousemove", 1, 1);
await mouseAction(aElement, 100, "mouseup", 0, 0);
// Should work both on normal
await mouseMoves(elt("inner"), elt("inner").firstChild);
// and contenteditable fields
await mouseMoves(elt("ce"), elt("ce").firstChild);
// and fields with elements in them
await mouseMoves(elt("normal"), elt("inner").firstChild);
await mouseAction(elt("inner"), 50, "click", 0, 1);
// Select all should fire both selectstart and change
selectstartTarget = document.body;
await keyAction("A", false, true, 1, 1);
// Clear the selection
await mouseAction(elt("inner"), 50, "click", 0, 1);
// Even if we already have a selection
await mouseAction(elt("inner"), 75, "mousedown", 0, 1);
selectstartTarget = elt("inner").firstChild;
await mouseAction(elt("inner"), 100, "mousemove", 1, 1);
await mouseAction(elt("inner"), 100, "mouseup", 0, 0);
selectstartTarget = document.body;
await keyAction("A", false, true, 1, 1);
// Clear the selection
await mouseAction(elt("inner"), 50, "click", 0, 1);
// Make sure that a synthesized selection change doesn't fire selectstart
var s = document.getSelection();
await spin();
is(selectstart, 0, "Synthesized range removals shouldn't fire selectstart");
is(selectionchange, 1, "Synthesized range removals should change selectionchange");
var range = document.createRange();
await spin();
is(selectstart, 0, "Synthesized range additions shouldn't fire selectstart");
is(selectionchange, 1, "Synthesized range additions should change selectionchange");
// Change the range, without replacing
await spin();
is(selectstart, 0, "Synthesized range mutations shouldn't fire selectstart");
is(selectionchange, 1, "Synthesized range mutations should change selectionchange");
// Remove the range
await spin();
is(selectstart, 0, "Synthesized range removal");
is(selectionchange, 1, "Synthesized range removal");
Selection events mouse move on input type=text
// Select a region
// Without the dom.select_events.textcontrols.enabled pref,
// pressing the mouse shouldn't do anything.
await mouseAction(elt("input"), 50, "mousedown", 0, 1, 0, 0);
// Releasing the mouse shouldn't do anything
await mouseAction(elt("input"), 50, "mouseup", 0, 0, 0, 0);
await UpdateSelectEventsOntextControlsPref(true);
await mouseAction(elt("input"), 50, "mousedown", 0, 0, 0, 0);
selectstartTarget = elt("input");
await mouseAction(elt("input"), 100, "mousemove", 1, 0, 1, 0);
// Moving it more shouldn't trigger a start (move back to empty)
await mouseAction(elt("input"), 75, "mousemove", 0, 0, 1, 0);
await mouseAction(elt("input"), 50, "mousemove", 0, 0, 1, 0);
// Wiggling the mouse a little such that it doesn't select any
// characters shouldn't trigger a selection
await mouseAction(elt("input"), 50, "mousemove", 0, 0, 0, 0, 11);
// Moving the mouse again from an empty selection should trigger a
// selectstart
selectstartTarget = elt("input");
await mouseAction(elt("input"), 25, "mousemove", 1, 0, 1, 0);
// Releasing the mouse shouldn't do anything
await mouseAction(elt("input"), 25, "mouseup", 0, 0, 0, 0);
// And neither should moving your mouse around when the mouse
// button isn't pressed
await mouseAction(elt("input"), 50, "mousemove", 0, 0, 0, 0);
// Clicking in an random location should move the selection, but
// not perform a selectstart
await mouseAction(elt("input"), 50, "click", 0, 0, 1, 0);
// Clicking there again should do nothing
await mouseAction(elt("input"), 50, "click", 0, 0, 0, 0);
// Selecting a region, and canceling the selectstart should mean that the
// selection remains collapsed
await mouseAction(elt("input"), 75, "mousedown", 0, 0, 1, 0);
cancel = true;
selectstartTarget = elt("input");
await mouseAction(elt("input"), 100, "mousemove", 1, 0, 1, 0);
await mouseAction(elt("input"), 100, "mouseup", 0, 0, 0, 0);
await UpdateSelectEventsOntextControlsPref(false);
// Without the dom.select_events.textcontrols.enabled pref,
// pressing the mouse shouldn't do anything.
// XXX For some reason we fire 2 selectchange events on the body
// when switching from the input to the text area.
await mouseAction(elt("textarea"), 50, "mousedown", 0, 2, 0, 0);
// Releasing the mouse shouldn't do anything
await mouseAction(elt("textarea"), 50, "mouseup", 0, 0, 0, 0);
await UpdateSelectEventsOntextControlsPref(true);
// Select a region
await mouseAction(elt("textarea"), 50, "mousedown", 0, 0, 0, 0);
selectstartTarget = elt("textarea");
await mouseAction(elt("textarea"), 100, "mousemove", 1, 0, 0, 1);
// Moving it more shouldn't trigger a start (move back to empty)
await mouseAction(elt("textarea"), 75, "mousemove", 0, 0, 0, 1);
await mouseAction(elt("textarea"), 50, "mousemove", 0, 0, 0, 1);
// Wiggling the mouse a little such that it doesn't select any
// characters shouldn't trigger a selection
await mouseAction(elt("textarea"), 50, "mousemove", 0, 0, 0, 0, 11);
// Moving the mouse again from an empty selection should trigger a
// selectstart
selectstartTarget = elt("textarea");
await mouseAction(elt("textarea"), 25, "mousemove", 1, 0, 0, 1);
// Releasing the mouse shouldn't do anything
await mouseAction(elt("textarea"), 25, "mouseup", 0, 0, 0, 0);
// And neither should moving your mouse around when the mouse
// button isn't pressed
await mouseAction(elt("textarea"), 50, "mousemove", 0, 0, 0, 0);
// Clicking in an random location should move the selection, but not perform a
// selectstart
await mouseAction(elt("textarea"), 50, "click", 0, 0, 0, 1);
// Clicking there again should do nothing
await mouseAction(elt("textarea"), 50, "click", 0, 0, 0, 0);
// Selecting a region, and canceling the selectstart should mean that the
// selection remains collapsed
await mouseAction(elt("textarea"), 75, "mousedown", 0, 0, 0, 1);
cancel = true;
selectstartTarget = elt("textarea");
await mouseAction(elt("textarea"), 100, "mousemove", 1, 0, 0, 1);
await mouseAction(elt("textarea"), 100, "mouseup", 0, 0, 0, 0);
// Marking the input and textarea as display: none and then as visible again
// shouldn't trigger any changes, although the nodes will be re-framed
elt("input").setAttribute("style", "display: none;");
await spin();
is(selectstart, 0, "idn - ss 1");
is(selectionchange, 0, "idn - sc 1");
is(inputSelectionchange, 0, "idn - isc 1");
is(textareaSelectionchange, 0, "idn - tsc 1");
elt("input").setAttribute("style", "");
await spin();
is(selectstart, 0, "idn - ss 2");
is(selectionchange, 0, "idn - sc 2");
is(inputSelectionchange, 0, "idn - isc 2");
is(textareaSelectionchange, 0, "idn - tsc 2");
elt("textarea").setAttribute("style", "display: none;");
await spin();
is(selectstart, 0, "tdn - ss 1");
is(selectionchange, 0, "tdn - sc 1");
is(inputSelectionchange, 0, "tdn - isc 1");
is(textareaSelectionchange, 0, "tdn - tsc 1");
elt("textarea").setAttribute("style", "");
await spin();
is(selectstart, 0, "tdn - ss 2");
is(selectionchange, 0, "tdn - sc 2");
is(inputSelectionchange, 0, "tdn - isc 2");
is(textareaSelectionchange, 0, "tdn - tsc 2");